Biographical Etymology of Marine Organism Names. B
Prof. Keiji Baba, (7 Dec.) 1939-, Kumamoto University, Japan, has published on anomurans, particularly Galatheidae. [Keijia Manning, 1995 (Stomatopoda), perhaps Keijia Teeter, 1975 (Ostracoda), Glyphosaccus babai (Lützen, 1985), Rhincoplax keijibabai Takeda, 19??, Athanas babai Miya, 19??, Munida babai Tirmizi & Javed, 1976, Eumunida keijii de Saint Laurent & Macpherson, 1990, Ciliopagurus babai Forest, 1995, ?Pylopaguropsis keijii McLaughlin & Haig, 1989, Paracilicaea keijii Javed, 1990]. (Dr. Alain Crosnier, MNHN, Paris, kindly provided most of this information).
Dr. Kikutarô Baba, (11 July - Kyushi, Fukuoka Prefecture) 1905-2001 (30 Nov. (pneumonia)), Japanese opisthobranch researcher, beginning his career in 1931 and held the position of Professor of Biology at Osaka Kyoiku University from 1949 to 1971 [Babaina Odhner, 1968, Babakina Roller, 1973, Babiella Risso-Dominguez, 19 64 Marionopsis babai Odhner, 1936, Elysia babai Pruvot-Fol, 1945, Okenia babai Hamatani, 1961, Tamanovalva babai Burn, 1965, Flabellina babai Schmekel, 1970, Cyerce kikutarobabai Hamatani, 1976, Chelidonura babai Goisliner, 1988 Armina babai (Tchang-Si, 1934), Phyllidia babai Brunckhorst, 1993, Placida babai Ev. Marcus, 1982].
Lacking information about Babb in the gastropod name Aesopus babbi (Tryon, 1882), but possibly a tribute to the British malacologist Hugh Babb, 18??-19??.
Prof. Krunoslav Babiç, (12 Apr. Senj) 1875-1953 (4 Mar. - Rijeka), is honoured in the sponge name Axinella babici Vacelet, 1961. Babiç published on Adriatic sponges in 1922 (and in 1915 and 1928). His son Ivo Babiç, (29 Aug. - VaraÏdin) 1900-77 (24 Oct. - Zagreb), became a vereinarian professor.
Charles Cardale Babington, (23 Nov.) 1808-1895 (22 July), FRS, professor of botany in Cambridge (colleague of Henslow (q.v.)), is likely honoured in the gastropod name Trophonopsis babingtoni G. B. Sowerby III, 1892, if not a tribute to the British malacologist, the Rev. Churchill Babington, (11 Mar. - Roecliff Manor, Leicestershire) 1821-1889 (12 Jan.)?
D. Juan José Bacallado Aranega, (11 Apr. - La Laguna, Tenerife) 1939-, "Profesor Titular de Biología Animal, Zoología, de la Universidad de La Laguna durante 23 años solicitando su excedencia para ejercer como Director del Museo de Ciencias Naturales de Tenerife, cargo que ocupa desde hace 14 años. También es miembro de la Academia Canaria de Ciencias y Director del Proyecto "Galápagos: Patrimonio de La Humanidad" [Geitodoris bacalladoi Ortea, 1990 and Taringa bacalladoi Ortea, Perez & Llera, 1982, Gymnothorax bacalladoi Bohlke & Brito, 1987, Manzonia bacalladoi Segers & Swinnen, 2002] (Dr. Riccardo Giannuzzi-Savelli kindly provided this information).
Guido Bacci, (23 Nov.) 1912-1980, Italian zoologist from Livorno, PhD in Pisa, later i.a. director of the zoological section of the zoological station in Napoli (Naples), still later professor in Turin (Torino), is presumably hidden in Ophryotrocha bacci Parenti, 1961. An obituary was written by V. Mazzi in 1981.
Prof. Mihai C. Bacescu, (28 Mar. - Bogdanesti, Roumania) 1908-1999 (6 Aug.), Romanian naturalist at Museum "Grigore Antipa", Bucharest, working mainly on Black Sea crustaceans [Bacescapseudes Gutu, 1981, Tetrastemma bacescui G.J. Müller, 1962, Itunella bacescui Chappuis & Serban, 1953 (a synonym of I. muelleri (Gagern,1922)), Paramysis bacescoi Labat, 1953, Paraleptognathia bacescui Kudinova-Pasternak, 1985, Bacescuella Hrabe,1973 ( a synonym of Aktedrilus Knöllner, 1935), Actacarus bacescui Konnerth-Ionescu, 1970, Asellopsis bacescui Por, 1959, Cletopsyllus bacescui Marcus, 1976, Paranarthrura bacescui Kudinova-Pasternak, 1986, Carpoapseudes bacescui Gutu, 1975, Tricoma bacescui (Paladian & Andriescu, 1963), Leptocythere bacescoi (Rome, 1942), Asterocheres bacescui (Marcus, 1965), Haplostylus bacescui Hatzakis, 1977, Paramysis bacescoi Labat, 1953, Bacescomysis Murano & Krygier, 1985, Pedoculina bacescui Carausu, 1940, Elaphognathia bacescoi (Kussakin, 1969), Diastyloides bacescoi Fage, 1940, Leptostylis bacescoi Reyss, 1972, Procampylaspis bacescoi Reyss & Soyer, 1966, Microasteropteron bacescui Kornicker, 1981, Vema bacescui Menzies, 1968, Calozodion bacescui Gutu, 1996, Neotanais bacescui Lang, 1968]. {Biography}.
Prof. Alexander Dallas Bache, (19 July - Philadelphia) 1806-1867 (17 Feb. - Newport, Rhode Island), the second superintendent of the US Coast Survey, which was established in 1807 (under the Swiss surveyor Prof. Ferdinand Rudolf Hassler, (7 Oct. - Aarau, Switzerland) 1770-1843 (20 Nov. - Philadelphia)) and for several decades was the the main agent for studying deep water zoology in USA [Acanthocyclus hassleri Rathbun, 1898]. Bache was the leader of an extensive study of the Gulf Stream area of the US Atlantic. He was a great -grandson of Benjamin Franklin. When he died in 1867 he was succeded as superintendent by Prof. Benjamin Pierce, (4 Apr.) 1809-1880 (6 Oct.), a mathemathical professor at Harvard Univ., who also is honoured with the name of the lunar crater Pierce. [Nemopsis bachei L. Agassiz, 1850, Pleurobrachia bachei A. Agassiz, 1860, Anthenoides piercei Perrier, 1881]. Bache was also honoured in the name of the US Coast Survey's research vessel Bache, built in 1872. The Coast Survey did not only carry out geographical mapping work but supported dredgings of Pourtalès (q.v.) and the father and son Agassiz (q.v.) as well as the Gulf Stream work of the Rear Admiral John Elliott Pillsbury, (15 Dec. - Lowell, Massachusetts) 1848-1919 (30 Dec.), between 1880-83 [possibly Eunicella pillsbury Grasshoff, 1992].
Auguste Jean Marie Bachelot de la Pylaie, (25 May - Fougères, Bretagne) 1786-1856 (12 Oct. - Marseille), French botanist, working at the Natural History in Paris, beeing a disciple of Cuvier and de Blainville. He collected much (also shells) travelling in France, but made also two collection trips to N America (Newfoundland 1816 & 1818). [Pilayella Bory, 1823, Alaria pylaii (Bory) Greville, 1830, Scagelia pylaisaei (Montagne, 1837) M.J. Wynne, 1985].
Mrs. Fay Back, 19??-, collected the first specimen of Scabricola backae Cernohorsky, 1973.
Dr. Thierry Backeljau, (24 Jan.) 1959-, Belgian marine invertebrate ecologist and malacologist.
Mr. Al Bacon, 19??-, donated holotype of Notovoluta baconi Wilson, 1972 to the Western Australian Museum.
Lacking information about Dr. Bacon of the Philippines in the gastropod name Siphonaria baconi Quoy & Gaimard, 1856.
Baden Powell : (see Powell).
The gastropod name Turbonilla baegerti Bartsch, 1917 is likely named for Johann Jakob Baegert, 1717-1772 (Neuborg, Bavaria), who was born at Schlettstadt (Séléstat), Alsace, France. He entered the Jesuits in 1736. The peninsula now named Baja California was visited by a variety of explorers and missionaries, few of whom found much to admire. Jesuit Father Johann Jakob Baegert, who spent 17 years in Baja California as a missionary and ethnographer in the mid-1700s, described the peninsula. (Dr. Riccardo Giannuzzi-Savelli kindly provided the suggestion about which person the honoured man might be).
Karl (Carl) Ernst von Baer, Edler von Huthorn, (29 Feb. - Piibe, Estonia) 1792-1876 (26 Nov. - Tartu), German-Estonian embryologist and anti-Darwinist [Paramysis baeri Czerniavsky, 1882, Buccinum baerii (Middendorff, 1848), Baeria Miklucho-Maklaj, 1870]
Prof. Dr. Jean Georges Baer, 1902-1975 (21 Feb. - Neuchâtel, Switzerland), parasitologist, Université de Neuchâtel, Switzerland, is honoured in the platyhelminth names Gasterostomum baeri Maillard, 1976, Diplostomum baeri Dubois, 1937, Lamellodiscus baeri Oliver, 1974 and Platybothrium baeri Euzet, 1952
Ba Fana : (see Ghaleb).
William Baffin, (London) 1584-1622 (23 Jan. - Hormuz coast in the Persian Gulf), English sea surveyor and Arctic researcher, who in 1616 tried to find the NW Passage through the Baffin Bay [Arcturus baffini (Sabine, 1824), Baffinia Wesenberg-Lund, 1950].
Prof. Dr. Rufus Mather Bagg Jr., (19 Apr. - West Springfield, Ma.) 1869-1946 (20 Aug. - Appleton, Wisconsin), published a foraminiferan paper in 1908 and is likely the person honoured in the foraminiferan name Dentalina baggi Galloway & Wissler, 1927. (Dr. Riccardo Giannuzzi-Savelli kindly suggested which person, who is honoured in this species)
The collembol name Bagnallella Salmon, 1951, may likely honour the British dipterologist Richard Siddoway Bagnall, (14 July - Winlaton, close to Whickham) 1889-1962 (19 Jan.), who worked on several insect groups and terrestrial invertebrates beside Diptera.
The harpacticoid name Antarctobiotus bahamondei Ebert & Noodt, 1975 is honouring Prof. Jorge Nibaldo Bahamonde Navarro, (Ancud) 1924-, Museo de Historia Natural, Santiago de Chile, who is a crustacean specialist working on i.a. the genus Munidopsis, but has also published on e.g. polychaetes [Trophon bahamondei Mclean & Andrade, 1982, Cyamus bahamondei, Projasus bahamondei R.W. George, 1976, Aegla bahamondei Jara, 1982, Pinnixa bahamondei Garth, 1957]. The beaked whale Mesoplodon bahamondi Reyes, Van Waerebeek, Cardenas, and Yanez, 1996 (a synonym of M traversii (Gray, 1874)?) may likely also be named for him?
Dr. Patrice Bail, (19 Mar.) 1934-, who is honoured in the gastropod name Lyria patbaili Bouchet, 1999,.is a well known malacologist, president of the Association Française de Conchyliologie (AFC) for many years and author of several species and monographs on Volutidae. There is also a Cymbiola baili Prati-Musetti & Raybaudi-Massilia, 1996. (Guido Poppe kindly provided this information).
Brian Bailey, 19??-, Honiara, British Solomon Islands, who collected the holotype of Duplicaria baileyi Bratcher & Cernohorsky, 1982 and that of Conus baileyi Röckel & da Motta, 1979 is today widely acknowledged to be one of the finest professional divers in the world and an amateur conchologist [Pterynotus brianbaileyi Mühlhäusser, 1984] (Dr. Riccardo Giannuzzi-Savelli kindly informed about this person).
Lacking information about Bailey in the gastropod name Thais baileyana J. E. Tennison Woods, 1881, but possibly (despite the spelling) a tribute to the British malacologist W.H. Baily, 1819-1888?, because the US malacologist Vernon Bailey, 1864-1942 was likely too young to be the honouree, but perhaps more likely in honour of an Australöian collector?
Lacking information about Bailey in the Hawaiian polychaete name Tetreres baileyae Kirtley, 1994.
Jacob Whitman Bailey, (29 Apr. - Auburn, Mass.) 1811-1857 (26 Feb. - West Point, New York), US microscopy pioneer, diatom researcher and sediment researcher along the east cost.
Mr. James O. Bailey, 1889-19??, of Los Angeles [Elaeocyma baileyi Berry, 1969, likely Cymakra baileyi McLean & Poorman, 1971].
Loring Woart Bailey, (28 Sep. - West Point, New York) 1839-1925 (10 Jan. - Fredericton, Canada), US-Canadian marine and fisheries biologist. Son of Jacob W. Bailey (above), like his younger brother William Whitman Bailey, (22 Feb. - West Point) 1843-1914 (22 Feb.), who became a botany professor.
Louis Antoine François Baillon, (20 Jan. - Montreuil-sur-Mer) 1778-1851 (3 Dec. - Abbeville), French zoologist, who studied the fauna (mainly birds but also insects, fishes and marine molluscs) in the neighbourhood of his home town Abbeville. He did not publish much, but exchanged material with many colleagues around Europe [Symphodus (Crenilabrus) bailloni (Valenciennes, 1839)] (Tommy Tyrberg kindly provided this information).
Joshua Longstreth Baily, Jr., 1889-1981, an American conchologist, perhaps best known for revising Josiah Keep's "West Coast Shells" is honoured in the gastropod name Bailya M. Smith, 1944 and in the bivalve name Barbatia bailyi (Bartsch, 1931). (Reference: H. Bertsch, 1981. In memoriam: Joshua L. Baily, Jr. (1889-1981). Western Society of Malacologists, Annual. Report 13: 21). (Prof. James T. Carlton, Williams College, Williamstown, Massachusetts , kindly provided this information).
Odile Bain, 1939-, who is a specialist of filarial nematodes and works in the Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, since 1964 is honoured in the parasitic nematod name Pseudocapillaria bainae (Justine & Radujkovic, 1988). She is a disciple of Chabaud (Prof. Jean-Lou Justine, Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, kindly provided this information).
Prof. Spencer Fullerton Baird, (3 Feb. - Reading, Pennsylvania) 1823-1887 (19 Aug. - Woods Hole), U.S. ichthyologist and ornithologist, organized the expeditions with the "Albatross", founded U.S. National Museum (Smithsonian Institution) and the "U.S. Commission of Fisheries" with its first Laboratory at Woods Hole in 1871. This started the tradition at Woods Hole and in 1888 the Marine Biological Laboratory was established (directed first by Whitman (q.v.)), followed in 1931 by WHOI (see Bigelow). The MBL at Woods Hole had a predecessor during 1873-74, when L. Agassiz (q.v.) opened a summer school for marine biology, the Anderson School of Natural History on Penikese Island in Buzzards Bay, which served as an inspiration for the establishment of the MBL [Mediaster bairdi (Verrill, 1882), Ophiolimna bairdi (Lyman, 1883), Eunephrops bairdii Smith, 1885, Platoma bairdii (Farlow, 1875) Kuckuck, 1912, Eudolium bairdii (Verrill & Smith, 1881), Munidopsis bairdii (Smith, 1884), Alepocephalus bairdii Goode & Bean, 1879, Calliostoma bairdii Verrill & Smith, 1880, Lischkeia bairdii (Dall, 1889), Volutomitra bairdii Dall, 1889, Pleurotomella bairdii Verrill & Smith, 1884, Octopus bairdii Verrill, 1873, Bathybembix bairdii W. H. Dall, 1889, Berardius bairdii Stejneger, 1883, Callionymus bairdi Jordan, 1888, Chionoecetes bairdi Rathbun, 1924]. Baird was a student of the naturalist and animal painter John James Audubon, (26 Apr.- San Domingo. Haiti) 1785-1851 (27 Jan. - New York), and had, when young, i.a. for a while been working for Dana (q.v.) in Washington, helping identify crustaceans from the Wilkes expedition. Audubon was of French heritage and had spent his childhood and youth in Haiti and France, until he arrived in USA in 1803.
Dr. William Baird, (11 Jan. - Eccles, Berwickshire) 1803-1872 (27 Jan. - London), zoologist remembered i.a. for "The Natural History of the British Entomostraca" (1850) [Bairdia McCoy, 1844, Streblosoma bairdi (Malmgren, 1866), Tima bairdii (Johnston, 1833), Loxoconcha bairdi G.W. Müller, 1894, Balanophyllia bairdiana Milne Edwards & Haime, 1848]. He was son of Rev. James Baird, of Scottish descent (with their family name derived from bard, i.e. a Celtic poet). The Baird's lived early on in Berwickshire (NE England, on the border with Scotland), and William's brother, Rev. John Baird, 1799-1861,was a minister in various towns there. Since the years of study in Edinburgh, William and his brother - who shared William's interest in natural history - were friends of George Johnston (q.v.). William wrote "A Memoir of John Baird" published in London in 1862. William also edited the the posthumous works of Johnston, when he worked at the department of zoology at the British Museum. William named some ostracods after ladies, without explaining who they were, e.g. Cylindroleberis mariae (Baird, 1850), Philomedes brenda (Baird, 1850) & Macrocypris minna (Baird, 1850). However, the last two must be named from the two sisters in Walter Scott's novel the Pirate (see Minna).
Samuel Denton Bairstow, 18??-1899, South African (originally Yorkshire) naturalist, mainly entomologist, is honoured in the gastropod name Conus bairstowi G. B. Sowerby III, 1889. Smith (1986, p.101) notices that a collection of Coleoptera made by Bairstow in the Cape of Good Hope was acquired by the HDO in 1882. (Dr. Riccardo Giannuzzi-Savelli kindly provided information about which person who was honoured in this name).
Abbé Michel Alexandre de Baize, (19 Nov. - Clazay (Deux- Sèvres)) 1845-1879 (12 Dec. - Ujiji), an eccentric young clergyman and explorer dead near Lake Tanganyika. He had started from Marseilles 23 Apr. 1878 and his expedition, sponsored by the French government, included initially at least 500 persons (carrying i.a. a portabel organ), who at least initially made large zoological and botanical collections, but later was contracted by desertiona and other adversities. [Baizea Bourguignat, 1885].
Chrysallida willeminae Van Aartsen, Gittenberger & Goud, 2000 was named for Mrs. Willemina E. Bakema, 19??-, assistant in malcological dept. at National Natuurhist. Mus. Leiden.
Dr. Fred(erick) Baker, (29 Jan. - Norwalk, Ohio) 1854-1938 (16 May - San Diego), from San Diego, physician, malacologist and collector also of e.g. crustaceans. (His wife Dr. Charlotte LeBreton Johnson was also a physician and died a few months before her husband, who was survived by his daughter Mary C. Baker and his son Robert H. Baker). [Paguristes bakeri Holmes, Rissoina bakeri Bartsch, 1902, Aesopus fredbakeri Pilsbry & Lowe, 1932, Eucheilota bakeri (Torrey, 1909), Cyclosalpa bakeri Ritter, 1905, Ischnochiton bakeri W. G. Torr, 1912, Alvania bakeri (Bartsch, 1910), Cerithiopsis bakeri Bartsch, 1917, Caecum bakeri (Bartsch, 1920), Rissoella bakeri Strong, 1938, Melanella bakeri Bartsch, 1917, Aspella bakeri Hertlein & Strong, 1951, Fusinus fredbakeri (Lowe, 1935), Turbonilla bakeri Bartsch, 1912, Philine bakeri Dall, 1919, Neaeromya bakeri (Dall, 1916), Bernardina bakeri Dall, 1910, Ophiopholis bakeri McClendon, 1909]. {Picture / courtesy of R. Giannuzzi-Savelli} Also Epitonium bakhanstranum Keen, 1962 is named for Fred Baker, but also the US paleontologist-malacologist with the California Academy of Sciences: Dr. G Dallas Hanna, (q,v.) and Archibald McClure Strong, 1876-1951, all US malacologists are honoured in this name [Acmaea strongiana Hertlein, 1958, Agatrix strongi (Shasky, 1961), Odostomia strongi Bartsch, 1927, Turbonilla strongi Willett, 1931, Pleurobranchus strongi MacFarland, 1966]. Namesakes and US malacologist colleagues of F. Baker were Horace Burrington Baker, (25 Jan. - Sioux City, Iowa) 1889-1971 (11 Mar. - Havertown, Pennsylvania) (PhD at Univ. of Michigan in 1920), Frank Collins Baker, (Warren, Rhode Island) 1867-1942 (7 May - Urbana, Illinois) (mainly limnic & terrestrial species), Edwin Perrin Baker, (15 Oct. - Poway, San Diego County) 1891-1966 (24 Apr.) (he and his wife Irene were eager shell collectors), and David K. Baker, 1915-1953.
Howard Randall (Randy) Baker, 1955-1983 (Phoenix - after a spontaneous blood clot in his brain when swimming), Canadian oligochaetologist [Paractedrilus bakeri (Kossmagk-Stephan & Erséus, 1985), Randidrilus Coates & Erséus, 1985, Randiella Erséus & Strehlow, 1986, Coralliodrilus randyi Erséus, 1990].
The Australian malacostran name Euidotea bakeri (Collinge, 1917) is likely a tribute to W.H. Baker, 18??-19??, F.L.S., who worked on South Australian crabs during the two first decades of the 20:th century and then continued with isopods (and tanaids) at least until the beginning of the 1930s.
Dr. Gerald Joseph Bakus, 193?-, PhD at Univ of Washington in 1962, Dept. Biological Sciences, Univ. Southern California, Los Angeles, is interested in i.a. NE Pacific demosponges (and Spanish guitar music, especially flamenco).
Prof. Narayana Balakrishnan Nair, (6 July) 1927-, Univ. of Kerala, India is honoured in the copepod name Arenosetella balakrishnani Bozic, 1967. (Dr. Riccardo Giannuzzi-Savelli kindly provided the information about which scientist who is honoured).
Prof. Édouard-Gérard Balbiani, (31 July - Port au Prince, Haiti) 1823-1899 (25 July - Meudon), who mainly was an arachnoidologist and embryologist, but also published on e.g. sporozoans, is honoured in the myxozoan name Sphaeromyxa balbianii Thélohan, 1892. He went from Haiti to Frankfurt am Main in order to study, but was later educated at the Museum in Paris under de Blainville. (Gérard Galtier kindly provided much of this information).
Giovanni Battista Balbis, (17 Nov. - Moretta, Cuneo) 1765-1831 (Torino), Italian botanist, is honoured in the green algal name Bryopsis balbisiana J.V. Lamouroux ex Harvey.
Octopus balboai Voss, 1971 was naned for the Spanish warrior and discover of the Gulf of Panama, Vasco Nuñez de Balboa, (Jerez de los Caballeros) 1475-1519 (Jan. - (beheaded together with 4 friends after beeing falsely accused by the governor of Panama for treason)), who also is remembered in the Panamian coin unit balboa [likely Cardiomya balboae Dall, 1916, likely Pelagopenaeus balboae (Faxon, 1893), likely Arene balboai (Strong & Hertlein, 1939)].
The gastropod names Cyclostremiscus baldridgei (Bartsch, 1911) and Odostomia baldridgae Bartsch, 1912 must honour Mrs. Sarah Maria Baldridge (née Gilmore), (27 Feb.) 1837-1917 (5 Apr. - Los Angeles County), US malacologist, married to Rev. Benjamin Baldwin in 1859 and shown as a neighbour of Mrs. E.E. Johnston (q.v.) in the 1900 census. (David Hollombe, Los Angeles, kindly provided this information).
David Dwight Baldwin, (Nov. - Honolulu, Oahu) 1831-1912 (14 Mar.), US malacologist, mainly interested in land snails.
William Mountier Bale, (1 Feb. London) 1851-1940 (4 Oct. - Australia), published "Catalogue of the Australian hydroid zoophytes..." in Sydney in 1884. (Dr. Riccardo Giannuzzi-Savelli kindly provided the dates; a biography is available in Smith, BJ & Watson, JE 1969, A short biography of William Mountier Bale F.R.M.S. (1851&endash;1940), Vict. Nat., vol. 86, pp. 105&endash;110).
The gastropod name Pleuromalaxis balesi Pilsbry & McGinty, 1945 and the polyplacophoran name Acanthochitona balesae H. A. Pilsbry, 1893, are likely tributes to Dr. Blenn Rife Bales, 1876-1946 and his wife Mary E. (Jones) Bales, 1881-1957, US malacologists..
Prof. Francis Maitland Balfour, (10 Nov. - Edinburgh) 1851-1882 (19 July - Chamonix, by accident when falling down a mountain in the Mont Blanc massive), influential evolutionary embryologist at Cambridge coining the word Chordata. His "Comparative Embryology" arrived 1880-81[Challengerona balfouri (Murray, 1885)].
Prof. Dr. Sir Isaac Bayley Balfour, (31 Mar. - Edinburgh) 1853-1922 (30 Nov.), a Scottish botanist, educated at Edinburgh Univ. (where his father was Prof. of Botany), who collected algae on Rodriguez in 1874-75. Two earlier British naturalists by this family name were two brothers of different age, Sir James Balfour, (most likely Denmylne (near Newburgh, Fife)) 1603 (or 1604)-1657 (14 Feb.), and Dr. Sir Andrew Bartholomew Balfour, (Denmylne (near Newburgh, Fife)) ca 1630-1692 (10 Jan.), physician and botanist, early collectors of natural history objects.
The bryozoan name Entalophoroecia balgimae Harmelin & d'Hondt, 1992 and the bivalve name Dacrydium balgimi Salas & Gofas, 1997 is likely not honouring a person, but the BALGIM expedition in the Ibero-Maroccan Gulf in 1984. (Dr. Riccardo Giannuzzi-Savelli kindly provided this information).
Nicolaas Pieter Willem Balke, 1896-1985, Dutch malacologist.
The gastropod name Fulgoraria isabelae I. Bondarev & P. Bail, 1999 is in honour of Isabel, 19??-, wife of the second author Patrice Ball, 1934-,. (Dr. Riccardo Giannuzzi-Savelli, Palermo, kindly provided this information).
Prof. Dr. Ian Raymond Ball, (Lancashire) 1941-2000, British plathelminth researcher, who worked as lector, later professor at the University of Amsterdam between 1976-85, during which time Ronald Sluys and Elizabeth J. de Vries were his students to take a PhD. He disliked a reorganization of the university during the 1980s and left Amsterdam for Newfoundland, but later moved to Jamaica. He was mainly working on fresh water fauna.
Dr. Robert Ball, (1 Apr. - Cobh (Queenstown)) 1802-1857 (30 Mar. - Dublin), the son of the customs official Bob Stawell Ball, (18 Sep.) 1768-1841 (5 Jan.), and his wife Mary Green, (24 Nov.) 1774-1861 (11 May). The father being interested in natural history and encouraging the four of his nine children who survived early childhood to share his interest. (Beside the 3 children presented here the fourth was Bent Ball, (7 Mar.) 1806-1860 (19 May), who evidently did not share his siblings interest in natural history as much as them). Robert collected a diversity of marine organisms for the naturalists of his time, using a modification of the naturalist's dredge, "Ball's dredge" [Ophiactis balli (W. Thompson, 1840), Anthopleura ballii (Cocks, 1849)]. In 1850 he was graduated at Trinity College with a Honorary Doctor degree of Law. He married Amelia Gresley Hellicar and they got 4 children, 1 son (Sir Robert S. Ball, mathemathician & Astronomer Royal) +1 daughter +1 son (Valentine Ball, 1843-1895, FRS, geologist) + 1 son (Sir Charles B. Ball). Mary Ball, (15 Feb. - Cork) 1812-1898 (17 July - Dublin), Irish naturalist, was Robert's sister. She studied mainly pond life entomology, but gave up this after the succesive deceases of her father, her mentor W. Thompson (q.v.) in 1852 (he had named Rissoa balliae after her) and later her brother Robert, and devoted herself to fern gardening. The Irish algologist Miss Anne Elizabeth Ball, (17 Feb. - Youghal, Cork) 1808-1872 (3 Oct.), who was honored with the green algal name Cladophora balliana Harvey and the algal genus Ballia Harvey, 1840, was another sister, who i.a. assisted W.H. Harvey (q.v.). The sisters shared a house in Dublin after the death of their brother, but did not get along very well with each other.
Prof. Stanley Crittenden Ball, (19 Nov. - Shelburne Falls, Massachusetts) 1885-1956 (9 Aug. - New Haven, Connecticut), who had married the 7 monthts younger Augusta Layman on 6 Apr. 1912, succeeded Coe (q.v.) as zoology curator at the Peabody Mus. of Nat. Hist., New Haven, CT, where he stayed until 1954 (and was succeded by Willard D. Hartman (q.v.)). Ball was an echinodermatologist, bird and fish researcher [Montacuta balliana (Dall, 1916), Parapenaeopsis balli Burkenroad].
Robert Duane Ballard, (30 June - Wichita, Kansas) 1942-, US marine geologist & deep sea researcher.
Armina ballesterosi Ortea, 1989 is named for Dr. Manuel Ballesteros Vazquez, 19??-, Barcelona, Spanish malacologist. His wife Ana Ballesteros is one of the Ana:s in Tambja anayana Ortea, 1989 (Ana + y + Ana). See Burnay for the other Ana.
The Sandwich Island cockle name Fulvia ballieni Vidal, 1994 is in honour of a vice commissioner in Honolulu, Ballien, 18??-1???, who - according to Vidal - sent numerous shells from Honolulu to MNHN Paris between 1872 and 1878. (Riccardo Giannuzzi-Savelli, Palermo, kindly provided this information).
Lacking information about Bals in the actinian name Ramirezia balsae Zamponi M.O., 1979.
Heinrich Balss, (3 June) 1886-1957 (17 Sep.), German crustacean specialist [Balssia Kemp, 1922, Podocallichirus balssi (Monod, 1935), Detocarcinus balssi (Monod, 1956, Trizocheles balssi (Stebbing, 1914), Rhynchocinetes balssi Gordon, 1936, Ctenocheles balssi Kishinouye, 1926, Lebbeus balssi Hayashi, 1992, Galathea balssi Miyake, S. & Baba, K., 1964].
Honoré (de) Balzac, (20 May - Tours) 1799-1850 (18 Aug. - Paris), well-known novelist in Paris [Collarina balzaci (Audouin, 1826)].
Dr. Roger Bamber, 1949-, at the British Museum (Nat. Hist.) is working on pycnogonids, isopods and tanaids.
Frank Watts Bancroft, 1873-1923 (25 Aug.), US zoologist working on e.g. Paramecium, but - as far as known, not closely related to the British physician Dr. Joseph Bancroft, (21 Feb. - Stretford, Lancashire) 1836-1894 (16 June - Brisbane), well-known from the name of the filaria worm Wuchereria bancrofti Patrick Manson, 1878, who moved to Brisbane, Australia in 1864, or Joseph's son the pphysician and naturalist Dr. Thomas Lane Bancroft, 1860-1933. (Dr. Riccardo Giannuzzi-Savelli kindly provided one of the dates).
The gastropod name Calmella bandeli Marcus, 1976 is a tribute to Prof. Klaus Bandel, 1941-, at the Geologisch-Paläontologisches Institut und Museum, Universität Hamburg, Germany.
Niels Hofman-Bang, (6 June - Vejle) 1776-1855 (5 Mar.), Danish botanist [Bangia Lyngbye, 1819].
József Bánhegyi, 1911-76, Hungarian fungiologist [Banhegyia Zeller & Tóth, 1960?].
Lacking information about Bankier in the damselfish name Neopomacentrus bankieri (Richardson, 1846).
Sir Joseph Banks, (13 Feb. - London) 1743-1820 (19 June - Isleworth), English patron of science and naturalist. Followed Phipps in 1766 on H.M.S. "Niger" and Cook in 1768-71 on the "Endeavour" and sponsored the participation of Linnaeus' disciple Solander (q.v. under Ellis) ( who early had become his close friend) in the same circumnavigation. He was an extensive collector of natural products and president of the Royal Society for decades. When Solander died, Banks employed another Swede, Jonas Dryander as librarian-curator of Banks' library and extensive collections [Onychoteuthis banksii (Leach,1817), Chicoreus (Triplex) banksii (Sowerby, 1841)].
Richard Banks, 19??-, from California?, is honoured in the gastropod name Glossodoris banksi (Farmer, 1963).
Albert Henry. Banner, (23 Aug. - Bellingham, Wash.) 1914-1985 (17 Aug. - Hawaii), U.S. specialist on alphaeids [Bannereus Bruce, 1988, Alpheus bannerorum A.J. Bruce, 1987, possibly the pipe fish name Cosmocampus banneri (Herald & Randall, 1972), Synalpheus dorae Bruce, 1998] (A.J. Bruce kindly informed that his eponyms was for both A.H. Banner and Banner's wife Dora May Banner, 1916-1986, who co-authored many alpheid papers and of course the last eponym is for the wife. Among friends, they were known as Hank and Dee.).
The gastropod name Solatisonax bannocki Melone & Taviani, 1980 is not named for a person, but for an US ship named Bannock, sold to Italy and used for oceanographic cruises. (Dr. Riccardo Giannuzzi-Savelli kindly provided this information).
Lacking information about Bannworth in the amphipod name Leucothoella bannworthi Schellenberg, 1928 and the ctenophore name Coeloplana bannworthii Krumbach, 1933.
Dr. Karl Banse, (20 Feb. - Königsberg) 1929-, German polychaetologist. He moved to the US west coast in the beginning of the 1960s, where he became Professor of Biological Oceanography at the University of Washington. He retired about 1998, although he has been very active also after retirement. He was a PhD student of Johannes Krey, (25 Apr.) 1912-1975 (10 May), at the University of Kiel. Dr. Banse (1976) wrote a nice obituary/biography of Krey in Kieler Meeresforschungen, with portrait. [Macrochaeta bansei Hartmann-Schröder, 1974, Pista bansei Saphronova, 1988, Aricidea capensis bansei Laubier & Ramos, 1974, Chaetozone bansei J.A. Blake, 1996, Malmgreniella bansei Pettibone, 1993] (Dr. D. Damkaer kindly provided much of this information).
The polychaete species Monticellina baptisteae Blake, 1991 is named for Ms. Ellen Baptiste (later evidently named Ellen Baptiste-Carpenter), 19??-, Battelle, USA, "in recognition of her expertise with cirratulid identifications and assistance in benthic data analysis".
Lacking information about Baraldi in the copepod name Colobomatus baraldii (Richiardi, 1877).
The fish species name Gymnothorax baranesi Smith, Brokovich & Einbinder, 2008 is named for Dr. Albert (Avi) Baranes, 19??-, of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, in recognition of his contributions to our knowledge of the fishes of the Red Sea. (Dr. Riccardo Giannuzzi-Savelli, Palermo, kindly provided this information).
Prof. Dr. Alexander Barash, (Berdichev, Ukraine) 1900-1995 (Tel Aviv, Israel). He arrived in Palestine in 1922. In the beginning he worked as a construction worker, but by 1934 he had graduated from the teachers seminary in Jerusalem and completed at the same time his Ph.D.-thesis at the University of Berlin. He specialized himself into invertebrate zoology and taught biology in high school and at teachers' seminaries. Soon after the establishment of the State of Israel he joint the Biological Institute in Tel Aviv and in 1951-1953 he helped to establish the (Zoological) University Institute at Abu Kabir, Tel Aviv, which developed later on into the Tel Aviv University. At the same time he became more and more interested in the field of molluscs and between 1938 and 1994 he published 69 malacological papers, mainly on Mediterranean molluscs, often sharing the authorship with Mrs. Dr. Z. Danin or Mrs. Z. Zenziper. So far eight mollusc species have been named after him: Acanthochiton communis forma barashi Leloup, 1969, Gourmya (Gladiocerithium) argutum barashi F. Nordsieck, 1972, Ringicula barashi Di Geronimo, 1974, Timoclea barashi Fischer-Piette, 1974, Gymnotoplax barashi Marcus, 1977, Mangiliella barashi Van Aartsen & Fehr de Wal, 1978, Odostomia barashi Bogi & Galil, 2000 and Graphis barashi Van Aartsen, 2002. (Curator Henk K. Mienis, Hebrew Univ., Jerusalem & Tel Aviv Univ., kindly provided this information).
Max Semenovich Barash, (1 Apr. - Moscow) 1935-, Russian oceanographer.
Lacking information about Barathr? in the fish name Helicolenus barathri (Hector, 1875).
Is Barbar in the decapod name Gennadas barbari Vereschaka, 1990 a persons name?
The diatom name Seminavis barbara Witkowski, Lange-Bertalot & Metzeltin, 2000 is dedicated to Mrs. Barbara Parafiniuk, 19??-, Warsaw, Poland, a good friend of Witkowski.
Who is Barbara in the harpacticoid genus name Barbaracletodes Becker, 1972 with the species B. barbara Becker, 1972?
Lacking information about Barbara in the gastropod name Favartia (Favartia) barbarae Vokes, 1994.
Barbara in the gastropod name Brachycythara barbarae Lyons, 1972 : (.see Steger).
Manly D. Barber, (21 May - DeKalb, Illinois) 1852-1928 (18 Aug. - Knoxville, Tennessee), US malacologist, working mainly on non marine taxa.
Dr. Will Barber, 19??-, Alaskan ichthyologist at the School of Fish, University of Alaska Fairbanks.
Lacking information about Barber in the lionfish name Dendrochirus barberi (Steindachner, 1900).
Munida barbeti Galil, 1999 is named for the diver Michel Barbet, 19??-, from Réunion.
Jean Pierre Barbier, 19??-, French shell collector and dealer living in Cebu-Philippines [Purpuradusta barbieri (Raybaudi, 1986), Haustellum barbieri R. Houart, 1992, Conus (Cylinder) barbieri Raybaudi Massilia, 1995]. The Volutid name Lyria habei jessicae Bail & Poppe, 2004 is honouring the name of his daughter Jessica Barbier, 19??-,. (Guido T. Poppe kindly provided the information about Jessica).
Barboza du Bocage : (see Bocage).
Dr. Thomas Barbour, (19 Aug. - Martha's Vineyard) 1884-1946 (8 Jan. - Boston), US herpetologist, collected the type material of the genus Barbouria Rathbun, 1912 [Barbourisia Parr, 1945, Barbourichthys Chabanaud, 1934, Calliostoma barbouri Clench & Aguayo, 1946, Fissurella barbouri Farfante, 1943, Haliotis barbouri Foster, 1946, Oocorys barbouri Clench & Aguayo, 1939, Hydrolagus barbouri (Garman, 1908), Eridacnis barbouri (Bigelow & Schroeder, 1944), Hippocampus barbouri Jordan & Richardson, 1908] (André Trombeta, Brazil, kindly provided one of the fish genus names).
Caelatura barcellosi Absalao & Rios, 1995 was named for Mr. Lauro Jesus Perelló Barcellos, 19??-, who collected specimens at Atlo das Rocas (Brazil).
Sir David William Barclay, (5 Sep.) 1804-1888 (23 Nov. - London), of Pierston, Ayrshire, Scotland, 10th Baronet, British-Australian shell collector, who at least between 1846-64 was a resident on Mauritius [Cypraea barclayi Reeve, 1857, Naquetia barclayi (Reeve, 1858), Chicoreus barclayi L. A. Reeve, 1858, Pterynotus barclayanus H. Adams, 1873, Cyclostomus barclayanus (Pfeiffer, 1851) Barclayia H. Adams, 1875].
Guðmundur G. Bárðarson, (24 Jan.) 1880-1933 (14 Mar.), Icelandic geologist and teacher, interested in marine animals.
The type species of Barentsia Hincks, 1880, B. bulbosa Hincks, 1880 was described from the Barent's Sea, which got it's name from the Dutch navigator Willem Barents (the Dutch name form is Barentsz), (Terschelling) around 1550-1597 (20 June - close to Novaya Zemlya), who died when trying to rescue his ship, which had become ice-bound at Novaya Zemlya, after his expedition had discovered Bear Island and Spitsbergen [Cerebratulus barentsi Bürger, 1895].
The tanaid name Neotanais barfoedi Wolff, 1956, is likely a tribute to Sigurd Harald Læssøe Barfoed, (2 Oct. - Frederiksberg) 1915-1979 (2 Dec), commander of the Galathea expedition.
Mr. Georges Bargibant, 19??-, technician of Centre ORSTOM of Nouéma, New Caledonia [Muricopsis bargibanti Houart, 1991, Mopsea bargibanti Bayer & Stefani, 1987, Hippocampus bargibanti Whitley, 1970].
Dr. Helene E. Bargmann, 1897-1987, helped Totton (q.v.) with his Monograph on siphonophorans [Muggiaea bargmannae Totton, 1954].
Dr. Eric G. Barham, (4 Nov.) 1919-2002 (1 July), who studied at the Hopkins Mariene Station and took his PhD at Stanford Univ., found first the pogonophoran Lamellibrachia barhami Webb, 1969. He found out that the primary cause of the deep scattering layer likely was siphonophores, retired in 1980 and moved to northern California.
George Barlee, 1794-1861 (19 Nov. - Exmouth), son of a vicar from Yoxford, Suffolk. He retired early and cooperated after this with his lawyer colleague J.G. Jeffreys (q.v.) in marine biological collection expeditions and collected much along the shores of Penzance [Barleeia Clark, 1853, Terminoflustra barleei (Busk, 1860), Cerithiopsis barleei Jeffreys, 1867, Clathria (Clathria) barleei (Bowerbank, 1866), Melonis barleeanus (Williamson, 1858)].
The Italian malacologist Giorgio Barletta, 1938-1988, who published Malacofauna del Mar Rosso in 1970, is likely the person honoured in the gastropod names Aldisa barlettai Ortea & Ballesteros, 1989 and Lomanotus barlettai Garcia-Gomez, Lopez-Gonzalez & Garcia, 1990.
Jerry Laurens Barnard, (27 Feb. - Pasadena, Cal.) 1928-1991 (16 Aug. - Florida), U.S. crustacean specialist, working at the Smithsonian Institution with particularly amphipods. Although he most often used the name J. Laurens Barnard when publishing, he went by Jerry among friends and family according to Dr. D. Damkaer (in litt.) [Stegocephaloides barnardi Berge & Vader, 1997, Listriella barnardi Wigley, 1963, Eucallisoma barnardi Lowry & Stoddart, 1993, Eohaustorius barnardi Bousfield & Hoover, 1995].
Dr. Keppel Harcourt Barnard, (31 Mar. - London) 1887-1964 (22 Sep.), South African zoologist, working on fishes, crustaceans, particularly amphipods and molluscs, especially nudibranchs. He was educated in Cambridge (after studies in Mannheim, Germany) and later in London (where he studied law and became a Barrister-at-Law in 1911). However, natural science interested him more than law and after a short sojourn at the Plymouth Laboratory, he joined the staff at the South African Museum in 1911. He was director of the museum from 1946-1956, when he retired [Barnardia Yamaguti, 1963, Pseudokoroga barnardi Schellenberg, 1931, Callistochiton barnardi Leloup, 1981, Syrrhoites barnardi Karaman, 1986, likely Carcinoplax barnardi Capart, 1951, Chiton (Chiton) barnardi Ashby 1931, Odostomia barnardi van Aartsen & Corgan, 1996, Boreotrophon barnardi R. Houart, 1987, Tristanthura barnardi Sivertsen & Holthuis, 1980, Jassa barnardi Stephensenn, 1949, Okenia barnardi Baba, 1937, Leptochelia barnardi Brown, 1957, Rajella barnardi (Norman, 1935), Trischizostoma barnardi G.Vinogradov, 1990]. {Picture / courtesy of R. Giannuzzi-Savelli}.
Dr. Harold Barnes, (25 Dec. - Keighley, Yorkshire) 1908-1978 (21 Feb.), Scottish marine biologist, working on marine invertebrate larvae, often together with his wife Dr. Margaret Barnes, (25 Aug.) 1919-2009 (31 Oct.), who for several years after her husband's death continued as editor of the review series "Oceanography and Marine Biology", which they had started in 1963 (and in 1967 they started the Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology). Both were originally educated in chemistry, but turned to marine biology, after ending up on marine biological stations, when working on anti-fouling problems. They were among the initiators of the European Marine Biology Symposia (EMBS). [possibly Robertsonia barnesi Hamond, 1973].
Daniel Henry Barnes, (25 Apr. - Canaan, New York) 1785-1828 (27 Oct. - Troy, New York (by accident)), US conchologist, clergyman and educator (e.g. helping Noah Webster with his dictionary) [Barnea Risso, 1826 ex Leach MS], The Californian gastropod name Enaeta barnesii (Gray, 1825) and the polyplacophoran name Chiton barnesii Gray, 1828 from Chile may likely honour the same person. (The gastropod name was a new name for Voluta harpa Barnes, 1824, non J. Mawe, 1823). (Lodewijk van Duuren kindly provided the connection between person and bivalve genus - received via "Diccionario Etimologico de Malacologia" of Rafael Muniz Solis, 2002 - and corrected the year of decease).
Dr. John (Jack) Handyside Barnes, (2 Apr. - Charleville, Queensland) 1922-1985 (11 Aug. - Cairns), a Cairns General Practitioner, who helped by SCUBA equipment caught in 1964 the first specimens of the small stinger Carukia barnesi Southcott, 1967, the cause of the "Irukandji syndrome"(named after the Irukandji tribe of the Aboriginal people) and sending them to Ronald V. Southcott (q.v.), the author of this animal name.
Lacking information about Barnett in the harpacticoid name Pontostratiotes barnetti Dinet, 1978. However, an US malacologist, George H. Barnett, 1927-, bears the same name, but perhaps more likely a tribute to Calman's assistent at the British Museum Ernest Barnett, 1886-1966,?
Lacking information about T.J.? Barnett in the hydrozoan name Barnettia Schuchert, 1996.
Percy Spencer Barnhart, (17 Sep. - Berkley Heights, N.J.) 1881-1951 (23 Dec. Chula Vista, Cal.), director of the Venice Marine Biological Station (forerunner of the marine science center of the Univ. of Southern California) and active collector of marine invertebrates, who also published books on fishes, at least until 1944 [Pinnixa barnharti]
Lacking information about Dr. Guy Barnish, 19??-, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, Liverpool, U.K., in the harpacticoid names Enhydrosoma barnishi Wells, 1967 and Schizacron barnishi (Wells, 1987).
Lacking information about Baron in the echiuroid name Ochetostoma baronii (Greeff, 1879). (Type locality : Canary Islands).
Lacking information about Barqui in the polychaete name Ophelia barquii Fauvel, 1927.
Lacking information about Augustin Barrajón in the gastropod name Lepetella barrajoni Dantart & Luque, 1994.
The US physician, botanist & educator Dr. Joseph Barratt, 1796-1882, of Middletown, Connecticut, is likely the person honoured in the bivalve name Corbula barrattiana C.B. Adams, 1852.
Sr. Ismael Barrera , 19??-, "funcionario del Departamento de Pesca y Caza, del Ministerio de Agricultura quien ha colaborado, con gran interés, en la obtención de muestras de Galateidos de las pescas comerciales", is honoured in the decapod name Munidopsis barrerai Bahamonde, 1964.
John H. Barrett, 1913-1999 (obituary in Field Studies 9(4) 1999/2000), had read history at university, became prisoner of war in Germany during WWII, sharing his confinement with a group of naturalists. After the war he ended up in Dale Fort, where he collaborated with Sir M. Yonge (q.v.) in their pioneering "Pocket Guide to the Sea Shore".
Lucas Barrett, (14 Nov. - London) 1837-1862 (18 Dec.), British geologist and naturalist. He had never read at any university, but had been in Germany (Ebersdorf) in 1853 to learn chemistry and German. He was interested in geology from early age and was elected a Fellow of the Geological Society of London at age 18, the youngest person ever to be elected to this body. He was one of Edward Forbes' disciples; dredged together with his companion R. MacAndrew (q.v.) between Shetlands and Norway in 1855, in Greenland coastal waters (1856), in coastal waters of Spain (1856) and later, when he had become Director of the West Indian Geological Survey, 1859-62, he was also sampling in the Jamaica area, but drowned in a diving accident (he had been home in Britain shortly in 1862 and i.a. aquired a diving suite, successfully used by him in shallow waters to study coral reefs, but drowned during a dive in deeper water off Kingston). S.P. Woodward (q.v.) wrote an obituary in Geologist (p. 60) in February 1863 and in his last fatal dive Barrett collected a brachiopod, later named Argyrotheca woodwardiana (Davidson, 1866) [Geodia barretti Bowerbank, 1858, Polystira barretti (Guppy, 1892), Thecidellina barretti (Davidson, 1864), also some fossil species are honouring Barret's name, e.g. a dinosaur species from the Cambridge area].
Richard Manliffe Barrington, (22 May - Fassaroe, Co. Wicklow) 1849-1915 (15 Sep.), Irish Bray farmer, shell collector, ornithologist, botanical collector, etc.
Theodore Charles Barrois, (10 Feb. - Lille) 1857-1920 (9 June - Neuilly sur Seine), French echinoderm and crustacean worker, partly working at the Faculte de Medecine de Lille and partly living in Palestine, but also member of the French parlament between 1898 and 1906. [Pseudobradya barroisi (Richard, 1893)]. Other namesakes (and probably brothers of the first one) are the two brothers Dr. Jules Henri Barrois, (3 Sep. - Lille) 1852-1943, Director of the Laboratoire de Zoologie Maritime, Villefranche-sur-Mer, who published on the embryology of nemerteans, bryozoans, Anomura and on molluscs [Goniodoris barroisi Vayssière, 1901] and Charles Eugène Barrois, (21 Apr. - Lille) 1851-1939 (6 Nov.), brother of Jules Henri, as a geologist in Lille, publishing much on palaeontology (especially in Britain and Ireland), but also on sponges from the English Channel.
Fenestrulina barrosoi Alvarez, 1993 is named for Dr. Manuel Gerónimo Barroso, 18??-19??, a distinguished Spanish bryozoologist.
Professor Antoine Bartayrès, 1776-1857, born at Villeneuve-sur-Lot, France, mathematitian and naturalist researcher at the Collège d'Agen between 1831 to 1857 is honoured in the brown algal name Dictyota bartayresiana Lamouroux (Gregorio Antonio Bartayrès, his grand-grand-grand-grand-grand-grand-grand-son kindly provided this information).
Encentrum barti De Smet, 2000 is named for the son Bart, of the Antwerpen author. The son collected the red algae from where the rotifer was found.
The only thing Troschel is mentioning about the type specimen of Ekmania barthi (Troschel, 1846) is "Im zoologischen Museum zu Berlin durch Barth" but thrugh kind message from the Musem it is clear that this Barth was Christian Gottlob Barth, 1799-1862, German natural history interested priest and religious editor. His editorial company Calwer Verlagshaus was at Barth´s death taken over by the author Hermann Gundert & 1893 by Gundert’s son in law Johannes Hesse, father of the future Nobel laureate Hermann Hesse. Barth mostly travelled in his home country, sometimes to neighbouring countries and he was also in England once, but never crossed the Atlantic, so this Labrador species must have been collected by someone else, who had handed it over to Bartsch.
Captain Benjamin Barthelow, 18??-19??, Navigating Officer during the Albatross Philipine Expedition, is honoured in the gastropod names Rissoina barthelowi Bartsch, 1915, Strombiformis barthelowi Bartsch, 1917 and Teramachia barthelowi (Bartsch, 1942). In 1920 the only? person in USA by that name was Benjamin F. Barthelow, around 1863-, in Berkeley, West Virginia.
The diatom name Nitzschia bartholomei Grunow in Cleve & Grunow, 1880 is likely honouring the farmer and mycologist Elam Bartholomew, (9 June - Strassburg, Pennsylvania) 1852-1934 (18 Nov. - Hays, Kansas).
Ophiotoma bartletti (Lyman, 1883) is likely named for Commander John Russell Bartlett, (26 Sep.) 1843-1904 (22 Nov.), U.S.N., from the dredgings with the United States Coast Survey Steamer "Blake". Bartlett retired as a Rear Admiral from the Navy. [likely Elphidium bartletti Cushman, 1933, Benthesicymus bartletti Smith, 1882, possibly Columbarium bartletti Clench & Aguayo, 1940, Mangelia bartletti (Dall, 1889), Dentalium bartletti Henderson, 1920]. His more well-known father was an exact namesake, born Oct. 23 1805, deceased May 28 1886, operating a distinct bookshop in New York city and publishing on history, ethnology, and the American language.
The polyplacophoran Lepidozona bartlettae Ferreira, 1986 was collected with R/V Bartlett, but from which Bartlett did the vessel get its name?. Possibly the Arctic explorer Robert Abram Bartlett, (15 Aug. - Brigus, Newfoundland) 1875-1946 (28 Apr. - New York (pneumonia)), who after several expeditions together with Peary, Vilhjalmur Stefansson (q.v.) and others, in 1925 he purchased an own schooner, the "Effie M. Morrissey", on which he made twenty arctic expeditions
Lacking information about Bartlett in the sponge name Polymastia bartletti De Laubenfels, 1942 and in the cephalopod name Sepia bartletti (Iredale, 1954). Possibly, but perhaps not likely, the names may honour Edward Bartlett, 1836-1908, curator (mainly ornithologist & herpetologist) at the Maidstone Museum, later at the Sarawak Museum - emigrating to Malaysia in 1891. Edward was the eldest son of Abraham Dee Bartlett, (27 Oct. - London) 1812-97 (7 May - London), who had a natural history agency in Little Russle Street in London (close to the British Museum).
Ethel Sarel Barton [married name Gepp] (21 Aug. - Hampton Court Green, Surrey (a western suburb of Greater London)) 1864-1922 (6 Apr. - Torquay), was a well-known algologist. Her father was a physician. At age eight, Barton’s family moved to Ticehurst, Sussex, about 40 miles southeast of London, where she attended the same school as her brothers. In 1883, Barton’s mother died, her father went to India, and she went to Leipzig, as a music student. This was a difficult period of ill health, and Barton returned to England in 1886 to live with an aunt in Eastbourne, on the southern coast. Barton took botany classes from the Rev. Hampden Gurney Jameson (1852-1939) which set her life path, with an initial appreciation of mosses. She moved to South Kensington, London, probably rejoining her father. In April 1889, she began to work in the Botany Department of the Natural History Museum and at the Kew Botanical Gardens. Barton attained a worldwide reputation, with a steady stream of algology publications until her health failed in 1911. Her work appeared mainly in the three journals of the Linnean Society and with the Siboga monographs. She reported on algae from Australia, Borneo, China, Ceylon, and the Indian Ocean. At the museum, she met her future husband, the algologist Antony Gepp (1862-1955); they married in June 1902. Her lifelong work at the British Museum was likely without salary, not only because Barton was a woman, but because her husband was employed there. Barton was a long-time friend of the Weber's (q.v.), especially the algologist Anna van Bosse-Weber. The alga genus Ethelia Weber-van Bosse, 1913 was named for her, as well as some species, e.g. Tapeinodasya etheliae Weber-van Bosse, 1913. (Dr. D. Damkaer kindly provided this information).
William Bartram, (20 Apr. - Kingsessing, Pennsylvania) 1739-1823 (22 July), US naturalist (mainly botanist and ornithologist) [Ommastrephes bartramii (Lesueur, 1821) (Cephalopoda)], son of the well-known John Bartram, (23 Mar. - Darby, Pennsylvania) 1699-1777 (22 Sep.), Quaker botanist living in Pennsylvania and Delaware, referred to by Linnaeus as "the greatest natural botanist in the world".
Prof. Dr. Paul Bartsch, (14 Aug. - Tuntschendorf, Silenia) 1871-1960 (24 Apr.), German-US malacologist and crustacean researcher, who emigrated to Burlington, Iowa in the late 1880s. PhD at Univ. of Iowa in 1905. Instructor at the Columbian (now George Washington) University, later curator of the division of molluscs at Smithsonian (1914-45). He also (in 1922) constructed an early underwater camera [Teredo bartschi Clapp, 1923, Crambione bartschi (Mayer, 1910), Velutina (Corneovelutina) bartschi Derjugin, 1950, Solariorbis bartschi (Vanatta, 1913), Oocorys bartschi Rehder, 1943, Bartschia Rehder, 1943, Conus bartschi Hanna & Strong, 1949, Borsonella bartschi (Arnold, 1903), Cymatosyrinx bartschi Haas, 1941, Daphnella bartschi Dall, 1919, Bartschella Iredale, 1917, Pleuromalaxis pauli (Olsson & McGinty, 1958), Dolicholatirus pauli (McGinty, 1955), Turbonilla pauli A.G. Smith & Gordon, 1958, Diagonaulus pauli Pilsbry & McGinty, 1945, Teredo bartschi Clapp, 1923, Uroteuthis bartschi Rehder, 1945]. {Picture / courtesy of R. Giannuzzi-Savelli}.
The harpacticoid name Enhydrosoma baruchi Coull, 1975 was likely not named for the very essential philosopher Baruch de Spinosa, (24 Nov. - Amsterdam) 1632-1677 (21 Feb. - The Hague, from lung illness, likely either tbc or silicosis from dust his glass lens grinding activities), but likely for the Belle W. Baruch Coastal Research Institute, South Carolina, because of the author's affiliation. The Foundation was named for Miss Belle Wilcox Baruch, (16 Aug.) 1899-1964 (25 Apr.), who in her will donated her coastal wooded property Hobcaw Barony to become a wildlife refuge and a place for education and research for all colleges and universities in South Carolina, to memorize her father Bernard Mannes Baruch, (19 Aug.) 1870-1965 (10 June), economic speculator and statesman (e.g. adviser for several US presidents), the founder of the family fortune.
Prof. Heinrich Anton de Bary, (26 Jan. - Franfurt am Main) 1831-1888 (19 Jan. - Strassburg), German surgeon and mycologist working at the Univ. of Strasbourg. He was the first person to find that fungi could cause plant diseases. He also in a paper of 1879 coined the well-known word symbiosis, defined in its broadest sense, i.e. meaning a living together of different organisms.
George Bass, (30 Jan. - Aswarby, Lincolnshire) 1771-1803 (sailed away in the Pacific on 5 Feb., but was never seen again), navigator, who in 1798 "discovered" Bass Sound [Bassia Agassiz, 1862 bassensis (Quoy & Gaimard, 1834), possibly Neanthes bassi ].
The harpacticoid name Arenosetella bassantae Hanan Mitwallyi & Paul A. Montagna, 2001 is named for the senior author’s daughter, Bassant, 19??-, whose name is derived from the name of a flower from the valley of the River Nile.
Sir Percy William Bassett-Smith, (1 Apr. - St. Albans) 1861-1927 (29 Dec. - Blackheath), a Royal Navy surgeon who published on parasitic copepods at the turn of 19th century. His work is memorialized in the genus Bassettithia (combining the first and last parts of the name!) Wilson, 1922 and also the mantis shrimp name Gonodactylus smithi Pocock, 1893 was published in a report "Report upon the stomatopod crustaceans obtained by P.W. Basset-Smith, Esq., Surgeon R.N., during the cruise in the Australian and China Seas, of H.M.S. "Penguin", so it must also be a tribute to him. (Dr. David Damkaer kindly provided this information).
Ronald Bassindale, (30 Sept. - Crowle, Lincolnshire) 1906-1995 (10 July - Bristol), mainly active in Bristol, published on (British) barnacles at least between 1936-64, but had published on fish toxins already from at lest 1932. The Ascothoracide Isidascus bassindalei Moyse, 1983 was described "in admiration of Ronald Bassindale, a noteable teacher and pioneer in the sudy of cirripede life-histories". Bassindale married to the nine years younger Pamela Raikes in Aug. 1952 in Oxford and in 1954 the couple got a son.
Raymond Smith Bassler, (22 July - Philadelphia) 1878-1961 (3 Oct. - Washington, D.C.), geologist, paleontologist and bryozologist at George Washington University, cooperating with Ferdinand Canu (q.v.) during decades and retiring in 1948. [Rhamphosmittina bassleri (Rogick, 1956), Basslerites Howe, 1937].
The cilite name Licnophora bassoni Liesl L. van As & Jo G. van As, 2000, is a tribute to Prof, Linda Basson, 19??-, Univ. of Free Strate, South Africa, "in recognition of her contribution to the knowledge of ciliophorans".
Job Baster, (2 Apr. - Zierikzee) 1711-1775 (6 Mar.), wrote i.a. "Opuscula Subseciva", Harlem 1762. The journal "Basteria" of the Dutch Malacological Society is named for him [Basterotia Hoernes, 1859, Thalassarachna basteri (Johnston, 1836), Beroe de Baster Lesson, 1830].
The mollusca name Basterotia Hoernes ex Mayer MS, 1859 (& Basterotia Jousseaume, ex Bayle MS, 1884) is honouring the naturalist and author of books about chess Barthélémy de Basterot, (15 Aug. - Dublin) 1800-1887 (18 Sep. - Torino, Italy), from Paris.
Henry Charlton Bastian, (26 Apr. - Truro, Cornwall) 1837-1915 (17 Nov. - Chesham Bois, Buckinghamshire), English physician, who in 1865 wrote some essential papers about nematodes, "The modes of origin of lowest organisms" in 1871 and "The beginning of life" in 1872, later he became professor of practical & clinical medicin, London Univ. College in 1891;Theristus bastiani Wieser, in Gerlach & Riemann,1973].
José Rolando Bastida-Zavala, (27 Nov.) 1967-, Mexican polychaete taxonomist.
Richard Austin Bastow, (14 May - Edinburgh) 1839-1920 (14 May), was an architectural draughtsman with a flair for cryptogamic botany. He collected and published intensively about Bryophytes and Lichens of Australia (incl. Tasmania). His main collection is in the Melbourne Herbarium, other collections in the Museum of Victoria. He described together with J.H. Gatliff at least one new species of Loricata: Enoplochiton torri. The following mollusc species were named after him: Cyclostrema bastowi Gatliff, 1906 (now Orbitestella bastowi) and Daphnella bastowi Gatliff & Gabriel, 1908 (now Asperdaphne bastowi). (Henk K. Mienis, Mollusc Collection, National Collections of Natural History, Dept. Zoology, Tel Aviv University, kindly provided this information).
Charles Spence Bate, (16 Mar. - close to Truro, Cornwall) 1819-1889 (29 July - Devonshire), British dentist (who practiced first at Swansea, and then Plymouth, taking over his father's practice) and specialist on crustaceans, who i.a. worked together with J.O. Westwood (q.v.) [Pseudoparatanais batei (G.O. Sars, 1882), Amphilochus spencebatei (Stebbing, 1876), Scyllarus batei Holthuis, 1946, Costa batei (Brady, 1866), Periclimenes batei Holthuis, 1959]. (Dr. D. Damkaer, through letter contact with Holthuis, kindly confirmed that the Periclimenes species was named for C. Spence Bate, who published the volume on shrimps of the Challenger Expedition).
Lacking information about Bateson in the amphipod name Parahyalella batesoni Kunkel, 1910. It may possibly be Dr. William Bateson, (8 Aug. - Whitby, Yorkshire) 1861-1926 (8 Feb. - Merton, Surrey), British zoologist and geneticist (who named the science of genetics - after having (in 1899) read G. Mendel's forgotten article about inheritance from 1866 and was before that, in 1885 and 1886 the author of e.g. the phyla Hemichordata and Chordata). (More).
Dr. Hans Bath, 19??-, Pirmasens, Germany, student of blennid fishes systematics [Ecsenius bathi Spinger, 1988, Pomatoschistus bathi Miller, 1982].
Dr. Elizabeth (Betty) Joan Batham, (2 Dec. - Dunedin) 1917-1974 (around 8 July), New Zealand marine biologist. Director of the Portobello Marine Biological Station from 1951. Worked i.a. with sea anemones, crustaceans, pogonophorans, cephalopods and protozoans. After retirement she disappeared, without a trace, in a presumed SCUBA accident [Acteonemertes bathamae Pantin, 1961, Habrosanthus bathamae Cutress C. E., 1961, Flosmaris bathamae Hand C., 1961, Molgula bathamae Millar, 1982].
Dr. Francis Athur Bather, (17 Feb. - Richmond, Surrey) 1863-1934 (20 Mar.), Brittish palaeontologist (specialized in Echinoderms), who worked at the British Museom (Nat. Hist) and i.a. published on the fauna of the Sound (English Channel). [Sidonaster batheri Koehler, 1909]
Lacking information about Bathmann in the nematode name Diplopeltis bathmanni Jensen, 1991. Likely it may be the German plankton researcher Dr. Ulrich Volmar Bathmann, (24 Sep. -Würzburg) 1954-, working at the Alfred Wegener Institut in Bremerhaven, who is honoured. He achieved his PhD in Kiel in 1986.
Prof. Bruno Battaglia, (8 Jan. - Catania) 1923-, Italian crustacean researcher at the Universita di Padova [Tisbe battagliai Volkmann-Rocco, 1972].
The British (with Canadian roots) marine biologist Dr. Sonia Dawn Batten, (1 May) 1969-, achieved her PhD at the Univ. of Southampton in 1994, later working at Sir Alister Hardy Foundation for Ocean Science [Cilunculus battenae Bamber & Thurston, 1993, Kalliapseudes soniadawnae Bamber, 1993].
Cladophora battersii van den Hoek, 1963 and Audouinella battersiana (Hamel, 1927) Dixon, 1976 are named for the British phycologist Edward Arthur Lionel Batters, (26 Dec. - Enfield, Middlesex) 1860-1907 (11 Aug. - Garrard's Cross, Buckinghamshire) [Ectocarpus battersi Bornet, Battersia Reinke, Kuetzingiella battersii (Bornet) Kornmann in Kuckuck, 1956, Pseudophormidium battersii (Gomont) Anagn.].
Helen Irene Battle, (31 Aug. - London, Ontario, Canada) 1903-1994 (17 June - London, Ontario), Canadian ichthyologist.
Dr. Hanny Batuna , 19??-, scientific dive pioneer in Sulawesi, must be the person honoured in the sleractinian name Acropora batunai Wallace, 1997.
Dr. Marie-Louise Bauchot, 19??-, French ichthyologist at MNHN, Paris (retired in 1991), is honoured in the E Atlantic sting ray name Torpedo bauchotae Cadenat, Capape & Desoutter, 1978, in the W African blenny name Lipophrys bauchotae Wirtz & Bath, 1982 and in Indo-Pacific fish names like Uranoscopus bauchotae Brüss, 1987, Plectranthias bauchotae Randall, 1980, Paranebris bauchotae Chao, Béarez & Robertson, 2001, Neomerinthe bauchotae Poss & Duhamel, 1991, Callogobius bauchotae Goren, 1979, Ariosoma bauchotae Karrer, 1982.
Nicolas Thomas Baudin, (17 Feb. - Ile de Ré) 1754-1803 (16 Sep. - Port Louis, Ile de France, i.e. Mauritius (tuberculosis)), the commander (and probably instigator) of the French scientific, strategic and economic expedition to Australia (after having been the leader of a natural history expedition to the West Indian islands in 1896), which started in 1800. More than a dozen - 22 in all (including gardeners) - scientists were on board the ships "Le Geographe" and "Le Naturaliste", when leaving France. However, two botanists, A. Michaud & J. Delisse, three artists, Milbert, Lebrun & Garnier (and perhaps some other crew members) deserted at the first stop at Iles-de-France (Mauritius). Also Bory de Saint Vincent (q.v.) stayed here. Likely bad leadership from Baudin contributed much to their desertions, like his odd habit of considering everything onboard as his own property and selling in harbours they arrived to, everyhing he could for personal profit. After exploring W Australia during the winter 1801, the expedition went north to Timor in order to get some rest and recuperation for the crew, where one of the 4 gardener's boys, Antoine Sautier, died (employed to assist Baudin's close friend, the head gardener Ansehn Riedlé - who died at sea two months later (Nov. 1801) - with collected plants), then south to Tasmania and in the winter of 1802 they reached the English penal colony in Port Jackson, after the vessels having been separated and "Le Geographe" having met the English exploring ship "Investigator", commanded by Matthew Flinders 8 April 1802. In all 7 persons died from the effects of dysentery and fever contracted on the island of Timor - also the astronomer Pierre Francois Bernier, 1779-1803, the mineralogist Louis Depuch (died at Mauritius on their way home in dysentery), the zoologists René Maugé (died 20 Feb. 1802) & Stanislas Levillain (died at sea in Dec. 1801) and the English gardener Peter Good (died in 1803). The "Le Naturaliste", commanded by baron Jacqus Félix Emmanuel Hamelin, 1768-1839, was sent back to France in Nov. 1802 with all collections made so far and arrived (after having been stopped by an English frigate and first taken to Portsmouth) at Le Havre 7 June 1803. "Le Geographe" continued together with the locally built "Casuarina" along the south Australian coast, reaching King George Sound in February 1803 and Timor in May, where the only left botanist Jean Baptiste Louis Claude (or Théodore?) Leschenault de la Tour, (13 Nov. - Chalons-sur-Saone) 1773-1826 (14 Mar. - Paris), stayed until 1807 because of illness. After a brief trip to N Australia the vessels sailed nortwards and reached Ile-de-France in August, where they stayed for 5 months and where Baudin died. In March 1804 "Le Geographe" reached France with the collections made after that "Le Naturaliste" had left Australia. The only botanist known to have completed the voyage after leaving Leschenault on Timor was one of the gardener's boys, Antoine Guichenot (also spelled Guichenault), who became a friend of Péron (q.v.) and later followed Freycinet's circumnavigation with Uranie and Physicienne in 1817-18. (He became the father of Antoine Alphone [sic!] Guichenot, 1809-1876, zoology collector for the Museum in Paris). The fate of the two remaining gardener's boys, J Cauget and Merlot ("an African") is unknown. See also Lesueur & Bory de St Vincent and Gaudichaud-Beaupré (for Freycinet) [Zanclea baudini Gershwin & Zeidler, 2003].
Dr. Auguste Adolphe Baudon, 1821-1905, French malacologist, who published between 1852-1868 is honoured in the gastropod name Jujubinus baudoni Monterosato, 1891. Several other molluscs were named for him in the mid to late 1800's. (Andrew Vik, Tampa, Florida, kindly provided this information).
Lacking information about Bauer in the gastropod name Niso baueri Emerson, 1965 and in the scleractinian name Porites baueri Squires, 1959. The honoured person is likely not? the bird illustrator Ferdinand Lucas Bauer, (20 Jan. - Feldberg, Austria) 1760-1826 (17 Mar. - Hietzing, Austria) (He was the brother of Franz Andreas Bauer, (14 Mar.) 1758-1840 (11 Dec.), also he a very well known biological - mainly botanical - illustrator), in the Zoological Survey of India, who also painted Australian flowers and other organisms. The Russian parasitologist Prof. Oleg Nikolaevich Bauer, (20 July - Yablonitsy) 1915-2003 (11 May - St Petersburg), has mainly worked on parasites in fresh water fish, so also he is likely not the honoured person, but is honoured in Allocreadium baueri Spassky & Roitman, 1960. [Prof. A. Gaevskaya, Sevastopol, kindly providede the last eponym]
Lacking information about Bauer in the Indian Ocean fish name Brachaluteres baueri (Richardson, 1846), but possibly a tribute to Ferdinand Bauer (above).
Lacking information about Baughman in the bivalve name Anadara baughmani Hertlein, 1951, but likely a tribute to John Lafferty Baughman, (19 July) 1902-19?? (still living at age 64, because he married in 1964), US citiizen, who published on Texas malacology.
The nudibranch name Chromodoris baumanni Bertsch, 1970 is in honour of the author's high school (Saint Mary, Stockton, California) biology teacher, Father Anthony Baumann, (11 Jan.) 1919-2008 (11 Jan.). (Dr. Riccardo Giannuzzi-Savell, Palermo, kindly provided this information).
The bivalve name Leptopecten bavayi (Dautzenberg, 1900) must honour Arthur René Jean Baptiste Bavay, 1840-1923, from Belgium, who published on the Lamellibranchs of the Siboga Expedition between 1911-32.
Rae Baxter, 1929-1991, US biologist, who reviewed Alaskan molluscs [Anatoma baxteri J.H. McLean, 1984, Cocculina baxteri J.H. McLean, 1987, Margarites baxteri McLean, 1995]. {Picture / courtesy of R. Giannuzzi-Savelli}.
Lacking information about Mr. Richard Baxter , 18??-, a retired fisherman, in the New Zealand shark name Etmopterus baxteri Garrick, 1957, which Mr Baxter managed to catch helped by a hand line in a depth of around 1000 meters: the same persom may possibly be honoured also in in the cephalopod name Sepia baxteri (T. Iredale, 1940), and in the driftfish name Cubiceps baxteri McCulloch, 1923.
Lacking information about Bay in the gastropod name Fryeria bayi Bouchet, 1983.
The gastropod name Conus bayani F. P. Jousseaume, 1872 is a tribute to the French malacologist and "ingénieur des ponts et chaussées et secrétaire de la Société géologique" Joseph Félix Ferdinand Bayan, 1846?-1874 (20 Sep. - à l'âge de 28 ans).
Prof. Dr. Frederick (or Ted) Merkle Bayer, (31 Oct. - Asbury Park, New Jersey) 1921-2007 (2 Oct. - Washinton, D.C.), i.a. octocoral researcher (and malacologist) at the Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, Florida [Admete bayeri Petit, 1976, Acanthomolgus bayeri Humes, 1973, Doropygus bayeri Illg, 1958, Perissocope bayeri Vervoort, 1964, Mohocaris bayeri Holthuis, 1973, Glyphostoma bayeri Olsson, 1971, Bayerius Olsson, 1971, Antillophos bayeri Petuch, 1987, Colubraria bayeri Petuch, 1987, Conus bayeri Petuch, 1987, Periclimenes bayeri Holthuis, 1973, Akera bayeri Marcus & Marcus, 1967, Glossodoris bayeri Marcus & Marcus, 1967, Tritonia bayeri Marcus & Marcus, 1967, Felimare bayeri Marcus & Marcus, 1967, Elysia bayeri Marcus, 1965, Natica bayeri Rehder, 1986, Balanophyllia bayeri Cairns, 1979, Nymphozoon bayeri Hyman, 1959, Gorgoniapolynoe bayeri Pettibone, 1991, Leptogorgia bayeri Williams & Lindo, 1997, Pseudopterogorgia fredericki Williams & Vennam, 2001, Hydractinia bayeri Hirohito, 1984 (likely the only eponymic species described by an emperor)]. (Andrew Vik, Tampa, Florida kindly provided Dr. Bayer's birth date and Dr. B. Hoeksema at the Leiden Museum kindly informed that Bulletin of the Biological Society of Washington 10 (31 October 2001) was dedicated to Prof. Bayer with information about his scientific career). A namesake was the Dutch malacologist Dr. Charles Gustave François Hubert Bayer, (31 Jan. - Gravenhage) 1887-1956 (27 Apr. - Voorburg).
Lacking information about Bayer in the moray name Enchelycore bayeri (Schultz, 1953).
The gastropod name Marginella baylii Jousseaume, 1875 may likely be a tribute to the French malacologist Claude Emile Bayle, (13 Oct.? or 13 Aug.? or 18 Oct.? - La Rochelle) 1819-1895 (17 Jan.). His family were friends of d'Orbigny (q.v.).
Harry Arnold Baylis, (25 May) 1889-1972 (13 July), helminthologist at the British Museum (Nat. Hist.) [Piscicapillaria baylisi Moravec, 1987, Pseudanisakis baylisi Gibson, 1973, Galactosomum baylisi (Gohar, 1930)].
Ian Albert Edgar Bayly, 19??-, four species of copepod including Acartia baylyi Greenwood, 1972, Pseudodiaptomus baylyi Walter, 1984 and Mesochra baylyi Hamond, 1971 are named for this meticulous Australian copepodologist. He is now retired and living in Tasmania. (Dr. D. Damkaer kindly provided this information).
Rev. A.W. Baynham, 18??-19??, British clergyman, served among others in Aden at the end of the 19th Century. A marine mollusc from Aden: Pleurotoma (Drillia) baynhami E.A. Smith, 1891, is named after him. (Curator Henk K. Mienis, Tel Aviv & Jerusalem, kindly provided this information).
The gastropod name Cerodrillia bealiana Schwengel & McGinty, 1942 is a tribute to the US malacologist Dr. James Hartley Beal, 1861-1945 (20 Sep.).
Mr. Barton Appler Bean, (21 May) 1860-1947 (19 June - fall from a bridge), assistant curator, Division of Fishes, US National Mus. [Prochilodus beani Eigenmann and Ogle, 1907, Melanostomias bartonbeani Parr, 1927, Serrivomer beani Gill & Ryder, 1883, Triglops pingeli beani Gilbert, 1895]. See Dall regarding his older brother and ichthyologist colleague Tarleton Hoffman Bean.
William Bean, 1787-1866, from Scarborough; liberal local politician and a collector colleague of George Johnston; his interests were essentially malacological and geological (seems mainly to have liked organisms with a calcareous skeleton); should not be exchanged with his father (who was a gardener), or his son, 1817-64, who became a reputated botanist, all of them named William. To some of his new species the name fabalis have been applied as a kind of joke [Beania Johnston, 1840, Reteporella beaniana (King, 1846), Halecium beanii (Johnston, 1838), Alvania beanii (Thorpe, 1844, ex Hanley MS), possibly Chaetopleura beanii P. P. Carpenter, 1857].
The gastropod name Cerithidea beattyi Bequaert, 1942 is a tribute to the US malacologist George Dempster Beatty, (24 Jan.) 1881-1958 (30 Aug.).
Commandant M. Beau, 1???-1858, from Martinique, is honoured in the gastropod names Cyclostremiscus beauii (Fischer, 1857), Antillophos beauii (Fischer & Bernardi, 1860), Lyria beauii (Fischer & Bernardi, 1857), Cylindrobulla beauii P. Fischer, 1856 & Haustellum beauii (Fischer & Bernardi, 1857).
Prof. Dr. Paul de Beauchamp, 1883-1977, described i.a. some algae and published in 1927 a paper on interstitial rhabdocoels from diatom sand at Arcachon, kept publishing on mainly fresh water and land turbellarians. He worked at Université de Strasbourg for many years, but after WW II, he moved to the Laboratoire d’Ecolution des Etres Organis´s, Paris. [Beauchampiola Luther, 1955, Canetellia beauchampi Ax, 1956, Synoicum beauchampi Harant, 1927, Pheopolykrikos beauchampii Chatton 1933, Xenotrichula beauchampi Lévi, 1950]. An US malacologist namesake was William Martin Beauchamp, (Mar. - Coldenham, Orange County, New York) 1830-1925.
Palmer Thayer Beaudette, (2 Aug.) 1914-1968 (Carmel Valley, California), was a rich man from USA, who during a suite of years financed the Beaudette Foundation for Biological Research, which was Jerry L. Barnard's first employer, and thus the employer became honoured in the amphipod genus Beaudettia J.L. Barnard, 1965. Oliver Leo Beaudette, (10 Apr. - Pontiac) 1891-1963 (8 Jan. - Pontiac), was his father. (Prof. Wim Vader, Tromsø, kindly provided this information).
Prof. Dr. Lieven Ferdinand de Beaufort, (23 Mar. - Leusden) 1879-1968 (11 May), the successor of Weber (q.v.) as director of the Amsterdam museum in 1922-1949, was most interested in fishes and birds (he was one of the founders of the Nederlandse Ornithologische Vereeniging and its president from 1924 to 1956; also, he was secretary-general of the International Ornithological Congress in Amsterdam in 1930 [Sacculina beauforti Boschma, 1949, likely Acrosterigma beauforti (Prashad, 1932)]. (Dr. David Damkaer kindly corrected that a namesake earlier mistakenly was thougth by to be the honoured person).
Walter Ibbotson Beaumont, 1861 or 1862-1912 (3 May - drowned in a sailing accident at Tarbert, Loch Fyne), British faunist, who wrote articles about nemerteans, "shizopodes" and nudibranchs and had ornithological interests. [Oxypolia beaumontiana Punnett, 1901, Enterocola beaumonti T. & A. Scott, 1895, Tetrastemma beaumonti (Southern, 1913), Cumanotus beaumonti (Eliot, 1906)].
Dr. Louis Daniel Beauperthuy, (26 Aug. - Guadeloupe) 1807-1871 (3 Sep.- Bartica, Guyana), physician from Guadaloupe, employed as a traveling naturalist in Venezuela and his home island by the museum in Paris.
Charles François Beautemps-Beaupré, (6 Aug. - La Neuville-au-Pont) 1766-1854 (16 Mar. - Paris), French navigator and constructor of nautical charts [Edwardsia beautempsii de Quatrefages, 1842, Harpiliopsis beaupresii (Audouin, 1826)].
Mr. Frederic Beavis, 18??-19??, a friend of the author of Gaza frederici E.A. Smith, 1906, who was much impressed with the beauty of this shell. The club secretary and treasurer F. Beavis, 1858-19??, who moved from Britain to New Zealand, may possibly be the same person.
Odoardo Beccari, (16 Nov.) 1843-1920 (25 Oct.), Italian naturalist, who made wide collection travels, e.g. to Singapore and Ceylon [Beccaria Bourguignat, 1883]. His son Nello Beccari, (11 Jan. - Bagno a Ripoli) 1883-1957 (20 Mar. - Florens), continued his father's tradition, but mainly as an entomologist.
Prof. Jacopo Bartolomeo Beccari, 1682-1766, Italian naturalist (professor of Physics,Chemistry and Medicine) from Bologna , who helped by primitive microscopes in 1731 was the first to scientifically describe foraminiferans (from beach sand at Ravenna) and is usually named the father of micropaleontoloy together with Soldani (q.v.).
Dr. Abraham Beck (also spelled Bäck) (Söderhamn) 1713-1795 (15 Mar. - Stockholm), a close friend of Linnaeus (q.v.). He was a physician and president of the Collegium Medicum, Stockholm..
Dr. Henrick Henricksen Beck, 1799-1863, Danish naturalist, who mainly was a palaeontologist and via correspondance had a good deal of influence on the young Steenstrup (q.v.) [Erosaria beckii (Gaskoin, 1835) (commemorating a visit of Dr. Beck to London), Lora beckii (Møller, 1842), likely Clathrosepta becki McLean & Geiger, 1998, Liocyma beckii Dall, 1870, Hexaplex beckii R. A. Philippi, 1847].
Boris Becker, (22 Nov.) 1967-, well-known German tennis player, is honoured in the mollusc name Bufonaria borisbeckeri Parth, 1995. An English malacologist namesake wortking in South Africa was Herman Francis Becker, 1848-1917.
Dr. Karl-Heinz Becker, 1940-1975 (spring), who had studied geo-science in Tübingen, moved to Kiel and made a PhD under Noodt (q.v.) on deep-sea harpacticoids. He died in a hospital at the Canary Islands [according to Dr. D. Damkaer (in litt)].
Vladimir Eduardovich Becker, (31 Aug. - Moscow) 1925-1995 (27 Aug.), Russian ichthyologist.
Lacking information about Beckmann in the ostracod name Cytherelloidea beckmanni Barbeito-Gonzalez, 1971, but likely a tribute to the Swiss micropaleontologist Jean-Pierre Beckmann, (4 Nov. - Basel) 1927-2002, who has published much on ostracods and foraminiferans.
Frank Evers Beddard, (19 July - Dudley) 1858-1925 (14 July), zoologist, who i.a. reported on some isopod groups from the Challenger material. He also published on birds, annelids (mainly oligochaetes), various other invertebrate groups (of which several cestod papers), zoogeography and animal colours [Munnopsis beddardi (Tattersall, 1905), Tytthocope beddardi (Bonnier, 1896)].
The gastropod names Friginatica beddomei Johnston, 1884, Cypraea beddomei Schilder, 1930 and Conus beddomei G. B. Sowerby III, 1901, the bivalve name Amygdalum beddomei T. Iredale, 1924 and the fish name Siphonognathus beddomei may possibly honour the naturalist Col. Richard Henry Beddome, (11 May) 1830-1911 (23 Feb. - Wandsworth), who was educated at the Charterhouse school and entered the Indian army in 1848. After retirement in 1882 he returned to England and published on horticulture. Earlier he had published on fauna as well as flora of India. The cowry name Umbilia hesitata beddomei Schilder, 1930 is however in honour of his brother, the Australian malacologist namesake, Lieut. Charles Edward Beddome, 1839-1898. There was also a French Colonel Beddome, who was an amateur zoologist.
Lacking information about Bedev in the gastropod name Bedeva Iredale, 1924.
The chaetognath name Aidanosagitta bedfordii (Doncaster, 1902) and the polyclad name Pseudobiceros bedfordi (Laidlaw, 1903) are likely tributes to the young Echinoderm specialist Francis Perch Bedford, (16 Mar. - Verites) 1875-1900 (10 Oct. - St. Andrews), at King's College, Cambridge, who together with W.F. Lanchester (q.v.) collected i.a. pagurids in Singapore.
William Tompson Bednall, (Aug. - Leicester, England) 1838-1915 (25 July - Adelaide, Australia), Australian malacologist, who specialixed in polyplacophora [Pterynotus bednalli J. Brazier, 1878, Voluta bednalli Brazier, 1878, Acanthochitona bednalli H. A. Pilsbry, 1894, Subterenochiton bednalli W. G. Torr, 1912, Chiton bednalli Pilsbry, 1895, Plaxiphora bednalli Thiele, 1909, Ischnochiton bednalli Torr, 1912]. {Picture / courtesy of R. Giannuzzi-Savelli}.
Prof. Maurice Bedot, (Geneva) 1859-1927 (Aug. - Geneva), from Switzerland, published about hydrozoans and madreporarians during the last decades of the 19:th century and the first decades of the 20:th. He was inspired by Vogt (q.v.) and Fol (q.v) to begin studying marine creatures and later met Camille Pictet (q.v.) in Villefranch-sur-Mer, of whom he became a close friend. He founded "Revue Suisse de Zoologie" and was professor at the Univ. of Geneva and director of the Museum of Natural History in the same city [Bedotella Stechow, 1913, Sphaerocoryne bedoti Pictet, 1893, Turbonilla bedoti Dautzenberg, 1913, Placinolopha bedoti Topsent, 1897].
M. Bedoya, 19??-, biologist at Mus. Nation. Hist. Nat. Madrid [Turbonilla bedoyai Penas & Rolán, 1997]. Is he identical with the Spanish malacologist José Bedoya Romero, 1962-2002,?
Prof. Daniele Bedulli, (4 Feb.) 1949-, Italian marine biologist, professor at the University of Parma. [Leptochiton bedullii Dell' Angelo & Palazzi, 1986]. (Stefano Palazzi kindly provided this information).
Charles William Beebe, (29 July - Brooklyn, New York) 1877-1962 (4 June - Simla, Trinidad), US naturalist and author, who published several popular natural history books, e.g- "Half mile down" in 1935. He is probably best known for having developed the "bathysphere" together with the engineer Otis Barton (see Bermuda Biological Station for Research - 100 years) [Protopelagonemertes beebei Coe, 1936, Metapenaeopsis beebei Burkenroad, Aeginura beebei Bigelow, 1940, Lasiognathus beebei Regan & Trewavas, 1932, Diodora beebei (Hertlein & Strong, 1951), Trophon beebei Hertlein & Strong, 1948, Androtanais beebei (Van Name, 1925)]. This round steel construction was used in 1934 for a drop to 3,028 feet into the ocean off Bermuda. The Swiss-born Belgian physicist Auguste Piccard, (28 Jan. - Basle) 1884-1962 (25 Mar. - Lausanne), (who was the model for Hervé's figure "Professor Calculus" in his cartoons about Tintin; he also was twin-brother of the balloonist Jean-Felix Piccard, 1884-1963) developed this type of equipment into what he referred to as a "bathyscaphe", i.e. a kind of more manoeuvrable "submarine balloon", but looking somewhat like a conventional submarine. In 1954 his second bathyscaph the "Trieste" dropped into 10,330 feet in the Mediterranean and in 1960 his third vessel "Trieste II" was lowered to 35,800 feet (10,900 m) when it touched bottom in the Marianas Trench, presumably still a world record, because the modern deep sea submersibles like the Woods Hole titanium vessel "Alvin" is designed for lower depths (e.g. down to 14,764 feet only for "Alvin"). A. Piccard's son Jacques (-Ernest-Jean) Piccard, (28 July - Brussels) 1922-2008 (1 Nov. - La Tour-de- Peilz, Vaud), helped his father with the construction of the deep sea vehicles.
Prof. Charles Emerson Beecher, (9 Oct. - Dunkirk, New York) 1856-1904 (14 Feb.), US palaeontologist and malacologist.
Mr. Desmond L. Beechey, 19??-, East Roseville, NSW, Australia, Malacological Society of Australasia, formerly at the Australian Museum [Pulsellum beecheyi Lamprell & Healey, 1998].
Lacking information about Beehler in the ctenophore name Haeckelia beehleri (Mayer, 1912). Possibly this may be the US naval captain and diplomat William Henry Beehler, 1848-1915, Baltimore, who published on the cruises of the US navy ship Brooklyn.
The gastropod name Menestho beermanae de Jong & Coomans, 1988 is in honour of Micke J.H. Beerman-Paul, 19??-, former shell collector at Aruba.
The limnologist Dr. Alfred M. Beeton, 19??-, Ann Arbor, Michigan, (PhD at Univ. of Michigan in 1958) is honoured in the Florida mysid name Heteromysis beetoni Modlin, 1984.
Cornelis Beets, 1916-1995, Dutch malacologist.
The Italian botanist Augusto Béguinot, 1875-1940, is likely the person honoured in the red algal name Polysiphonia beguinottii Schiffner, 1938.
Lacking information about Behn in the Indian Ocean cephalopod name Brachioteuthis behni (Steenstrup, 1882).
The diatom name Nitzschia behrei Hustedt, 1959 must honour the algologist Karl Behre, 1901-1972.
David William Behrens, 1947-, Californian opisthobranch researcher in Livermore [Cuthona behrensi Hermosillo & Valdes, 2007, Dendrodoris behrensi Millen & Bertsch, 2005]. His son Michael David Behrens, (10 Apr.) 1974-, is honoured in the name Chromodoris michaeli Gosliner & Behrens, 1998 and his wife Diana Lynn Behrens, (8 June) 1959-, is honoured in a similar species' name Chromodoris dianae Gosliner & Behrens, 1998.
Lacking information about Mr. and Mrs. Lee Beil, 1???-, "formerly stationed in the Canal Zone and whose industrious collecting of Panama shells have added so much to our knowledge of the moUusks of that region" in the bivalve name Protothaca beili (Olsson, 1961).
Prof. Dr. Vladimir Nikolaevich Beklemishev, (4 Oct. - Grodno, W. Russia) 1890-1962 (4 Sep. - Moscow), Russian zoologist, educated in St. Petersburg, well-known for his book "Principles of the Comparative Anatomy of Invertebrates" [Beklemischeviella Luther, 1943, Actinoposthia beklemishevi Mamkaev,1965, Chromadorissa beklemishevi Filipjev, 1917, Pontaralia beklemichevi Mack-Fira, 1968, Latitanais beklemishevi Kudinova-Pasternak, 1987, Phascolion beklemishevi Murina, 1964, Volvobrachia beklemischevi (Ivanov, 1957)].
Admiral Sir Edward Belcher, (27 Feb. - Halifax, Nova Scotia) 1799-1877 (18 Mar. - London), British surveying voyages commander on H.M.S. Aetna in 1829-33 to N and W Africa, on H.M.S. Sulphur in 1836-42 to W America and on H.M.S. Samarang in 1843-46 to South China Sea islands. He also took part in the H.M.S. Blossom circumnavigation 1825-28 and in the search for the Franklin expedition with "Intrepid" and "Pioneer" in 1852 and was in 1825 second in command during Beechey's expedition to Berings Sound. He - despite that he was deeply devoted to the welfare of the men under his leadership - is quoted to have been one of the most hated officers in the British navy. He collected a vast material of shells, which were sold on auctions during his life time and after his death [Eualus belcheri (Bell, 1855), Buccinum belcheri Reeve, 1845, Dentalium belcheri Sowerby, 1860, Forreria belcheri (Hinds, 1843), Mitra belcheri Hinds, 1844, Latirus belcheri Reeve, 1847, likely Dischides belcheri Pilsbry & Sharp, 1898, Callionymus belcheri Richardson, 1844]. (Much more information).
Engineer Marie François Eugène Belgrand, (Evry-le-Chatel (Aube)) 1810-1878 (8 Apr. - Paris), director of "Eaux et Egouts de la ville de Paris" [Belgrandia Bourguignat, 1885].
Belinda : (see Belinda Alvarez).
Lacking information about Belin(i) in the hydroid name Nemertesia belini (Quelch, 1885), which likely is a wrong spelling of N. bellini (Quelch, 1885), so the person's name is likely Bellini. and the authorship according to modern taxon list should be N. bellini Bedot, 1916.
Beljaev : (see spelling Belyaev).
Lepidozona belknapi W. H. Dall, 1878 and Leptochiton belknapi W. H. Dall, 1878 were named for the captain of the US "Tuscarora" expedition along the US West Coast and in the Pacific Ocean, George Eugene Belknap, (22 Jan. - Newport, New Hampshire) 1832-1903 (7 Apr. - Key West, Florida).
Alfred Bell, (28 June - St. Marylebone) 1835-1925 (7 Dec. - Ipswich), malacologist (began to collect at age 11 together with his slightly older brother Robert), who submitted some fossils to Mørch (q.v.).
Lacking information about F.J. Bell, 19??-, who helped the author of Asterodiscides belli Rowe, 1977. It is hardly Francis Jeffrey Bell, 1855-1924, who was an invertebrate zoologist of the British Museum (Natural History) i.a. working on crinoids and asteroids, because the help was likely not posthumous, but Francis Jeffrey Bell is honored in the Indian Ocean sea star name Dorigona belli Koehler, 1909.
Dr. Robert Bell Jr., (3 June - Toronto) 1841-1917 (17 June - Rathwell, Manitoba), Canadian dredger, who published on molluscs of E. Canada..
Mr. Raoul Sunday (Roy) Bell, (19 Feb. - Sunday Island (among the Kermadec Islands)) 1882-1966 (28 Mar.), ornithologist and naturalist, a friend of the author of Roya Iredale, 1912, Royella Iredale, 1912 & Trochus royanus Iredale, 1912, aiding him investigating the Kermadec Mollusca. He also helped G.M. Mathew's with his "Birds of Australia" (1913-14). Served as a photographer during WWI. He settled later in Norfolk Island, where he eventually died. (Stefano Palazzi kindly added information about Bell, e.g. his birth date and i.a. that some more species is named for him: Cryptoplax royana Iredale & Hull, 1925, Stiva royana Iredale, 1924, Teleochilus royanus Iredale, 1924, Microvoluta royana Iredale, 1924, Radulphus royanus Iredale, 1924, and that in 1924 Iredale wrote a paper on his collection).
The English dentist, from 1836 professor of zoology at King's College, London, Thomas Bell, (11 Oct. - Poole, Dorset) 1792-1880 (13 Mar. - "The Wakes", Selborne - a property, he had purchased from Gilbert White's grandniece), wrote i.a. "A history of the British Stalked-Eyed Crustacea" published in 1853. Bell - who was a rigid anti-Darwinist and cousin of P.H. Gosse (q.v.) - was elected chairman of the Linnean Society of London in 1853 and is thought to have rescued the society from obliteration [Marphysa bellii (Audouin & H. Milne Edwards, 1833), Porella belli Dawson, 1859, Cancer bellianus Johnson, 1861].
Dr. Gérard Bellan, 1934-, French polychaetologist at the Centre d'Océanologie de Marseille, Station marine d'Endoume, most active in the Mediterranean area [Sabellaria bellani Kirtley, 1994], married to Dr. Denise Bellan-Santini, 1937-, working at the same place, amphipodologist, who also has published on polychaetes, partly together with G. B.
Luigi Bellardi, (18 May) 1818-1889 (17 Sep.), Italian malacologist.
The gastropod name Pygmaepterys bellini D' Attillo & Myers, 1985 was named for Mr. Phillip Bellin, 19??-, shell dealer from Hawaii, "who first collected specimens off Okinawa, Japan".
The foraminiferan name Trochammina bellingshauseni (Brönnimann & Whittaker, 1988) is likely honouring the Antarctic explorer Faddei Faddeevich (Fabian) Gottlieb von Bellingshausen, (30 Aug. - Arensburg (Hoheneichen), (Ösel Island, Gulf of Riga)) 1779-1852 (25 Jan. - Kronstadt (St. Petersburg)), who had graduated from the Naval Academy at Kronstadt and commanded the Russian expedition to the Antarctic in 1819-21 with the corvette "Vostok" and the transport vessel "Mirnyi". He had also followed von Kruzenshtern's circumnavigation with "Neva" in 1803-06. An abyssal plain at 63°00'S-80°00'W to 65°00'S-110°00'W is also named for him, as is the basin at 63°00'S-135°00'W to 50°00'S-85°00'W.
Bellocq : (see Gubbioli).
The ichthyologist Dr. Cristoforo Bellotti, 1823-1919, from Milano, is honoured in the fish names Diplodus bellottii (Steindachner, 1882) & Pagellus bellottii Steindachner, 1882, in the bivalve name Nucula bellotii A. Adams, 1856 and in the copepod name Cardiodectes bellottii (Richiardi, 1882). According to kind information from Dr. D. Damkaer, there is an obituary (to which he had no access) in Marco De Marchi (1919). In memoria del dott. Cristoforo Bellotti. Atti di Societa Italiana di Scienze Naturali 58 (3/4): 365-.
Dr. Howard Parry Bellows, 1852-1934, US malacologist.
Irina P. Belofastova, 1959-2008, researcher on marine gregarines (and other parasites like Acanthocephala) in Sevastopol, Ukraine. (Prof. Albina Gaevskaya, colleague of Belofastova in Sevastpol, kindly provided this information).
Lacking information about Belogurov in the nemertean name Sacconemertopsis belogurovi Chernuishev, 1991.
Prof. Dr. Pierre Bélon (du Mans), in Latin known as Petrus Bellonius, (Souletière, close to Mans) 1517-1564 (Apr.), French physician and zoologist. Professor at the College de France and collector of natural history objects. In 1551 he published "La nature et diversité des poissons". He died at the hands of a highwayman in the Bois de Boulogne [Belone Cuvier, 1817].
Prof. Enrique Beltrán, 1918-1994, Mexican naturalist and zoologist. El pasado 27 de noviembre de 2003, la Universidad de Guadalajara estableció la Cátedra de Biodiversidad Enrique Beltrán, en memoria. (Dr. Riccardo Giannuzzi-Savelli kindly provided this information).
Georgii Mikhailovich Belyaev, (29 Nov.) 1913-1995 (6 Jan.), Russian marine invertebrate researcher on e.g. deep sea echinoderms [Parvotrochus belyaevi Gage & Billett, 1986, Paracallisomopsis beljaevi Gurjanova, 1962, Alomasoma belyaevi Zenkevitch, 1964].
Lacking information about Benavente in the polyplacophoran name Chaetopleura benaventei Plate, 1899.
Prof. Yehuda Benayahu, (9 Mar.) 1948-, Israel, is a leading soft coral specialist.
Prof. Dr. Mario Benazzi, 1902-1997, Italian zoologist at Instituto di Zoologia e Anatomia Comparata Universita di Pisa, who has published on (mainly fresh water) platyhelminths, is honoured in the polychaete name Diurodrilus benazzii Gerlach, 1952 and in the copepod name Colobomatus benazzii Delamare Deboutteville & Nunes Ruivo, 1958. (Dr. Riccardo Giannuzzi-Savelli kindly provided this information and the photo). His colleague and spouse was Prof. Dr. Giuseppina Benazzi-Lentati, 1905-1994.
Lacking information about Bendersky in the gastropod name Pteropurpura benderskyi W. K. Emerson & A. D' Attilio, 1979, but likely a tribute to Mr. Israel Bendersky, (29 Mar.) 1869-1930 (24 Apr.), in the New York Shell club, who had a large shell collection and also was a prominent neurologist.
Pierre Joseph van Bénéden, (19 Dec. - Mechelen) 1809-1894 (8 Jan. - Louvain), Belgian palaeontologist and marine zoologist, where he after his early education became assistant of the pharmacist of Mechelen, L. Stoffels, a bachelor with a huge natural history collection, who stimulated his interest in natural history and urged the parents to let the young man study medicine at Louvain University. Van Beneden took enthusiastically part in the 1830 Belgian revolution against the Dutch. After finished studies at Louvain, Van Beneden went to Paris, to continue his anatomical studies. In 1835 he was appointed associate professor under Cantraine (q.v.) at Gent University, where he led the courses in comparative anatomy, but already in 1936, he was appointed professor of zoology at the Catholic University of Louvain, where he stayed the rest of his life (and was also curator at the Museum of Natural History in Louvain). However, he made several study trips to the Mediterranean and the Channel coasts, in order to study marine animals alive. He was very interested in Belgian marine fauna and since 1843 he had a small coastal laboratory in Oostende. Van Beneden published much on the Belgian fauna, but was interested in all aspects of zoology as shown by his numerous publications, e.g., on Cetacea, Mollusks, Linguatulida, medical zoology, etc. In a book "Animal Parasites and Messmates" from 1876 he coined the well-known words mutualism and commensalism. [Tubificoides benedii (d'Udekem, 1855), Vanbenedenia Malm, 1860, Nematobothrium benedeni (Monticelli, 1893), Haploporus benedenii (Stossich, 1887), Benedenia Diesing, 1858, Allometabenedeniella Velasquez, 1982, Metabenedeniella Yamaguti, 1958, Neobenedenia, Acanthobothrium benedenii Lönnberg, 1889, Echinobothrium benedeni Ruszkowski, 1928, Benedenipora Pergens, 1889, Barentia benedeni (Foettinger, 1886), Actigia vanbenedeni (Hincks, 1869), Bougainvillia vanbenedeni Bonnevie, 1898, Koellikeria benedeni (Minticelli, 1893), Ancyrocephalus vanbenedenii (Parona & Perugia, 1890), Ligophorus vanbenedeni (Parona & Perugia, 1890), Plagiostomum benedeni (Schmidt, 1852), Vortex benedeni Schmidt, 1852, Limnomysis benedeni Czerniavsky, 1882, Protankira benedeni (Ludwig, 1881) Deichmann, 1930, Artacama benedeni Kinberg, 1867]. His son, the cytologist Édouard Joseph Louis-Marie van Bénéden, (5 Mar. - Luovain) 1846-1910 (28 Apr.), became professor of zoology and comparative anatomy in Liège. Edouard demonstrated that the number of chromosomes was the same for each cell in a given body, and that the number was likely characteristic for each species. He also showed that the body cells had the double set of chromosomes compared to the sex cells.
Benedict : (see Webster).
Miss Etheldred Anna Maria Benett, 1776-1845 (11 Jan.), English palaentologist.
Sir William Blaxland Benham, (29 Mar, - Isleworth, Middlesex) 1860-1950 (21 Aug. - Dunedin), U.K. & New Zealand oligo- and polychaetologist, in 1898 appointed Professor of Biology in Otago, New Zealand (after Parker - see Haswell). I his youth Benham had planned to be an engeneer at the Indian Civil Service, but his contacts with Sir Ray Lankester (q.v.) made him change his plans and started to assist him at the Univ. College of London and after some years he also concurrently worked as lecturer of Biology at Bedford College and later also Aldrichian demonstrator in morphology at the Oxford University. [Phascoloides benhami (Stephen, 1948), Glycera benhami Böggemann & Fiege, 2001].
Lacking information about Benitegur in the fish name Callionymus beniteguri Jordan & Snyder, 1900.
Dr. Marcus Benjamin, (San Francisco) 1857-1932, was a long-time editor of the Smithsonian Institution's publications (Proceedings and Bulletins of the U.S. National Museum). The gulf-weed-inhabiting isopod Paradynamene benjamini Richardson, 1905, recalls his efforts. (Dr. David Damkaer kindly provided this information).
The fish name Chaetodon bennetti Cuvier may likely be a tribute to John Whitchurch Bennett, 1808-1843, British colonial civil servant, who i.a. published on fishes from Ceylon (where he lived between 1816-27) in 1830, less likely to the British zoologist Edward Turner Bennett, (6 Jan. - Hackney, close to London) 1797-1836 (21 Aug. - London), or the British Frederick Debell Bennett, 1806-59, a ship surgeon (he was on board the whale catching ship the Tuscan around the Globe between the autumns 1833 to 1836), who published on Noctiluca during the 1830s and -40s or George Bennett, (31 Jan. - Plymouth) 1804-93 (29 Sep. - Sydney), British physician and naturalist collecting in Australia. The Indo-Pacific fish name Canthigaster bennetti (Bleeker 1854) and the stingray name Dasyatis bennetti (Müller & Henle, 1841) are also likely attributed to some of these gentlemen.
Lacking information about Bennett in the nematode name Crassicauda bennetti Spaul, 1926.
Lacking information about Jane Bennett in the copepod name Chondracanthus janebennettae Causey, 1953. Possibly it is the same person, who is honoured in the penaeid name Metapenaeus bennettae Racek & Dall, 1965.
Dr. h.c. Isobel (Ida) Eliza Toom Bennett, (9 July - Brisbane) 1909-2008 (12 Jan. - Sydney), naturalist at the University of Sydney (where she began working in 1933), who has published several books on e.g. sea shores and coral reef biology [Bennettiella R. Gibson, 1982, Oulophyllia bennettae (Veron, Pichon & Best, 1977) (4 more marine species are named for her, as is a coral reef)].
Cirsotrema bennettorum E.F. Garcia, 2000 is named for Jo & Charles George (Rusty) Bennett, 1920-, of Fort Myers, Florida, shell collectors.
The diatom name Parlibellus bennikei Witkowski, Lange-Bertalot & Metzeltin, 2000 is dedicated to the author's collegue Dr. Ole Bennike, 19??-, Geological Survey in Copenhagen.
The Italian ornithologist Dr. Luigi Benoit, 1804-1890, is likely the person honoured in the fish name Hygophum benoiti (Cocco, 1838) and in the gastropod name Latiaxis benoiti Tiberi, 1855. He was also interested in marine biology and he co-authored at least one work with the Italian malacologist Andrea Aradas (q.v.) [Dizoniopsis benoitiana T. A. di Monterosato, 1869]. (Andrew Vik, Tampa, Florida, kindly provided some of this information).
Liutenant-Colonel Cyril John Frank Bensley, 1894-1955, English malacologist.
Lacking information about Benthed in the polyplacophoran name Leptochiton benthedi Leloup, 1981.
Dr. h.c. Woutera (Tera) Sophie Suzanna Van der Feen-Van Benthem Jutting, (6 Feb. - Batavia) 1899-1991, Dutch malacologist and curator at the Zoological Museum in Amsterdam, with a scholarly interest in the history of naturalists (e.g., Slabber (q.v.), Baster (q.v.)) from province of Zeeland. She was very proud of her "Zeeuwisch" heritage. She had started her zoological career as assisting curator of invertebrates in 1919 for Prof. Engel (q.v.). After a sojourn between 1930-32 as curator at the Zoological Museum of Buitenzorg in Indonesia, she returned to the Netherlands as ordinary curator at the Zoological Museum, Amsterdam, but had then changed her focus to land molluscs. In 1945 (24:th Aug.) she married her colleague Dr. Pieter Jacobus Van der Feen. She retired in 1964 and moved to Domburg, SW Holland, but continued to publish until 1977. She was a founding member of the European Malacological Union. [Pallenopsis (Bathypallenopsis) juttingae Stock, 1964, Tellina juttingae Altena, 1965]. (Dr. D. Damkaer kindly provided some of this information).
Dr. Charles Sylvester Bentley, (21 Aug.) 1871-1933 (29 Jan.), "resident naturalist of the San Diego Biological Station" is likely the malacologist honoured in the gastropod names Barleeia bentleyi Bartsch, 1920 and Boreotrophon bentleyi (Dall, 1908). In 1910 he represented Abbott Kinney, founder of Venice, California in negotiations with USC to establish a biological station at the Venice aquarium. By 1930 he was retired and living in Plattsburgh, NY. He became M.D. at Columbia Univ. in 1896. (Dr. Gene Coan, USA, kindly suggested the connnection between person and taxon names and David Hollombe, Los Angeles, kindly provided the first name, the citation, the dates and the information about his life).
The fish name Microbrotula bentleyi Anderson, 2005 is in honour of Andrew Charles Bentley, 19??-, of Port Elizabeth, South Africa, now at the University of Kansas, USA, for his enthusiasm and help in the development of a program on western Indian Ocean fishes, and for collecting the holotype. He earlier worked on sand dollars.
Dr. Adam Ben-Tuvia, (Krakow, Poland) 1919-1999 (Jerusalem, Israel). He studied initially Agriculture at the Yaggiellonian University of Krakow (1937-39), which study was interrupted by World War II. After he managed to settle in Palestine, he changed his studies to Biology (with Zoology as a major) at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (1944-47), where he received his M.Sc. in 1947. Between 1949 and 1964 he was employed as a staff member at the Sea Fisheries Research Station, Haifa (Ministry of Agriculture). He became a specialist in the field of fisheries biology, exploratory fishing and fish systematics. In between he finished his Ph.D. at the Hebrew University (1955). Between 1964 and 1968 he became a staff member of the FAO Department of Fisheries, Fishery Resources and Exploitation Division. From 1969-1972 he returned to the Sea Fisheries Research Station in Haifa, however, when his mentor Prof. Heinz Steinitz (q.v.) passed away in 1972, Ben-Tuvia moved to the Zoological Department of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, where he taught ichthyology and took care of the extensive fish collection. He wrote numerous scientific papers in the field of systematics, biology, zoogeography and Lessepsian migration, in which fish played always the central role. He described nine fish species as new to science. Seven species of marine fish were dedicated to him: Doryrhampus multiannulatus bentuviae Fowler & Steinitz, 1956, Didogobius bentuvii Miller, 1966, Siokunichthys bentuviai Clark, 1966, Lepidotrigla bentuviai Richards & Saksena, 1977, Callionymus bentuviai Fricke, 1981, Lobulogobius bentuviai Goren, 1984 (= Bryaninops ridens Smith, 1859) and Narcine bentuviai Baranes & Randall, 1989. (Dr. Henk K. Mienis, Hebrew Univ., Jerusalem, kindly provided all this information).
Lucina benzi Calcara, 1841 was named for Giulio Benzo (also spelled Benso) Sammartino, (15 July - Palermo) 1816-1904 (21 June - Palermo), Duke della Verdura, a kind student¨of natural sciences, who also was the first Mayor of Palermo after the unification of Italy. [Pusillina benzi (Aradas & Maggiore, 1844)].
Prof. Dr. Joseph Charles Bequaert, (24 May - Thourot) 1886-1982 (19 Jan. - Amherst, Mass.), Belgian botanist, entomologist and medical and fresh water malacologist. Ph.D. at the Gent Univ. in 1908. He moved to North America and became an US Citizen in 1921. He worked at the American Museum of Natural History between 1917-22 at Harvard Univ. between 1923-56, later at the University of Houston and from 1960 at the University of Arizona. Already during his time in Europe he and Herbert Lang, (24 Mar. - Oehringen, Wurttemberg, Germany) 1879-1957 (29 May), who had emigrated to USA in 1903, had made mollusca collections in Congo between 1909-1915 in the American Museum Congo Expedition. [Pteropurpura bequaerti (Clench & Farfante, 1945)]. {Picture / courtesy of R. Giannuzzi-Savelli}.
Bérard : (see Arnoux).
Lacking information about Berchon in the ostracod name Basslerites berchoni (Brady, 1869), but possibly a tribute to the French naval surgeon Dr. Jean-Adam Ernest Berchon, (16 June - Charente, Cognac) 1825-1895, "Secrétaire général de la Société Archéologique, Président de V Académie des Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts de Bordeaux", who i.a. published about medical complications of tattooing.
Dr. Penny (short form of her real name Penelope) B. Berents, 194?-, amphipod taxonomist, collection manager (and collector of much valuable peracarid material) at the Australian Museum, is honoured in the isopod name Austrasphaera berentsae N. Bruce, 2003 and in the amphipod name Stenothoe penelopae T. Krapp-Schickel, 2006.
Karl Gunnar Berg, (20 Dec.) 1937-2006?, nemerteanologist at the Zoological Inst., Göteborg Univ., retired in 2001. A not yet described nemertean species name will honour him.
Lev (Leo) Semionovitch (Semenovich) Berg, (14 Mar. - Bender, Moldavia) 1876-1950 (24 Dec.), is honoured in the fish species Ophiocephalus warpachowski bergii. The species is appearing in a stamp issued in Tajikistan 2000 and is, however, a fresh water species. Berg was the author of O. warpachowski in 1909 and published "Natural Regions of the USSR" Engl. Ed. in 1950. The following marine fishes are likely, however, named for him: Scorpaena bergii Evermann & Marsh, 1900, Taurocottus bergi Soldatov & Pavlenko, 1915, Cyclopteropsis bergi Popov, 1929, Nemadactylus bergi (Norman, 1937), Psammobatis bergi Marini, 1932, Bathyraja bergi Dolganov, 1985 & Cryptacanthoides bergi Lindberg, 1930 (Dr. Claude Wainstain, France, stamp collector, interested in the Judaica topic, kindly provided this information).
Lacking information about Berg in the polychaete name Hesiolyra bergi Blake, 1985. A few possible candidates may be the US malacologists Jean Meade Berg, 1924-. or Clifford Osburn Berg, 1912-87.
The diatom name Nitzschia bergii Cleve-Euler is likely a tribute to the Swedish algal worker Åke Berg, 19??-19??.
The Norwegian (earlier in Tromsø, later at UNIS, Svalbard) amphipod worker Dr. Jørgen Berge, 19??-, named the amphipod Stegocephalina trymi Berge, 2001 after his son Trym Raddum Berge. His complete family is honoured this way; his wife Eila Berge in the amphipod name Glorandaniotes eilae (Berge & Vader, 1997), his daughter Ida Berge in the amphipod name Stegonomadia idae (Berge & Vader, 1997), his other son Tord Berge in the amphipod name Metandania tordi Berge & Vader, 2003, his sister Elin in the amphipod name Andaniexis elinae Berge & Vader, 2003, and his parents Gunn and Tor Berge in the amphipod names Austrocephaloides gunnae (Berge & Vader, 2003), & A. tori (Berge & Vader, 2003), Even his godson Isak Aglen, is honoured in the amphipod name Andaniopsis isaki Berge, 2004. (Prof. Wim Vader, Tromsø, kindly provided this information).
Prof. Dr. David Bergendal, (4 May - Kville socken, Bohuslän) 1855-1908 (23 Sep. - Lund), son of the vicar in Rännelanda Sven Johan Bergendal and his wife Anna Helena von Proschwitz. He married in 1888 to the teacher Nanny Maria Helena Eriksson (1861-1935) and they got several children, of which the son Ragnar, 1890-1980, became professor in criminal law and later Rector Magnificus of Lund Univ. during the 1950s. Swedish zoologist working in Lund, mainly with nemerteans and platyhelminths after having achieved his PhD in 1884 and then studied in Germany (i.a. 2 months together with Gegenbaur (q.v.) in Heidelberg, but later also in Leipzig and then in Berlin). He returned to Sweden in 1887, but was on an expedition to north Greenland in 1890, Italy in 1890-91 and to several other European countries during the summer 1893. [Oxypolella bergendali Cantell, 1972, Callinera bergendali Gibson & Sundberg, 1999, Ilyarachna bergendahli Ohlin, 1901, Lineus bergendali Senz, 1996, Valencinura bergendali Senz, 1997 Amphiporus bergendali Gering, 1912 (a synonym of Nipponnemertes pulcher (Johnston, 1837), Bergendalia Laidlaw, 1903 (a synonym of Trigonoporus Lang, 1884)].
Johan Richard (sometimes spelled Rickard or Rikard) Melin Bergenhayn, 1889-1976, from Orust, Sweden, worked as fisherman, shipyard worker, forest worker, secondary school teacher, etc., but also passed the final university examination (fil. lic.) in geology at Uppsala University and worked zoologically mainly on polyplacophorans, describing some recent and fossil taxa. He was married to Greta (likely a shorter name for Margareta) Bergenhayn, 1900-1994, and got a daughter, named Siv. His siblings were named Valborg Ohlsson (1899-1998), Dagny Persson (1892-1985), Valter Carlsson (1901-75), Selinda Carlsson (1894-96) and Osvald Carlsson (1896-97) and his father was Carl August Johansson , 1856-1937, his mother Selma Bernadina Johansson, 1861-1938. [Acanthopleura bergenhayni Leloup, 1937, Eochelodes bergenhayni Marek, 1962, Notoplax bergenhayni Kaas & van Belle, 1998]. (Örjan Carrwik, Skärhamn, kindly supplied some of the information about his parental grandmother's brother).
Jacques Berger, 1934-1995, from Philadelphia changed direction from entomology to protozoology in 1957, when he began studies on the systematics and ecology of ciliates. Achieved his PhD in 1964 in Illinois under Corliss (q.v.). In 1965 he moved to the Department of Zoology at the Univ. of Toronto, soon becoming professor there and staying there for the rest of his life. Among his students are Denis Lynn, Michael Gates, William Taylor, John Archbold and Marijo Ann Readey.
Lacking information about Bergeron in the marine gastropod name Tegula (Agathistoma) bergeroni McLean, 1970. Possibly however, a tribute to the malacologist and Director of the Marine Biological Association of the Panama Canal Zone, Eugene Bergeron, (21 June Leominster, Ma.) 1899-1968 (10 Sep - Laconia, New Hampshire.), who published "How to clean Sea Shells" in 1966 or perhaps to the French palaeontologist Pierre Joseph Jules Bergeron, (5 May - Paris) 1853-1919 (27 May), or possibly from Kurt Vonnegut's short story Harrison Bergeron. A namesake was the Swedish meteorologist Tor Harold Percival Bergeron, (15 Aug. - Britain) 1891-1977 (13 June), who together with Vilhelm Bjerknes, (14 Mar. - Christiania (Oslo)) 1862-1951 (9 Apr. - Oslo), and his son Jacob Aall Bonnevie Bjerknes, (2 Nov. - Stockholm) 1897-1975 (7 July - Los Angeles) & Halvor Skappel Solberg, (5 Feb. - Ringsaker) 1895-1974 (31 Jan. - Oslo), and a few other persons formed the "Bergen Shcool of Meteorology", in order to perform better weather forcasting.
Matz Berggren, 1950-, Swedish crustaceologist, working at Kristineberg Marine Research Station, mainly with Indian Ocean shrimp and prawn taxonomy and ecology [Callianassa matzi Sakai, 2002].
The Danish physician (dermatologist & venerologist) and malacologist Dr. Ludvig Sophus Rudolph Bergh, (15 Oct. - København) 1824-1909 (10 June), borrowed several generic names (i.a. Adalaria, Jorunna, Aldisa & Thordisa ) from the Icelandic saga circle around Laxdoela (Salmon Valley) creek [Aldisa berghi Vayssière, 1901, Phyllidiopsis berghi Vayssière, 1902, Berghia Trinchese, 1877, Cuthona berghi Friele, 1902, Hervia berghii (Vayssière, 1888), Stiliger berghi Baba]. {Bergh in younger days} His son, the music composer and zoologist Dr. Rudolph Sophus Bergh, (22 Sep. - København) 1859-1924, who during his education spent some time at the laboratory in Villefranche-sur-mer, was a disciple of Steenstrup (q.v.) & J.Th. Reinhardt (q.v.), but made his PhD with Semper (q.v.) in Würzburg, was mainly of great importance as an educator in invertebrate zoology in Denmark before 1903, when he left zoology for his interest in music and went to Germany, but returned to Denmark after WWI.
Lacking information about Berghaus in the gastropod name Conus berghausi Michelotti,1847.
Lacking information about Bergot in the polyplacophoran name Ischnochiton bergoti Vélain, 1877.
Prof. Dame Patricia Rose. Bergquist, (10 Mar.) 1933-2009 (9 Sep.), professor at the School of Biological Sciences, Auckland University (New Zealand), wrote an authorative textbook on sponges (1978). She was the leading authority on the systematics of Keratose sponges (Orders Dictyoceratida, Dendroceratida and Verongida). In 1994 Professor Bergquist was knighted in recognition of her important scientific and academic work. [Acarnus bergquistae Van Soest et al., 1991, Halichondria bergquistae Hooper et al., 1995, Monosyringia patricae Lévi, 1993, Xestospongia bergquistia Fromont, 1992]. (Dr. Rob van Soest kindly provided this information).
Dr. Jørgen Vilhelm Bergsøe, (8 Feb. - København) 1835-1911 (26 June) and Frederik Vilhelm August Meinert, (3 Mar. - København) 1833-1912 (19 Jan.), were Danes. Bergsøe was forced to leave his science, entomology (had made his PhD thesis on a parasite of the sword fish) rather early, because of an eye sickness, but became a celebrated novel author. Meinert, who first had studied theology and was a disciple of Schiødte (q.v.), but later becoming very interested in comparative anatotomy and histology as the science von Leydig (q.v.) developed (but von Leydig refused to have any pupils so Meinert had to try to learn without a teacher). He worked mainly with malacostracans and pycnogonids {another view of Meinert} [Clypeoniscus meinerti Giard & Bonnier, 1895, Laothoes meinerti Boeck, 1871, Paralaophonte meinerti (Brady, 1899), Neosarmatium meinerti (De Man)].
Vitus Jonassen Bering, (Horsens) 1680-1741 (13 Aug. - Bering Island), Danish discovery navigator in Russian service in west Siberian and Alaskan waters, together with e.g. the scientist G.W. Steller (q.v.) [Beringius Dall, 1886].
The cowry name Notadusta punctata berinii (Dautzenberg, 1906) is in honour of Dr. Bérini, 18??-19??, French administrator and collector on Madagascar, if not a tribute to the Italian collector, historian and translator Guiseppe Berini, 1746-1831, from Ronchi?
Dr. Edith Dunington Berkeley, (Sep. - Tulbagh, South Africa) 1875-1963 (25 Feb.), Canadian polychaete taxonomist, who published several of her papers together with her husband Cyril Berkeley, (2 Dec. - London) 1878-1973 (25 Aug. - Nanaimo, Canada), who was a bacteriologist and agricultural chemist [Bathyedithia Pettibone, 1976 berkeleyi, Chaetozone berkeleyorum Banse & Hobson, 1961, Fabriciola berkeleyi Banse, 1956, Pileolaria berkeleyana (Rioja, 1942), Glossobalanus berkeleyi Willey, 1931, Dodecaceria berkeleyi, Schroederella berkeleyi Laubier, 1971, Magelona berkeleyi Jones, 1971, Malmgreniella berkeleyorum Pettibone, 1993, Lepidasthenia berkeleyae Pettibone, 1948, Sthenelais berkeleyi Pettibone, 19??, Pilargis berkeleyae Monro, 1933]. Cyril was born in London as Cyril Bergtheil, but changed his family name to Berkeley during WWI [according to his granddaughter Dr. M. Needler Arai, who kindly also supplied his dates]. Edith had studied science in University College, London and there she developed an interest in marine zoology. Their daughter Dr. Alfreda Alice Berkeley, 1903-1951, was born in India, while Cyril worked for the indigo industry, but was sent to Edith's mother in England at the age of 2 and was reunited with her parents in British Columbia in 1913, where the parents had moved after India, but later moving to the Pacific Biological Station at Nanaimo, on Vancouver Island. She followed her mothers example and began research on marine organism, achieving her PhD at the Univ. of Toronto in the early 1930s. Her main interest was however not polychaetes, but prawns and shrimps, studying their larval development and the sex reversal phenomenon. She married Alfred Walker Holinshead Needler, (Huntsville, Ontario) 1906-1998 (St. Andrews, New Brunswick - 4 Sep.), the fisheries biologist, and their eldest child is Mary Needler Arai (q.v.), the cnidariologist.
The Rev. Miles Joseph Berkeley, (1 Apr. - Biggin Hall, Northamptonshire) 1803-1889 (30 July), British cryptogam worker, who i.a. published "Gleanings of British algae" in 1833 (and also published some papers in zoology, especially malacology in the beginning of his career) is honoured in the algal name Petrospongium berkeleyi (Greville in Berkeley, 1833) Nägeli in Kützing, 1845-71 [Anabaena berkeleyana Batters, Berkeleya R.K. Greville emend. E.J. Cox, Parlibellus berkeleyi (Kützing) Cox, 1988].
Jan Berkhout, 1909-1997, is honoured in the gastropod name Strombus ochroglottis betuleti Kronenberg, 1991. The name means "birch wood" in Latin. Betuletum is a literal translation from Dutch to Latin of the name Berkhout, which means birchwood in Dutch. Obituary: Coomans, H. E., 1997. In memoriam Jan Berkhout. -- Correspondentieblad van de Nederlandse Malacologische Vereniging, 299: 130-131. (Winston Barney, Fort Worth, Texas, kindly provided this information and Gijs C. Kronenberg, the author of the name, kindely informed that also he has published an obituary over Berkhout).
Bjørn Berland, 1929-, fish parasitologist in Bergen, Norway [Spinitectoides berlandi Petter, 1969] (Dr. T. Brattegard kindly provided the date).
Notarius biffi Betancur-R & Acero P., 2004 was named for Dr. Eldredge (Biff) Bermingham, around 1950-, Director of the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute. (Riccardo Giannuzzi-Savelli, Palermo, kindly provided this information).
The Cuban micropalaeontologist Pedro Joaquín Bermúdez y Hernández, 1905-1979, is honoured in the foraminiferan genus name Bermudezina Cushman, 1937 and may likely be the honoured person olso in the decapod name Munidopsis bermudezi Chace, 1939 [Bermudezia Torre & Bartsch, 1941, Bermudezsiphonia Torre & Bartsch, 1941, Bermudezella Thalmann, 1951, Bermudezinella Sellier de Civrieux, 1969, Bermudezita Seiglie, 1960, Bermudezicoptis Jaume & de la Torre, 1972, Rissoa bermudezi Aguayo & Rehder, 1936, Melanella bermudezi Pilsbry & Aguayo, 1933, Columbarium bermudezi Clench & Aguayo, 1938] (André Trombeto, Brazil, kindly provided some of this information).
Lacking information about Bernadette in the gastropod name Cerberilla bernadettae Tardy, 1965.
Genus Bernardina Dall, 1910 was named for Félix Bernard, 1863-1898, of Paris for his contributions to developmental history of the bivalve hinge [Carditopsis bernardi (Dall, 1903)].
Henry Meyners Bernard, (29 Nov.) 1853-1908 (4 Jan.), published on scleractinians, i.a. catalogues of certain families in the collections of the BMNH [Goniopora bernardi Faustino, 1927].
Odostomia bernardi Van Aartsen, Gittenberger & Goud, 1998 was named for J.J. Bernard, 19??-, member of the former Dutch mollusca working group.
Mr. Pierre A. Bernard, 19??-, who has published on shells of Gabon, donated the holotype of Sinypharus bernardi Von Cosel, 1993.
The cowry name Erosaria bernardi (Richard, 1974) is in honour of M. Bernard, 19??-, shell collector and amateur malacologist of Papeete, Tahiti.
Lacking information about Bernard in the gastropod name Conus bernardi L. C. Kiener, 1845, but possibly a tribute to A.C. Bernardi, 1???-1863, French malacologist?
The author of the deep sea bivalve Cuspidaria filatovae F.R. Bernard, 1979, is honoured in the name of it's parasitic copepod Crucisoma bernardi Kabata, 1981. This was the Canadian Dr. Frank Reinhold Bernard, (22 Aug.) 1940-1989 (29 Mar. - Vancouver - by cancer), who also published on Thyasira of W Canada.
Lacking information about Bernardo in the gastropod name Pisania bernardoi Costa & Gomes, 1998.
Luidia bernasconiae A.H. Clark, 1945 was named for the Argentinian echinoderm researcher Prof. Irene Bernasconi, 1896-1989, who began publishing during the 1920s. She was the first women in the Antarctic. (Dr. Riccardo Giannuzzi-Savelli kindly provided the information about her Antarctic adventure).
Wilhelm Berndt, 1878-1945, from 1906 curator at the museum in Berlin, published on Acrothoracica in 1907 and is honoured in the genus name Berndtia Utinomi, 1950 and in the cirripedian name Arcoscalpellum berndti (Gruvel, 1907).
The salp name Brooksia berneri van Soest, 1975 is honouring Dr. Leo D. Berner Jr., 19??-, Department of Oceanography, Texas A & M University, "who has made some important contributions to our knowledge of the salps". Bernar achieved his PhD at Univ. of California, Los Angeles, in 1957 and worked together with Ed Ahlstrom, Scripps until he joined the Texas A & M University in 1966, later becoming professor of Oceanography there, staying until retirement.
Julien Bernier, 1848-1903, malacologist from Reunion / New Caledonia .
Dr. Charles P. Berolzheimer, 19??-1995 (30 Aug.), of Stockton, California, owner of the California Cedar Products Company (a leading industry in pencil fabrication), is honoured in the isopod name Synidotea berolzheimeri Menzies & Miller, 1972, "in appreciation of his enthusiasm in the development of thePacific Marine Station of the University of the Pacificat Dillon Beach, Marin County, California, nearwhich this species was first collected, and of his interest in this study".
Lacking information about Henri? Berrier in the copepod name Paraphyllopodopsyllus berrieri (Monard, 1936) and in the gastropod name Aglaja berrieri Dieuzeide, 1935..
Professor Norman John (but usually called Jack by family and friends) Berrill, (28 Apr.) 1903-1996 (15 Oct. - New Hampshire), British zoologist, working with development biology, particularly on tunicates. He later worked in Canada and stayed after retirement with his daughter in USA, where he continued to work.
Dr. Samuel Stillman Berry, (16 Mar.) 1887-1984 (9 Apr.), U.S. mollusc specialist (especially interested in Pacific cephalopods, chitons and land snails), born in Montana, but from age 10 living in Redlands, California. He went to Harward for a Masters degree after graduation at Stanford in 1909, but returned later to Stanford, where he achieved his PhD with a thesis on W North American Cephalopoda (1913). Between 1913-18 he was librarian at Scripps, the only professional position held by him. Interested in litterature he also gradually built up one of the best private collections of scientific books of its kind in USA. He also was a horticulturist and e.g. managed to develop thousands of daffodil and iris varieties at his home in Redlands, evidently getting economical support from the farm in Montana, which he had inherited from his parents and uncle [Bathyteuthis berryi Roper, 1968, Pecten stillmani Dijkstra 1998, Lepidochitona berryana Eernisse, 1986, Ahliesaurus berryi Bertelsen, Krefft & Marshall, 1976, Cerithopsis berryi Bartsch, 1911, Vitrinella berryi (Bartsch, 1907), Epitonium berryi (Dall, 1907), Cantharus berryi J.H. McLean, 1970, Terebra berryi Campbell, 1961, Crassispira stillmani Shasky, 1971, Turbonilla stillmani A.G. Smith & M. Gordon, 1948, Grippina berryana Keen, 1971, Gonatus berryi Naef, 1923, Histioteuthis corona berryi Nancy Voss, 1969, Bathyteuthis berryi Roper, 1968, Dentalium berryi A. G. Smith & M. Gordon, 1948, Berryteuthis Naef, 1923, Benthoctopus berryi Robson, 1924, Euprymna berryi Sasaki, 1929, Clathrodrillia berryi McLean & Poorman, 1971, Strictispira stillmani Shasky, 1971]. (More).
Prof. Dr. Ludwig von Bertalanffy, (19 Sep. - Atzgersdorf, Austria) 1901–1972 (12 June - Buffalo, New York), Austrian biologist, working mainly on theoretical biology.
Erik Bertelsen, (8 Aug.) 1912-93 (18 Mar.), Danish deep sea fish researcher [Diaphus bertelseni Nafpaktitis, 1966].
Is a person named Berth or something like that hidden in Berthella de Blainville,1824 or could it be the French consul at Tenerife, the malacologist Sabin Berthelot, (4 Apr. - Marseille) 1794-1880 (10 Nov. - St. Cruz de Tenerife), who published "Histoire naturelle des Îles Canaries" together with P.B. Webb (q.v.) in 1835, who is honoured [Quinqueloculina berthelotiana d'Orbigny, 1839, Clanculus berthelotii d'Orbigny, 1840, Doris bertheloti (d'Orbigny, 1839), Sepia bertheloti d'Orbigny, 1835, in de Férussac & d'Orbigny]?
The bryozooan name Berthelsenia Voigt, 1989 may possibly be a tribute to the Danish geologist and palaeontologist Ole Berthelsen, (24 Mar. - Nørresundby) 1919-2003 (19 May). (André Trombeta, Brazil, kindly suggested this).
The German botanist Gottfried Dietrich Wilhelm Berthold, (16 Sep. - Gahmen, Westfalen) 1854-1937 (7 Jan. - Göttingen), is honoured in the red algal names Erythrotrichia bertholdii Batters and Ceramium bertholdii Funk. and the brown algal name Phaeostroma bertholdii Kuckuck. His namesake Arnold Adolph Berthold, (26 Feb. - Soest) 1803-1861 (3 Jan. - Göttingen), published in 1845 in Göttingen a "Lehrbuch der Zoologie" and was chiefly an entomologist and herpetologist.
Lacking information about Berthold in the decapod name Remiarctus bertholdi (Paulson, 1875).
Lacking information about Berthollet in the bryozoan name Scrupocellaria bertholleti (Audouin, 1826) and in the gastropod name Rissoina bertholleti Issel, 1869. Possibly it may be the French chemist Claude Louis de Berthollet, (9 Dec. - Talloires) 1748-1822 (6 Nov. - Arcueil), who was a friend iof Lavoisiers and followed Napoleon on his Egypian adventure. Berthollet i.a. discovered that chemicals reacted with each other in constant mass proportions.
The French ichthyologist Léon Bertin, 1896-1956, is honoured in the fish name Monognathus bertini Bertelsen & Nielsen, 1987 and in the W African fish name Rhechias bertini (Poll, 1953).
Lacking information about Bertin in the bivalve name Sanguinolaria bertini Pilsbry & Lowe, 1932. Possibly the honoured person may have been the French malacologist at the Muséum national d'histoire naturelle Victor Bertin, 1849-1880, who published on Tellinidae and Donacidae in 1778-81 (and alsoo on Doridacea), who after his death was replaced by Rochebrune (q.v.). A younger French namesake was the ichthyologist Léon Bertin, (8 Apr. - Paris) 1896-1954 (6 Feb. - Vendôme, Loir-et-Cher - in a vehicle accident).
The gastropod name Mangelia bertrandii Payraudeau, 1826 may likely be a tribute to the Swiss naturalist Èlie Bertrand, (17 May - Orbe) 1713-1797 (23 Aug. - Yverdon).
Wickham Bertrand : (see Vallentin).
Dr. Hans Bertsch, (2 Nov.) 1944-, US malacologist, specialist in opisthobranchs, He earlier worked in Hawaii, but returned to the US mainland and is Research Associate with California Academy of Sciences and the Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History, and lives in Imperial Beach, California, close to his major research sites in Mexico's Gulf of California. He is a disciple of Ghiselin (q.v.) [Bajaeolis bertschi Gosliner & Behrens, 1986, Hypselodoris bertschi Gosliner & Johnson, 1999, Flabellina bertschi Gosliner & Kuzirian, 1990]. (Dr. Bertsch himself kindly provided some of the information and the photo, which is copyrighted by him).
Lacking information about Beryl in the Callianassid name Callianassa beryli (Heard & Manning, 1998).
Bruno Bērziņš, 1909-1985 (5 Sep.), Latvian zoologist and hydrobiologist, working for several years in Sweden.
The amphipod name Pseudischyrocerus besnardi Valerio-Berardi, 2001 is "named in honour of Prof. Wladimir Besnard", 1890-1960 (11 Aug.), "the first director of Instituto Oceanografico da Universidade de Sao Paulo". He was of Russian origin but born in France and had studied zoology and comparative anatomy in Kiev. He was invited by the governor of Sao Paulo State and he organized and headed what today is Instituto Oceanografico da Universidade de Sao Paulo; during his head in instituto he performed researches about marine biology and physical oceanography; he is honoured in Scyliorhinus retifer besnardi Sadowsky & Stewart, 1970. The copepod name Onychocamptus besnardi Jacobi, 1954, the polychaete name Euphionella besnardi Amaral & Nonato, 1982 and the medusa name Hebella besnardi (Vannucci, 1950) (a junior synonym of H. scandens (Bale, 1888)) is honouring the same person. Also Elasmopus besnardi Oliveira 1951, Centrostephanus besnardi Bernasconi, 1955, Dentosmina besnardii Narchi, 19?? and Mithrax besnardi Melo, 1990 are tributes to him. A Brazilian oceanographic research vessel is named "Professor Wladimir Besnard" after him. (Prof. Wim Vader, Tromsø, kindly provided some of this information, as did André Trombeta, Brazil).
Chichoreus bessei Houart, 2000 is named for Mr. Bruno Besse, 19??-, Puerto Cortes, Bay Islands, Honduras, who collected material while scuba diving, likely also Attiliosa bessei Vokes, 1999. (Andrew Vik, Tampa, Florida kindly provided some of this information).
Emil Bessels, (2 June - Heidelberg) 1847-1888 (30 Mar. - Stuttgart), German zoologist (who also had studied medicine at the University), who published on blastoderm development in some crustacean groups. He had explored the Spitsbergen area an emigrated in 1871 to USA, where he was employed to be a scientific adviser in an US expedition in 1879 to try to reach the North Pole, which failed and the Commander of the expedition Charles Francis Hall, 1821-1871, became ill after drinking a cup of coffee, and accused Bessels of poisoning him and he actually died two weeks later, but Bessels was considered wuthout guilt to Hall's death after an inquiry in 1873 when the expedition had returned to USA, where he for some years continued to work at the Smithsonian Institution [Archisotoma besselsi (Packard, 1877)]. (Dr. David Damkaer kindly corrected an earlier wrong note about Bessel's nationality).
Lacking information about Alfred Bétencourt, 18??-19??, who was a wealthy amateur naturalist and collector, in the flatworm name Diphterostomum betencourti (Monticelli, 1893) and the rhizocephalan name Sacculina betencourti Giard, 1887. In 1899 A. Bétencourt, Albert Billet , Jules Bonnier et al. published a work "Miscellanées biologiques dédiées au professeur Alfred Giard à l'occasion de XXVe anniversaire de la Fondation de la station zoologique de Wimereux, 1874-1899".
Bettencourt : (see Bettencourt Ferreira or Bettencourt Faria).
"Betulet" : (see Berkhout).
Dr. Alan Glenn Beu, (9 Dec.) 1942-, New Zealand Geological Survey (renamed Institute of Geological & Nuclear Sciences - a NZ Govt Crown Research Institute - in 1995), well renowned malacologist and paleontologist [Tritonoharpa beui Verhecken, 1997, Lepidozona beui O'Neill, 1987, Unitas beui le Renard, 1994, Fyfea beui Griffen & Hunicken, 1994, Cymatium (Septa) beui Garcia-Talavera 1985, Personopsis beui (Maxwell, 1968), Galeodea beui Kreipl & Alf, 2002, Distorsionella beui Riedel, 2000].
Miss Muriel Beuschlein, 19??-, Department of Biology, University of Virginia, USA, later Professor of Science Education, is honoured in the trematode name Acanthatrium beuschleini Cheng, 1959. (Prof. Albina Gaevskaya, Sevastopol, kindly provided this information),
Lacking information about Beuzit in the tunicate name Eusynstyela beuziti (C. Monniot, 1970).
Ian Beveridge, (29 Aug. - London, England) 1948-, Australian helminthologist, is honoured in the flatworm names Lepidapedon beveridgei Campbell & Bray, 1993 & Mixonybelinia beveridgei (Palm, Walter, Schwerdtfeger & Reimer, 1997).
Dr. Mary Beverley-Burton, 1930-, born in Abergavenny, South Wales, now in Moffat, Ontario, Canada, is honoured in the monogenean name Pseudorhabdosynochus beverleyburtonae (Oliver, 1984). She was early influenced by Prof. Gwendolyn Rees FRS, but after a sojourn in Scotland, she did her doctoral research at the Imperial College, Univ. of London under Prof. Bernard G. Petersand after her PhD in 1958, she worked in Africa and in Jamaica. In 1967 she moved to Canada (Prof. Jean-Lou Justine, Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, kindly provided a copy of a biographical note from Systematic Parasitology (1994) 29: 235-236).
Beverly : (see Deynzer).
Dr. Fredrik Beyer, 192?-, Univ. of Oslo zoologist, who together with Ernst Føyn (q.v.) studied the Oslo Fjord after WW II and lduring the 1950s also constructed the Beyer epibenthic sledge, an equippent for collecting plankton organisms just above the sediment on soft bottoms.
Michel R. Bhaud, 1940-, French polychaetologist, who have been publishing (especially on their larvae) since the mid 1960s [Lygdamis bhaudi Kirtley, 1994].
Giovanni Paolo Bianchi alias Janus Plancus, (Rimini) 1693-1775. Italian naturalist [Ocnus planci (Brandt, 1835), Acanthaster planci (Linnaeus)].
Guiseppe Bianconi, (31 July - Bologna) 1809-1878 (18 Oct. - Bologna (by pnumonia)), geologist in Bologna, Italy.
Bartolomeo Biasoletto, (24 Apr. - Dignano, Istria) 1793-1859 (17 Jan. - Trieste), Italian naturalist [Rivularia biasolettiana Meneghini].
The gastropod name Teinostoma bibbiana Dall, 1919 must have got its name from the research vessel [as very kindly outlined by Dr. D. Damkaer in the following text:]. In the first words of A. Agassiz's (q.v.) "Three Cruises of the Blake," we read "My connection with the thalassographic work of the Coast Survey dates back to 1849, when, as a boy, I accompanied Professor [Louis] Agassiz (q.v.) in his cruise on the Bibb off Nantucket." This venerable survey ship was the U.S. Coast Survey's first steam-propelled vessel, a 150-foot side-wheeler. After the end of the Civil War (1865), the Bibb resumed exploration of the Gulf Stream, under the direction of Pourtales (q.v.) and Louis Agassiz again, until 1873 when her duties were taken over by the Blake. I am fairly certain that the Bibb was named for U.S. senator William Wyatt Bibb, (2 Oct. - Amelia County, Virginia) 1781-1820 (10 July - after having fallen from a horse), who proposed legislation in 1816 to establish a national navigation system and the merchant marine.
Loyal Joe Bibbey, 19??-, US shell dealer in California, is honoured in the gastropod names Cymatium (Septa) bibbeyi Beu 1986, Pterymarchia bibbeyi. (Radwin, G.E. & A. d' Attilio, 1976) and Favartia bibbeyi Radwin & D' Attilio, 1976 + some more species names. He started the business as a hobby in 1957, moved to San Diego in 1970, continuing his business togeter with his wife Elvira and after retireing around 2004 after having becoming blind from diabetes complications, one of his sons is continuing the business. (Dr. Riccardo Giannuzzi-Savelli kindly provided this information).
Thalassodrilus bicki Erséus, 1994 is named for Dr. Andreas Bick, 19??-, Univ. of Rostock, Germany, who collected the type material.
Lacking information about Bickner in the nematode name Haliplectus bickneri Chitwood, 1956.
George Parker Bidder, (21 May - London) 1863-1953 (31 Dec.), English spongiologist, studying zoology under Ray Lankester (q.v.) at the University College, London. He was President of the Marine Biological Association of the UK.
Robert Myddelton Biddulph, 1805-1872, and his son Richard Myddelton Biddulph, 1837-1913 (7 Jan.), of Chirk Castle, Denbighshire, Wales, British army officers, whig MPs and Darwin correspondents and Roberts brother General Rt. Hon. Sir Thomas Myddelton Biddulph, 1809-1878 (28 Sep.), army officer and Darwin correspondent. The plankton algae genus Biddulphia S. F. Gray, 1821, is however not honouring any of these person, but Miss Susanna Biddulph, of Southampton, fl. 1790s-1800s, daughther of Sir Theophilus Biddulph, ca 1720-before 1798, and his wife Jane, ca 1725-1818 who had married ca 1748. Susanna was the 4:th of their 7 children, so she was likely born during the end of the 1750s. The Saxon name Biddulph means War Wolf.
Olaf Bidenkap, 1873-1907, zoologist in Christiania (Oslo), Norway, who wrote some works on polychaetes, during the 1890s and the first decade of the 20:th century, and e.g. in 1897 described some bryozoans from Spitsbergen, e.g. the type species of genus Bidenkapia Osburn, 1950 [Idmonea bidenkapi Kluge, 1955, Escharoides bidenkapi Kluge, 1946].
Berthe Biecheler, 18??-19??, French peridinean and dinoflagellate researcher, publishing during the 1930s.
Dr. Rüdiger Bieler, 1955-, Malacologist from Hamburg, working at the Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago. He is honoured in the prosobranch name Mathilda bieleri Smiriglio & Mariottini, 2007 and in some names of fossil shells.
Prof. Dr. Robert Bieri (7 Feb. - Waschington D.C.) 1926-1990 (31 July - Yellow Springs) was a graduate student at Scripps under the direction of Professor Martin Johnson in the 1950's (Ph.D., Scripps Institution of Oceanography, 1959). In 1954 he there collected an amphipod, which was handed over to J.L. Barnard, who later described it as Lepechinella bierii J.L. Barnard, 1957. Bieri was a professor of Environmental Studies at Antioch College in Yellow Springs, Ohio (his alma mater) from the early 1960's until his death from cancer in 1990. He was a dedicated teacher, and his former student the Harvard paleontologist Stephen Jay Gould called Bieri one of the two best teachers he ever studied under. Bieri worked primarily on chaetognaths, but he also made some of the first in situ studies of marine neuston. He recognized the common coastal chaetognath of the California Current as a new species while working on the biogeography of Pacific chaetognaths as a graduate student at Scripps. This species, Serratosagitta bierii (Alvariño, 1967), was named in his honor. As a teenage boy, Bieri was an eye-witness to the attack on Pearl Harbor in Hawaii by the Japanese, and his father was a Commander and Rear Admiral in the US Navy Pacific Fleet during World War II. Bieri was a visiting scientist in Japan on several occasions between 1965 and 1990 and published many papers with Japanese colleagues. He became "nipponphilic" and constructed a Japanese-style house in Ohio. Bieri described several new species of Chaetognatha including Krohnittella tokiokai Bieri, 1974 named after his friend and colleague Professor Takasi Tokioka (q.v.) of the Seto Marine Biological Laboratory in Shirahama, Japan. Bieri named the benthic chaetognath Spadella bradshawi Bieri, 1974 after fellow Scripps graduate student in the 50s, Prof. Dr. L. Jack Bradshaw, (Palo Alto) around 1923-2006 (7 Jan. - Ridgefield, Washington, 82 years old), active at Cal State Fullerton, with whom he went collecting. (Dr. Erik V. Thuesen, Olympia Washington, kindly provided this information).
Biff : (see Bermingham).
Dr. Thomas A. Biffar, 19??-, Duxbury, MA, who has published on fish and achieved his PhD in 1972 at the Univ. of Miami, Florida, is honoured in the Callianassid name Callianassa biffari Holthuis, 1991 [Biffarius Manning & Felder, 1991, Gourretia biffari Juan Pablo Blanco Ramhla & Ildefonso Linero Arana, 1994]
Dr. Henry Bryant Bigelow, (3 Oct.- Boston, Mass.) 1879-1967 (11 Dec. - Concord, Mass.), cnidariologist; founded WHOI (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution) in 1931 and became its first director until 1940. During the period 1905-66 he was also connected to the Harward University as curator at the Department of Invertebrate Zoology [Bigelowia McDonald & Clench, 1934, Haliscera bigelowi Kramp, 1947, Bathyplotes bigelowi Deichmann, 1940, Braarudosphaera bigelowii (Gran et Braarud) Deflandre, 1947, Casco bigelowi (Blake, 1929), Lucaya bigelowi Chace, 1939, Euphysora bigelowi Maas, 1905, Neoturris bigelowi Kramp, 1959, Calycopsis bigelowi Vanhöffen, 1911, Octophialucium bigelowi Kramp, 1955, Raja (Rajella) bigelowi Stehmann, 1978, Laodicea bigelowi Mayer, 1900, Bigelowina Schotte & Manni, 1993, Calliostoma bigelowi Clench & Aguayo, 1938, Zeidora bigelowi Farfante, 1947, Rajella bigelowi (Stehmann, 1978)]. See also the biography by Deborah Day.
Lacking information about Bigg in the nematode name Daptonema biggi (Gerlach, 1965).
Rev. Herbert Edwin James Biggs, (16 July - Edmonton, Middlesex) 1895-1973 (19 Jan.), English malacologist.
Gérard Bignot, (1 Feb. - Dieppe) 1935-2007 (1 June), was a micropaleontologist at Université Pierre et Marie Curie [Ammotrochoides bignoti Janin, 1984].
The bivalve Isorropodon bigoti von Cosel & Salas, 2001 is named for Lionel Bigot, 19??-, biologist at La Réunion, who collected the type lot off Congo (Brazzaville) and Mauretania and let the authors borrow it.
Dr. Martin Bilio, 1929-, from Koenigstein, Germany studied the meiofauna of salt marshes in Germany, Holland and Finland in the early 1960s. PhD at the university of Kiel, 1962. It seems as if Dr. Bilio then changed direction and went into aquaculture and fisheries biology [Proxenetes (Perixenetes) bilioi den Hartog, 1966, Parautelga bilioi Karling,1964]. (Dr. Jacob van der Land kindly provided some of this information).
Prof. Armand Eugène Billard, 1871-1942, professor at La Rochelle in 1901, at Poitiers from 1914 on; French hydroid researcher, specialized on Plumulariidae and Sertulariidae. He reported on much material from expeditions, e.g. Travalleur & Talisman, Pourquoi Pas?, Siboga, etc [Buskea billardi (Calvet, 1906)].
Billee : (see Billee L. Brown).
The gastropod name Puncturella billsae Farfante, 1947 was named for Ms. Marion A. Bills, who took the photographs for Isabel Pérez Farfante’s 1947 monograph. Possibly she may be identical with Dr. Marion Almira Bills, (3 July - Allegan, Michigan) 1889-1970, a psycologist, who after her dissertation in 1917 i.a. worked as professor at the Miami Univ., then at the Univ. of Kansas and later for a life insurance company. (Dr. Rüdiger Bieler, Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, kindly provided the connection between eponym and person).
Senator Dr. Nicolaus Binder, (11 May - Lübeck) 1785-1865 (23 Nov. - Hamburg), Hamburg, who had worldwide collections of seaweed, is honoured in the brown algal name Sargassum binderi O.W. Sonder, 1871.
Denis Binet, 1943-, Marine biologist, who worked at the French research institute ORSTOM (Office de la Recherche Scientifique et Technique Outre Mer), which became I.R.D (Institut de Recherche pour le Développement) in 1999. Studies in Zooplankton ecology (mainly pelagic copepods) from Madagascar (1966), Congo (1967-1968) and Ivory Coast (1969-1977) coastal waters, then from the New Caledonia lagoon (western Pacific), (1978-1984). Studies on climate and fisheries relationships, from historical records for French and western African fisheries (1984-2003). The Ivory Coast cumacean species Bodotria bineti Le Loeuff & Intès, 1977 is honouring his name. (Dr. Alain Crosnier, MNHN, Paris, kindly provided this information).
A general liutenant Bingham - probably identical with a man, who later on was called major general, Sir George Ridout Bingham, (21 July) 1777-1833, and becoming Napoleon Bonaparte's gaoler at St. Helena, but returning home in 1819 - is hidden in the name Sphenia binghami Turton,1822.
Harry Paine Bingham, (9 Dec. - Cleveland, Ohio) 1887-1955 (25 Mar.), U.S. business man, who when middle-aged became interested in marine biology, especially in fishes; his gradyally erected collection was transfered into a museum and documented in the journal "Bulletin of the Bingham Oceanographic Collection"; later the collection was inherited by the Yale University. In 1925-27 he used his yachts Pawnee and Pawnee II for three collecting expeditions together with scientists, e.g. Albert Parr (q.v.), who between 1927-42 first was curator for Bingham's collection, from 1928 at the Peabody Museum in New Haven, which borrowed the collection and later got it donated. [Nephrops binghami Boone, 1927, Lepidozona binghami Boone, 1928, Leptochiton binghami Boone, 1928].
Lacking information about Richard Bingham, 19??-, in the gastropod names Muricopsis richardbinghami Petuch, 1987 & (collected holotype off Palm Beach [thank you Riccardo Giannuzzi-Savelli, Palermo for this information]), Conus richardbinghami Petuch 1993 and likely his wife in Conus binghamae Petuch, 1987 - after Mrs. Patricia Bingham, Palm Beach, Florida [thank you R. Giannuzzi-Savelli also for this information] & perhaps Dermomurex (Dermomurex) binghamae Vokes, 1992. The US malacologist Priscilla Barnes Bingham, 1918-, is a namesake.
William Greene Binney, (22 Oct. - Boston, Massachusetts) 1833-1909 (3 Aug.), U.S. malacologist, curator at Harvard College. He lived in Burlington, New Jersey from 1856 until he died. His main interest was bibliography [Onchidella binneyi Stearns, 1893]. His father Amos Binney, (18 Oct. - Boston) 1803-47 (18 Feb.), was also an early American malacologist whose main interest was terrestrial snails. (Andrew Vik, Tampa, Florida kindly provided some of this information).
Prof. Ettore Biocca, (Roma) 1912-2001 (20 Apr.), Italian parasitologist, who worked much in South America, is honoured in the parasitic nematod name Cucullanus bioccai Orechia & Paggi, 1987. Biocca also became interested in anthropology and published a book about Helena Valero, a girl kidnapped by Amazonian Indians when she was 11 in 1932 and finally escaping in 1956, but being rejected by her original family, she returned to live on the banks of Orinoco close to her indian friends.
Orchestoidea biolleyi Stebbing, 1908 was named for the Swiss naturalist and museum curator, Prof. Paul Biolley, 1862-1908.
The trematode name Telorchis birabeni Mane-Garzon & Gil, 1961 is in honour of the famous Argentinian zoologist, Prof. Dr. Max Biraben, 19??-. (Prof. Albina Gaevskaya, Sevastopol, kindly provided this information).
The gastropod names Agaronia biraghii Bernard & Nicolay, 1984 & Conus biraghii (Raybaudi 1992) was named for Guglielmo Biraghi, (1 Sep.) 1927-2001 (23 Apr. - by cancer), Italian playwrighter and one of the world's best-known seashell collectors. He was also a distinguished film critic, and an internationally-appreciated director of film festivals, first in Taormina, Sicily, in the 1970s and early 1980s, and then, from 1987 for five years, at Venice. (Dr. Riccardo Giannuzzi-Savelli kindly provided this information).
Dr. Graham Bird, around 1960-, who was a post-doctoral Research Assistant of David Holdich (q.v.) at Nottingham University in the early 1980s, working on deep-sea tanaids, is honoured in the tantulocaridean name Onceroxenus birdi Boxshall & Lincoln, 1987. He is likely still active in such research, but has moved to West Drayton, Middlesex. (Dr. Keith Harrison kindly provided this information).
Stiphodon birdsong Watson, 1996 was named for the late Ray S. Birdsong, (Naples, Florida) 1935-95 (1 Jan.), (Old Dominian University, Norfolk, Virgina).
Lacking information about Birger in the protoctist name Chrysochromulina birgeri Hällfors & Niemi, 1974. Could it be the Swedish limnologist Birger Pejler, 1924-99, who was working in Uppsala, and was especially interested in rotiferans?
Lacking information about Birileff in the gastropod name Lataxiena birileffi Lischke, 1871, but possibly Captain Aleksei Alekseievich Birileff, (16 Mar. - province Tver) 1844-1915 (6 Feb. - Petrograd), who between 1859-72 was in command of two world wide sailing tours and later became an Admiral and in 1906-07 was Russian minister of the marine.
Dr. Charles Birkeland, 19??-, coral reef researchar at Hawaii Cooperative Fishery Research Unit, earlier at the Univ. of Washington, Seattle (where he achieved his PhD), then at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Station in Panama and later the University of Guam Marine Laboratory, is honoured in the tunicate name Rhopalaea birkelandi Tokioka and in the octocoral name Sarcophyton birkelandi Verseveldt, 1978.
Iosiph Bentsionovich Birman, (10 June) 1915-1984, Russian marine biologist.
Prof. Yakov (or Jakov) Avadievich Birstein, (7 Apr.) 1911-1970 (8 July), Russian specialist in crustaceans [Golfingia birsteini Murina, 1973, Nephropides birsteini Zarenkov & Semenov, 1972, Armatognathia birsteini Kudinova-Pasternak, 1987, Herpotanais birsteini Kudinova-Pasternak, 1973, Leptognathia birsteini Kudinova-Pasternak, 1965, Protanais birsteini (Kudinova-Pasternak, 1970), Oratosquillina birsteini (Makarov, 1971), Birsteinia Ivanov, 1952, Birsteiniamysis Chindonova, 1981, Meroscalpellum birsteini (Zevina), Tymops birsteini (Zarenkov & Semenov, 1972) Paralomis birsteini McPherson, 1988, Jacobia birsteini Zenkevitch, 1958 (and likely also the genus name Jacobia Zenkevitch, 1958 may honour the same person)].
Birula : (see Byalynitskiy-Birulya).
Lacking information about Bischoff in the hagfish name Eptatretus bischoffii (Schneider, 1880). The Heidelberg botanist Prof. Gottlieb Wilhelm Bischoff, 1797-1854, is probably not a likely candidate, and of course not the German herpetologist Wolfgang Bischoff, 19??-.
Lacking information about Biscoe in the ascidian name Agnesia biscoei Monniot & Monniot, 1983. Possibly not directly named for a person, but perhaps some Antarctic place like Mount Biscoe or Biscoe Island or maybe named after the ship "RV John Biscoe"? This ship name and geographical names are honouring John Biscoe, (28 June - Enfield, Middlesex, England) 1794-1843 (15 Feb. - at sea), sailor who discovered some parts of the Antarctic continent when commanding the whaling brig Tula between 1830-33.
Antonio Bivona-Bernardi, (24 Oct. - Messina) 1778-1837 (7 July - Palermo), Italian malacologist.
Lacking information about Bizert in the myxozoan name Myxobolus bizerti Bahri & Marques, 1996, but likely not connected with a person, but possibly Bay of Bizerte, Tunisia..
Paul Bjerkan, 1874-1968, Norwegian zoologist publishing on i.a. ascidians.
The harpacticoid name Parastenocaris tageae Noodt, 1972 and the calanoid name Brachycalanus bjornbergae Campaner, 1978 is in honour of Dr. Tagea Kristine Simon Björnberg, (20 Sep.) 1925-, at Dept. de Zoologia, São Paulo. (Luiz Ricardo L. Simone, Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo, kindly provided the date).
Johannes Björnsson, 19??-, Iceland, collected type material of Chrysallida bjoernssoni Warén, 1991.
Dr. Jacques Blache, (8 July - Ronchamp, Vosges) 1922-94 (4 Dec. Ollencourt, Oise), French ichthyologist. Docteur ès Sciences Naturelle in 1970, is honoured in the amphipod name Microphotis blachei Ruffo, 1952. He succeded Cadenat (q.v.) as director of research at l'O.R.S.T.O.M. in the end of 1968 [Ilyophis blachei Saldanha & Merret, 1982, Arnoglossus blachei Stauch, 1965]. (Dr. Alain Crosnier, MNHN, Paris, kindly provided this information).
The nudibranch name Tambja blacki Pola, Cervera & Gosliner, 2006 is in honour of the authors friend Jim Black, 19??-, pilot and diver. (Dr. Riccardo Giannuzzi-Savelli, Palermo, kindly provided this information).
Lacking information about Blackburn in the bivalve name Cryptomya (Venatomya) blackburnae Lamprell & Stanisic, 1998. It is likely not the Rev. E.P. Blackburn, 1862-1940, shell collector from England, who is honoured, but possibly? the British Australian zoologist Thomas Blackburn, (16 Mar. - Islington) 1844-1912 (28 May - Woodville, close to Adelaide), may be the person honoured.
The fish name Chaetodon blackburnii Desjardins, 1836 is in honour of Chief Judge Edward B. Blackburn, 1???-18??, president of the "Société d'histoire naturelle de l'île Maurice" from 1833 (replaced Charles Telfair (q.v.), who died in July 1833, while Desjardins was one of the founders of this society).
The flatworm name Steringophorus blackeri Bray, 1973 is a tribute to Mr. R. (Reggie) J. Blacker, 19??-, fisheries scientist, MAFF Lab., Lowestoft. (Dr. Rod Bray kindly provided this information).
The medusa genus Blackfordia Mayer, 1910 is named "in honor of my friend, the late Eugene Gilbert Blackford, 1839-1904, who, as Fish Commissioner of the State of New York, was a pioneer in the solution of important problems in the commercial culture and propagation of food-fishes; and whose active interest in behalf of the institution of the New York Aquarium entitles him to be remembered as a founder of that beneficent educational establishment". He was also a merchant and banker.
The gastropod name Epitonium blainei Clench & Turner, 1953 is a tribute to Alger P. Blaine, 1???-19??, US? conchologist? (Dr. Gene Coan kindly provided the connection between taxon name and person).
Prof. Henri-Marie Ducrotay de Blainville, (12 Sep. - Arques-la-Bataille) 1777-1850 (1 May), from Normandie ended up in Paris, since the monastery school, which he had attended had been closed during the revolution and his last parent (his mother) had died in 1896. His attempts to earn his living as a painter were not very successful, but instead he got interested in zoology after that he by chance had listened to a lecture by Cuvier (q.v.), who took care of and educated him (partly together with Lamarck and Duméril). Eventually, he became Cuvier's successor as a professor of comparative anatomy - after a sojourn on the professor chair of zoology - after Lamarck (q.v.) - and became himself a highly esteemed lecturer and a devoted researcher, albeit his "violent and unreasonable temper" resulted in an early break with his teacher, who had a calm, thougtful mind, which Blainville did not appreciate, although Cuvier still supported the career of his nonconformistic disciple, ignoring the misanthropic side of his blue blooded protegé, likely partly because de Blainville after all was useful to Cuvier in several ways, e.g. in relieving him from lecture duties. In 1834 he created the word "paléontologie". [Placiphorella blainvillei W. J. Broderip, 1832, Squalus blainvillei (Risso, 1827), Nerocila blainvillei Leach, 1818, Atys blainvilliana (Récluz, 1843), Marionia blainvillea (Risso, 1818), Muricopsis blainvillei Payraudeau, 1826, Conus blainvillii Vignard, 1829, Pontoporia blainvillei (Gervais & d'Orbigny, 1844)].
Dr. Charles Henry Blake, (11 June - Berkeley, California) 1901-81 (6 Dec.), US zoologist, who published on Kinorhyncha, Crustacea, Coelenterata, Echinodermata, etc. around 1930, but later most studied birds.
James Alan Blake, 1941-, US polychaetologist, who began publishing during the 1960s, especially interested in Spionidae [Laonice blakei Sikorski & Jirkov, in Sikorski, Jirkov & Tsetlin, 1988, Pettiboneia blakei Wolf, 1986, Polydora blakei Maciolek, 1984, Neolipobranchius blakei Kudenov, 1985, Spio blakei Maciolek, 1990 (new name for Spio pacifica Blake & Kudenov, - homonym), Exallopus blakei Hilbig, 1991, Scolelepis blakei Hartmann-Schroder, 1981, Scolelepis blakei Carrasco, 1981 ((homonym) - renamed S. carrascoi Maciolek, 1987), Campylaspis blakei Watling and McCann, 1997], like his wife Nancy J. Maciolek(-Blake), 1947-, [Ophryotrocha maciolekae Hilbig & Blake,1991].
Mr. Robert Blake, (Taunton, Somerset) 1851-1930, chairman of directors of the Falkland Islands Company. He arrived at the Falklands in 1873, when he and a companion built a house there, but moved in 1881 to nearby Hill Cove [Brachyodontes blakeanus Melvill & Standen, 1904].
The South American asteroid name Cheiraster (Christopheraster) blakei A.M. Clark, 1981 must be a tribute to the US asteroid specialist Prof. Dr. Daniel B. Blake, 19??-, who achieved his PhD at the Univ. of California, Berkeley in 1966 and now is Prof. Em. in paleobiology at the Univ. of Illinois.
The copepod name Blakeanus C.B. Wilson, 1921 was named for the artist/collector/naturalist James Henry Blake, 1845-1941, of the U.S. Bureau of Fisheries (Dr. D. Damkaer kindly provided this information).
Commodore & Lighthouse Inspector George Smith Blake, (Worcester, Massachusetts) 1803-1871 (24 June - Longwood, Massachusetts), was honoured in the name of an early and honorable U.S. research vessel, the Coast Survey Steamer Blake. She was built in 1874 and named for him. He had a long and respected career as a lieutenant with the Coast Survey, later serving with distinction for the Union in the U.S. Civil War, then head of the Lighthouse Service, and finally Commandant of the U.S. Navy Academy at Annapolis. The 148-foot Blake was the first research ship anywhere to use wire rope in dredging and sounding. Her first work began in August 1874 and her last official cruise was in 1905. She was commanded by C. D. Sigsbee (q.v.) from 1875 to 1878. The best-documented Blake cruises were through the Gulf Stream and around the Caribbean Sea, supervised by Alexander Agassiz (q.v.) from 1877 to 1880. Agassiz's 2-volume report (1888) "Three Cruises of the Blake" is a classic account of marine research. The Blake is among 19 names of famous oceanographic ships sculpted around the facade of the Museum of Oceanography at Monaco : (see also the Blake expedition 1877-80) (Dr. D. Damkaer kindly provided this information).
Edmond Blanc, 1841-1???, of Vence, a renowned epigraphist [Blancia Bourguignat, 1876].
Alberto Carlo Blanc, (30 July - Chambéry, France) 1906-1960 (3 July - Roma), Italian-French palaeontologist, i.a. interested in molluscs.
Blanchard : (see Audouin).
Guillermo J. Blanco, 19??-, Philippine fisheries biologist and carcinologist, who started to publish around 1935 [Caridina blancoi Chace, 1997].
Thomas B. Bland, (4 Oct.) 1809-1885 (20 Aug.), US conchologist, mainly interested in land snails.
The Bahaman polychaete name Biremis blandi Polloni, Rowe & Teal, 1973 was found by the Alvin Pilot Edward Bland, 19??-, during a dive in the Tongue of the Ocean.
Lacking information about Blandford in the gastropod names Thais blandfordi J. C. Melvill, 1893 and Conus blandfordianus H. Crosse, 1867. The coleopterologist Walter Fielding Holloway Blandford, (28 Dec.) 1864-1952 (23 Jan.), is not likely the honoured person, but possibly it may be a wrong spelling of the name of the British malacological collector William Thomas Blanford, (q.v.).
Lacking information about Blanes in the gastropod name Jaspidella blanesi (Ford, 1898).
Dwight Blaney, 1865-1944, working on land molluscs and marine molluscs in Maine, is honoured in the polyplacophoran name Tonicella blaneyi W. H. Dall, 1905 and in the gastropod name Propebela blaneyi (Bush, 1909). He also was an impressionist painter and an accomplished ornithologist.
William Thomas Blanford, (7 Oct. - London) 1832-1905 (23 June - Bedford Gardens, Camden Hill), zoologist and palaeontologist and Henry Francis Blanford, (3 June - London) 1834-1893, meteorologist and palaeontologist, were brothers. They booth published on molluscs, especially fossiles from India, partly together.
The medusa name Solmissus bleeki Haeckel, 1879, is likely a tribute to Wilhelm Heinrich Immanuel Bleek, (8 Mar. - Berlin) 1827-1875 (17 Aug. - Cape Town), Prussian well-known linguist interested in malacology (a correspondent of i.a. T.H. Huxley), working in South Africa. Haeckel wrote the preface of his "Über den Ursprung der Sprache".
Dr. Pieter Bleeker, (10 July - Zaandam) 1819-1878 (24 Jan. - La Haye), Dutch ichthyologist and surgeon, who studied medicine in Haarlem, later in Paris, where he also followed courses by de Blainville and other zoologists. In 1841 he was appointed Military Surgeon of the Netherlands East Indian army and left for Batavia (= Jakarta). During 1842-1847, he was stationed in Batavia, where he became started promoting natural history research and specialized in the study of fishes of which he assembled a large collection. After having been banned from Batavia during some years, because of being politically uncomfortable to the Dutch high officials in Batavia, he was allowed to return in 1849 and was placed at the medical school there, in charge of the training of native students for the medical profession. At his return, he renewed his ichthyological studies and also took interest in general natural history. He was mainly responsible for the founding in 1850 of the Royal Natural History Society in the Netherlands East Indies and made it to a flourishing institution with its own journal. Bleeker made numerous collecting trips all over Java (and in 1855 also a trip to the Moluccan Islands and to Celebes), and published several notes and papers (in all - over a span of about 37 years - he published about 730 papers on a wide variety of subjects; ca 520 of these were on fishes), mostly on ichthyology. He not only described more than 1300 new fish species, but also redescribed several ill-described taxa. His magnum opus was "Atlas Ichthyologique des Indes Orientales Néêrlandaises" (1862-1878). He had returned to the Netherlands in 1860, bringing home huge collections. Although his main interest was fishes, he also published on several other animal groups (including i.a. mollusks, echinoderms and crustaceans), as well as on ethnology, colonial politics, etc. He did this beside his medical duties, where he also was successfull and treated cholera patients in the Netherlands with a special mixture ("Bleeker's drink"), which he had learned to use when serving in Jakarta, so he was very industrious, intelligent and well ahead of his time in several aspects. [Loligo bleekeri Keferstein, 1866, Callionymus bleekeri Fricke, 1983].
Lacking information about Mrs. J. Bleeker, 19??-, in the gastropod name Notobranchaea bleekerae van der Spoel & Pafort, 1985.
Bleiz in the ascidian name Molgula bleizi (Lacaze-Duthiers, 1877) is not a person's name, but derived from the Breton word for wolf (bleiz). Lacaze-Duthiers named this species bleizi because the type locality is Carrec ar Bleiz (the Wolf Rock or Roch du Loup), a sharp promontory rising from the tidal zone near Roscoff, France. Molgula bleizi is still found abundantly on this rock, which is characterized by projections resembling wolf ears, which can easily be seen from the shoreline at Station Biologique de Roscoff. (Prof. William R. Jeffery, Univ. of Maryland, kindly provided this information).
Dr. Carl Vilhelm Bliding, 1891-19?? (still living in 1978), Swedish teacher and phycologist, working in Borås [Blidingia Kylin, 1947].
Mrs. Tracy Blignaut, 19??-, Port Elizabeth, South Africa [Anachis blignautae Kilburn, 1998].
Marcus Élieser Bloch, (Ansbach) 1723-99 (6 Aug. Karlsbach), German ichthyologist, who published the monumental "Allgemeine Naturgeschichte der Fische" 1782-95 [Trachinotus blochii (Lacepède, 1801), Eusphyra blochii (Cuvier,1816), Acanthurus blochii Valenciennes, 1835, Leiognathus blochii (Valenciennes, 1835), Tripodichthys blochii (Bleeker, 1852), Rhinobatos blochii (Müller & Henle, 1841), Pachymetopon blochii (Valenciennes, 1830), Paraplagusia blochii (Bleeker, 1851), Priacanthus blochii Bleeker, 1853].
Lacking information about Bloch in the harpacticoid name Nitocra blochi Soyer, 1975.
Prof. Friedrich Johann Wilhelm Blochmann, (21 Jan. - Karlsruhe) 1858-1931 (22 Sep.), German zoologist, who i.a. published on brachiopods, is honoured in the tunicate name Synoicum blochmanni (Heiden, 1894).
The fungus name Blodgettia Wright, 1881 is likely honouring the South Florida botanical collector John Loomis Blodgett, 1809-1853,
Dr. Arthur Blok, 1882-1974, English (Rottingdean) large scale malacologist.
Christian Wilhelm Blomstrand, (20 Oct- - Växjö) 1826-1897 (5 Nov. - Lund), significant Swedish mineralogist and chemist, working at the Lund University, who took part of the Arctic investigations; unmarried [Eusyllis blomstrandi Malmgren, 1867].
Harry Howard Bloomer, (28 Oct. - Birmingham) 1866-1960 (15 June - High Wycombe, Bucks.), British malacologist.
Jules Alphonse René Poret de Blosseville, (29 July - Rouen) 1802-1833 (around Feb. - Arctic Ocean), French naval explorer. He started as a naval volunteer in 1818, visiting the West Indies, later South America, the South Seas (together with Duperrey) in 1822-25, visiting e.g. Australia, where he returned in 1826. 1827 he spent in Asian waters and in 1830 he was on an expedition to Algiers. During 1833 he disappeared on an Arctic expedition [Anchylomera blossevillii H. Milne-Edwards, 1830, Chrysaora blossevillei Lesson, 1830, Bedeva blosvillei G. P. Deshayes, 1832].
Capt. A. Bloyet, 18??-1???, French scientist, who founded the station of Kondoa, Tanzania (Ousaghara) [Bloyetia Bourguignat, 1889].
Werner Blume, 1887-1965, German malacologist.
Blumenbach : (see Cuvier).
Lacking information about Blutel 17??-1858?, in the decapod name Pisidia bluteli (Risso, 1816).
Mathias Numsen Blytt, (26 Apr. - Overhallen) 1789-1862 (26 July - Christiania (Oslo)), Norwegian botanist [Monostroma fuscum var. Blyttii Wittrock]. A son was Axel Gulbrand Blytt, 1843-1898, also a botanist.
Dr. Patrick J.S. Boaden, 1936-, British meiobenthologist, who studied in Bangor at Brambell's (q.v.) Zoology Department and achieved his PhD at Menai Bridge under Dennis Crisp (q.v.). He after that spent his careeer at Queen's University, Belfast, being director of their Marine Biology Station in Portaferry from 1971 to 1992 and retiring from a senior lectureship in 2002 . He and Howard Platt (q.v.) coined the term 'thiobios' in 1973. When young Boaden also made a short stay at the Kristineberg marine station, where Swedmaark (q,v,) had become Director. [Cheliplana boadeni Schilke, 1970, Austrognatharia boadeni Sterrer, 1969, Tetranchyroderma boadeni Schrom in Riedl, 1970, Pseudovermis boadeni Salvini-Plawen & Sterrer, 1968, Paraturbanella boadeni Rao & Ganapati 1968]. (Dr. Boaden himself kindly provided some of the information in April 2009).
Johan Erik Vesti Boas, (2 July) 1855-1935 (25 Jan.), Danish disciple of Gegenbaur and Steenstrup. During the beginning and end of his career, he was working at the Zoologal Museum, København, but was during a period of 35 years associated with the Veterinary and Agricultural University, since he felt ignored at the appointment of a curator post at the museum - instead G.M.R. Levinsen (q.v.) was appointed [Trizocheles boasi Forest, 1987, Paromolopsis boasi ] {another view}.
Genevieve Bobin, (13 Sep.) 1912-1989 (23 July), French bryozoologist [Bobinella d'Hondt, 1981, Pseudalcyonidium bobinae d'Hondt, 1976].
Professor Nikolaj Vasil'evich Bobretzky (Bobreckij), 1843-1907, invertebrate zoologist and embryologist from Kiev; worked mainly with crustaceans, insects cephalopods and annelids [Goniadella bobretzkii (Annenkova, 1929)]. The last 7 years of his life he was headmaster of the University in Kiev. He wrote i.a. an annelid work in 1875 together with Antoine F. Marion, 1846-1900 from France.
Lacking information about Bobyin in the gastropod name Haustellum bobyini S. Kosuge, 1983.
Prof. José Vicente Barboza du Bocage, (2 May - Funchal, Madeira) 1823-1907 (3 Nov. - Lisboa), Portugese naturalist, who was appointed as zoologist in the Escola Polytechnica of Lisbon in 1849-50 and in 1864 he wrote about specimens of Hyalonema, brought to the Lisbon Museum (now Museu Bocage) by Portuguese fishermen. At the time of his appointment, he had - like several other persons of his time - been attracted by ichthyology and conchology, but he soon switched to herpetology and ornithology. A fire destroyed unfortunately all of the museum in March 18 1978, destroying everything (including a valuable library) which was not on loan abroad at the time of the fire [Aphrocallistes beatrix bocagei Wright, 1870, Fusinus bocagei (P. Fischer, 1882), Astacilla bocagei Nobre, 1903, Conus bocagei Trovão 1978, Bellonella bocagei Kent, 1870].
Is it the name of the Italian naturalist G. de Boccard, which is used in Boccardia Carazzi, 1893 and later on in Boccardiella Blake & Kudenov, 1978?
Prof. Dr. Karl Alfred Sixten Bock, (2 Sep. - Tenhult, Rogaberga) 1884-1946 (16 Aug. - by broken gastric ulcer), succeding Theodor Odhner (q.v.) in 1929 as professor of invertebrate zoology at the Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm, born in the county of Småland; a specialist of polyclads; diligent collector of marine invertebrates, first finder of Xenoturbella bocki Westblad, 1949 (and godfather of the compiler of this text). He took part in several expeditions, the first in 1908 to Spitzbergen, led by the geologist Prof. Dr. Baron Gerhard de Geer, (2 Oct. - Stockholm) 1858-1943 (23 July), where he e.g. found and described a new species of Nectonema, the second in 1914 to Japan and the Bonin Islands in connection with the zoologist Christian Hessle (q.v.), a third trip in 1917-18 was Sixten Bock's Pacific expedition to i.a. Fiji, Solomon Islands, Samoa, Tonga, Ellice Islands, Gilbert Islands and Australia, from where he returned with much material, but did not publish much about material from this trip himself. He also made collection trips to Norway (e.g. Drøbak in the Oslo Fjord in summer 1915) and collected much in Bohuslän, West Sweden (e.g. Väderöarna in summer 1916 and mede a small Skagerrak expedition in 1937 together with Harald Alander (q.v.); during the last few summers - mainly during the WWII - of his life he rented a boat house at Bäckebryggan, Bohus-Malmön, which he used as a provisional laboratory). Before his professorship at Riksmuseet, Stockholm in 1929, he actually was director of the Kristinberg Marine Zoological Station between 1925-27 (substituting as Professor in Uppsala after Wirén's death and then also as director of the Klubban Marine Station and also substituting for Magnus Aurivillius at the Kristineberg Station during the latters sickness, but when Ekman got the position in Uppsala after Wirén, Bock also left the substitution service at Kristineberg to Molander (q.v.) and worked for a few years as a gymnasium teacher), where his eyes had been opened for the fascinating life in the sea when he was there on a course as a young student in 1905 and from that moment chosed marine zoology insted of botany. After his death he was succeded by Nils Odhner (q.v.) [Octopus bocki Adam, 1941, Hymedesmia bocki Alander, 1942, Bockiella Silén, 1942, Aigondiceps bocki (Lang, 1948), Emplectonema bocki Brunberg, 1959, Paralinhomoeus bocki Stekhoven, 1946, Oxynaspis bocki Nilsson-Cantell, 1921, Paranamixis bocki Schellenberg, 1938, Coeloplana bocki Komai, 1920, Textularia bocki Höglund, 1947, Utelga bocki Karling, 1954, Onycocaridella bocki Bruce, 1993, Arachnanthus bockii Carlgren, 1922, Edwardsia bocki Carlgren, 1931, Actinauge bocki Carlgren, 1943, Pseudhormathia bocki Carlgren O., 1943, Bantariella bocki (Silen, 1942), Quadricellaria bocki (Silén, 1942), Stylaster bocki Broch, 1936, Polyphalloplana bocki de Beauchamp, 1951, Acanthophrys bocki Balss, 1938 ( a synonym of A. paucispina Miers 1879), Pectinaria (Lagis) bocki Hessle, 1917, Amphioplus bocki Koehler, 1927 (a synonym of A. laevis (Lyman,1874), Anthogorgia bocki (Utinomi 1956), possibly Cycloxanthops bocki Garth, 1957].
Dr. Philip E. Bock, 1939?-, Australian bryozoan researcher at Department of Earth Sciences, Deakin University, Victoria, interested in living and fossil animals of this taxon and with impressive lists on the Internet.
The gastropod name Conus bocki Sowerby, 1881, is likely a tribute to the Norwegian traveller in South Asia, Carl Bock, (Oslo) 1849-1932, who went to England at age 19 and worked in Grimsby for a few years before going to London to pursue his interest in natural science. There he got aquainted with some essential naturalists and was sent as collector by the Marquis of Tweeddale to the Malay Archipelago. However, his employer soon died, but Bock went on exploring on behalf of local authorities and wrote about his exotic journeys, becoming a well-known author. In 1881 e.g. he published "The Head Hunters of Borneo", London.
Marie-Firmin Bocourt, 1819-1904, French herpetologist / ichthyologist and artist (especially engraver), who collaborated with Auguste Duméril (q.v.) and Léon Vaillant (q.v.) and in 1861 went to Siam (Thailand), where he collected specimens [Lepidophthalmus bocourti (A. Milne-Edwards, 1870)].
Dr. Charles Bocquet, (13 Nov.) 1918-1977 (19 June), French copepodologist / isopodologist, who i.a. wrote some papers together with Stock (q.v.) [Tryphoema bocqueti (Bozic, 1953), Diplectanum bocqueti Oliver, 1980, Parachordeumium bocqueti Goudey-Perrière, 1979, Selioides bocqueti Carton, 1963, Turbanella bocqueti Kaplan,1958, Tisbe bocqueti Volkmann-Rocco, 1972, Stenhelia bocqueti Soyer, 1972, Sicyodelphys bocqueti Laubier & Lafargue, 1968, Janirella bocqueti Cchardy, 1974, Jaera bocqueti Veuille & Kocatas, 1979, Lekanesphaera bocqueti (Daguerre de Hureaux, Hoestlandt & Lejuez, 1961), Rhizothrix bocqueti Bozic, 1953, Thaumastoderma bocqueti (Kaplan, 1958), (also a Drosophila species is named for him)].
Lacking information about Bodart in the gastropod name Poirieria bodarti Costa, 1993.
Pieter Boddaert, (26 May - Middelburg) 1733-1795 (6 May - Utrecht), (his books beeing sold 13 June 1796), Dutch physician and natural scientist (lecturer on natural history at the Univ. of Utrecht, publishing on zoology and dentistry) and the son of Pieter Boddert sr., (6 July - Middelburg) 1694-1769 (17 Jan. - Middelburg), the Dutch poet. He was the father of the "erotic" poet Pieter Boddaert jr. (Oct. - Utrecht) 1766-1805 (9 Mar. - Amsterdam).
Bodega y Quadra : (see Quadra).
The harpacticoidologist Dr. Philippe Bodin, (14 Mar.) 1937-, at the Univ. of Brest, France, is honoured in the harpacticoid names Paramphiascella bodini Marcotte, 1974, Mesochra bodini Kunz, 1975, Hastigerella bodini Apostolov, 1974, Mesocletodes bodini Soyer, 1975, Echinocletodes bodini Dinet, 1974 & Aigondiceps bodini Fiers, 1995. He has i.a. published lists on recently described harpacticoids including other nomenclaturial changes. He is retired from Jan. 1, 2000.
Jonas Axel Boeck (pronunciation: Bok), (Christiania (Oslo)) 1833-1873 (6 May), Norwegian naturalist mainly interested in amphipods and "entomostracan" crustaceans. (He also studied medicine parallel with his natural history, but only reached a cand. med. exam and did never practise as a physician). He was also interested in the biology of herring and the history of Scandinavian herring fisheries and worked upon that during several winters, as a holder of a university scholarship since 1864. Thus, he worked upon the same subjects as his countryman G.O. Sars (q.v.) and they became rivals, rather than cooperators regarding some of their views about herring. Sars, however, started his investigations on amphipods seriously first after the death of Boeck. Booth beeing candidates for a presumptive professorship in zoology, probably sharpened their rivalty. However, Boeck became ill from "nervous fever" during 1870. He became better and worked during some periods, but died a few years later. After this, it took some years before the Norwegian herring investigations were continued by O.S. Jensen (q.v.) [Boeckosimus J.L. Barnard, 1969, Metopa boeckii G.O. Sars, 1895, Diastylis boecki Zimmer, 1930, Asterocheres boecki (Brady, 1880), Pardaliscella boeckii (Malm, 1871), Amphilochoides boeckii G.O. Sars, 1892, Sarsameira boecki (Lang, 1936), Metridia boecki Giesbrecht, 1889, Parandania boecki Stebbing, 1888, Follicculina boecki (Claparède & Lachmann), Siphonactinia boeckii Danielssen D.C. & Koren J., 1856]. Boeck's father the physiologist and physician Prof. Dr. Christian Peter Bianco Boeck, (5 Sep. - Kongsberg) 1798-1877 (11 July), a friend of the well known mathemathician Niels Henrik Abel, (5 Aug. - Nedstrand) 1802-1829 (6 Apr. - Froland, from tbc, which he had contracted, when visiting Paris), was also interested in natural history, taking part in a French expedition to Spitsbergen in 1838 and making some investigations on sea organisms, so Munna boeckii Krøyer, 1839, Peachia boekii (Danielssen & Koren, 1856) and perhaps Laphania boecki Malmgren, 1866 may be in honour of him rather than his son. (Dr. T. Brattegard kindly contributed some of this information).
Werner Boeckel, 1903-1941, German malacologist.
An unknown headmaster, named Boehler, 18??-19??, is honoured in the harpacticoid name Harpacticus boehleri Pesta, 1916, from Togo, West Africa.
Lacking information about Boer in the tanaid name Macrolabrum boeri Bacescu, 1981.
Prof. Dr. Herman Boerhaave, (31 Dec. - Voorhout) 1668-1738 (23 Sep. - Leiden), influential professor of medicine, botany and chemistry at Leiden, who was visited by Linnaeus during his time in the Netherlands (and also Voltaire visited him).
Dirk Jacob Boerman, 1911-1986?, member of the former Dutch mollusca working group, is honoured in the gastropod name Odostomia (Odostomia) boermani van Aartsen, Gittenberger & Goud, 1998.
Ferdinando (Nando) Boero, (13 Feb. - Genua) 1951-, Italian hydroid researcher [Boeromedusa Bouillon, 1995, Tethya boeroi Sarà, 1992] (see also).
Peosidrilus boeschi (Erséus, 1984) is named for Dr. Donald F. Boesch, 1945-, an American benthic ecologist who collected the type specimens. He was then at the Virginia Institute of Marine Science and is now at the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science, Cambridge, Maryland, USA. (Dr. Boesch himself kindly found that the entry lacked his year of birth and provided the information)
Dr. Marinus Boeseman, (22 June - Enkhuizen) 1916-2006 (14 July), of the Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie, Leiden, is honoured in the skate name Okamejei boesemani (Ishihara, 1987), the rainbow fish name Melanotaenia boesemani Allen & Cross, 1980, the fish names Corydoras boesemani Nijssen & Isbrücker, 1967, Halaelurus boesemani Springer & D’Aubry, 1972, Hemigrammus micropterus boesemani Géry, 1959, Parascolopsis boesemani (Rao & Rao, 1981), the fish genus names Boesemania Trewavas, 1977 and Boesemanichtrhys Abe, 1952.
Prof. Oskar Boettger, (31 May - Frankfurt am Main) 1844-1910 (25 Sep. - Frankfurt am Main), German malacologist (uncle of Cäsar (below)) [Argonauta boettgeri Maltzan, 1881, Sarcophyton boettgeri Schenk, 1896].
Professor Cäsar Rudolf Boettger, (20 May) 1888-1976, German zoologist, malacologist, parasitologist etc., Director "des Zoologischen Inst. Carolo-Wilhelmina". His wife Ruth Boettger, 1895-1972, took part in her husbands interest in malacology. [Caesarella Pfeffer, 1929]. (Andrew Vik, Tampa, Florida, kindly provided the decease date).
Jón Bógason, (9 Apr. - Flatey om Breiðafirði) 1923-2009 (20 Oct.), Reykjavik, Icelandic collector connected to a natural history museum, found type material of Xenodonta bogasoni Warén, 1993 [Beringius bogasoni Warén & S.M. Smith, 2006].
Yury Aleksandrovich Bogdanov, (11 Nov.) 1934-, Russian oceanographer.
Igor Petrovich Bogdanov, 1959-1995, Russian malacologist.
The amphipod name Bogenfelsia J.L. Barnard, 1962 is likely not named for a person, but for Bogenfels, a coastal place in South Namibia.
The shrimp name Lysmata boggessi Rhyne & Lin, 2006 was named for Ronnie Gene Boggess, 19??-, a commercial fisherman in Marathon, Florida Keys, that collected the species for the aquarium trade.
Cesare Bogi, 19??-, Italian shell collector of Livorno, is honoured in the gastropod names Bogia Dantart & Luque, 1994 and Eulimella bogii van Aartsen, 1995.
The sponge name Stelletta boglicii Schmidt, 1862, may possibly be a tribute to Jakov Boglić, 1826-1897, director of the Gymnasium School of Hvar.
Lacking information about Bognerave in the copepod name Hatschekia pagellibogneravei (Hesse, 1879).
Veniamin Grigor'evich Bogorov, (24 Dec. - Moscow) 1904-1971 (16 Apr. - Kishinev), Russian-Jewish scientist, who has published on Pacific biology, is honored in the sipunculan name Phascolion bogorovi Murina, 1973, the calanoid name Scaphocalanus bogorovi Brodsky, 1955, the bivalve name Spinula bogorovi Filatova, 1958 and the echiuroid name Ikedella bogorovi Zenkevitch, 1964. A sea ridge at 42°15'N- 136°15'E to 43°00'N-136°28'E is also named for him.
Joannes Baptista Bohadsch, 1724-1772, Czech zoologist, who published on marine animals in Dresden [Bohadschia Jaeger, 1833].
Bohdziewicz : (see Leonard).
James Erwin Bohlke (or rather Böhlke), 1930-1982, US (Philadelphia) ichthyologist.
The gastropod name Brookula bohni Schwabe & Engl, 2008 is in honour of the author's friend Jens Michael Bohn, 19??-, of München, nicknamed "Bohni", a holothurian specialist, taking part in the expedition, who found the type specimens.
Jean Baptiste Alphonse Dechauffour de Boisduval, (17 June - Ticheville) 1799-1879 (10 (or 30?) Dec. - Ticheville), French physician and entomologist, who i.a. published on the entomological fauna of the Oceania (mainly from the circumnavigations of "Astrolabe" & "Coquille").
The scaphopod name Gadila boissevainae Jaeckel, 1932 is honouring Dr. Maria (Mia) Boissevain, (8 Apr. - Amsterdam) 1878-1959 (8 Mar. - London), malacologist from the Netherlands.
The French naturalist Amedée Boivin, 1797-1881, who collected Conidae and published at least one paper on Conus in 1864, is honoured in the gastropod names Erisaria boivinii (Kiener, 1843), Anachis boivini (Kiener, 1841) and Conus boivini L. C. Kiener, 1845. A few other mollusks are also named after this person. (Andrew Vik, Tampa, Florida, kindly provided this information).
The siphonophoran name Diphyes bojani (Eschscholtz, 1829) is likely honouring the German physician and naturalist Dr. Ludwig Heinrich Bojanus, (16 July - Bouxwiller, Alsace) 1776-1827 (2 Apr. - Darmstadt), who i..a. published on "Athem & Kreislauf" in Bivalvia.
Lacking information about Bolanger in the fish name Chiasmodon bolangeri Osório, 1909, but likely this eponym may be an odd spelling of boulangeri, so see Boulanger (q.v.).
The person honoured in Selioides bolbroei Levinsen,1878 may likely be the Danish / Icelandic physician Dr. Carl Hans Ulrik Bolbroe, (24 June - Butterup) 1804-88 (11 Apr. - Hassle),.
Bold : (see van den Bold).
The isopod name Monolistra boldorii Brian, 1931 is likely a tribute to the Italian speleologist and entomologist Leonida Boldori, 1897-1980.
The copepod name Normanella bolini Lang, 1965 is in honour of Prof. Rolf Ling Bolin, (22 Mar. - New York City) 1901-1973 (23 Aug. - Carmel, Calif.), ichthyologist and assistant director, Hopkins Marine Station and on the faculty of Stanford from 1929. He identified some of the creatures from Steinbeck's and Rickett's Sea of Cortez trip and is portrayed as the debunker of the Old Man of the Sea legend. He had been the friend at the Hopkins Station for both Ricketts and Steinbeck, while its Director Fisher (q.v.) did not at all agree on the ideas around marine ecology, which Ricketts had (or was perhaps rather much against the idea that non-PhD:s should publish scientific books). Bolin acquired the German ship Te Vega in 1962 (donated by Harold Miller) and converted it into a floating laboratory and classroom, which cruised the Pacific 12 times. He was program director for this ship until he retired in 1967 [Lepadichthys bolini Briggs, 1962, Protomyctophum bolini (Fraser-Brunner, 1949), likely Notoscopelus (Pareiophus) bolini Nafpaktitis, 1975, Aphyonus bolini Nielsen, 1974, Hemitripterus bolini (Myers, 1934), Gymnoscopelus bolini Andriashev, 1962, Corambella bolini MacFarland, 1966]. (more)
The person honoured in the amphipod name Podoprion bolivari Chevreux, 1891, in the decapod names Galathea bolivari Zariquiey-Alvarez, 1950, Microthelphusa bolivari Rodriguez, 1980 & Liocarcinus bolivari (Zariquiey-Alvarez, 1948) and in the sponge name Leuconia bolivari Ferrer-Hernandez, 1916 may likely be the Spanish naturalist Ignacio Bolívar y Urrutia, (9 Nov. - Madrid) 1850-1944 (19 Nov. - Mexico). (Dr. Riccardo Giannuzzi-Savelli kindly provided one of the dates).
Dr. Robert F. Bolland, 19??-, University of Maryland University College, is honoured in the nudibranch names Hypselodoris bollandi Gosliner & Johnson, 1999 and Tritonia bollandi Smith & Gosliner, 2003. He is responsible for this website on nudibranchs. (Dr. Riccardo Giannuzzi-Savelli kindly provided this information). In 1978 he "made superb collections of Okinawa miccromolluscs" and was honoured in the name Reynellona bollandi Le Renard & Bouchet, 2000.
The diatom name Rhoiconeis bolleana Grunow must likely honour the botanist Carl (Karl) August Bolle, (21 Nov. - Schöneberg) 1821-1909 (17 Feb. - Berlin), who in 1852 and 1856 visited the Cape Verde islands and the Canaries.
The gastropod name Oliva reticularis bollingi Clench, 1937 may likely honour the German malacologist Werner Bolling, 1904-1988.
Dr. Joachim Friedrich Bolten, 1718-1796, German physician in Hamburg, who in several articles during the 1770s published about Boltenia de Savigny, 1816 echinata (Linnaeus,1767).
Lacking information about Bolton in the ciliate name Folliculina boltoni Kent, 1881. May it possibly have been James Bolton, 1735-1799, self taughed naturalist and illustrator from Halifax, Yorkshire, who published on British song birds, mushrooms, plants and butterflies. He was a younger brother of Thomas Bolton, 1722-1778, who collected plants for the Leicestershire botanist Richard Pulteney, 1730-1801,? Other alternatives may be Lieut. Col. R.E. Bolton, 18??-19??, or William Bolton, 18??-19??, both British malacologists.
The palaeontology Prof. Gioacchino "Kino" Bonaduce, (18 Feb. - Turin) 1933-2003, Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Università di Napoli Federico II, is honoured in the ostracod name Loxoconcha bonaducei Ciampo, 1971. (Dr. Riccardo Giannuzzi-Savelli kindly provided this information).
Bonanno, Bonannio or Bonannus : (see Buonanni).
The coral name Balanophyllia bonaespei van der Horst, 1938 is not named for a person but for the the latin words: Bonae spei = of Good Hope (referring to Cape of Good Hope). (Dr. Riccardo Giannuzzi-Savelli kindly provided this information).
Charles Lucien Jules Laurent Bonaparte, (24 May - Paris) 1803-1857 (29 July - Paris), Prince de Musignano (son of Napoleon I:s brother Lucien) and ornithologist / ichthyologist [Carolia Cantraine, 1835, Notacanthus bonapartei Risso, 1840, Sympterygia bonapartii Müller & Henle, 1841].
Mr. James Bond, (4 Jan. - Philadelphia) 1900-1989 (14 Feb. - Philadelphia (by cancer)), Ornithologist at the Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, who in 1936 published the first edition (of several) of the book "Birds of the West Indies", is honoured in the W African fish name Ariomma bondi H.W. Fowler, 1930. Mr. Bond obtained 80 fish species at Grenada, British West Indies in 1929, of which two were new to science. The other species was named Malacoctenus bondi H.W. Fowler, 1930. His bird watching colleague Ian Fleming, who lived in Jamaica and knew him rather well, borrowed his name for the fictional novel character James Bond with permission from Mr. Bond.
Dr. Igor Petrovich Bondarev, 19??-, shell collector and pilot of scientific submarines, living in Sevastopol, Ukraine, donated type material of Haustellum bondarevi Houart, 1999. [Lyria bondarevi Bail & Poppe, 2004, Conus bondarevi Röckel & Raybaudi, 1992, Semicassis (Semicassis) bondarevi Mühlhäusser & Parth, 1993, Nipponotrophon bondarevi Houart, 1995, possibly also the fossil brachiopod name Multispinula bondarevi Nikiforova, 1982]
Dr. Cecil von Bonde, 1895-1983, who in 1922 was a M.A. and Lecturer in Zoology in the University of Cape Town and succeeded Gilchrist (in 1926 when he died) as Director of the Department of Sea Fisheries, actively publishing until at least 1945 (but his book "Columbus Redivivus - a fantasy of reincarnation" was published as late as 1975), is honoured in the polychaete name Autolytus bondei Day, 1934.
Prof. Franco Andrea Bonelli, (10 Nov. - Cuneo) 1784-1830 (18 Nov.), Italian entomologist and zoologist; director of the museum in Torino [Bonellia Rolando, 1821, Corophium bonnellii (Milne-Edwards, 1830), Histioteuthis bonnellii (de Férussac, 1835)].
The Spanish palaeontologist / entomologist Federico Bonet Marco, 1906-1967, is honoured in the collembol name Halisotoma boneti (Delamare-Deboutteville, 1954).
The cumacean name Campylaspis bonetti Bacescu & Muradian, 1972 was marked "Espèce dédiée à Marc Bonnet, chef de mission de la "Thalassa" en janvier-fevrier 1971", but yet the authors spell the species name with a single n and a double t. (Thus, see Bonnet below).
The echinoderm names Notasterias bongraini (Koehler, 1912) and Bathyplotes bongraini Vaney, 1914, are tributes to Maurice Bongrain, (5 Jan.) 1879-1951 (13 Apr.), sub-liutenant on board Pourqoui-Pas? during the 1908 cruise with Charcot to the Antarctic Sea. He later advanced to become a "contre-amiral".
Adrien Jules Jean Bonhoure, (26 Aug. - Shanghai (his father being a missionary in China)) 1860-19?? (still living in 1915), French colonial governor in French Polynesia, is likely the person honoured in the sipunculan name Siphonosoma (Siphonosoma) bonhourei (Hérubel, 1904).
Genus name Bonisa : (see Gosliner).
Abbé Pierre Joseph Bonnaterre, 1752-1804 (20 Sep.), Ichthyologist and ornithologist active as priest in Rouergue and as teacher in natural history in Rodez in the SW part of France.
Théophile Armand Constant Bonnemaison, (7 Nov. - Lieu) 1774-1829 (10 Apr. - Lieu), French naturalist [Bonnemaisonia C. Agardh, 1822, Polyneura bonnemaisonii (C. Agardh, 1822) Maggs & Hommersand, 1993, Haraldiophyllum bonnemaisonii (Kylin, 1924) A. Zinova, 1981, Oscillatoria bonnemaisonii (Crouan) Gomont]. The alga Audouinella bonnemaisoniae (Batters, 1896) Dixon, 1976 is endophytic in the outer cell wall of Bonnemaisonia asparagoides (Woodw.) C. Agardh.
Charles Bonnet, (13 Mar. - Geneva) 1720-1793 (20 May), Swiss-French essential naturalist (mainly entomologist) and philosopher.
Philomedes bonneti Kornicker & Caraion, 1977 is honouring Dr. Marc Bonnet, 19??-, leader of the expedition aboard "Thalassa". Also the oddly spelled Campylaspis bonetti Bacescu & Muradian, 1972 is honouring him.
Prof. Dr. Kristine Elisabeth Heuch Bonnevie, (8 Oct. - Trondheim) 1872-1949 (30 Aug.), Norwegian marine zoologist, born in Trondheim, but when she became fourteen her family moved to Oslo. Entered the Univ. of Christiania (Oslo) in 1892. Her Zoology professor was Johan Hjort (q.v.) and she published her first article together with him in 1895. Between 1896-99 she i.a. worked on material from Norwegian marine expeditions. In 1900 she was appointed conservator of the Zoological Museum, Oslo, and this year she went to study with Arnold Lang (q.v.) in Zürich, then to Würzburg, Germany, where she studied with Theodor Boveri (q.v.) and achieved her PhD in 1906 on a dissertation on sex cells in Enteroxenos oestergreni Bonnevie. After a session at Columbia University (where she trained with Edmund Beecher Wilson, 1856&endash;1939), she returned to Norway and was made professor of Zoology at Christiania (Oslo) University in 1912 - the first female professor in Norway and had a few years earlier been the first female opponent on a PhD dissertation, that of H. Broch (q.v.). From this period on, she mainly worked on other fields than marine biology, e.g. cytology and genetics and studied also finger prints during several years. She also became a politician and represented 'Frisinnede Venstre' (Independent Liberals) i.a. in some international duties and there came to know among others Marie Curie and Albert Einstein. During WWII she helped the Norwegian underground movement. She grew up as one of nine siblings and one sister (Honoria) married the meteorologist Vilhelm Bjerknes, 1862-1951, who, when becoming a widower (in 1928) shared houshold with Kristine B. She enjoyed dancing, was reluctant to miss a good concert and took pleasure in handcrafts like swing and embroidery and had a highly loved hill farm "Snefugl" around 150 miles north of Oslo. [Bonneviella Broch, 1909, Plumularia bonnevieae Billard, 1907, Cephalobrachia bonnevii Massy, 1917, Cladocarpus bonneviaei Jäderholm, 1909]. The Bonnevie-Ullrich syndrome - Congenital syndrome consisting of webbing of the neck (pterygium colli), lymphoedema of the hands and feet, hypoplasia of bones and muscles, short stature, syndactyly, laxity of the skin, dystrophic nails, and motor disturbances of the cranial nerves - is also associated with her name.
Jules Joseph Bonnier, 1859-1908, French crustacean taxonomist and parasitologist, a student of Giard (q.v.), Deputy Director of the Zoological Station at Wimereux. He wrote several papers, i.a. together with Giard. [Dichelopandalus bonnieri Caullery, 1896, Bonnierilla Canu, 1891, Bonnierella Chevreux, 1900, Ancyroniscus bonnieri Caullery & Mesnil, 1919, Liopyge bonnieri (Monticelli, 1893), Scolelepis (Scolelepis) bonnieri (Mesnil, 1896), Socarnella bonnieri Walker, 1904, Janirella bonnieri Stephensen, 1915, Astacilla bonnieri Stephensen, 1915].
Inanidrilus bonomii Erséus, 1985 is named for Dr. Guiliano Bonomi, 19??-, CNR Instituto Italiano di Idrobiologia, Pallanza, Italy, "who arranged and participated in my trip to Messina and also assisted in collecting the material".
Lacking information about Bonos in the gastropod name Geitodoris bonosi Ortea & Ballesteros, 1981.
The French physician, naturalist and author Dr. Aimé Jacques Alexandre Bonpland, (né Goujaud) (22 Aug. - La Rochelle) 1773-1858 (4 May - Restauracion), who i.a. travelled in Mexico, Cuba and South America together with Humboldt (q.v.) during five years (1799-1804) and later returned from Europe to Bolivia, where he was imprisoned for 10 years (1821-31) by the dictator, but later released and went on to Argentina, where he lived for the rest of his life, is honoured in the cephalopod name Grimalditeuthis bonplandii (Vérany, 1839) (and in several other animal and plant species names).
Boog : (see Robert Boog Watson).
Dr. Carlyn Green Bookhout, 1907-, "long time director of the Duke University Marine Laboratory and the Cooperative Program in Biological Oceanography" [Bookhoutia Mohammed, 1973, Tetragoniceps bokhouti Coull, 1971, Echinoderes bookhouti Higgins, 1964] (Still alive in 2000 according to Dr. Giannuzzi-Savelli, Palermo).
Cassi booleyi Sowerby, 1900 is named for the late Mr. George H. Booley, 18??-1898, malacologist from the Andaman Islands.
Dr. Jan Boon, (17 May - Voorburg) 1944-1997 (11 Jan.), fish pathologist.
Mrs. Constance (Connie) E. Boone, (3 Dec.) 1917-1999 (13 Sep.), Houston, Texas, very active amateur malacologist in the American Malacological Union (now Society). She passed away on a shell collecting trip in Australia [Boonea R. Robertson, 1978, Booneostrea Harry, 1985].
Arthur Newton Boorman (30 Aug.)) 1912-1986 (24 Dec.), Rockhampton, Queensland, was from 1964 together with his wife Blanche a well-known shell collector.
Lacking data about "Henry G. Booth at the Andersonian Museum in Glasgow", a museum which have been succeded by the Natural History Society of Glasgow [Philbertia boothii (Brown, in Smith, 1839)]. The museum was named for the same person as the city's university Prof. John Anderson, (Rosneath, Dunbartonshire) 1726-1796 (13 Jan.), who was a professor of Oriental Languages there from 1756 and from 1760 professor of Natural Philosophy, who commenced making a private collection of scientific apparatus and natural history specimens, which formed the nucleus of the Andersonian Museum, but the identity of Booth is more difficult.
Ioan Borcea, (13 Jan. - Buhoci, Baca˘u) 1879-1936 (30 July - Agigea), Romanian ichthyologist [Laophonte borceai Jakubisiak, 1938, Pseudotanais borceai Bacescu, 1960, Kalliapseudes borceai Bacescu, 1980].
Friedrich Borcherding, (5 Apr.) 1849-1924 (4 Mar.), German, who published on Achatinellidae of Sandwich Island in 1906.
Carsten Eggeberg Borchgrevink, (1 Dec. - Oslo) 1864-1934 (21 Apr. - Oslo), Norwegian adventurer and expedition leader for the British "Southern Cross" expedition in 1898-1900 to the Antarctic continent [Calycopsis borchgrevinki (Browne, 1910)]. Another person by this name - presumably a relative, the botanist and clergyman Jens Finne Borchgrevink, (23 June - Røros) 1737-1819 (18 Oct. - Norderhov, Ringerike, Buskerud), had been a private disciple of Linnaeus and later assisted Gunnerus (q.v.).
Dr. Maya Borel Best (married name Wijsman-Best), 1942-, Dutch specialist on corals and sponges, mainly corals, who studied in Amsterdam (under Engel), but after PhD and marriage moved to Naturalis in Leiden, where she worked until her retirement in 2003.
Alfredo Borelli, 1858-1943, Italian zoologist, entomologist and natural history collector in Argentina.
Dr. Folke Arvidsson Borg, 1892-1950, Swedish zoologist, PhD in Uppsala in 1926 on recent cyclostomatous bryozoans, mainly interested in bryozoans [Borgiola Strand, 1933, Disporella borgi Alvarez, 1995].
Adolf Hermann Constant Borgert, 1868-1954, German plankton researcher [Borgertia Michaelsen, 1905].
The Pourtuguese shell collector José Pedro Borges, 19??-, is honoured in the gastropod name Conus borgesi Trovão, 1979.
Lacking information about Borgnini in the gastropod name Polybranchia borgninii (Trinchese, 1896).
William Borlase, (2 Feb. - Pendeen, Cornwall) 1696-1772 (Ludgvan - 31 Aug.), English vicar of Ludgvan, Cornwall, who wrote two books about the natural history of Cornwall [Euborlasia Vaillant in Quatrefages, 1890].
Ignaz (or Ignatius), Edler von Born, (26 Dec. - Karlsburg, Transsylvania) 1742-1791 (24 July - Wien), Austrian naturalist, who published on mollusk shells. He used the pseudonym Johannes Physiophilus, when he published an anticlerical satire called Monachologien in 1783. The mineral bornite (Cu5FeS4) was named in his honour.
Jean-Baptiste Édouard Bornet, (2 Sep. - Guérigny) 1828-1911 (18 Dec. - Paris), French botanist [Blodgettia bornetii Wright, 1881?, Ralfsia borneti Kuckuck, 1894, Bornetia Thuret, 1855].
Dr. Radovan Borojevic, 19??-, educated in Zagreb, Croatia, and later in Strasbourg and Paris, France, professor of Biochemistry at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. As far as sponge systematics is concerned he is an amateur, but such a good one that he during the end of the 21:st century was considered to be the only Calcarea taxonomist. He has revised all supraspecific taxa of the group, in cooperation with Nicole Boury-Esnault (q.v.) and Jean Vacelet (q.v.). [Acanthacarnus radovani Boury-Esnault, 1973, Soleniscus radovani Wörheide & Hooper, 1999]. (Dr. Rob van Soest kindly provided this information).
The diatom name Navicula borowkae Witkowski, Lange-Bertalot & Metzeltin, 2000 is dedicated to the author's colleague and friend Dr. Krzystof Borówka, 19??-, Institute of Marine Sciences, Univ. of Szczecin.
Lancelot Alexander Borradaile, (26 Sep.) 1872-1945 (20 Oct.), published an invertebrate manual together with F.A. Potts (q.v.) [Metapenaeopsis borradaili (de Man, 1910, Athanas borradailei (Coutiere, 1903), Corallianassa borradailei (De Man), Accalathura borradailei (Stebbing), Petrolisthes borradailei Kropp, 1983].
The algal species Pleonosporium borreri (J.E. Smith, 1807) Nägeli ex Hauck, 1862 is named for William J. Borrer, (13 June - Henfield) 1781-1862 (10 Jan.), English botanist, who described some Spermatophytes and Fungi.
The gastropod names Profundisepta borroi (Farfante, 1947) and Puncturella borroi Farfante, 1947 is honouring Primitivo J. Borro, 1???-19?? (evidently still living in 1968), Cuban malacologist and micropalaeontologist. (André Trombeta, Brazil, kindly provided nationality and initial leading to first name).
Stefano Borson, (19 Oct. - Saint-Pierre-d'Albigny) 1758-1832 (25 Dec.), Italian malacologist, professor of mineralogy and geology in Torino [Borsonia Bellardi, 1839].
Evgenii Vladimirovich. Borutzky, 1897-1976, Professor of Hydrobiology at Moscow State University, had seven species of copepod named for him, e.g. Phyllopodopsyllys borutzkyi Lang, 1965 and Schizopera borutzkii Monchenko, 1967 and including the harpacticoids Attheyella borutzkyi Smirnov, 1930 and Bryocamptus borutzkyi Petkovski, 1960. (Dr. D. Damkaer kindly provided this information).
Baron Jean Baptiste Geneviève Marcellin Bory de Saint-Vincent, (6 July - Agen) 1778-1846 (22 Dec. - Paris), French naturalist, who participated in several collecting expeditions, e.g. the beginning of the circumnavigation with Baudin (q.v. & see Lesueur) and in Napoleon's war expeditions as a colonel, wrote several books and expedition reports and was editor of " Dictionnaire classique de l'histoire naturelle" [Caberea boryi (Audouin, 1826), Sphaeroma boryi Guerin, 1832, Chondria boryana (J. Agardh)) De Toni, Audouinella boryana Abdel-Rahman & Magne, 1984, Padina boryana Thivy, possibly Branchiomaldane vincenti Langerhans, 1881].
Louis-Augustin Guillaume Bosc d'Antic, (29 Jan. - Paris) 1759-1828 (10 July - Paris), French natural history worker. During the revolution he spent part of his time as director for the French post agency, partly in prison because he was politically active (in the Jacobin Clubs) and a friend of the Roland family, and he spent almost a year together with other "outlaws" in a cottage in a forest disguised as peasants, until the end of July 1794 when Robespierre's days of power were over. In his youth he was teached botany by A.L. de Jussieu (q.v.) and he early met and became a friend of J.C. Fabricius (q.v.) , who had visited his fathers friend Buffon (q.v.). In 1896 he was sent to North America to work as French consul in New York, but was not recognized as representing France by president Adams, so he instead occupied himself with long natural history collecting expeditions (together with a botanist friend Michaux in Carolina). Later on he returned to Europe and Paris. From 1803 he served as inspector of the Gardens of Versaille. In 1806 he was appointed professor in the Paris Museum and during his last years he was employed making up an inventory of French wine-yards. He was mainly an entomologist and thus a close friend of J.C. Fabricius (q.v.) [Boscia Leach, 1814, Lepidorhombus bosci (Risso, 1810), Quinqueloculina bosciana d'Orbigny, 1839, Melanella boscii Payraudeau, 1826, Macrophthalmus boscii Audouin & Savigny].
Dr. Donald Taeke Bosch, 1917-, US medical officer and amateur malacologist resided in Oman, where he served as physician before his and his wife's retirement in 1984 (she worked as a teacher) [Conus boschi Clover, 1972, Cymatium boschi]. Conus boschorum Moolenbeek & Coomans 1993 is named for Donald and and his wife Eloise Bosch, 19??-, for stimulating malacological researchs in Oman, while Lyria leslieboschae Emerson & Sage, 1986 is named for their daughter-in-law Leslie Bosch, 19??-. (Dr. Eugene V. Coan, California, kindly provided correction of the year of birth)
Lacking information about Paul Bosch in the gastropod name Favartia paulboschi K. R. Smythe & R. Houart, 1984.
Dr. Hilbrand Boschma, (22 Apr. - IJsbrechtum) 1893-1976 (22 July), Dutch crustacean systematist, director of the National Museum of Natural History in Leiden between 1933-58.He had in 1922 taken part in the Danish expedition to Kei Islands and this started his lifelong friendship with Th. Mortensen (q.v.). His dissertation (Jan. 1920) was on the neck sceleton of Crocodyles, but from 1922, when he began working at the Zoological Laboratory in Leiden he began working on invertebrates, especially Rhizocephala, Stylasteridae, Madreporaria, but also ellobiopsids and whales [Boschmaella J. Bocquet-Védrine, 1968, Tortugaster boschmai (Brinkmann, 1936), Boschmaia Reinhard, 1958, Nephrops boschmai Holthuis, 1964, Hamodactylus boschmai Holthuis, 1952, Pholidoteuthis boschmai Adam, 1950, Dendrophyllia boschmai boschmai van der Horst, 1926, Millepora boschmai De Weerdt & Glynn, 1991, Errina boschmai Cairns, 1983, Stylaster boschmai (Eguchi, 1965)].
Joseph Augustin Hubert de Bosquet, (7 Feb. - Maastricht) 1814-1881 (28 June - Maastricht), Belgian-Dutch invertebrate paleontologist, i.a. working on cirripedians and molluscs [Bythocypris bosquetiana (Brady, 1866)].
Kenneth Jay Boss, 1935-, US malacologist.
Lacking information about Bossche in the fish name Papilloculiceps bosschei (Bleeker, 1860). Possibly, however, a tribute to Guillaume (Guilielmo) van den Bossche, 15??-16??, who in 1639 in Brussels published about medical use of animals.
van Bosse : (see Max Weber).
Helene Boswell, 1917-1990, South African specialist in Volutidae, is honoured in the gastropod name Metula boswellae Kilburn, 1975. Her husband Stanley Boswell, 19??-1990, was also a malacologist
Odostomia boteroi Schander, 1994 is named after "the Colombian artist Fernando Botero, (19 Apr. - Medellin) 1932-, who is known for his artwork of rather stout persons and animals". Botero is living in New York.
The stomatopod name Gonodactylus botti is likely a tribute to the German carcinologist Dr. Richard Bott, 1902-1974.
Lacking information about the collector Botta in the octocoral name Cladiella bottai Tixier-Durivault, 1943, but possibly a tribute to Paolo Emilio Botta, (Turin) 1802-1870 (Achères), who collected for the Museum national d’histoire naturelle, Paris, during his travels.
Conus boui Da Motta, 1988 is named for Mr. Patrice Bou, 19??-, who made specimens available.
Conus boubeeae Sowerby, 1903 is named for E. Boubée of Paris, 18??-19??, shell collector.
The meiofauna researcher and nematodologist Guy Boucher, 1944-, at the MNHN, Paris, is honoured in the nematode and chaetognath names Neotonchus boucheri Platt, 1982, Spadella boucheri Casanova & Perez, 2000 & Boucherius Decraemer & Jensen, 1982. (His colleague, Dr. Métivier, at the MNHN, Paris, kindly provided his year of birth).
Philippe Bouchet, 1953-, French malacologist at the Natural History Museum in Paris [Tjaernoeia boucheti Warén, 1991, Boucardicus boucheti Fischer-Piette, Blanc, Blanc & Salvat, 1993, Perplicaria boucheti Verhecken, 1997, Ancistrobasis boucheti B.A. Marshall, 1991, Tellina (Moerella) boucheti von Cosel, 1995, Carminodoris boucheti Ortea, 1979, Tritonoharpa boucheti Beu & Maxwell, 1987, Phyllidiopsis boucheti Valdes & Ortea, 1996, Waikalasma boucheti Buckeridge, 1996, Splendrillia boucheti Wells, 1995, Antalis boucheti Scarabino, 1995, Cetoconcha boucheti Poutiers & Bernard, 1995, Acremodontina boucheti B.A. Marshall, 1995, Calliostoma (Fautor) boucheti B.A. Marshall, 1995, Homologenus boucheti Guinot & Richer-de-Forges, 1995, Hermaea boucheti Cervera, Garcia-Gomez & Ortea, 1991, Mathilda boucheti Bieler, 1995, Kaiparathina boucheti B.A. Marshall, 1993, Paralophogaster boucheti Casanova, 1993, Condylocardia boucheti Salas & von Cosel, 1991, Cladocarpus boucheti Ramil & Vervoort, 1992, Chicoreus (Triplex) boucheti Houart 1983, Granulina boucheti Gofas, 1992, Manzonia (Manzonia) boucheti Amati, 1992, Xylodiscula boucheti Waren, Carrozza & Rocchini in Warén, 1992, Arene boucheti Leal, 1991, Rissoina (Rissoina) boucheti Sleurs, 1991, Siphonochelus (Siphonochelus) boucheti Houart, 1991, Mitrella boucheti Drivas & Jay, 1990, Prostheceraeus boucheti Prudhoe, 1989, Chiton (Tegulaplax) boucheti Kaas, 1989, Thysanodonta boucheti B.A. Marshall, 1988, Mitra (Nebularia) boucheti Cernohorsky, 1988, Cancellaria boucheti Petit & Harasewych, 1986, Terebra boucheti Bratcher, 1981, Proterato (Eratoena) boucheti Drivas & Jay, 1986, Buccinum boucheti Tiba, 1984, Chicoreus boucheti Houart, 1983, Conus boucheti Richard, 1983, Glycymeris (Glycymerella) boucheti Matsukuma, 1984, Pisinna boucheti Palazzi, 1982, Chromodoris boucheti Rudman, 1982, Terebra boucheti Bratcher 1981, Palaina boucheti Tillier, 1981, Gadila boucheti Nicklès, 1979 Prochaetoderma boucheti Scheltema & Ivanov, 2000, Leptochiton boucheti Sirenko, 2001, Atagema boucheti Valdés & Gosliner, 2001, Haloginella boucheti Boyer, 2001, Perotrochus boucheti Anseeuw & Poppe, 2001, Cerithiopsis boucheti Jay & Drivas, 2002, Notadusta boucheti Lorenz, 2002, Amaea boucheti E.F. Garcia, 2003, Mathilda boucheti Bieler 1995]. (Dr. Riccardo Giannuzzi-Savelli kindly provided the photo and Dr. Rüdiger Bieler kindly provided one of the eponyms).
Jean-Louis Émile Boudier, (6 Jan. - Garnay) 1828-1920 (4 Feb. - Blois), French pharmacist and botanist [Aposphaeria boudieri Rolland, 1896].
The Austrian geologist Ami Boué, (16 Mar. - Hamburg) 1794-1881 (21 Nov. - Wien), who was one of the two original secretaries of the Société Géologique de France, is honoured in the foraminiferan name Cibicides boueanum (d'Orbigny, 1846).
Baron Louis Antoine de Bougainville, (11 Nov. - Paris) 1729-1811 (31 Aug. - Paris), French (Paris) lawyer, warrior (admiral) (fighting in the French-British war in Canada), circumnavigator and Pacific discovery traveller. He narrowly escaped the guillotine during the French Revolution, but Napoleon made him a count and senator. His faith was deistic. His son Baron Hyacinthe de Bougainville, (26 Dec. - Brest) 1781-1846 (18 Oct. - Paris), travelled as midshipman on "Le Geographe" 1800-03 under the command of N. Baudin (q.v.) and later advanced to become a contre-amiral. [Bougainvillia Lesson, 1836, Antarctothoa bouganvillei d'Orbigny, 1842, Bougainvillia bougainvillei (Brandt, 1835), Paragiopagurus bougainvillei (Lemaitre, 1994)]. (The plant genus Bougainvillea de Commerson - also named for de Bougainville - is presumably better known to most persons than the above mentioned hydroid genus).
Joseph Louis Bouge, 1878-1960, in the gastropod names Natica bougei G. B. Sowerby III, 1908 and Conus bougei G. B. Sowerby III, 1907 was a Commis des Affaire Indigines et immigration de la Nouvelle Caledonie, but mainly connected with Guadeloupe. Shell collector and close friend of Philippe Dautzenberg (q.v.) and published several articles together with him. (Dr. Riccardo Giannuzzi-Savelli kindly provided this information).
Dr. Paul Bougis, 19??-, French plankton zoologist, who has published from the first half of the 1950s and was Deputy Director of the laboratories at Villefranche-sur-Mer during the 1950s and replaced Trégouboff in 1956 (when he retired from official duties) as head of the Zoological Station [Fultonia bougisi Soyer, 1964, Sphaeronectes bougisi Carré, 1968].
Prof. Jean Bouillon, (20 Dec.) 1926-2009 (29 Mar.), Belgian hydroid researcher at the Universite Libre de Bruxelles.
Prof. André Pol Bouin, (11 June - Vendresse) 1870-1962 (5 Feb. - Vendresse), French endocrinologist and histologist publishing i.a. together with Prenant (q.v.), both professors in Nancy (from where he retired to his family home in the Ardennes in 1946), well-known for his Bouin's fixative. Bouin received a CNRS gold medal in 1961.
The Belgian Dr. George Albert Boulenger, (19 Oct. - Bruxelles) 1858-1937 (23 Nov. - Saint-Malo), of British Mus. Nat. Hist., published on reptiles, fresh water fish, etc. He worked at the museum from 1880 until his retirement in 1920 [Hemigrammus boulengeri Eigenmann and Ogle, 1907].
Yves Bouligand, 19??-, Université Angers, EPHE, France, published abaut Lamippidae during the 1960s and is honoured in the copepod names Typhlamphiascus bouligandi Soyer, 1972 and Linaresia bouligandi Stock, 1979.
The Réunion isopod name Joeropsis bourboni Müller, 1990, is likely not named for a person but for the name of the island Réunion between 1649 and 1793, Île Bourbon, after the royal house. After the revolution it got the name La Réunion in 1793.. In 1801 the island was named Île Bonaparte, but the British Commodore Josias Rowley took the island in 1810 and renamed it Île Bourbon. However it was restored to France after the Vienna congress in 1815 and continued under the same name until the fall of the restored Bourbon's in the French revolution of 1848, when it again was named La Réunion.
Roland Bourdon, 19??-, has been working at the Biological Station, Roscoff, during the 1960s to 1970s and obviously still is there, especially working on parasitic isopods and is honoured in the name Sacculina bourdoni Boschma, 1960 [Portunion bourdoni Chaix & Veillet, 1981].
Henri (or Henry - as he himself spelled his name) Jean Alfred Bourée, (1 Jan. - Paris) 1873-1940 (21 Feb. - Saint-Symphorien - a little town near Tours, now incorporated in this larger town), who was a navy officer hired by Prince Albert in May 1906 as aide-de-camp. He was both an excellent navy officer (but never the second in command of the Prince's yachts) and an exceptional photographer and film maker. He helped Prince Albert very efficiently throughout all the oceanographic cruises from 1906 to 1914 onwards. He perfected instruments - both hydrographical and catching equipment. In 1912 he published L’océanographie vulgarisée. De la surface aux abîmes. – Paris : C. Delagrave and was very efficient for the preparation of the first sheets of the second edition (after a 2:nd Commission's meeting in Monaco in 1910) of the General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans. The first edition arrived in 1905 (and the sheets of the 2:nd edition were printed between 1912-31) and centenary information about this by Carpine-Lancre is found in: 1. The origin and early history of ‘la Carte générale bathymétrique des océans’, in : The history of GEBCO 1903-2003, the 100-year story of the General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans, pp. 15-51, fig. 9-10, 14-15. – Lemmer : GITC, 2003. 2. Chronology of the main events related to the origins, and the first and second editions of la Carte générale bathymétrique des océans, in : Charting the secret world of the ocean floor. The GEBCO project 1903-2003 (GEBCO centenary conference, Monaco, 14-16 April 2003 presentations), 12 p. – Monaco : Organisation hydrographique internationale ; Paris : Commission océanographique intergouvernementale, 2003. – CD-Rom. 3. Origins of a lasting bathymetric endeavour. International hydrographic review, (new series) vol. 4, n° 2, pp. 6-16, 1 fig. ; vol. 4, n° 3, p. 96 (2003). He is honoured in the chaetognath name Krohnittella boureei German & Joubin, 1912 and in the fish name Flagellostomias boureei (Zugmayer, 1913). (Dr. Jacqueline Carpine-Lancre, Monaco, kindly provided all this information)
Abbé Louis Alexis Bourgeois, (28 Apr. - Moulins d'Artins, Vendômois) 1819-1878 (19 June), Directeur de l'école de Pontlevoy, is honoured in the gastropod name Chicoreus bourgeoisi Tournouer, 1875.
Lacking information about Bourget in the Cape Verde (& Azores) asteroid name Sphaeriodiscus bourgeti (Perrier, 1885).
Jules René Bourguignat, (29 Aug. - Brienne-Napoléon (Aude)) 1829-1892, French malacologist [Paulia bourguignati Locard 1883, Turbo burguignatianus Cotteau, 1854, Alvania bourguignati Issel, 1869, Chauvetia bourguignati Locard, 1892, Chicoreus (Triplex) bourguignati (Poirier, 1883)].
Lacking information about Abbé Bourlet, 1???-1???, Paris, who published on "Podurelles" in 1842, in the collembol name Bourletiella Banks, 1899. He may possibly (but perhaps not likely) be identical with the botanist Pierre Alexandre Bourlet de la Vallée, 1808-1886.
"Tornaria bournei " was in 1889 first described by the English comparative anatomist Colonel Prof. Dr. Sc. Gilbert Charles Bourne, 1861-1933 (9 Mar.), who had been a student at Eton of P.H. Carpenter (q.v.), later at Oxford of Prof. Dr. Henry Nottidge Moseley, 1844-1891 (10 Nov. - Firwood by Clevedon), who was a Naturalist on the Challenger and son-in-law of Gwyn Jeffreys (q.v.) [Bathyplotes moseleyi (Théel, 1886), Amphiporus moseleyi Hubrecht, 1887, Stephanocyathus moseleyanus (Sclater, 1886), Deltocyathus moseleyi Cairns, 1979, Colangia moseleyi (Faustino 1927), Didemnum moseleyi (Herdman, 1886), Pelagonemertes moseleyi Bürger, 1895, Moseleya Quelch, 1884, Flabellum moseleyi De Pourtalès, 1880, Adelopora moseleyi Cairns, 1991, Stylaster moseleyanus (Fisher, 1938), Prostheceraeus moseley Lang, 1884, Pannychia moseleyi Théel, 1882, Culeolus moseleyi Herdman, 1881]. (Mosely's son Henry Gwyn Jeffreys Moseley, (23 Nov.) 1887-1915 (10 Aug.), became a physicist at Rutherford's department in Manchester and made essential contributions to nuclear physics before he was killed at Gallipoli). Bourne then studied in Germany under the very well-known and agnostic August Friedrich Leopold Weismann, (17 Jan. -Frankfurt am Main) 1834-1914 (5 Nov.), of Freiburg, who was a disciple of Leuckart and through publications on the theory of heredity inaugurated the science of genetics [Siphonolaimus weismanni (zur Strassen, 1904), Pachycordyle weismanni Hargitt, 1904], before he (Bourne) became an assistant to E. Ray Lancester (q.v.). Bourne studied plankton organisms and published on copepods early on. He was Director of the Plymouth Laboratory from 1887-89 and an important man in the Linnean Society of London. In 1910 be became FRS. In 1906 he was named professor in Oxford, retiring in 1921 [Saccoglossus bournei (Menon, 1904)].
Lacking information about Bournon in the coral name Solenastrea bournoni Milne Edwarda & Haime, 1850. Possibly the mineralogist Jacques Louis, Comte de Bournon, (21 Jan. - Metz) 1751-1825,?
Pierre Paul Charles Bourrelly, 1910-1995, French phycolocist, mainly fresh water. In some way he must be the "true" honoured person in the diatom name Navicula bourrellyivera Lange-Bertalot, Witkowski & Stachura.
Lacking information about Boury in the tanaid name Pagurolangis bouryi (Bouvier, 1918). Possibly the French malacologist Marie Eugène Aubourg Baron de Boury, (2 July) 1855-1920, who i.a. published on Scalidae, may be the person honoured [Ischnochiton bouryi Dupuis, 1917].
Nicole Boury-Esnault, 1942-, was employed for many years in the Paris Museum working on sponges with Claude Lévi. At present, she works in the Centre d'Océanologie de Marseille to work with Jean Vacelet (q.v.). Nicole coauthored the "Atlas of Sponge Morphology" (with Louis de Vos, Jean Vacelet and Klaus Rützler) as well as the "Thesaurus of Sponge Morphology" (co-editor Klaus Rützler), has taken an interest in molecular systematics. [Acarnus nicoleae Van Soest et al., 1991]. (Dr. Rob van Soest kindly provided this information).
Dr. Edward Lloyd Bousfield, (19 June - Penticton, British Columbia) 1926-, amphipod worker (who also in 1960 published on Canadian Atlantic sea shells), was chief zoologist at the National Museum of Natural Sciences, National Museums of Canada, Ottawa before retirement. Between 1963-70 he was visiting investigator at MBL, Woods Hole [Bouscephalus Berge & Vader, 2001]. (Dr. Riccardo Giannuzzi-Savelli kindly provided the date).
Lacking information about Boutan in the bryozoan name Disporella boutani Alvarez, 1995. It is probably not the naturalist Louis Marie Auguste Boutan, (6 Mar. - Versailles) 1859-1934 (6 Apr. - Tigzirt, Algeria), who is honoured here. He studied marine biology in 1884 at Banyuls-sur-Mer and later worked on fisheries.
The gastropod name Pterymarchia bouteti (R. Houart, 1990) and the cowry name Lyncina leviathan bouteti (Burgess & Arnette, 1981) are honouring Dr. Michel Boutet, 19??-, Tahitian shell collector.
Bernard Boutier, 19??-, IFREMER, Nantes, is honoured in the copepod name Corallicletodes boutieri Soyer, 1966.
Dr. Claude Boutin , 19??-, Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France, isopodologist, PhD in 1993, is honoured in the isopod name Microcharon boutini Boulanouar, Yacoubi, Messouli & Coineau, 1995.
Prof. Eugène Louis Bouvier, (9 Apr. - Saint-Laurent-en-Grandvaux) 1856-1944 (14 Jan. - Paris), French entomologist, crustaceologist and malacologist, professor at the Natural History Museum, Paris, where he stayed during his active life from 1883, except for 1889-95, when he was professor at the School of Pharmacy in Paris. He i.a. worked on some of the crustaceans from the expeditions with "Travailleur" & "Talisman" together with A. Milne-Edwards (q.v.), himself taking part in Prince Albert's expedition to the Sargasso Sea in 1905 [Cyphocaris bouvieri Chevreux, 1916, Lophoura bouvieri (Quidor, 1912), Pseudopalaemon bouvieri Sollaud, 1911, Callianassa bouvieri Nobili, 1904, Bouvierella Chevreux, 1900, Pseudotiron bouvieri Chevreux, 1895, Weltnerium bouvieri (Gruvel), Eumetula bouvieri (Dautzenberg & Fischer, 1896), Paralomis bouvieri Hansen, 1908, Uroptychus bouvieri Caullery, 1896, Euryozius bouvieri (A. Milne-Edwards, 1869), Onchidoris bouvieri Vayssière, 1919, Corycodus bouvieri Ihle, 1916, Weltnerium bouvieri (Gruvel), Periclimenaeus bouvieri (Nobili, 1900), Scalpellum bouvieri Gruvel, 1906, Linckia bouvieri Perrier, 1875, Daldorfia bouvieri (A. Milne-Edwards, 1869)].
Bovallius : (see Bowallius).
Lacking information about Bové in the gastropod name Mitra bovei Kiener, 1838. "Cette espèce a été rapportée par M. Bové, de son voyage sur les bords de la mer Rouge".
Prof. Theodor Boveri, (12 Oct. - Bamberg) 1862-1915 (15 Oct. - Würzburg), a disciple of O. Hertwig (q.v.), who studied spermatogenesis and oogenesis and made major contributions to embryology. He was Professor in Würzburg [Boveria Stevens, 1901].
Carl Erik Alexander Bowallius (or Bovallius), (31 July) 1849-1907 (9 Nov.? - British Guiana), associate professor (docent) of zoology in Uppsala; he was a specialist on crustaceans and a science traveller; left zoology and science in 1897 and began travelling in Latin America; founded a rubber plantation in Trinidad in 1901 [Bovallia Pfeffer, 1888].
Two malacologist namesakes, were Thomas Edward Bowdich, (20 June - Bristol) 1790-1824 (10 Jan. - died of a disease in Banjul, Gambia) and his wife Sarah Bowdich (née Wallis - later remarried to become Mrs. Lee), 1791-1856. T.E. Bowdich was also an African explorer, who during 1820-1822 lived in Paris, becoming a good friend if Cuvier (q.v.) and von Humboldt (q.v.) and Sarah, being a very good artist (especially known for her paintings of British fresh water fishes), used to follow him on his trips.
The beaked whale Mesoplodon bowdoini R.C. Andrews, 1904 is named for James Bowdoin, (7 Aug. - Boston) 1726-1790 (6 Nov. - Boston), US amateur zoologist, Colonial Governor of Massachusetts and First President of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
Dr. James Scott Bowerbank, (14 July - London) 1797-1877 (8 Mar.), from London, started as a 15 year old boy a career as a whisky maker in his fathers distillery "Bowerbank & Sons", which he and his brother eventually took over, but he was educated by the famous Dr. Kelly and took an early interest in science (mainly microskopy, entomology, palaeontology and spongiology); he was one of the founders of the Ray Society, which i.a. published the quadrology, for which he has been most remembered: "A Monograph of the British Spongidae", 1864-82. The material treated in this monograph and his papers on foreign sponges was received from numerous collectors. Bowerbank also was one of the founders of other societies, e.g. the London Clay Club, functioning during 1836-47, collecting fossils from the Thames estuary, together with e.g. S.V. Woods (q.v.), J. de C. Sowerby (q.v.), Frederick Erasmus Edwards, (1 Oct.) 1799-1875 (15 Oct.), conchologist, and the London Geology Prof. John Morris, (19 Feb. - Homerton, Middlesex) 1810-1886 (7 Jan. - London), from 1855 Professor of Geology at University College London. Bowerbank became a member of several societies pursuing mathematics, botany, astronomy and paleontology. He was the honorary secretary and president of the Paleontological Society, and also was one of the founding members of the Royal Microscopical Society and of the Zoological Society. While working on a supplementary monograph of the British Spongiadae (IV), Dr Bowerbank died rather suddenly on March 8, 1877. The volume was posthumously completed by his friend and greatest supplier, the Rev. A.M. Norman (q.v.). Dr Bowerbank's material is in the Natural History Museum, London. [Bowerbankia Farre, 1837, Halichondria bowerbanki Burton, 1930, Hymedesmia bowerbanki Lundbeck, 1910, Hamacantha bowerbanki Lundbeck, 1902, Phakellia bowerbanki Vosmaer, 1885, Craniella bowerbanki Carter, Isodictya bowerbanki Norman, 1882, Reniera bowerbanki Topsent, 1899, Cidaris bowerbankii Forbes, 1850, Acanthastrea bowerbanki Milne Edwards & Haime, 1857]. (Dr. Rob van Soest kindly provided part of this information).
Hon. George Meade Bowers, (13 Sep. - Gerrardstown, West Virginia) 1863-1925 (7 Dec. - Martinsburg, W. Virginia), US Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries [Antedon bowersi Clark, 1907, likely Phyllodoce bowersi Benham, 1927].
Dr. Stephen Bowers, 18??-19??, of Los Angeles, donated type specimen of Coenocyathus bowersi Vaughan, 1906. He may possibly be identical with the agriculturist and "pioneer" Stephen A. Bowers, 1858-19??, or perhaps more likely the Rev. PhD Stephen Bowers, (3 Mar. - Greencastle, Indiana) 1832-1907, of Los Angeles, who was described as a "curiosity hunter" and published on indian tribe antropology in San Buena Ventura, Cal. in 1888.
Bowers : (see also the Terra Nova expedition, 1910-).
Dr. Thomas Elliot Bowman III, (21 Oct. - Brooklyn, New York) 1918-1995 (10 Aug.), U.S. crustaceologist, mainly occupied by copepods and isopods. Educated first at Harward under John Welsh (q.v.). Curator in the Crustacea division at the Smithsonian Institution for 31 years [Apseudes bowmani Gutu & Iliffe, 1989, Bahalana bowmani Ortiz & Lenana, 1997, Cymbasoma bowmani Suárez-Morales & Gasca, 1998, Halicyclops bowmani Da Rocha & Iliffe, 1993, Hansenium bowmani]. The isopod genus Joryma Bowman is an anagram of Mary Jo, his wife.
Lacking information about Bowman in the cephalopod name Brachioteuthis bowmani Russel, 1909 from Scotland. The British fossils collector John Eddowes Bowman, 1785-1841, is likely too early to be the honoured person.
The foraminiferan name Psammosphaera bowmanni Heron-Allen & Earland, 1912 must be a tribute to the Newcastle pharmacist and naturalist (lecturing in botany in Durham) Henry Bownan Brady, (23 Feb. Gateshead-onTyne) 1835-1891 (10 Jan. - Bournemouth), younger brother of George Stewardson Brady (q.v.), who i.a. published "A monograph of Carboniferous and Permian Foraminifera (the genus Fusulina excepted) ". (The name bowmanni may have been chosen instead of bradyi to avoid confusion with his brother).
Geoffrey Allen Boxshall, 1950-, British/Canadian copepodologist at the British Museum (Nat. Hist.) [Boxshallia Huys, 1988, Hyalopontius boxshalli Humes, 1988, Stenopontius boxshalli Malt, 1991, Austrocephaloides boxshalli (Berge, Vader & Galan, 2001)]. (He has totally 6 species named for him according to Dr. D. Damkaer, who kindly provided some of this information).
Prof. Arthur Edwin Boycott, (6 Apr. - Hereford) 1877-1938 (12 May - Ewen), English pathologist & malacologist.
Eulimella boydae Van Aartsen, Gittenberger & Goud, 2000 was named for Ms. Suzanne E. Boyd, 19??-, curator of Mollusca at the Museum of Victoria, Australia.
Lacking information about Boyden in the polyplacophoran name Placophoropsis boydeni R.C. Murdoch, 1982, but likely a tribute to Dr. Charles R. Boyden, 19??-79 (accidental drowning), Portobello Marine Laboratory, New Zealand.
Lacking information about Boyer, 17??-18??, in the fish name Atherina (Hepsetia) boyeri Risso, 1810. Possibly a tribute to the French surgeon baron Alexis Boyer, (1 Mar. - Corrèze) 1757-1833 (23 Nov. - Paris), who lectured on diseses of bones.
Charles Sumner Boyer, (24 Sep. - Philadelphia) 1856-1928 (28 Mar. - Philadelphia), school administrator and diatom researcher at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia.
The parasitic copepod genus Boylea Cressey, 1977 is in honour of Ms. Hillary Boyle, 1949-, (later known as Hillary Boyle Cressey), who helped the author pick out parasites from fishes.
Prof. Dr. Peter R. Boyle, (Weybridge, England) 1942-2009 (22 Apr. (was suffering from cancer since 2002)), British cephalopod researcher at the Univ. of Aberdeen, PhD at Univ. of Auckland on polyplacophorans, is honoured in the cephalopod name Grimpoteuthis boylei Collins, 2003.
Dr. William Boys, (7 Sep. - Deal) 1735-1803 (15 Mar. - by apoplexy), surgeon, antiquary and conchologist at Sandwich, who inspired J.T. Swainson (q.v.) to his life-long interest in molluscs. Boys published on molluscs together with George Walker (q.v.) and on foraminifera.
Branko Božić, 19??-, harpacticoid researcher, who began publishing, often in French, around 1953 [Hastigerella bozici Soyer, 1974, Tachidiopsis bozici Bodin, 1967, Schizopera bozici (Bozic, 1964)].
The gastropod name Hexaplex kuesterianus bozzadamii Franchi, 1990 is a name in honour of two Italian shell dealers, Luigi Bozzetti (cf. below) and Adami. (Dr. Riccardo Giannuzzi-Savelli kindly provided this information).
Mr. Luigi Bozzetti, 19??-, from Milano, Italy, shell dealer [Mericella bozzetti Petit & Harasewych, 1993, Attiliosa bozzettii R. Houart, 1993, Biplex bozzetti Beu, 1998, Ancilla bozzettii Pratti, 1995, Metula bozzetti Parth, 1989].
Trygve Braarud, (15 Sep. - Verdal, Nord-Trøndelag) 1903-1985 (9 July - Oslo), a disciple of Gran (q.v.), Norwegian plankton phycologist and protistologist. He was a bachelor all his life. [Braarudosphaera Deflandre, 1947, Eutreptiella braarudii Throndsen 1969].
Jaroslav Brabenec, (30 Mar.) 1903-1978 (1 Mar.), Czech malacologist.
Bracebridge : (see Wilson).
Sphaeronella bradfordae Boxshall & Lincoln, 1983 is named for Janet M. Bradford (later J.M. Bradford-Grieve), 1940-, the Wellington discoverer of this species, who has published on New Zealand pelagic species of copepods.
The actinian name Asteractis bradleyi Verrill A. E., 1869, the octocoral name Eugorgia bradleyi Verrill, 1868 and the scleractinian name Oulangia bradleyi (Verrill, 1866) may possibly honour the US physicist and biologist Samuel Beach Bradley, (Aug. - Westmoreland, Oneida county, N. Y.) 1796-1880 (Sep. - West Greece, Monroe county, N.Y.).
Peter Colley Sylvester-Bradley, 1913-1978, British ostracod researcher and palaeontologist [Bythocythere bradleyi Athersuch, Horne & Whittaker, 1983].
Jack Bradshaw : (see Bieri).
Prof. George Stewardson Brady, (18 Apr. - Gateshead) 1832-1921 (25 Dec. - Sheffield), professor of natural history at the Hancock Museum in Newcastle-upon-Tyne; author of the 3-volume "A Monograph of the Free and Semi-parasitic Copepoda of the British Isles" for the Ray Society in 1880, but also publishing on the Challenger copepods and collections from different national expeditions; cooperator of Norman (q.v.); worked mainly on "entomostracans"[Bradya Boeck, 1872, Bradyidius Giesbrecht, 1897, Bradycalanus A. Scott, 1909, Bradyetes Farran, 1905, Bradycinetus Sars, 1866, Bradycypris G.O. Sars, 1924, Bradypontius Giesbrecht, 1895, Bathycalanus bradyi (Wolfenden, 1905), Undinopsis bradyi G.O. Sars, 1884, Pareuchaeta bradyi (With, 1915), Scolecithrix bradyi Giesbrecht, 1888, Centropages bradyi Wheeler, 1899, Cervinia bradyi Brady, 1878 ex Norman MS, Peltobradya Médioni & Soyer, 1967, Neobradya T. Scott, 1892, Antarcticobradya Huys, 1987, Phyllopodopsyllus bradyi (T. Scott, 1892), Sarsicytheridea bradii (Norman, 1865), Bythocythere bradyi G.O. Sars, 1926, Sclerochilus bradyi Rudjakov, 1962, Paradoxostoma bradyi G.O. Sars, 1928, Diastylis bradyi Norman, 1879, Ilyocypris bradyi G.O. Sars, 1890, Coronida bradyi (A. Milne-Edwards, 1869), Bradyidius bradyi (G.O. Sars, 1884), Cycloleberis bradyi ]. He was the eldest brother among his siblings and the British micropalaeontologist Henry Bowman Brady, (22 Feb. - Gateshead, England) 1835-1891 (10 Jan. - Bournemouth), who published much on foraminiferans, was his little brother [Valvulinerea bradyana (Fornasini, 1900), Trifarina bradyi Cushman, 1923, Rosalina bradyi Cushman, 1915, Robertinoides bradyi (Cushman & Parker, 1936), Neoeponides bradyi (Le Calvez, 1974), Fursenkoina bradyi (Cushman, 1922), Evolvocassidulina bradyi Norman, 1881, Ehrenbergina bradyi Cushman, 1922, Cassidulinoides bradyi (Norman, 1881), Parrina bradyi (Millett, 1898), Labrospira bradyi (Robertson, 1891), Karreriella bradyi (Cushman, 1911), Hemisphaerammina bradyi Loeblich & Tappan, 1957, Dorothia bradyana Cushman, 1936].
José Maria Braga, 1892-1972, Portuguese malacologist.
The cephalopod name Sepia braggi Verco, 1907 is likely not named for a person but for Fort Bragg at the Californian coast. (Dr. Riccardo Giannuzzi-Savelli kindly suggested this).
Cornelis Brakman, (25 May) 1879-1955 (6 Mar.), Dutch malacologist.
Professor Francis William Rogers Brambell, (25 Feb. - Sandycove, Co. Dublin) 1901-1970 (6 June - Bangor), Bangor, Wales, was i.a. a specialist on enteropneusts [Asperspina brambelli (Swedmark, 1968)].
The scleractinian name Acropora branchi Riegl, 1995, must be a tribute to Prof. George Metedith Branch, (25 Sep. - Harare, Zimbabwe) 1942-, Univ. of Cape Town, who has published on Africa's southernmost coral communities together with i.a. Riegl. The US / Guam malacologist James Byron Branch, 1940-, is a namesake.
The gastropod name Terebra brandi Bratcher & Burch, 1970 is likely a tribute to the US (Texas) malacologist and mathematician Dr. Louis Brand, 19??, who share this interest with his wife Lulu Brand, 19??-..
Anthonius Laurentius Brandhorst, 1883-1971, Dutch malacologist, is honoured in the gastropod name Odostomia (Odostomia) brandhorsti van Aartsen, Gittenberger & Goud, 1998.
Dr, Johann(es) Friedrich (or Fyodor Fyodorovich) von Brandt, (25 May - Jüterbog, Prussian Saxony) 1802-1879 (3 July - Merrekyul, near Narva), physician and zoologist, who was director of the Zoological Museum first in Berlin and later St. Petersburg. He published Berlin Flora in 1825, Medizinische Zoologie in 1827-34, Prodromus descriptionis animalium ab H. Mertensio ... observandum in 1835, Wirbeltiere der West Sibirien in 1845, Zur Klassifikation der Fische in 1865 and Naturgeschichte des Mammuths in 1866. From Dec. 1830, he was junior associate for zoology at the Russian Academy of Science, from May 1832 academician extraordinarius and from 1833 academician ordinarius. [Neanthes brandti Malmgren, 1866, Ligia brandti Rathke, 1837 Schizoplax brandtii (A. T. von Middendorff, 1846), likely Brandtothuria Deichmann, 1958, possibly Diplasterias brandtii (Bell, 1881) Meissner, 1904]. Another early namesake was the Dutch malacologist and businessman Joan Coenraad Brandt, 1704 (possibly 1703)-1791.
Prof. Karl Andreas Heinrich Brandt, (23 May - Magdeburg) 1854-1931 (7 Jan. - Kiel), professor of zoology in Kiel from 1888; marine biologist (plankton researcher) and zoogeographer. Together with Apstein (q.v.) editor of 4 volumes of Nordisches Plankton 1905-33.
Rolf Arthur Max Brandt, 1917-1989, malacologist, who was born and died in Hamburg [Paraprososthenia brandti Temcharoen, 1971].
The peracarid worker Prof. Dr. Angelika Brandt, (6 Dec. - Minden, Westfalen) 1961-, Zoological Institute and Zoological Museum, Hamburg, is honoured in the isopod name Brucerolis brandtae Storey & Poore, 2009. [Dolichiscus brandtae Pires & Sumida, 1997, Tridentella brandtae N.L. Bruce, 2008, Bythopussella brandtae Brandão, 2008]
Lacking information about P. Brandtner, 19??-, in the flatworm name Plagiostomum brandtneri Kulinich, 1980. Brandtner published on Tricladida during the 1930s.
Mr. Samuel A.L. Brannan, (2 Mar. - Saco, Maine) 1819-1889 (14 May - Escondito, California), of San Francisco, is honoured in the gastropod name Siphonaria brannani Stearns, 1872, collected by Brannan at Santa Barbara Island. Brannan had become a mormon in Ohio and moved later to New York City, but in 1846 he and 240 other mormons sailed from New York to Yerba Buena (now San Francisco), California, (among them his wife and 2 months old son Samuel L. Brannan), tripling the size of the village when they arrived. Later he i.a. became one of the founders of Sacramento. His son, Samuel L. Brannan jr., (17 Nov. - New York City) 1845-1940 (3 Dec. - San Diego), who had been educated in Geneva, Switzerland (together with his 3 sisters Adelaide, Fanny & Alisa) as a mineralogist, also collected natural history objects, i.a. together with Kellogg (q.v.), but after spending 40 years in Mexican mining operations, he had lost a fortune in the silver decline of 1898 and like his father, who became the first millionaire of Californa during the gold rush (did not dig himself, but spread the news about the gold as a journalist and sold equipment to the diggers), but lived in moderate circumstances after the divorce from his wife Ann Eliza (who liked Europe, where she had been with her children during their education, better than California), he died in relative poverty.
The US geologist Dr. George Casper Branner, 1890-1967, is likely the honoured person in the crab name Cancer branneri Rathbun, 1926. He was the son of another US geologist, Dr. John Casper Branner, (4 July - New Market, Tennessee) 1850-1922 (1 Mar. - Palo Alto) [Porites branneri Rathbun, 1888].
Mrs. Twila Langdon Smoot Bratcher, (later T.L. Bratcher-Critchlow), (29 Nov.) 1911-2006 (25 Dec. - Palo Alto), US amateur conchologist [Cymbovula bratcherae Cate, 1973, Splendrillia bratcherae McLean & Poorman, 1971, Terebra twilae Bouchet, 1983], who has co-published much with R.D. Burch (q.v.) and Cernohorsky (q.v.). She also has published together with her sister Billee Dillworth Gerrodette.
Torleiv Brattegard, 1938-, Norwegian hyperbenthos researcher at IMF in Bergen (and kind supplier of much information about Norwegian scientists to the compiler of this list) [Antho brattegardi van Soest & Stone,1986, Echinocorambe brattegardi Valdés & Bouchet, 1998, Ilyarachna torleivi Svavarsson, 1988, Fauveliopsis brattegardi Fauchald, 1972].
Prof. Dr. Hans Olof Brattström, (10 July) 1908-2000 (26 Aug.), Swedish zoologist; dissertation concerning echinoderms in 1941 at the Lund University. Together with Erik Dahl (q.v.), he was the leader of the Lund University Chile Expedition in 1948-49. Became professor of Zoology at the Univ. of Bergen, Norway in 1949 (from 1962 in Marine Biology). His duty included directorship of the "Biologisk Stasjon, Espegrend", which was rebuilt from scratch during his first two decades in Bergen. Retired in 1978. He was one of the founders (1956)) of the Nordic Council for Marine Biology and (1967) the European Marine Biological Symposia as well as the founder of the scientific journal Sarsia (in 1961). He was responsible for the journal Sarsia until 1983. He spent his last years in the Linköping area, Sweden, where his daughter lived [Brattstromia Fosshagen, in Fosshagen & Iliffe, 1991, Paranemertes brattstroemi Friedrich, 1970, Ascothorax brattstroemi, Chrysallida brattstroemi, Gnosonesima brattstroemi Karling, 1968, Drilonereis brattstroemi Fauchald, 1972, Sclerolinum brattstroemi Webb, 1964].
Friedrich Moritz Brauer, (12 May - Wien) 1832-1904 (29 Dec. - Wien), Austrian entomologist and crustacean researcher is possibly the person, honoured in the scyphozoan name Periphyllopsis braueri Vanhöffen, 1902 [Systellaspis braueri Crosnier, 1988]. Another possible and maybe more likely person is the German zoologist, museum director (in Berlin 1905) and "Forschungsreisender" (i.e. research traveller) August Brauer, (3 Apr. - Oldenburg) 1863-1917 (10 Sep.), who published on fish from e.g. the Valdivia expedition, but also founded "Die süsswasserfauna Deutschlands" [Cyclothone braueri Jespersen & Tåning, 1926, Eustomias braueri Zugmayer, 1911, Photonectes braueri (Zugmayer, 1913)].
Prof. Alexander Karl (Carl) Heinrich Braun, (10 May) 1805-1877 (29 Mar.), German botanist and philosopher in Berlin [Mastogloia braunii Grunow].
Max(imilian) Gustav Christian Carl Braun, 1850-1930, German zoologist / helminthologist [Braunina Heider, 1900, Trochopus brauni Mola, 1912, Graffilla brauni Schmidt, 1886, Acanthostomum brauni Mañé-Garzón & Gil, 1961]. (Prof. Albina Gaevskaya, Sevastopol, kindly provided the last eponym)
Lacking information about Brauner in the fish name Benthophiloides brauneri Beling & Ijing, 1927, but possibly a tribute to A.A. Brauner, around 1857-19??, who worked in the Black Sea region, where the fish was found.
Bravo Hollis : (see Caballero y Caballero).
The acanthocephalan name Echinorhynchus brayi Wayland, Sommerville & Gibson, 1999 is honouring Dr. Rodney Alan Bray, 1944-, British specialist of parasitic worms at the British Museum (Nat. Hist.).
Lacking information about Bray in the gastropod name Columbarium brayi Clench, 1959. Possibly? a tribute to the US ichthyologist William L. Bray, (19 Sep. - Burnside, Ill.) 1865-1953 (25 May).
Lacking information about Brazhnikov in the polychaete name Ampharete goesi brazhnikovi Annenkova, 1929, but - despite the masculine species ending - perhaps Nina Evgenevna Brazhnikova, who has published about marine geology in Kiev? However, more likely a tribute to V. (or W.) K. Brazhnikov, 187?-19??, who published on "Data on the fauna of the East Russian Seas, collected by the schooner "Storozh" between 1899 and 1902" in Russian in 1907.
John William Brazier, (23 Sep. - Sydney) 1842-1930 (20 Aug. - Lidcombe Hospitral), Australian malacologist, who became interested in natural history, especially shell collecting, when following his father , who was captain on a whaler, on a cruise in 1855 [Omphalotrochus brazieri, Murexiella brazieri (Angas, 1878), Peristernia brazieri Angas, 1877, Olivella brazieri Angas, 1877, Stylifer brazieri Angas, 1877, Diaphana brazieri Angas, 1877, Litozamia brazieri J. E. Tennison Woods, 1876]. {Picture / courtesy of R. Giannuzzi-Savelli}. Cytherea sophiae Angas, 1877 is named for his wife from 1872 Sophia Sarah Jane Brazier (née Rossier), ca 1844?-1882 (aged 38 when she died), and Braziier also named species after her, because she shared his interest in malacology, but remarried after her death.
Giacomo Savorgan di Brazza, 1859-1886, [Brazzaea Bourguignat, 1885], brother of the more well-known Pietro Paolo (after becoming French known as Pierre) Savorgan di Brazza, (25 Jan. - Castel Gandolfo, Italy) 1852-1905 (14 Sep. - Dakar, Senegal), Traveller (of Italian count ancestry) in Africa and governor general of French Congo between 1886-98, founder of Franceville and Brazzaville. The younger brother was born in Rome and stayed in Italy, the older was born in Rio de Janeiro, became naturalized as Frenchman in 1874, entered the French army (marine) and died eventually in Dakar. (Stefano Palazzi kindly provided some of this information).
The diatom genus Brebissonia A. Grunow and the diatom names Rhopalodia brebissoni Krammer and Surirella brebissonii Krammer & Lange-Bertalot, 1988 is possibly a tribute to the botanist Louis Alphonse de Brébisson, (Falaise) 1798-1872.
The Scottish botanist George Brebner, (Aberdeen) ca 1855-1904 (23 Dec. - Bristol), is honoured in the red algal name Audoinella brebneri (Batters, 1897) Dixon, 1976. Brebner published "Algological notes for Plymouth district" in 1896, because he worked at the Marine Biological Assiciation's Laboratory there and was also lecturer in Botany at University College, Bristol.
Breckenridge : (see Dana).
The dolphin name Steno bredanensis (Cuvier, in Lesson, 1828) is in honour of the Professor of Natural History Dr. Jacob Gisbertus Samuel van Breda, (24 Oct. - Delft) 1788-1867 (2 Sep. - Harlem), of Gent, Belgium, who made the first drawing of a specimen. He had studied in Leiden and became a PhD in 1811, became professor in Gent in 1822, but due to political troubles in Belgium, in 1830 he left for Leiden, where he became professor in 1831.
The stomatopod name Neogonodactylus bredini (Manning 1969) is named for Dr. John Bruce Bredin, 1914-2002 (12 Nov. - Delray Beach, Florida) (aged 88), of Wilmington, Delaware, a Pierre DuPont (his uncle) heir, who was among donors of invertebrate specimens to US National Museum in the mid 1950s. Bredin was awarded a Dr h.c. of human letters degree at the Univ. of Delaware in 1991 in recognition of "dedication to higher education and his stewardship of the University of Delaware" and for his "deep commitment to [his] community, through selfless service and support for a wide range of First State institutions and organizations." The Gulf of Mexico mysid name Heteromysis bredini Brattegard, 1970 may likely also be a tribute to the same person. (Dr. Riccardo Giannuzzi-Savelli kindly provided the key to whom had been honoured in this species name).
The copepod name Collocheres breei Stock, 1966 may possibly honour Jan Van Brée, 15??-16??, who travelled in the "Orientalische Indien" during 1602-04 or Peter J.H. van Bree, 19??-, who published a catalogue of remains of marine carnivores in the collection of the Institute of Taxonomic Zoology, University of Amsterdam in 1988.
Pieter Johan van Breemen, 1875-1967, Dutch zoologist, who published on copepods in "Nordischer Plankton".
The cowry name Erronea bregeriana (Crosse, 1868) is honouring M. Breger, 18??-1???, a shell collector from New Caledonia.
Alfred Edmund Brehm, (2 Feb. - Unterrenthendorf (Triptis)) 1829-1884 (11 Nov. - Unterrenthendorf), German naturalist, and African explorer renowned for his "Tierleben". He was the son of the ornithologist and vicar Christian Ludwig Brehm, (24 Jan. - close to Gotha) 1787-1864 (26 June - Renthendorf), who by naturalists was named an "archsplitter".
The Austrian biologist and librarian Dr. Vincenz Brehm, (1 Jan. - Doupov, Böhmen) 1879-1971 (18 May - Lunz), working in Eger, published on e.g. Cladocera and Copepoda, was an extraordinarily productive and long-lived copepodologist. He received collections of (mainly) freshwater species from around the world, so his mark is wide and over a long period. See Ruttner & Kiefer (1959) on Brehm's 80th birthday. Int. Rev. Ges. Hydrobiologie 44(2):133-136, with fairly good portrait. For obits, loc. cit. 54(3):467-468 as well as Ruttner-Kolisko (1971) Archive Hydrobiol. 68(2):293-301. Eleven copepod species perpetuate Brehm's name. [Cletocamptus brehmi Kiefer, 1934, Brehmiella Chappuis, 1928, Ditrichocorycaeus brehmi (Steuer, 1910)] (Dr. D. Damkaer kindly provided most of this information).
Dr. Ludwig Gottlieb "Leonid" Breitfuss, (1 Dec. - St. Petersburg) 1864-1950 (20 July - Bad Pymont, Niedersachsen), born in in Russia by German parents, PhD in Berlin in 1897. After that he went north and in 1902 he became head of the Murman Expedition. After that he headed the Hydrometeorological Department of the Central Hydrographical Board of the Russian Navy and in1914 he was one of the founders of the Polar Commission of the Academy of Sciences. In 1920 he went back to Germany and began working at Zoologisches Museum, Berlin, later in Deutsche Seewarter in Hamburg. Beside Arctic biological and ocenographical papers, he published on Calcarea, and is honoured in the flatworm name Trigonostomum breitfussi (von Graff,1905) and in the hydroid name Thuiaria breitfussi (Kudelin, 1914) and in the calcaraeus sponge genus name Breitfussia Borojevic, Boury-Esnault & Vacelet, 2000. He also seems to have been very interested in philately.
Ernest Brément, 1882-1914, curator at the Musee oceanographique de Monaco. A specialist in parasitic copepods, with his mentor and co-author E. Chatton (q.v.). Three species (brementi ) [e.g. Enterocola brementi Illg & Dudley, 1980] and a genus Brementia Chatton & Brément, 1915 recall his short but intense effort. Brement was killed in battle in the Argonne Forest a few months after the outbreak of World War I. He was posthumously cited for bravery. Also the tunicate Aplidium brementi (Harant, 1925) is named for him. (All this information was kindly achieved from Dr. David Damkaer).
Julius Lucius Brenchley, (30 Nov. - Maidstone, Kent) 1816-1873 (24 Feb. - Folkestone), UK priest, who travelled around the world in search of ethnography, art and natural history objects, especially essential as a collector in the southern seas.
Brenda : (see Minna).
Prof. ir. Gerardus Abraham Brender á Brandis, (10 Sep. Maastricht) 1881-1973 (5 Jan. - Zeist), was director of a factory, but published also on isopods together with Nierstrasz (q.v.) during the 1920s and -30s.
Mirjana Hrs-Brenko, 1935-, has been employed at the Marine Research Station, Rovinj, since 1960, working with bivalve taxonomy and ecology, and shellfish culture [Runcina brenkoae T. Thompson, 1980].
Prof. José Antonio Faustino Da Silva Bresciani, (22 May - Lima, Peru) 1926-2006 (20 Dec. - Holte). His paternal genes are Italian and the maternal Spanish/Peruvian. After some classical and art studies in Lima, he left Peru in 1947 for France (after first a year in Buenos Aires and a short time in Napoli), where he continued with what he earlier had done, painting and making art, but in 1950 he began biology studies at Sorbonne, but after a bicycle trip together with a student fellow to Denmark, he became aquainted to a girl Agnethe Vilstrup (to whom he married) and they lived in København (Copenhagen), where he settled and continued his studies and they got a son, José Pedro, but the marriage ended after a few years. After his Mag. Scient. on copepods in 1963 he began research at the Institute of Comparative Anatomy under Wingstrand (q.v.). In 1964 he was remarried to a far younger woman, the potter Jette Valentin, with whom he got two children Anna and Pablo, but also this marriage ended (in 1976) and after having lived alone for a couple of years he then again moved to live with a woman (see below). In 1968 he moved to the zoology section of the Royal Veterinary Institute, dept. Ecology and Molecular Biology. His latest life partner was his colleague, the veterinary prof. Vibeke Dantzer. He has worked with a rather broad spectrum of invertebrate taxa and have published together with several coauthors, but parasitical copepods is central in his research, often together with Lützen (q.v.). His political oponions was towards left and he was a member of Denmark's Communist party.
The German-Jewish Prof. Dr. Ernst Ludwig Bresslau, (10 July - Berlin) 1877-1935 (9 May - São Paulo - by heart failure), after studies of medicin at the universities in Strassburg & München, where he became a good friend of the 1952 years Nobel peace prize winner, the philantropist and organ music artist Albert Schweitzer, 1875-1965, who married Bresslau's sister Helene. Bresslau became professor at the university of Köln in 1925, but was forced to leave for Brazil in 1933 with his family when tha Nazis took power, and is remembered in the flatworm names Bresslauilla Reisinger,1929, Coelogynopora bresslaui Steinböck, 1924 and in the ciliate name Bresslaua Kahl, 1931. (see also his wife Louise under the specific name luisae)
Prof. Sir David Brewster, (11 De. - Jedburgh, Scotland) 1781-1868 (10 Feb.), UK malacologist and optical physicist (inventor of the kaleidoscope in 1816). He was a friend of both Sir Walter Scott and the zoologist Dr. William Baird (q.v.) and he had in 1810 married Juliet Macpherson, daughter of the author of the Songs of Ossian.
Johannes Philipp Breyn(e), 1680-1764, Polish malacologist, son of the Danzig botanist Jacob Breyn, 1637-1697,.
Prof. Alessandro Brian, 1873-1969 (27 Jan), Italian zoologist working in Genoa, published on commensal and parasitic copepods, from 1898 on. Six copepod species bear his name. See biography (with portrait) by A. Carli in Crustaceana 19(2):218-. [Brianella Wilson, 1915, Brianola Monard, 1926, Phyllopodopsyllus briani Petkovski, 1955, Bradyellopsis briani Steuer, 1941, Ergasilus briani Markevich, 1933, Echinolaophonte armiger briani Lang, 1965] He was the first person to find Clavellotis briani Benmansour, Ben Hassine, Diebakate & Raibaut, 2001 (Dr. D. Damkaer kindly provided part of this information, also saying about Prof. Brian: "I met him in Genoa in 1966--a most charming and sympathetic man" & Prof. Jean-Lou Justine, Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, kindly added the information about the latest species honouring this man).
Shinkailepas briandi Warén & Bouchet, 2001 was named for Patrick Briand, 19??-, Brest, at IFREMER who sorted material.
Bruno Briano, 195?-, shell dealer and diver in Savona, Italy, is honoured in the gastropod names Buccinulum brunobrianoi Parth, 1993 and Lyria brianoi Poppe, 1999. (Dr. Riccardo Giannuzzi-Savelli kindly provided this information).
Adolphe Briart, 1825-1898, Belgian geologist and malacologist, supervisor of the coal mines at Bascoup and Mariemont near Morlanwelz.
The flatworm name Panopula bridgeri Bray & Gibson, 1986 is named for Mr John P. Bridger, 19??-, a fisheries scientist, at the MAFF Laboratory, Lowestoft, Suffolk, England (Dr. Rod Bray kindly provided this information).
The gastropod name Terebra bridgesi Dall, 1908 is likely honouring Thomas Charles Bridges, 1807-1865, from Norfolk, England, who studied groundwater and collected shells from Panama. He also travelled in northern Chile (where he spent much time), Peru, Bolivia and California. He was son-in-law of Hugh Cuming (q.v.). Whether the name of the Tierra del Fuego ascidian Alloecarpa bridgesi Michaelsen, 1900 is honouring the same person is doubtful, but at least the bird name Thamnophilus bridgesi Sclater, 1856 is in his honour.
Rev. Father Léonce Bridoux, (15 Jan.) 1852-1890 (21 Oct.), apostolic vicar of the missions in Tanganyika, but died a little more than a year after becoming bishop there [Bridouxia Bourguignat, 1885].
The hydroid name Thecocodium brieni Bouillon, 1967 is in honour of Prof. Paul Brien, (24 May - Hannut) 1894-1975 (19 Feb. - Watermael-Baitsfort), professor at l'Université libre de Bruxelles between 1928-64. (Rudy Jocqué, head of invertebrates non-insects section, Royal museum for Central Africa, Tervuren, Belgium, kindly provided a link to the following Notice Biographiques about Brien: ).
Tomicodon briggsi, Williams and Tyler, 2003 is named in honor of Prof. Dr. John C. Briggs, 19??-, Georgia Museum of Natural History, in recognition of his pioneering monograph on clingfish systematics. He became PhD at Stanford Univ. in 1952 and Prof. at Univ. of South Florida in 1964 (Emeritus in 1990). (Riccardo Giannuzzi-Savelli, Palermo, kindly provided this information).
Prof. William Tufts Brigham, (24 May) 1841-1926 (30 Jan.), first director of the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Musem, Honolulu, is honoured in the scleractinian name Psammocora brighami Vaughan, 1907.
Lacking information about Bright in the gastropod name Melanodrymia brightae Warén & Bouchet, 1993, but likely not the US malacologist Pete L. Bright, 1956-, because of the female ending, much more likely a tribute to Prof. Dr. Monika Bright, 19??-, Wien, working on hydrothermal vent fauna.
The British attorney, mayor and entomologist Thomas Brightwell, (18 Mar. - Suffolk) 1787-1868 (17 Nov.), who had settled in Norwich, is also remembered as an algologist in the diatom names Ditylum brightwellii (T. West) Grunow in Van Heurck, 1883 and Surirella brightwellii W. Smith.
Dr. Anita Brinckmann-Voss, 19??-, working in British Columbia, is interested in hydroids.
Mrs Dawn Brink, 19??-, of Westville, South Africa, shell collector [Mitra brinkae Salisbury & Kilburn, 1996].
Prof. Martin Cecilius August Brinkmann, Sr., (1 Nov. - København) 1878-1940 (21 Dec.), Danish-Norwegian zoologist, director after Appellöf from 1910 at the zoological department of the Bergen Museum, Norway, professor in 1914 and director for the Herdla Marine Biology station from 1922 (when this station was taken into use); he was primarily interested in pelagic nemerteans and in parasitology, although he wrote a paper on Danish acoels and rhabdocoels when young [Pelagonemertes brinkmanni Coe, 1926, Brinkmannia Stiasny-Wijnhoff, 1926, Brinkmanniella Luther, 1943]. His son August Brinkmann, jr., (16 May) 1912-1991, kept working as a parasitologist in Bergen.
Lacking information about Briskas in the gastropod name Haustellum briskasii Verrill, 1953?
Mathurin Jacques Brisson, (13 Apr. - Fontenay-le-Comte, Vendée, France) 1723-1806 (23 June - Croissy (near Versailles)), French physician, natural philosopher and naturalist, mainly ornithologist.
Miss Viola Sterling Bristol, 1???-1957, malacologist of Point Loma, California [Cerithiopsis bristolae Hanna & Strong, 1938]. (Dr. Eugene V. Coan, California, kindly provided the year of decease).
Dr. Temir Alanovich Britayev, 19??-, is working in Moscow on polychaetes associated with other organisms. [Synelmis britayevi Salazar-Vallejo, 2003, Bermudacaris britayevi Anker, Poddoubtchenko & Marin, 2006] (Riccardo Giannuzzi-Savelli, Palermo, kindly provided the first eponym).
Lacking information about Brito in the Macaronesian gastropod name Chromodoris britoi Ortea & Perez, 1983. It may likely be Alberto Brito, 19??-, who together with Zibrowius (q.v.), described a madreporarian species from the Canaries in 1984, but mainy have published on ichthyology.
Britta in the parasitic copepod name Sigecheres brittae Bresciani, 1964 was the loved woman of the author at the occasion of the description.
The copepod name Ep1icalymma brittoni Heron, English & Damkaer, 1984 was named for Dr. Max(well) Edwin Britton, (26 Jan. - Hymena, Indiana) 1912-2004 (16 Mar. - Arlington, Virginia), who was a botanist working for the Arctic Institute of North America, and a friend of Tom English. Britton wrote "Algae of Illinois" in 1952, and a number of papers on plants of Arctic regions. (Dr. D. Damkaer kindly provided this information).
Giovanni Battista Brocchi, (18 Feb. - Basano del Grappa) 1772-1826 (25 Sep. - Khartum, Sudan), Italian geologist and naturalist, who in 1802 was appointed as botany professor in Brescia [Thysanozoon brocchii (Risso,1818), possibly Hebella brochi (Fleming, 1820), Brocchinia Joussiaume, 1887, Diplodonta brocchii Deshayes, 1852].
Professor Hjalmar Broch, (19 July - Horten (Borre)) 1882-1969 (6 Aug. - Oslo), Norwegian cnidariologist, who from 1920 was the director of the Biological Station at Dröbak in the Oslo Fjord. Broch had after studies at the university in Christiania (Oslo) under Bonnevie (q.v.) (PhD there in 1910) started his zoological carreer in Bergen by studying population dynamics among herring via their scales, but left in 1910 for the Museum in Trondheim, where he stayed until 1920. When returning to Oslo in 1920, he and his family (he had married) found nowhere to live, so they stayed at the Biological Station in Dröbak for several years. He was a populal speaker among his students. [Proporus brochii Westblad, 1945, Brochiella Krumbach, 1925, Lepidotheca brochi Cairns, 1986, Stylaster brochi (Fisher, 1938)].
Prof. Dr. Johannes Georg Friedrich Brock, (16 Jan. - Berlin) 1852-1889 (20 Feb.), studied medicine in Berlin and achieved his MD in 1874, after having served in the Franco-German war 1870-71 and becoming seriously ill and after that being forced to interrupt his studies because of a pulmonary disease. However he was also interested in zoology and continued to study anatomy at Würzburg under R.A. von Kölliker (1875-76) (q.v.). In 1876 he worked in Heidelberg under C. Gegenbaur (q.v.). Later this year Brock became assistant of E. Selenka at the Zoological Institute in Erlangen. Here he obtained his PhD in 1879. In 1881 he was appointed Privatdocent (lecturer) and assistant - under E. Ehlers (q.v.) - at the Zool. Institute at the Univ. of Göttingen. Between 1876-81, Brock had made four collecting trips to the Mediterranean (Trieste, Naples, Nice) and between 1884-85 he visited the Malay Archipelago at his own expense (his father, who died in 1883, left him a considerable fortune), with some financial support of the Prussian Academy of Sciences. However, his health was influenced in an unfavourale manner by the tropical climate, but a stay in S England in 1885-86 caused a seemingly complete recovery. In 1889 he was appointed professor of histology, comparative anatomy and embryology at the Univ. of Dorpat (now Tartu, Estonia), but died (of pneumonia) in Göttingen before moving to this place [Hyastenus brockii De Man, 1887, Neptunus brockii De Man, 1888, Axius brockii De Man, 1888, Anchista brockii De Man, 1888, Aspidosiphon brocki Augener, 1903, Periclimenes brockii (De Man, 1888), Octopus brocki Ortmann, 1888].
Mr. Walter Brockett, 1862-1928 (11 Nov.), Head Attendant in the Cambridge Laboratory of Zoology, (where he had spent 48 years of employment art the time of his death - firstt under Balfour (q.v.), later under Sedgwick) is honoured in the shrimp name Periclimenes brocketti Borradaile, 1915. (Dr. A.J. Bruce kindly supplied this information).
The Diatom names Brockmanniella Hasle, von Stosch & Syvertsen brockmannii (Hustedt, 1939) Haste & al. and Achnantes brockmannii Simonsen, 1962 must be honouring Christoph Brockmann, 1878-1962, who worked on diatoms in Bremerhaven.
William John Broderip, (21 Nov. - Bristol) 1789-1859 (27 Feb. - London), lawyer (Bow Street magistrate and justice of the peace in the Thames Police Court) and hobby zoologist, mainly interested in malacology and described such taxa during the 1820s and 1830s. In 1826 he was one of the founders of the Zoological Society in London. Owner of an impressive more or less unrivalled shell cabinet. Friend and tory companion of R. Owen (q.v.) and also a very good friend of W. Buckland (q.v.). [Lyncina broderipi (Sowerby, 1832), Mitrella broderipi G.B. Sowerby I, 1844, Stigmaulax broderipiana Récluz, 1844, Natica broderipiana Récluz, 1844, Xanthochorus broderipii Michelotti, 1841, Conus broderipii L. A. Reeve, 1844]. {Picture / courtesy of R. Giannuzzi-Savelli}.
It is of course not the phycologist Prof. Juliet Brodie, 19??-, who is honoured in the algal names Polysiphonia brodiaei (Dillwyn, 1809) Sprengel, 1827 & Callithamnion brodiaei Harv. in Hook. (and the cluster-lily genus name Brodiaea J.E. Smith, 1808), but the Scottish politician (MP between 1796-1807) and collector James Brodie, (31 Aug.) 1744-1824 (17 Jan.), who got his education first at Elgin, then at St. Andrews, married Lady Margaret Duff, sister of the earl of Fife, who got two daughters and two sons with him, before she unfortunately died in a fire accident in 1786. Brodie was a good friend of James Edwart Smith (q.v.) and several others (including the poet Robert Burns) and was a F.R.S and F.L.S. May the fish name Howella brodiei Ogilby, 1899 honour the same man, or perhaps more likely the biologist Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie, 1783-1862?
Lacking information about Brodie in the Lithodid name Neolithodes brodiei Dawson & Yaldwyn, 1970. Possibly? a tribute to the US zoologist (herpetologist) Edmund Darrell Brodie III, (29 June) 1941-, at the Univ. of Indiana.
The falconer, writer and illustrator William Brodrick, Esq., 1814-1888 (21 Dec.), of Ilfracombe, sent the author of the actinian Cataphellia brodricii (Gosse, 1859) a specimen, taken at Lundy Island, in November 1858 and published on " Falconers' Favourites" in 1865.
Prof. V.A. Brodskaya, (also Brotskaja or Brotskaya) 1???-196? (when Por described C. brodskayae, she was called the late Mrs. B.), published on harpacticoids in 1959 and 1963 and had earlier (at least from 1931 on) worked together with Zenkevich (q.v.). [Cerviniella brodskayae Por, 1969, Phascolion brotzkajae Murina, 1964, despite the spelling Dactylopodia brodzkiae Chislenko, 1967 may honour this researcher?].
Konstantin Abramovich Brodsky (or Brodskii), 1907-1991, long-time copepodologist at the Zoological Institute of the Academy of Sciences, Leningrad. His principal work was the 1950 "Copepods of the Northern Seas of USSR." He contributed significantly to studies of the worldwide distribution of Calanus and its relatives. There are five species of marine plankton copepods that bear his name [Oncaea brodskii Shmeleva, 1968, Euaugaptilus brodskyi Hulsemann, 1967, Mimocalanus brodskyi Razouls, 1974, Arctokonstantinus Markhaseva & Kosobokova, 2001]. (Dr. David Damkaer kindly supplied this information).
Dr. Broekhuysen, Gerrit Jeronimo (Gerry), (18 Apr. - Batavia (now Jakarta), Indonesia) 1908-1975 (16 Apr.), was educated in the Netherlands (PhD in 1936 in Leiden), but went after his dissertation to South Africa, where he for two years was a lecturer in Cape Town, later entomologist in Pretoria and during the 3 last years of WWII he and his family spent in Indonesia, but became almost immediately Japanese prisoners. They went back to Cape Town in 1946 and he now turned to marine biology. During the last years of his life he also became very interested in ornithology.
The polyplacophoran name Connexochiton bromleyi Ferreira, 1985 is likely a tribute to the US (Hawaii) malacologist Jean Moses Bromley, 1899?-1988 (May - Honolulu, 89 years old). When young, she had been a championship tennis player.
Auguste Brondel, 18??-1???, officier of "Intendence militaire" of Algeria [Brondelia Bourguignat, 1862, Bulimulus brondelianus Bourguignat, 1862, Limax brondelianus Bourguignat, 1860, Physa brondelii Bourguignat, 1856, Testacella brondeli Bourguignat, 1861].
Prof. Leo Daniël Brongersma, (17 May - Bloemendaal) 1907-1994 (24 July - Leiden), former director of the Rijksmus. Nat. Hist., Leiden, Holland and sea turtle researcher [Nucula brongersmai Bergmans, 1978].
Professor Alexandre Brongniart, (10 Feb. - Paris) 1770-1847 (7 Oct. - Paris), French natural scientist, mainly mineralogist, early collaborator and friend of Cuvier (q.v.) [Chorizopora brongniartii (Audouin, 1826)]. His son Prof. Adolphe Théodore (de) Brongniart, (14 Jan.) 1801-76 (18 Feb.), was professor of botany at the Natural History Museum in Paris from 1831 and recognized as the founder of paleobotany [Brongniartella Bory, 1822]. His sister (Alexandre Brongniart's youngest daughter) was the nice looking Mathilde Émilie Brongniart, 1808-1882, who, 6 December 1827 became the beloved wife of Audouin (q.v.), is remembered in Sigalion mathildae Audouin & H. Milne-Edwards, in Cuvier, 1830. There was also a Charles Jules Edmée Brongniart, (11 Feb. - Paris) 1859-1899 (18 Apr. - Paris), who published on arthropods during the 1890s, a grandson of Adolphe.
The diatom name Fragilaria bronkei Witkowski, Lange-Bertalot & Metzeltin, 2000 is dedicated to Prof. Hubert Bronk, 19??-, former Rector Magnificus of the University of Szczecin, Poland.
Prof. Heinrich Georg Bronn, (3 Mar. - Ziegelhausen, close to Heidelberg) 1800-1862 (5 July - Heidelberg), German naturalist, assistant professor of natural sciences in Heidelberg in 1828 and ordinary in 1833, mainly interested in palaeontology and geology. He founded in 1859 the series "Klassen und Ordnungen des Tierreichs" [Dolicholatirus bronni (Michelotti, 1897), Limea bronniana Dall, 1886, Thais bronni R. W. Dunker, 1860].
Rhinoclama brooki Marshall 2002 was named for Fred J. Brook, 19??-, Wangarei, New Zealand, in appreciation of his work on recent and fossil molluscs of the Kermadec isl. [likely also the coral name Coenocyathus brooki Cairns, 1995] (Riccardo Giannuzzi-Savelli, Palermo, kindly provided this information).
The mysidacean name Siriella jaltensis brooki Norman, 1887, is likely a tribute to the embryologist and zoologist George Brook, (17 Mar.) 1857-1893 (12 Aug. - near Newcastle-upon-Tyne, from heat-apoplexy), (died only a month after his "Catalogue of the Madreporarian Corals in the British Museum" had been printed), Edinburgh, F.L.S., F.R.S.E., who i.a. in 1889 named the Trachelifer larva (now known as belonging to Jaxea nocturna Nardo, 1847) and beside plankton worked also on corals.
The gastropod names Brookesena Finlay, 1927 and Cardita brookesi Finlay, 1927 are not likely honouring the physician and biologist Dr. Joshua Brookes, (24 Nov.) 1761-1833 (10 Jan.), or the British malacologist Samuel Brookes, 1???-1838, because they are likely too early for these names. A much more likely person is the New Zealand entomologist Mr. Albert E. Brookes, 18??-19??, who sent New Zealand mollusk specimens to Iredale (q.v.).
Dr. Stanley Truman Brooks, (4 Oct. - Mound City, Kansas) 1902-1958, US malacologist in Pittsburg, mainly interested in non marine molluscs and working together with his wife Betty Watts Brooks, 1898-1978, (PhD in 1934). [Anodonta brooksiana van der Schalie, 1938].
Dr. William Keith Brooks, (25 Mar. - Cleveland, Ohio) 1848-1908 (12 Nov.), U.S. zoologist at the Johns Hopkins University, mainly cnidariologist (and also publishing on salps), who also founded the Chesapeake Zoological Laboratory in 1878; a disciple of the Agassiz family [Brooksia Metcalf, 1918, Staurodiscus brooksi (Mayer, 1910), Proboscidactyla brooksi (Mayer, 1910), possibly Protosquilla brooksii De Man, 1888].
Dr. James M. Brooks, 19??-, "Texas A & M University, who has been one of the driving forces behind exploration of deep-sea hydrocarbon/brine seeps in the Gulf of Mexico" is honoured in the mussel name Bathymodiolus brooksi Turner, Gustafson, Lutz & Vrijenhoek 1998.
Cristopher Edmund Broome, 1812-1886, British cryptogamist [Anabaena broomei Batters].
Brotskaja or Brotskaya : (see Brodskaya).
Lacking information about Broughton in the clam name Anadara broughtoni (Schrenk, 1867).
Lacking information about Brown in the oligochaete name Tubificoides brownae Brinkhurst & Baker, 1979.
Lacking information about Brown, 18??-19??, in the harpacticoid name Pseudozosime browni T. Scott, 1912.
Lacking information about Brown in the fish name Cynoglossus browni Chabanaud, 1949, but possibly a tribute to Mr. C.J.D. Brown, who were among donors of fish specimens (4329 spec.) to the US National Museum in 1957. (Dr. Riccardo Giannuzzi-Savelli kindly provided this information).
Dr. Amos Peaslee Brown, 1864-1917, US palaeontologist [Metula amosi Vanatta, 1913, possibly Astrangia browni Palmer, 1928].
Billee L. Brown (née Langdon), 1916-, US amateur malacologist, sister of Twila Bratcher (q.v.), first married Dilworth, then Brown, then Gerrodette. [Epitonium billeanum (DuShane & Bratcher, 1965)]. Walter Lincoln Brown, 1866-1942, was an US malacological namesake, as was A.D. Brown, 1???-1887.
Gregory Harapath Brown, 19??-, colleague in Bristol and friend of the Irish author of Flabellina browni (Picton, 1970).
Lenny Brown, (Brooklyn, New York) 1954-, US wentletrap researcher, who i.a. has published together with B. Neville (q.v.) and A. Weil (q.v.), is honoured in the species name Amaea lennyi Garcia, 2003.
Robert Brown, (21 Dec.) 1773-1858 (10 June), Scottish born botanical keeper at the British Museum, who had followed Flinders on H.M.S. Investigator around Australia in 1801-04. He also described the cell nucleus (a word coined by him) and "Brownian movements" of minute particles in fluids [Cladophora (Aegagropila) brownii Harvey].
Captain (in the Forfarshire Militia) Thomas Brown, (Perth, Scotland) 1785-1862, FLS, British naturalist, curator of the Manchester Museum from 1838, who wrote several natural history books, i.a. a few dealing with conchology [likely Zebina browniana (d'Orbigny, 1842)].
Lacking information about Browne in the copepod name Tetragoniceps brownei Wells, 1967.
Edward Thomas Browne, 1866-1937 (10 Dec.), Professor at the University of London; British researcher on medusae and hydroids, who shared the interest of gardening as relaxation from marine biology with his good friend and neighbour, the Rev. Canon Norman (q.v.) [Eucodonium brownei Hartlaub, 1907, Mitrocomella brownei (Kramp, 1930), Zygophylax brownei Billard, 1924, Dipurena brownei (Bigelow, 1909), Eutimalphes brownei Torrey, 1909]. Francis C. Browne, 1830-1900, was an US malacological namesake. Another namesake, Dr. Patrick Browne, (Mayo) 1720-1790, MD in Leyden (where he learned to know Linnaeus and other noteworthy persons), was an Irish physician with naturalist interests, who made several journeys to the West Indies and published about the natural history of Jamaica.
Dr. Alexander (Sandy) James Bruce, 1929-, British carcinologist interested primarily in Indo-West Pacific caridean shrimps, from the Red Sea to Tahiti, particularly commensal coral reef species, especially the Pontoniinae, but also the Hippolytidae, Alpheidae and smaller families, even an atyid. He first studied to become a medical doctor, but eventually went for a more true love, the taxonomy of shrimps and held a variety of research positions in different places until he settled in Australia during the 1970s. Has also published papers on deep-sea shrimp taxa and on nephropid and other lobsters, stomatopods and bopyrids. Studies have been based primarily on the faunas around Zanzibar, Hong Hong, Moreton Bay, Queensland, Mombasa and the western Indian Ocean, Heron Island, Queensland, and Darwin, Northern territory. Retired 1995, now an associate of the Queensland Museum, Brisbane. When he stayed at Heron Island Research Station, Australia, he collected specimens of Bulbonaricus brucei Dawson, 1984 (pisces). His son Niel (see below) is in a similar business [Bruceonia Fransen, 2002, Heteromysis brucei O. Tattersall, 1967 Quadrella brucei Serène, 1973, Munida brucei Baba, 1974, Carpias brucei (Monod 1974), Alpheus brucei Banner & Banner, 1982, Uroptychus brucei Baba, 1986, Spongiaxius brucei (Sakai, 1986), Doxomysis brucei Murano, 1989, Nicothoe brucei Kabata, 1967, Pagurapseudes abrucei Bacescu, 1981, Heteromysis abrucei Bacescu, 1979, Upogebia (Calliiadae) brucei Sakai, 1975, Meractaea brucei Serene, 1984, Stylodactylus brucei Cleva, 1994, Rhynchocinetes brucei Okuno, 1994, Tymolus brucei Tavares, 1991, Brusinia brucei Stevcic, 1991, Mesopontonia brucei Burukovsky, 1991, Paradicaprella brucei Hirayama, 1990, Periclimenes brucei Duris, 1990, Dasella brucei Berggren, 1990, Mesopenaeus brucei Crosnier, 1986, Ibacus brucei Holthuis, 1977, Anoplodactylus brucei Child, 1990, Margueritta sandyi N.L. Bruce, 2003 (named by his son, in a genus named for his mother - Sandy Bruce's wife - see Niel Bruce below)]. He named Allopontonia iaini Bruce, 1972, a pontoniine shrimp, after his elder son, Iain Alastair Bruce and a hippolytid shrimp, Thor marguitae A.J. Bruce, 1978, after his wife, Marguite Bruce. (Dr. A.J. Bruce himself kindly supplied this information).
Major-General Sir David Bruce, (29 May - Melbourne) 1855-1931 (27 Nov.), famous medical researcher and copepod collector in Malta. Bruce was assigned by the British military to find the cause of "Malta Fever," a debilitating disease long-known from the central Mediterranean. He did so by discovering the bacterium (later named Brucella), the cause of brucellosis. This is an undulant fever like malaria, but unlike malaria it is transmitted by contaminated goat milk. During his stay in Malta, Bruce collected 59 plankton samples which were sent to I. C. Thompson (q.v.), who published a report on the Copepoda from Maltese Seas in 1888. Among the copepods was a new species, Copilia brucei. Bruce gathered many other kinds of marine organisms, and other persons published on other animal groups from his collections. The Trachymedusan name Botrynema brucei Browne, 1908 is likely named after him [Pseudomesochra brucei (T. & A. Scott, 1901), Paramphiascella brucei (T. & A. Scott, 1901)]. (Dr. David Damkaer kindly supplied this information).
John I. Bruce, 1927-1993 (3 Apr.), helminth parasitologist.
The entoproct Loxosomella brucei Eggleston, 1965 was named for Mr. John Ronald Bruce, 18??-19??, retired (later late (probably before 1978)) Deputy Director of the Port Erin Marine Biological Station, in which he had taken part of the founding and e.g. co-author of "Marine Fauna of the Isle of Man". He was also a local antiquarian.
Dr. Niel Lucien Bruce, 1952-, British-Australian crustacean taxonomist working during some years in the 1990s at the Zoological Museum København (Copenhagen). Later at National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research, Kilbirnie, Wellington, New Zealand and after that at Museum of Tropical Queensland, Townsville, Australia. His father is A.J. Bruce (see above) [Cirolana brucei Javed & Yasmeen, 1995,Cirolana nielbrucei Brusca, Wetzer & France, 1995, Paraleptosphaeroma brucei Kussakin & Malyutina, 1993, Clianella brucei Harrison & Holdich, 1984, Maricoccus brucei Poore, 1994, Paranthura brucei Negoescu, 1999, Nebalia brucei Olesen, 1999, Callianassa nieli Sakai, 2002, Periclimenaeus nielbrucei A.J. Bruce, 2006, Brucerolis Poore & Storey, 2009]. Dr Bruce named some isopods of the family Sphaeromatidae for members of his own family: Margueritta Bruce, 1993 (named for his mother), Juletta Bruce, 1993 (named after his wife), Margueritta silviae Bruce, 1993 (daughter #1), Juletta mirandae Bruce, 1993 (daughter #2), and Juletta fika Bruce, 1993 (after his sisters Fiona and Katrina). Dr. Bruce also remarked "I have one further species of Margueritta and of course I will have to name it for my father". (Dr. Niel Bruce himself kindly provided this information).
The polyplacophoran name Chaetopleura brucei J. C. Melvill & R. Standen, 1912, described from the South Orkney Islands and the asteroid name Diplasterias brucei (Koehler) described from the Antarctic must both honour the Scottish Antarctic researcher Dr. William Speirs Bruce, (1 Aug. - London) 1867-1921 (28 Oct. - Edinburgh), who was the leader of the Scottish Scotia expedition (Scottish National Antarctic Expedition) 1902-04 and before that had taken part of the Andrew Coats' (q.v.) Cruise with his steam yacht Blencathra in 1898 to the Novaja Zemblja area and on several British whaling expeditions to the Falkland Islands during the early 1890s. There is/was also a shrimp Synalpheus brucei Potts 1915, which likely may honour the same person [Epiactis brucei Carlgren O., 1939, the arctic harpacticoids: Cletodes brucei T.& A. Scott, 1901, Dactylopus brucei T.& A. Scott, 1901, Jonesiella brucei T.& A. Scott, 1901]. (Dr. David Damkaer kindly provided some of the information).
Prof. Leonard Jan Bruce-Chwatt, (9 July) 1907-1989 (17 Mar.), Polish coccidian parasitologist.
Lacking information about Brucie in the nematode name Diplolaimelloides bruciei Hopper, 1970.
Franz Ernst Bruckmann, (27 Sep. - Marienthal) 1697-1753 (21 Mar. - Wolfenbuttel), German naturalist, mainly mineralologist and botanist.
Lacking information about Brue in the bivalve name Chlamys bruei (Payraudeau, 1826). Possibly it may be a tribute to Adrien Hubert Brué, 1786-1832, who published about cártographics and had been a geography interested boy on Baudin's cruise in 1800-1804 to Australia.
Marc Vander Bruggen, 19??-, Puyenhof Wachtebeke, Gent, Belgium, is recognized in Desmodora marci Verschelde, Gourbault & Vinx, 1998. Is perhaps the same person honoured in the gastropod names Setia bruggeni Verduin, 1984 and Mitrella bruggeni van Aartsen, Menkhorst & Gittenberger, 1984 or maybe more likely these names are honouring Dr. Adolf Cornelis van Bruggen, 1929-, Dutch / South African malacologist, retired since the mid 1990s? (see also under Van Bruggen).
Abbate Guiseppe Antonio Brugnone, 18??-1884, from Palermo collected molluscs, which mainly were sold to Monterosato (q.v.).
Jean-Guillaume Bruguière (sometimes spelled Bruguières), (Montpellier) 1749-98 (3 Oct. - Ancona, Italy (on way home from Asia Minor)), French naturalist (and physician-botanist to the French king, although he preferred natural history before medicine against his fathers wish) and diplomat, who during the late 18:th century described several taxa in "Encyclopédie Méthodique" which arrived between 1788-1832. When young, he participated in a research trip to Kerguelen, later on he travelled in the Greek archipelago and in Asia Minor. (Some sources say that he deceased in 1799, but according to Dr. David Damkaer (in litt.) this is a misunderstanding caused by the revolutionary calendar). One of his few known real friends was Lamarck, another the entomologist Olivier (q.v.), with whom he made his (last, very dangerous) collecting expedition to Asia Minor, which was full of hardships for the at this time very fat Bruguière. Before the two companions left for Asia Minor, their friend Lamarck (q.v.) had in 1890 recommended the authorities to give them a position each to cover the neglected areas "Worms" and Insects, but when they were gone in August, he himself, a botanist, was selected to be a future professor of both areas. [Rissoina bruguieri Payraudeau, 1826, Conus bruguieresi L. C. Kiener, 1845].
Lacking information about Bruj in the gastropod name Crassispira brujae Hertlein & Strong, 1951.
Iva Nilce da Silva Brum, 19??-, female Brazilian carcinologist, who published on Brazil tanaids during the late 1960s and the 1970s [Brumia Bacescu, 1981]. (André Trombeta kindly provided her full name).
The Neopilinid Rokopella brummeri Goud & Gittenberger, 1993 was named for Dr. Geert-Jan A. Brummer, 19??-, of Earth Science Dep. of the Free University of Amsterdam who donated material collected during the JGOFS-Legs IV expedition on the eastern slope of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge in the southern part of the North Atlantic´Gulf Stream. Brummer has published on planktonic foraminiferans.
Prof. Dr. Alexandre Joseph Émile Brumpt, (10 Mar. - Paris) 1877-1951 (8 July - Paris), Paris physician and parasitologist. Disciple and successor of Blanchard (q.v.). MD in 1906, Professor in 1919. His best known work was the 1913 "Précis de parasitologie" that went through several editions to 1949. [Xenocoeloma brumpti Caullery & Mesnil, 1915, Brumptiana Knight-Jones & Llewellyn, 1984, Loxosomella brumpti (Nilus, 1909)]. (Dr. D. Damkaer kindly supplied parts of this information).
Lacking information about Brun in the tardigrade name Echiniscoides bruni D'Addabbo Gallo, Grimaldi de Zio, Morone de Lucia & Troccoli, 1992 and in the amphipod name Longigammarus bruni Karaman, 1969. Possibly the French nematod helminthologist Prof. Jean-Louis Brun 1927-1981, may be the honoured person?
Lise Brunberg, 1936-, Danish nemertean worker.
Trigonostomum brunchorsti von Graff,1905 may likely be honouring the Norwegian botanist Dr. Jørgen Brunchorst, (10 Aug. - Bergen) 1862-1917 (19 May - Roma), who had achieved his PhD at the Univ. in Tübingen in 1885 and after a short period as assistant for Prof. Pfeffer he returned to Norway, where he from 1889 took over Nansen's keeper position at the museum in Bergen, but from 1894, when he became a member of the parliament, he gradually left botany for political questions and became an independent Norwegian Minister of Labour between 1907-08. After that he became ambassador, first in Stockholm, later in Roma. Beside botanical works, he also (in 1898) published a book on Norwegian fishes.
Tubificoides bruneli Erséus, 1989 is named for Prof. Pierre Brunel, (Montréal) 1931-, Département de Biologie, Université de Montréal, amphipod researcher, who provided the type material [likely Gyptis bruneli (Pettibone, 1961)]. He is the son of Jules Brunel (below).
Lacking information about Brunell in the diatom name Navicula brunellii Poulin, Hudon & Cardinal, 1982, if not a tribute to the algae researcher Prof. Jules F. Brunel, (12 Apr. - Montréal) 1905-1986 (9 Mar - Montréal.),?
Henry Lane Bruner, 1861-1945, US zoologist, is honoured in the gastropod names Xanthodaphne bruneri Verrill, 1884, Odostomia bruneri Verrill, 1882 and Pleurotomella bruneri Verrill & Smith, 1884. A namesake was the US malacologist Lawrence Bruner, 1856-1937.
Dr. Michel Brunet, 19??-, published on Kalyptorhynchia from the Marseille region during the 1960s & 1970s and has continued to publish on platyhelminths during the new millenium [Brunetia Karling, 1980, Karkinorhynchus bruneti Schilke, 1970, Austrorhynchus bruneti Karling, 1977, Schizochilus bruneti Noldt & Hoxhold, 1984, Brunetorhynchus ?, ????].
Thalassodriloides bruneti Erséus, 1990 is named for Dr. Carlos Brunet, 19??-, Univ. of Houston, Texas, "who collected the sediment sample from the type locality, and who in many other ways assisted me during the field work at Carrie Bow Cay".
Lacking information about Brunett(i) in the nematode name Enoploides brunettii Gerlach, 1953. It is likely not the UK musician and hobby dipterologist Enrico Adelelmo Brunetti, (21 May -. London) 1862-1927 (21 Jan. - London), who worked the Indian Museum, Calcutta and later at the British Museum (Nat. Hist.).
The green algal name Ulothrix brunnthaleri Schussnig is honouring the Austrian botanist Josef Brunnthaler, (20 Dec. - Wien) 1871-1914 (18 Aug. - Wien), working in Wien.
The stomatopod Squilla bruno Prestandrea, 1833 was named for Dr. D. Giuseppe Bruno, 1???-18??, Professor of Practical Medicine and consulting physician (probably in Messina).
Luigi Bruno, 19??-, Italian malacologist [Natica brunoi P. Bernard, 1983]. (Dr. Riccardo Giannuzzi-Savelli kindly provided this photo).
Marginella sebastiani Marche-Marchad & Rosso, 1979 was named for the late Sébastien Bruno, 1967-1977. ... If not the honoured person was only 10 years old when he died, something is evidently wrong with his life span.
Dr. Royal Bruce Brunson, 1914-, US (Montana) zoologist, retired from collecting during the early 1980s, but later deceased [Discus brunsoni Berry, 1955 (terrestrial)].
Charles Howard Campbell Brunton, 1935-2008, British brachiopod researcher.
The platyhelminth Aphanostoma brusca Hooge & Tyler, 2001 may possibly be honouring Dr. Richard C. Brusca, 19??-, Univ. of Arizona (Tucson), isopod (Cirolanidae) specialist (PhD in 1975 at the Univ. of Arizona) [Colanthura bruscai Poore, 1984, Exosphaeroma bruscai (Espinosa-Peréz & Hendrickx, 2002), Cirolana bruscai N. Bruce & Olesen, 2002, Aega rickbruscai N. Bruce, 2004], and his brother Prof. Gary John Brusca, 193?-2000 (13 Jan.), Humboldt State University, specialist on hyperoid amphipods, both wellknown authors on marine invertebrates. Gary Brusca, who retired in 1999 (having suffered from cancer for several years), also published some minimalistic poems (in the tradition of his teacher Hedgpeth (q.v.)) using the name Waren Stauls. (Niel Bruce kindly provided some of the eponyms).
Lacking information about Brusilov in the amphipod name Ischyrocerus brusilovi Gurjanova, 1933, but possibly in honour of the victorious Russian military commander in WW1 Alexei Alekseevich Brusilov, 1853-1926, or perhaps more likely the Russian marine lietenant Georgiy Lvovich Brusilov, 1884-1914?, who was the leader of an Arctic geographical expedition with "Saint Anna" in 1912-14, which , dissapeared without a trace. The ship was drifting with the ice far northeast of Franz Joseph Land, but was not strong enough to force through it. However, the 10 of April 1914, the 2:nd in command Valerian Ivanovich Albanov, 1882-1919 and 13 others from the crew left the ship over the ice, equipped with a few kayaks and sledges in order to try to reach Franz Joseph Land. After a few days three of Albanov's crew members returned to the ship, but the other 11 persons went on. Very hard conditions hindered all but two of them (Albanov and Alexander Konrad) to reach the Jackson Camp at Cape Flora in July, where they were found by a ship the late same summer. Albanov managed to publish the notes from his diary before he died and Konrad lived until 1940. Nothing at all has ever been traced from the "Saint Anna" or the rest of the crew. The Russian meaning of the name Brusilov is "he, who talks nonsense", but that has likely nothing to do with the amphipod name.
Spiridion Brusina, (11 Dec. - Zadar) 1845-1908 (21 May - Zagreb), Croatian naturalist (paleontological malacologist, taxonomical zoologist - ichthyology, ornithology, mammalology , marine invertebrates - and organizer of scientific work), born in Zadar. He got his higher education in Vienna. He worked taxonomically on several animal groups, among them molluscs and amphipods, constructed a special bottom dredge, organized the first Croatian research voyage with the yacht "Margita" along the eastern part of the Adriatic Sea. He founded the Croatian Museum and became the first professor of Zoology at the Univ. of Zagreb, where he lived when he died. Ha has been called the father of Croatian marine biology [Spiridion Knöllner, 1935, Melanella spiridioni (Dautzenberg & P. Fischer, 1896), Diphterostomum brusinae (Stossich, 1888), Schizopera brusinae Petkovski, 1954, Chrysallida brusinai (Cossmann, 1921), Mangelia brusinae van Aartsen & Fehr-de Wal, 1978]. (Prof. D. Zavodnik kindly supplied correcting information - including a biographical paper - about Brusina).
Prof. Michael Noel Bruton, (30 Nov. - East London, South Africa) 1946-, Ichthyologist at the J.L.B. Smith Institute of Ichthyologi, South Africa.
Anton Frederik Bruun, (14 Dec. - Jelling) 1901-1961 (13 Dec. - København), Danish zoologist, who despite beeing rather much disabled because of polio in his youth, took part in the circumnavigation with R/V "Dana" between 1928-30 and was the leader of the expedition to tropical West Africa with the yacht "Atlantide" in 1945-46 as well as the circumnavigation with R/V "Galathea" (the new name of the former navy sloop H.M.S. "Leith") between 1950-52. He was a charming person, who easily made friends with most persons he met, perhaps with exception of the very pious, because he was very anti-religious. His wife Mrs Magda Bruun also collected some marine animals for the Zoological Museum, Copenhagen. [Antonbruunia Hartman & Boss, 1966, Bruuniella Poulsen, 1965, Foersteria bruuni (Navas, 1969), Hadacypridina bruuni Poulsen, 1962, Bruunellia Zenkevitch, 1966, Choanostomellia bruuni (Zenkevitch, 1964), Munida antonbrunni (Tirmizi & Javed, 1980), Vesicomya bruuni Filatova, 1969, Conus bruuni A. W. B. Powell, 1958, Neopilina bruuni Menzies, 1968, Grimpoteuthis bruuni Voss, 1982, Histioteuthis bruuni N. Voss, 1969, Urocaridella antonbruunii (Bruce), Cataetyx bruuni (Nielsen & Nybelin, 1963), Protodendron bruuni Bayer, 1995] {another picture}. Some names, like Deutella antonbruuni Guerra-Garcia, 2002, is not named for the person Anton Bruun, but for the research vessel, bearing his name.
Kurt A. Bruwelheide, 19??-, museum specialist in the Division of Fishes, US National Museum of Natural History (Smithsonian Institution), Washington, D.C. [Ecsenius kurti Spinger, 1988].
C.J.B. de Bruyne, 19??-, Dutch malacologist.
Magnus Ragnar Bruzelius, (4 June - Löderup, Scania) 1832-1902 (17 Feb. - Stockholm), associate professor (docent) of zoology in Lund 1855, associate professor of medicine at Karolinska Institutet 1863 (a specialist on pneumatic diseases), -professor there and senior physician at Serafimerlasarettet 1877, also physician for the Swedish king Oscar II. Worked - mainly during his time in Lund - with amphipods, collected at different places, i.a. Kristineberg [Bruzelia Boeck, 1871, Metopa bruzelii (Goës, 1866)].
Elizabeth Letson Bryan, 1874-1918, US malacologist, like her husband Prof. William Alanson Bryan, (23 Dec.) 1875-1942, who mainy is known as an ornithologist.
Mr. Owen Frederick Bryant, (14 Feb. - Brookline, Mass.) 1882-1958 (Montara, Calif.), zoological collector (mainly as entomologist) in different parts of North America (living in Alberta, Canada during some years) and on Java [Agonostomus bryanti Bean & Weed, 1912, Ischnochiton bryanti W. H. Dall, 1919]. An US malacological namesake was F.W. Bryant, 18??-1912, as well as later on also Walter Marvin Bryant, 1939-,. Still another namesake is Dr. Malcolm Stewart Bryant, (Gayndah, Queensland) 1958-, who has assisted Lester Cannon (q.v.) in his work on worms.
Mrs. Clay Bryce, 19??-, from W. Austr. Mus., collected material of Gadila brycei Lamprell & Healey, 1998 and Mr. Clay(ton) W. Bryce, 19??-, who is senior technical officer at WAM collected the the sediment containing the type of Limnodriloides brycei Erséus, 1990, when SCUBA diving and also the sample from the type locality of Heronidrilus clayi Erséus, 1993 [Elysia brycei (Jensen & Wells, 1990), Gadila brycei Lamprell & Healy, 1998, likely Halgerda brycei Fahey & Gosliner, 2001].
David Lawrence Bryce, (Edinburgh) 1852-1934 (26 Oct.), London businessman, who also was a specialist in Rotifera.
Lacking information about Bryceson in the tanaid name Indoapseudes brycesoni Bacescu, 1976, but possibly a tribute to Ian Bryceson, 19??-, who published in 1981 on marine conservation of the Tanzanian coast?
The scleractinian names Madracis brueggemanni (Ridley, 1881) and Acropora brueggemanni (Brook, 1893) may very likely be tributes to the German naturalist Friedrich Brüggemann, (Bremen) 1850-1878 (6 Apr. - London), because at the time of his very early death by hemorrhage of his lungs, he was engaged in catalogization of the corals of the British Museum.
The Dane, Morten Thrane Brünnich, (30 Sep. - Copenhagen) 1737-1827 (19 Sep.), was mainly a zoologist, working particularly with fishes, but succesively he became a mineralogist. He moved to Norway in 1789.
Prof. Waldemar Christofer Brøgger, (10 Nov.) 1851-1940 (17 Feb.), Norwegian geologist and palaeontologist, professor of geology and mineralogy in Stockholm in 1883 and in Oslo in 1890. For some time in his young years, he worked on molluscs in the Oslo Fjord under G.O. Sars (q.v.). He was later a member of the Norwegian parlament and headmaster of Oslo University. Brøgger was one of the foremost spokesmen for Darwin in Norway.
Prof. Holger Valdemar Brøndsted, (22 July - Rønne, Bornholm) 1893-1977 (14 Nov.), living in Birkerød, Denmark, worked on sponges during the early decades of the 20:th century. His early works were systematic descriptions of South Pacific sponges, but later he turned to the Arctic fauna. In 1969 he published Planarian regeneration at Pergamon Press. He is also known to be an author and a philosopher. [Hymedesmia brondstedi Burton, 1930, Monosyringa brondstedi Burton, 1929, Suberites brondstedi Burton, 1930]. (Dr. Rob van Soest kindly provided part of this information).
Prof. Dr. Paul Brönnimann, 1913-93, Swiss geologist /palaentologist, who achieved his PhD on a dissertation on NW Moroccan Cenozoic foraminiferans. In 1946 he left Switzerland for Trinidad. In 1952 he moved on to Havana, Cuba, where he worked for large US oil companies. After the revolution he went to Libya in 1959 and then to France in 1962. A year later, he left the oil industry and was appointed professor of palaeontology in Geneva, where he stayed until his retirement in 1982 [Bronnimannella Gallitelli, 1956, Bronnimannia Bermudez, 1952, Bronnimannina Singh & Kalia, 1969].
Is Bubyr in the monogenean name Gyrodactylus bubyri Osmanov, 1965 a persons name?
Dr. Grgur Bučić, 1829-1911, Croatic telegrapher in Hvar and amateur naturalist, who studied marine organisms as well as terrestrial fauna [Amphoriscus bucchichi von Ebner, 1887, Myzostoma bucchichi, Nicea bucchichi, Rhacoleis bucchichi, Gobius bucchichi Steindachner, 1870] and he also was a forerunner in other fields, e.g. as an amateur archaeologist and climatologist. (Prof. D. Zavodnik kindly supplied information).
Buchan Henry : (see Henry).
Francis Buchanan : (see Francis Hamilton).
John Buchanan : (see Greeff).
Robert Buchanan, 1797-1879, US Malacologist / grape horticulturist.
Dr. Reinhold Wilhelm Buchholz, 1837-1876, German copepod researcher (and herpetologist), who wrote two papers on copepods 1869 & 1874 [Strongylacron buchholzi Boeck, 1872, Enchytraeus buchholzi Vejdovsky, 1879, Enhydrosoma buchholtzi (Boeck, 1872)]. (Dr. D. Damkaer kindly provided this information).
The hydrobiological station in Odessa was founded in 1902 on the initiative of the zoologist and hydrobiologist prof. P.N. Buchinsky, 18??-19??.
Lacking information about Buchner in the bryozooan name Buchneria Harmer, 1957. (Stefano Palazzi kindly mentions the existence of a Dr. Otto Buchner, 1862-1943, "Kustos am Kgl. Naturalienkabinett in Stuttgart", who published a book on European marine Mollusca in 1913. Possibly he may be the honoured person. Another candidate may be Prof. Paul Ernst Christian (von) Buchner, 1886-1978, German zoologist, who published much on symbiosis. He was professor of Zoology in Leipzig from 1933 to the end of WW2.
Buchsbaum : (see Pearse).
Prof. John Stewart Buckeridge, 19??-, Auckland, New Zealand, is working on cirriped taxonomy and is honoured in the pliocene species Notomegabalanus buckeridgei Carriol, 2002.
Mary Buckland (née Morland), 1797-1857, the spouse (from 1825) of W. Buckland (below) who had collected Dercitus bucklandi (Bowerbank, 1866) at Guernsey. Her husband, the botanist, geologist and minister (Dean of Westminster Abbey from 1845) William Buckland, (12 Mar. - Axminster, Devon) 1784-1856 (24 Aug.), who was an anti-evolutionist and tried to reconcile geological discoveries with the Bible). On his sampling excursions he always carried a blue bag for the fossils he found and he became rather eccentric while aging [Halina bucklandi Bowerbank, 1858]. The eldest of W. Buckland's sons (totally 9 children of which 5 reached adult age) was the physician and zoologist Dr. Francis (Frank) Trevelyan Buckland, (17 Dec. - Oxford) 1826-1880 (19 Dec. - Oxford), and he has witnessed about his mother's work with pencils, pens and glue to help her husband. She actually, already before her marriage, had illustrated some of George Cuvier's work.
Lacking information about Buckley in the monogenean name Gastrocotyle buckleyi Gupta & Krishna, 1980. Possibly - but perhaps not likely - a tribute to the US malacologist George D. Buckley, 1947-,?
Lacking information about Bucknill in the gastropod name Epitonium bucknilli Powell, 1924, but probably a tribute to Dr. Charles Edward Reading Bucknill, 1865-1929, Tauranga, New Zealand, who published on New Zealand malacology during the 1920s.
The French physician Dr. Marie Edme Jules Bucquoy, (14 Aug. - Somme, Péronne) 1829-1920, was a keen malacologist as well [Philbertia bucquoyi E. A. A. Locard, 1886, Eligmostoma bucquoyi le Renard 1994].
Gustav Henrik Andreas Budde-Lund, (11 Jan. - Frederiksberg) 1846-1911 (19 Sep. - Copenhagen), a disciple of Schiødte (q.v.), Danish isopodologist (mainly isopods of terrestrial origin) and brush manufacturer.
Wolfgang von Buddenbrock-Hettersdorf, (25 Mar. - Bischdorf) 1884-1964 (11 Apr. - Mainz), ciliate protistologist and zoobenthologist from Heidelberg, published i.a. in "Nordisches Plankton" [Carinina buddenbrocki (Friedrich, 1935), Macrodasys buddenbrocki Remane, 1924, Proisotoma buddenbrocki Strenzke, 1954, Placus buddenbrocki Sauerbrey, 1928, Helicostoma buddenbrocki Kahl, 1931].
Prof. Dr. Odón de Buen y del Cos, (18 Nov. - Zuera, Zaragoza) 1863-1945 (3 May - Mexico City), Spanish zoologist and botanist. Achieved his PhD at the Univ. of Madrid in 1887. Professor at the university of Barcelona (from 1902 members list Soc. Zool. France). He was also a Spanish member of ICES, but was prisoned by the Franco regime in the mid 1930s. After intervention from ICES could he leave prison, but was then also forced to leave Spain [gen. Buenia Iljin, 1930]. He married in 1889 and got 6 children. The marine biologst and ichthyologist Fernando de Buen y Lozano, (10 Oct. - Barcelona) 1895-1962 (6 May - Chile), was O. de Buen's son (as was also the hydrographer Rafael de Buen). During the civil war O. de Buen moved to France, from where he moved to Mexico City in 1942.
The British phycologist Thomas Hughes Buffham, (24 Dec. - Long Sutton, Lincolnshire) 1840-1896 (9 Feb. - Walthamstow, London), is honoured in the red algal name Gonimophyllum buffhamii Batters, 1892 and the brown algal names Buffhamia Batters and Strepsithalia buffhamiana (Batters) Batters..
George-Louis Leclerc, Comte de Buffon, (7 Sep. - Montbard, Bourgogne ) 1707-1788 (16 Apr. - Paris), French philosopher, physicist and naturalist, founder of the "Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle", who, when he was intendant of the Garden of medical plants, transformed it into "Jardin des Plantes" [Buffonellaria Canu & Bassler,1927, Buffonellodes Strand,1928, (the common toad Bufo bufo Linnaeus was not named for Buffon, but Linnaeus renamed the herb genus Buffonia Boissier de Sauvages Bufonia, because Buffon and Linnaeus had some different opinions and Linnaeus thougt that Buffon's argumentaition was like a toad's croaking and the toad is not reputed of being a beutiful animal (see more below))]. From 1749 he published "Histoire Naturelle" helped by his curator and friend, the anatomist Louis Jean Marie Daubenton, (29 May) 1716-1800 (1 Jan.), who later was appointed professor at Collège de France. This work was unfinished when Buffon died, but was finished by his friend and co-worker Lacépéde (q.v.). Buffon, when studying marine fossils from high terrestrial places, soon understood that the organisms were much older than the biblical 6.000 years (suggesting an age of 75.000 years in 1779) and did not believe in creation, but in order not to provoke the clergymans he suggested that the biblical creation story should be interpreted symbolically, so each day of creation should correspond to a period of several years. He explained to de Seyschelles that his own frequent use of the word Creator could be exchanged with the phrase "the power of nature". He opposed to Linnaeus' way of organizing species into a few hierarchical higher taxa, because he understood that their nature was far more complex than Linnaeus' classification suggested. Some of Buffon's ideas were developed by his disciple de Lamarck (q.v.) in his evolution theory and his and Daubenton's pioneering work on comparative anatomy was carried on and developed by Cuvier (q.v.). (Daubenton's cousin Edmé-Louis. Daubenton, 1732-1785, was also a naturalist).
Splendrillia buicki Wells, 1990 was named for Mr. G.M. Buick, 19??-, who helped the author.
The gastropod names Cerithiopsis buijsei de Jong & Coomans, 1988 and Chrysallida buijsei de Jong & Coomans, 1988 is in honour of Jan A. Buijse, 19??-, who read the former question about his identity here and kindly sent the following information: I am a retired major of the Royal Netherlands Marine Corps (RNLMC). My military career lasted from 1956-1972, followed by a job as a jeweller (1972-1988). I began my museum career as a volunteer in the Zealand Biological Museum in the southwest of Holland in 1976, followed by a part time curator ship in the RNLMC Museum (Rotterdam 1980-1988), respectively collection manager in the State Museum of Ethnology (Leiden 1988-1995) and general director of the Royal NL Army & Arms Museum (Delft 1995-2002). I am an amateur malacologist since 1964. I am with the board of directors of the Belgian Society for Conchology for more than two decades and since last April appointed treasurer of the Netherlands Malacological Society.
Alida Margaretha Buitendijk, (1 Apr. - Leiden) 1903-1950 (12 Sep. - Leiden), Dutch assistent curator (from 1940) at the Rijksmuseum in Leiden. She published mainly on Anomura and Brachyura. Her father Dr. Pieter Buitendijk, (8 Dec.) 1870-1932 (11 Apr.), was a ship's surgeon interested in fishes and made extensive collecttions of marine animals for the museum [Chiropsoides buitendijki (Horst, 1907), Zygocanna buitendijki Stiasny, 1928, Cyanea buiendijki Stiasny, 1919, Phymanthus buitendijki Pax F., 1924, Sarcophyton buitendijki Verseveldt, 1982].
Eulimella bujisi Van Aartsen, Gittenberger & Goud, 2000 was named for Mr. J.P. Bujs, 19??-, Den Haag, Netherlands.
Lacking information about Bujnitzki in the gastropod name Ganesa bujnitzkii (Gorbunov, 1946).
Mr. Harvey Raymond Bullis jr., 1924-, US malacologist, who formerly headed a Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Exploratory Base at Pascagoula, Mississippi [Pseudotorinia bullisi Bieler, Merrill & Boss, 1985, Siphonochelus bullisi (Gertman, 1969), Calliostoma bullisi Clench & Turner, 1960, Lima bullisi Vokes, 1963, Rossia bullisi Voss, 1956, Drachmaster bullisi Downey, 1970, Chicoreus bullisi E. H. Vokes, 1974, Dipturus bullisi (Bigelow & Schroeder, 1962)].
Lacking information about Bullock in the gastropod name Murex bullocki Yokoyama, 1924. The honoured person can of course not be Prof. Dr. Theodore Holmes Bullock, (May - Nanking, China) 1915-2005 (19 Dec. - La Jolla, Calif.), US neurophysioligist, who i.a. collected nemerteans in central California in 1939, because he is too young, but is honoured in the enteropneust name Torquarator bullocki Holland, Clague, Gordon, Gebruk, Pawson & Vecchione, 2005, because having been interested in enteropneusts ever since he defended his PhD on such creatures in 1940. The nudibranch Hypselodoris bullocki (Collingwood, 1881) from Japan may be named for the same person. If so, this person must of course be someone born much earlier. The British malacologist William Bullock, ca 1795-1840, living and working (selling natural history objects and other curiosities) at first in Sheffield - later in Liverpool, London and Mexico, is however likely too old.
The diatom name Proschkinia bulnheimii (Grunow) Karayeva must honour Carl Otto Bulnheim, (Bautzen/Sachsen) 1820-1865, algal researcher active in Leipzig.
Chicoreus (Chicoreus) bundharmai Houart, 1992 (see Dharma).
The copepod Drepanopus bungei Sars, 1898 was named for "the distinguished Russian naturalist Dr. Alexander Bunge, who was botany Professor at Tartu Univ. and one of the conductors of the Expedition to the Jana Territory and the New Siberian Islands, by whom also this interesting form was taken." Another copepod, Eucalanus bungei Giesbrecht, 1892 was "found by Dr. Bunge east of Kamchatka." There are two or three possible Bunges. The first is Alexander Georg Andreevich von Bunge, (29 Sep. - Kiiecis, Estonia) 1803-1890 (7 June), Russian-Estonian botanist and traveler (of German origin) in Central Asia, China, and Siberia (after whom the lacebark pine - Pinus bungeana - is named). However, the two copepods named for a Bunge are more likely for his son, also Alexander von Bunge, 1851-1930, physician, zoologist, and traveler in Siberia. R. Blanchard (q.v.) in Bull. Soc. Zool. France 1904 mentions Dr. Bunge, physician to the Russian fleet, zoological explorer in New Siberia, and "amiable and distinguished scholar." Unfortunately, this Dr. Bunge was in Port Arthur at the opening of the Russo-Japanese War on board the "Petropavlovsk" when it was torpedoed, and he was killed along with the admiral and many others on 13 April 1904. However this Dr. Bunge can not be A. von Bunge jr., because several sources say that he died in 1930, but more likely Andrey Aleksandrovich Bunge, 18??-1???, Russian permafrost investigator during the end of the 19:th century, also honoured in geographical names on other planets, e.g. Mars. (Dr. David Damkaer kindly supplied this information).
The ostracod genus Buntonia Howe, 1935 (in Howe & Chambers, 1935) as well as the ostracod species Loxoconcha buntoni Howe & Chambers, 1935 have been named in honour of Mr. Paul Bunton, Washington (D.C.), 19??-, at that time representative of the Spencer Lens Company, manufacturer of stereoscopic microscopes. He became an active member of the Geological Society of Washington in 1951. In 1957 Paul Bunton founded the Bunton Instrument Company in Washington (D.C.). The selling in the United States of Ernst Leitz microscopes from Germany as well as the Wild microscopes from Switzerland were the main object of that company for more than thirty years. (Prof. Dr. Eugen Karl Kempf, Frechen, Germany, kindly provided this information).
P. Filippo Buonnanni, (7 Jan. - Roma) 1638-1725 (30 Mar. - Roma), Italian publisher in 1684 of "Recreatio Mentis oculi in Observatione Animalium Testaceorum Curiosis Naturae Inspectoribus Italico sermone primum proposita a ? Nunc denuo ab eodem Latine oblata, centum additis Testaceorum Iconibus, circa quae varia Problemata proponontur", considered to be the first published work on conchology. His Rerum Naturalium Historia Nempe Quadrupedum Insectorum Piscium Variorumque Marinorum Corporum Fpssilium Plantarum Exoticarum Ac Praesertim Testaceorum Existentium In Museo Kircheriano" posthumously arriving in 1782 was published by Johanne Antomio Battarra Ariminensi. (His name is sometimes spelled Bonanno, Bonannio or Bonannus)
Stenothoides burbanki J.L. Barnard, 1969 is likely named for Prof. Douglas W. Burbank, 19??-, Dept. Geological Sciences, University of Calfornia, Santa Barabra, who published on Holocene glacier fluctuations on Mount Rainier Washington in 1981.
Mrs Mary Lee Burch, 19??-, provided assistance to the author of Hastula maryleeae R.D. Burch, 1965 [Terebra maryleeae R.D. Burch, 1965].
Dr. Robert Donald Burch, 19??-19??, US (Downey, California) malacologist working on e.g. Terebridae, somtimes together with Bratcher (q.v.) [Terebra burchi Bratcher & Cernohorsky, 1982, Calyptraea burchi A.G. Smith & Gordon, 1948, Turbonilla burchi Gordon, 1938, Nuculana burchi Willett, 1944].
Doridella burchi Marcus & Marcus, 1967 was named for Dr. (later Prof.) John Bayard (Jack) Burch, 1929-, Univ. of Michigan, "who first recognized it as an undescribed species and who provided drawings of the living animals and many observations which were included in our description". He received his PhD at the Univ. of Michigan in 1959 and is mainly interested in limnic and terrestrial molluscs. His father Dr. Paul Randolph Burch, (27 Apr. - Martinsville. Henry Co., Va) 1898-1958 (9 Jan), PhD at Univ. of Virginia in 1930, was also a malacologist. A namesake is the US shell dealer John Quincy Burch, (20 June - Ohio) 1894-1974 (early Aug.), (father of Thomas Burch - below) married to Rose Lenora Burch, (née Adams), (19 Feb.) 1897-1989, who shared her husbands interest in shells.
Dr. Thomas (Tom) Adams Burch, (22 Dec.) 1918-, US physician (retired) and malacologist (also working on foraminifera at the Bishops Museum, Hawaii), who inherited his parents (John Q. & Rose) interest in molluscs [Tomburchus H.W. Harry, 1969], married to the zoologist Beatrice LaRue Burch, (1 Oct.) 1917-, also she a malacologist, publishing already in 1950 and with her spouse i.a. collecting corals, i.a. Trochocyathus (Trochocyathus) burchae (Cairns 1984) off Hawaii between 1975-82.
Lacking information about Burcham in the polyclade name Discosolenia burchami (Heath & McGregor, 1911). Possibly (but perhaps not likely) named for the same person as the fish species Icelinus burchami Evermann & Goldsborough, 1907: "This interesting species is named for Mr. James S. Burcham, a young naturalist of great promise, who lost his life at Lake McDonald, November 12, 1905, while in the employ of the Bureau of Fisheries".
Lacking information about Burchard in the Australian mollusk name Nassarius (Plicarcularia) burchardi (Dunker, in Philippi, 1849).
Lacking information about Burchardt in the diatom name Opephora burchardtiae Witkowski, Metzelin & Lange-Bertalot in Moser & al., 1998
Prof. Dr. Karl Rudolf Burckhardt, (30 Mar - Basel) 1866-1908 (14 Jan. - Rovigno), Swiss zoologist, vertebrate anatomist, who was interested in the history of biological science; director of the Marine Research Station, Rovinj, between 1907-08 [Aulactinium burckhardti Stiasny, 1911].
The botanist and physician Dr. Louis Édouard Bureau, (25 May - Nantes) 1830-1918 (14 Dec. - Paris), is honoured in the gastropod name Pleurotomella bureaui Dautzenberg & H. Fischer, 1897.
Prof. Stanley T. Burfield, 18??-19??, B.A., M.Sc., Cantab., Lecturer in Zoology, Liverpool Univ., published on a variety of items, chaetognaths, whale bones, ophiuroids, etc., during the 1920s.
Tthe hagfish name Eptatretus burgeri (Girard, 1855), is likely a tribute to the German-Jewish collector Heinrich Bürger, (29 Feb.? or 7 Nov. - Hamelin) 1804 (or 20 Jan.1806)-1858 (25 Mar. - Java), who assisted P.F. von Siebold (q.v.) in collecting fishes and other natural history objects in Japan. His true birth date is unknown, the oldest birth date is the one given by Bürger himself, but it appears likely that he used it to appear two years older than he really was.
The Caribbean crab name Uca burgersi Holthuis, 1967 is in honour of Dr. A. C. J . Burgers, 19??-, "of the Zoological Laboratory at Utrecht, who has published several important contributions on the physiological aspects of hormonal regulations of Uca and other crustaceans. During his stay at Curaçao Dr. Burgers often assisted me in collecting Decapoda there; he obtained many interesting specimens among which the holotype of the present species. It is a great pleasure to show my appreciation for his helpand interest by dedicating this new species to him".
Dr. Alfred Burgerstein, (18 July - Wien) 1850-1929 (11 Nov. - Wien), paleontologist [Burgersteinia Bourguignat, 1880].
Dr. Clarence Milton "Pat" Burgess, 1908-1999 (21 Jan. - Honolulu), US conchologist and physician [Cypraea burgessi E. A. Kay, 1981]. He honoured his wife Grace Tait Burgess, (Bohinegu, N.D.) 1910?-2002 (11 Feb. -. Honolulu, 93 years old), with the name of Cribrarula taitae (Burgess, 1993).
The scleractinian name Goniopora burgosi Nemenzo, 1955 is not an eponym, but a toponym, because it was found in the Padre Burgos area, the Philippines.
Dr. Martin David Burkenroad, (20 Mar. - New Orleans) 1910-1986 (12 Jan.), who after some work at the Dry Tortugas marine biolological Laboratory and at the Louisiana Department of Conservation until 1931 and then short stays at a few museums, he studied at Yale from 1934 under Parr (q.v.), taking up his penaeid shrimp studies, and participated in the Yale oceanographic expeditions on R/V Atlantis, was financially independent, but affiliated with the San Diego Natural History Museum as a research associate. He was a specialist on penaeid shrimps and interested in decapod phylogeny and was also a friend and correspondent of Hyman (q.v.) [Bentheogennema burkenroadi Krygier & Wasmer, Metapenaeus burkenroadi Kubo, 1954, Sicyonia burkenroadi Cobb, 1971].
Lacking information abot Burkovski in the polychaete name Scolelepis (Parascolelepis) burkovskii Sikorski, 1994. Possiby this may be Rudolf N. Burukovskii, 19??-, Kaliningrad State Technical University, who published a book in Russian in 1974, translated into English in 1985 as "Key to Shrimps and Lobsters". Another possibility is Prof. Dr. Andreas Burkovski, 19??-, Microbiologist, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg.
Prof. Karl Hermann Konrad von Burmeister, (15 Jan. - Stralsund) 1807-1892 (2 May - Buenos Aires), German entomologist, professor in Köln and Halle (where he succeded Nitzsch) and director of the Zoological Museum at Halle, later director of the Buenos Aires Museum. Because of his liberal political ideas he had to leave Germany around 1850 for South America. (See also Nitzsch - his predecessor in Halle) {another portrait}.
Regarding the nudibranch name Phyllidiopsis burni Brunckhorst, 1993: "This species is named in honour of Mr. Bob Burn." Thus the honoured person must be the Australian opisthobranch researcher Robert F. Burn, 19??-, of Geelong, Victoria, who at least has published since the 1950s. He is also honoured in the nudibranch names Hancockia burni Thompson, 1972 ("The name of the new species was chosen in recognition of the tireless efforts of Mr. Robert Burn of Geelong.") and Chromodoris burni Rudman, 1982 ("I have great pleasure in naming this species after Mr. Robert Burn of Geelong, Victoria, who over many years has studied and published on the opisthobranch fauna of Australia.") (Dr. Gary McDonald, Santa Cruz, California kindly provided this information).
Luís Edouardo Baptista Pisani Burnay, (11 Aug.) 1953-, Lisboa, Portugease malacologist, is honoured in the gastropod name Favartia burnayi R. Houart, 1981. His wife Ana Maria Ramalhete Pires Burnay, (12 Feb.) 1952-, is one of the Ana:s in the gastropod name Tambja anayana Ortea, 1989. (Ana + y + Ana). See Ballesteros for the other Ana.
Lacking information about Burnet in the bivalve name Tellidora burneti (Broderip & Sowerby, 1829).
Lacking information about Burnett in the gastropod name Ceratostoma burnetti A. Adams & L. A. Reeve, 1849. Possibly a tribute to the US malacologist Waldo Irving Burnett, 1828-1853,? A later malacological US namesake was William Elliott Burnett, (22 May - Garland County, Pennsylvania) 1872-1933 (20 Aug. - Bradford, Pennsylvania - by an accident). Perhaps the British surgeon and botanist Prof. Gilbert Thomas Burnett, (15 Apr.) 1800-1835 (27 July), who was the first Professor of Botany at King's College, London (from 1831 until he died), however, may be the best guess, because he was also interested in zoology. A late namesake is Dr. Joseph Burnett, 19??-, MD of Baltimore (the Univ. of Maryland), who has been responsible for the Jellyfish Sting Newsletter.
The shrimp name Palaemonella burnsi Holthuis, 1973 was named for "the Honourable John Anthony Burns, (30 Mar. - Fort Assinniboine, Montana) 1909-1975 (5 Apr. - Honolulu), Governor of the State of Hawaii.....". (Dr. A.J. Bruce kindly supplied this information).
The cephalopod name Sepia burnupi Hoyle, 1904 and the cockle name Vepricardium burnupi (Sowerby, 1897) are likely tributes to the South African malacologist Henry Clifden Burnup, (21 Apr. - Newcastle-upon-Tyne) 1852-1928 (23 Apr.). He went to South Africa in 1894 and corresponded much and sent several shells to Melvill (q.v.) and then to J.R. le B. Tomlin (q.v.).
Raymond William Stacey Burr, (21 May - New Westminster, British Columbia) 1917-93 (12 Sep. - Sonora County, California), US actor (known i.a. for his "Perry Mason") and amateur malacologist.
Lacking information about Burrage in the gastropod names Rissoina burragei Bartsch, 1915 and Strombiformis burragei Bartsch, 1917.
Prof. Eugene M. Burreson, 19??-, US marine science parasitologist at VIMS.
Cryptoplax burrowi E.A. Smith, 1884 was named for Archdeacon Edward John Burrow, (29 June - Sutton, Surrey) 1785-1861 (8 Aug. - Honiton, Devon), British minister and miscellaneous writer, e.g. Elements of Conchology. He emigrated to South Africa in 1831, living in Cape Town and from 1842-59 he was archdeacon of Gibraltar, but then returned home to England.
The gastropod names Opalia burryi Clench & Turner, 1950, Athleenia burryi Bartsch, 1946, Conus burryae Clench, 1942 and the cephalopod name Octopus burryi Voss, 1950 are likely tributes to the Swiss / US malacologist Leo A. Burry, 1892-1952? (as kindly suggested by Dr. Eugene V. Coan, California).
Eugène Burto, 18??-1???, explorer of the Central Africa [Burtoa Bourguginat, 1889, Burtopsis Bourguignat, 1889].
Capt. Sir Richard Francis Burton, (19 Mar. - Torquay) 1821-1890 (20 Oct. - Bombay), well-known English traveller and orientalist, speaking 35 (sic!) different languages [Burtonia Bourguignat, 1883, Hauttecoeuria burtoni Bourguignat, 1890, Cliona burtoni Topsent, 1932, "Asterina" burtoni Gray].
Dr. Maurice Burton, (28 Mar. - London) 1898-1992 (9 Sep. - Albury, Surrey), British spongiologist (curator of the Porifera collection) at the British Museum (Nat. Hist.) from 1925 until his retirement in 1959, most well-known for his monograph on calcareous sponges. Burton was a prolific author, who published ca. 50 papers on the systematics and classification of sponges. [Antho burtoni Lévi, 1956, Burtonanchora De Laubenfels, 1936, Burtonella De Laubenfels, 1928, Burtonispongia De Laubenfels, 1936, Burtonulla Borojevic & Boury-Esnault, 1987, Chondrocladia burtoni Tendal, 1973, Clathria burtoni , Cliona burtoni Topsent, 1932, Erylus burtoni Lévi & Lévi, 1983, Oxeostilon burtoni De Laubenfels, 1934, Proteleia burtoni Koltun, 1964, Rhabderemia burtoni Van Soest & Hooper, 1993, Rhizaxinella burtoni Koltun, 1966]. (Dr. Rob van Soest kindly provided part of this information).
Mrs. Burton, 19??-, helped the authors of Dentalium burtonae Lamprell & Healey, 1998.
Rudolf Nikolaevich Burukovsky, 19??-, Russian (Kaliningrad) carcinologist.
Dr. Carl David Wilhelm Busch, (5 Jan. - Marburg) 1826-1881 (24 Nov.), German physician (in a surgical clinic in Bonn), who in 1851 published a book in Berlin on anatomy, development and growth of marine invertebrates (in which i.a. the chaetognath Spadella cephaloptera was described), was likely too young to be the honoured person in the gastropod name Astraea buschii (Philippi, 1844, so it is more likely a tribute to the German malacologist and physician Dr. Gerhard von dem Busch, 1791-1868, who had studied medicine and natural science in Göttingen, where he achieved his MD after dissertation in 1814. He had much contact with other malacologists like Philippi (q.v.), Pfeiffer (q.v.), Dunker (q.v.), Prätorius (in Wien) and Lea (q.v.) and translated much foreign litterature to German, had e.g. learned Swedish.
Dr. Katherine Jeanette Bush, (30 Dec. - Scranton, Pennsylvania) 1855-1937, U.S. zoologist; cooperated with Addison Emory Verrill, (9 Feb. - Greenwood, Maine) 1839-1926 (10 Dec. - Santa Barbara, Cal.), from Maine, disciple at the Harvard University of Louis Agassiz, later the first professor of zoology at the Yale University. This indefatigable worker published more than 350 papers and monographs [Streptopsyllis verrilli, Acanthocotyle verrilli Goto, 1899, Autolytus verrilli Marenzeller, 1892, Amphioplus verrilli (Lyman, 1879), Mesothuria verrilli (Théel, 1886), Sagartiogeton verrilli Carlgren, 1942, Actinauge verrillii McMurrich, 1893, Ampelisca verrilli Mills, 1967, Rhopilema verrilli (Fewkes, 1887), Verrillofungia Wells, 1966, Alvania verrilli (Friele, 1886), Nephasoma verrilli (Gerould, 1908), Leucosyrinx verrillii Dall, 1881, Brevinucula verrilli (Dall, 1886), Leptogyra verrilli Bush, 1897, Ganesa verrilli Tryon, 1888, Addisonia Dall, 1882, Stilifer verrilli Dall, 1927, Aclis verrilli Bartsch, 1911, Oocorys verrillii (Dall, 1889), Urosalpinx verrilli Dall, 1927, Boreotrophon verrilli Bush, 1893, Mitrella verrillii (Dall, 1881), Leucosyrinx verrillii (Dall, 1881), Cerodrillia verrilli (Dall, 1881), Turbonilla verrilli Bartsch, 1909, Cylichna verrilli Dall, 1889, Elysia verrilli Thiele, 1931, Pleurobranchus verrilli Thiele, 1931, Gadila verrilli Henderson, 1920, Pulsellum verrilli (Henderson, 1920), Nuculana verrilliana (Dall, 1886), Diplodonta verrilli Dall, 1900, Mysella tumidula verrilli (Dall, 1899), Lophaster verrilli A.H. Clark, 1938, Architeuthis verrilli Kirk, 1882, Onykia verrilli G. Pfeffer, 1900, Actinernus verrilli Gravier C., 1918, Onykia verrilli (Pfeffer, 1900), Polycyathus verrilli Duncan, 1889, Rhizopsammia verrilli Van der Horst, 1922, Alveopora verrilliana Dana, 1872, Stylaster verrillii (Dall, 1884), Zygantroplana verrilli Laidlaw, 1906, Paralomis verrilli (Benedict, 1894), Verrillactis K.W. England, 1971]. During the two last decades of the 19:th century, Bush was employed to assist Verrill. In 1901 she achieved her PhD as the first woman at Yale. She published 19 monographs and papers, partly together with Verrill, partly alone. Her most essintial own monograph - about sabellids and serpulids - from the 1899 Harriman Alaska expedition - mainly collected by her brother-in-law (women very rarely took part in expeditions in those days), the nemertean specialist Wesley R. Coe (q.v.) (at that time a faculty member at Yale) - was published in 1905 [Bushiella Knight-Jones, 1973, Odostomia bushiana Bartsch, 1909, Turbonilla bushiana Verrill, 1882, likely Famelica catharinae Verrill & Smith, 1884, Ennucula bushae Dollfus, 1898, likely Cingula katherinae Bartsch, 1912, Ganesa bushae (Dall, 1927), Nassarina bushiae (Dall, 1889), likely Pleurotomella catherinae Verrill & Smith, 1884, Pulsellum bushi Henderson, 1920, Nuculana bushiana (Verrill, 1884), Pandora bushiana Dall, 1886, Bushia Dall, 1886, Pterynotus bushae E. H. Vokes, 1970, Gadila bushii (Dall, 1889)].
Dr. George Busk, F.R.S., (12 Aug. - St. Petersburg) 1807-1886 (10 Aug. - London), of Greenwich (earlier at Tenby, Wales), "A British distinguished naturalist". He had started his career as a surgeon for the Royal British Navy. He worked mainly on bryozoans and was secretary of the Linnean Society of London, but was also parasitologist, surgeon, palaeontologist and general zoologist and a good friend of Thomas Huxley (q.v.) [Buskia Alder, 1856, Buskea Heller, 1867, Labidoplax buskii (M'Intosh, 1866), Steraechmella buski Lagaaij, 1952, Disporella buski (Harmer, 1915), Melinna buskii M'Intosh, 1922, Halopteris buski (Bale, 1884), Emma buskii ?, 1???].
Mr. Somchai Bussarawit, 196?-, (with nickname Nop) at Phuket Marine Biological Center, Thailand, collected the polychate Magelona noppi Nateewathana & Hylleberg, 1991 and is also honourred in the amphipod name Lepidepecreum somchaii Lowry & Stoddart, 2002. (Prof. Wim Vader, Tromsø, kindly provided the amphipod eponym).
Roger William Butcher, 1897-1971, British microalgae researcher.
Louis Johan Marie Butot, (8 Sept., Ambon, Indonesia) 1918-2008 (26 Oct., Bilthoven, the Netherlands), malacologist. He was a member of the Dutch Malacological Society since 1938. After WW II he returned to the Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia), where he served in the Dutch army. Later on he found employment as curator of the mollusc collection at the Zoological Museum in Buitenzorg (= Bogor). A duplicate collection of molluscs from the Dutch East Indies was sent by him to the Zoological Museum of Amsterdam. He returned to the Netherlands after Indonesia became an independent state in 1956. Initially he worked for the National Forest Service (SBB) and from there he moved on to the State Institute for Nature Conservation Research (RIVON), which was renamed the Research Institute for Nature Management (RIN), where he worked mainly on land- and freshwater molluscs. After his retirement the mollusc collection of the RIN and later on also his private shell collection, mainly consisting of inland molluscs from the Netherlands and Greece, were donated to the Zoological Museum of Amsterdam. In 1971 he was appointed an honorary associate of the Department of Malacology of that institute. In addition to four species of terrestrial snails: Amphidromus perversus butoti Laidlow & Solem, 1961; Isabellaria butoti H. Nordsieck, 1984; Charpentieria (Itala) stenzii butoti Bank, 1987 and Mastus butoti Maassen, 1995, one marine gastropod: Caecum butoti de Jong & Coomans, 1988, was named in his honour. (Curator Henk K. Mienis, Israel, kindly provided all this information).
The bivalve names Poromya buttoni (Dall, 1916) and Tellina buttoni Dall are likely honouring the US malacologist Fred L. Button, 1856-1927, who published notes on Trivia in the Nautilus.
Jean François Buyle, 1915-1995, Belgian malacologist; founder member of Societé Belge de Malacologie. {Picture / courtesy of R. Giannuzzi-Savelli}.
The gastropod name Odostomia buzzurroi Penas & Rolan, 1999 is honouring Giovanni Buzzurro, (19 May) 1951-2008 (19 Apr.), Italian malacologist. (André Trombete kindly provided this information).
Dr. Aleksey Andreevich Byalynitskiy-Birulya or Aleksei Andreevich Bialynitskii-Birulia ( = A. Birula), 1864-1937 (18 June), Russian zoologist; director of the Leningrad museum [Semibugula birulai Kluge, 1929, Paramphitrite birulai (Ssolowiew, 1899), Halecium birulai Nutting, 1899, Pseudameira birulai Smirnov, 1946, Birulia Brashnikow, 1903, Eumedusa birulai (Linko, 1913), Nubeculariella birulai Awerinzew, 1911, Onisimus birulai (Gurjanova, 1929)].
Bychowski : (see Bykhovski).
Prof. Dr. Adolf Bückmann, (17 Jan.) 1900-1993 (7 Dec. - Hamburg), German fisheries biologist, director of the Biol. Anstalt, Helgoland, during 1953-60. He achieved his PhD on appendicularians from von Drygalski's (q.v.) first German Antarctic Expedition in 1903-04.
Isaac Byerley, 1814-1897, is honoured in the polyclade name Pericelis byerleyana (Collingwood, 1876). He was a member of the Liverpool organization "The British Association for the Advancement of Science" together with Collingwood (q.v.), Jeffreys (q.v.) and the Rev. Henry Hugh Higgins, (q.v.).
Sheila C. Byers, 19??-, Royal Ontario Museum, is interested in polychaetes.
Lacking information about Bühring in the ciliate name Strombidium buehringae Busch, 1921.
Boris Evseevich Bykhovski (or Bychowski), (27 Aug.) 1908- (26 Jan.) 1974, Russian zoologist, academician from St. Petersburg, who worked on systematics and development history of lower worms, especially on Monogenea [Bychowskicotyla Unnithan, 1971, Dicrymenia bychowskyi Mamaev, 1969, Gyrodactyloides bychowskii Albova, 1948]. (Dr. Olga I. Raikova at St. Petersburg University kindly provided some of this information).
T. von Bülow, 1???-, published two articles in "Kieler Meeresforschungen" during 1955 and 1957 about estuarine and marine oligochaetes [Lumbricillus buelowi Overgaard Nielsen & Christensen, 1959].
The penaeid name Rimapenaeus byrdi (Burkenroad 1934) is likely honouring the US Arctic and Antarctic explorer Admiral Richard Evelyn Byrd Jr., (25 Oct. - Winchester, Virginia) 1888-1957 (11 Mar. - Boston).
Lacking information about Bürg? in the mysid name Leptomysis buergii Bacescu, 1966.
Prof. Dr, Heinrich Otto Wilhelm Bürger, (4 May - Hannover) 1865-1945 (18 Jan. - Törwang), German nemertean researcher; who had studied at several universities (including the Marine Biaological laboratory in Neapel), disciple of Ehlers (q.v.) and achieved his PhD in Göttingen. Between 1900-1908 he was Professor and director of the Zoology department's museum in Santiago de Chile. After this time in South America, he lived as a private scholar, travel writer and economic geographer. [Obuergeria Corrêa, 1954, Carinina burgeri Joubin, 1902, Buergeriella Brinkmann, 1917, Cephalothrix buergeri Wijnhoff, 1913, Callinera buergeri Bergendal, 1900].
Hanan (Hans) Bytinski-Salz, (24 June - Karsruhe) 1903-1986 (25 Oct. - Jerusalem), Israelic entomologist, educated in Berlin and Freiburg, where he achieved his PhD in 1929. After this he continued post-doctoral training at the German-Italian Institute for Marine Biology at Rovigno, Istria, Italy, at Yale Univ., USA and at John Innes Horticultural Institution, London. He married in 1931 and the couple settled in Israel in 1939, eventually becoming Professor of Zoology in 1954 at the Tel-Aviv University, retireing in 1974 and moving to Jerusalem in 1983. He has also published a paper on marine copepods and is honoured in the polychaete name Prionospio salzi Laubier, 1970, and in several (altogether 39) taxon names of mainly entomological creatures. (Henk Mienis, Hebrew Univ., kindly sent a small but nice printing about the life of Bytinsky-Salz)
Prof. Johann Adam Otto Bütschli, (3 May - Frankfurt am Main) 1848-1920 (3 Feb. - Heidelberg), was primarily a chemist and mineralogist, but later on he achieved a professorship of zoology in Heidelberg. He found i.a. that protoplasm is a fluid [Buetschliella, Buetshliellopsis, Epacanthion buetschlii (Southern, 1914), Paramonohystera buetschlii (Bresslau & Stekhoven, in Stekhoven, 1935), Daptonema buetschlii Schuurmans Stekhoven, 1935, Cothurnia buetschlii Zelinka, 1911].
Kurt Büttner, (14 Feb.) 1881-1967 (1 Apr.), German malacologist.
The crab name Paramitrax baeckstroemi Balss, 1924, is likely a tribute to the Stockholm zoologist Dr. (PhD in 1924 on brain morphology in selachians) Kåre Bäckström, 18??-19??, who as a young man had taken part in a Swedish Pacific expedition (as responsible person for zoological collecting) in 1916-17, i.a. to Easter Island.
The US ichthyologist Dr. James (often called Jim) Erwin Böhlke, 1930-1982, at the Academy of Natural Sciences (from 1954) is honoured in the fish name Monognathus boehlkei Bertelsen & Nielsen, 1987. He was married to the moray eel specialist Dr. Eugenia (called Genie) Louisa Brandt Böhlke, (27 June - Black Diamond, Washington) 1928-2001,
Böhm : (see Taschenberg).
Böhmig : (see von Graff).
The Danish phycologist Dr. Fredrik Christian Emil Børgesen, 1866-1956, is honoured in the red algal genus name Boergeseniella Kylin, 1956 and the species names Antithamnionella boergesenii (Cormaci & Furnari) Athanasiadis, 1996 and Acrochaetium boergesenii Schiffner, 1931 [Padina boergesenii Allender & Kraft, 1983, Microdictyon boergesenii Setchell, 1925, Derbesia boergesenii (Iyengar & Raamanathan) Mayhoub, 1976].
Carl Julius Bernhard Börner, (28 May - Bremen) 1880-1953 (14 June - Naumburg), German arachnoid and lower insect (collembola) researcher.