Biographical Etymology of Marine Organism Names. I & J
Iain in the decapod name Allopontonia iaini Bruce, 1972 : (see Sandy Bruce).
Diana R. Ibarzábal Bombalier, 19??-, Cuban polychaetologist at Instituto de Oceanologia, Habana [Eunice ibarzabalae Carrera-Parra & Salazar-Vallejo, 1998]. (André Trombeta kindly provided the full name of the polychaetologist).
Lacking information about Ibbs in the Black Sea halacarid name Agauopsis ibbsi Bartsch, 1996.
Prof. Dr. Shaig Rehimoglu Ibrahimov, (01 March - Baku, Azerbaijan) 1951-, parasitologist, DSc, Professor; principal researcher Institute of Zoology, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Baku. Teaching: Azerbaijan Medical University, Baku, professor on medical biology and genetics. Scientific interests: parasites of fish (systematics, ecology, zoogeography, epizootology), applied ecology. More than 120 publications, including 6 monographs. Described 5 new parasitic species. [trypanosome Trypanosoma ibrahimovi Houseinov, 1988; monogenea Gyrodactylus ibrahimovi Ergens, 1980]. (Prof. Albina Gaevskaya, Sevastopol, kindly provided this informnation).
Prof. Dr. Atsuhiko Ichikawa, 1904-1991, Japanese plathelminthologist, who first was teaching in Tokyo under Dr. Naohide Yatsu, 1877-1947, but moved to Hokkaido Imperial University, Sapporo from 1930 and became a Dr. in 1940. [Carcinactis ichikawai Uchida T., 1960].
The amphipod Stegonomadia idae (Berge & Vader, 1997) is named for one of the author's daughter Ida Raddum Berge, 19??-.
Ida : (see also Oldroyd).
The copepod name Lichomolgus ieversi Thompson & A. Scott, 1903 was in honour of Mr. Robert Wilson Ievers, (Limerick, Ireland) 1850-1905 (10 Feb., aged 55), Government Agent of the Northern Province of Ceylon, "where the pearl banks are situated".
Lacking information about Iga in the harpacticoid name Tigriopus igai Ito, 1977. Maybe Iga is not a person, but the Iga Area of Mie Prefecture, Japan?
The sponge genus Igernella Topsent, 1905 is named after Igerna Brunhilda Johnson Sollas , 1877-1965, (daughter of W.J. Sollas (q.v.), distinguished author of the Challenger Expedition report on Tetractinellid sponges, 1888). She published at least two papers on sponges, including one on Malaysian sponges. At best she is a minor author and it is unknown why Topsent considered her worthy of naming a genus for her. Like her older sister Dr. Hertha Beatrice Coryn Sollas (born 1875), she was educated in the Alexandra School and College, Dublin and then at Newnham College, Cambridge, where she was active as a fellow and lecturer in zoology during some years from 1903 to 1913, but seems to have disappeared from academic life fron 1914 on. Her sister achieved a PhD at the Univ. of Heidelberg, (Dr, Rob van Soest, Univ. of Amsterdam, kindly provided the connection between eponym and person).
Dr. Hermann Friedrich Albrecht (Ritter) von Ihering, (9 Oct. - Kiel) 1850-1930 (24 Feb. - Büdingen), German-Brazilian zoologist / physician and founder (1894) and director during the first 22 years of the São Paulo museum Museu Paulista. He went to Brazil in 1880 and from 1887 was he the leader of the building of the museum. He retired from the museum in 1916 and returned to Germany in 1920. [Iheringiella Berg, 1898, Iheringocantharus Bernhauer, 1912, Iheringichthys Eigenmann & Norris, 1900, Iheringula G.O. Sars, 1900, Iheringina Lahille, 1899, Retigyra iheringi (Dautzenberg & H. Fischer, 1897), Discodoris voniheringi MacFarland, 1909]. (André Trombeta kindly provided the full name and some of the eponymes).
Prof. Dr. Johan Egbert Willem Ihle, (7 Aug. - Amsterdam) 1879-1956 (21 Sep. - Rotterdam), Dutch zoologist at the Zoological Museum, Amsterdam, who began his zoological career on pycnogonids, but published on crabs, pelagical tunicates (which were the basis of his PhD thesis), parasitical nematods and on vertebrates. He had been a disciple of Weber (q.v.) and Sluiter (q.v.) and achieved his PhD in 1906. In 1925 Ihle succeeded Sluiter as professor of general Zoology. He cooperated with Nierstrasz (q.v.) in publishing zoological textbooks [Loxothylacus ihlei Boschma, 1949, Ihlea Metcalf, 1914, Ihleia Travassos & Vogelsang, 1932, Cyclosalpa ihlei van Soest, 1974].
The mysid name Iimysis Nouvel, 1966 must be a tribute to Dr. Naoyoshi Ii, 19??-, who in 1937 published "Studies on Japanese Mysidacea III" after having published the two first parts the year before (and no. VI arriving in 1940). He also had two small publications in 1964 about the same animal group and also a large publicatuon about Japanese mysids in general.
Prof. Dr. Isao Ijima (also spelled Iijima), (17 June - Hamamatsu, Shizouka prefecture (son of a Sumurai)) 1861-1921 (14 Mar.), Japanese zoologist, working on i.a. sponges (mainly hexactinellids (altogether 1303 pages in 15 papers about sponges - including the posthumously published monumental work on the Hexactinellida of the Dutch Siboga expedition in the Indonesian Archipelago (1927))), leeches and turbellarians, but mainly considered essential as the Japanese father of parasitology. He had studied in Tokyo under Edward S. Morse, 1838-1925, and Charles O. Whitman, 1842-1910, and later three years in Leipzig under K.G. Leuckart (q.v.), achieving his PhD there in 1884 and became professor in Tokyo after arriving back to Japan the following year. [Amphiute ijimai Hozawa, 1916, Anoxycalyx ijimai Kirkpatrick, 1907, Ijima Bergendal, 1890, Ijimaia Sauter, 1905, Ijimaia Gordon & d'Hondt,1997, Neanthes ijimai (Izuka, 1912), Phoronis ijimai Oka, 1897, Acanthobothrium ijimai Yoshida, 1917, Chonelasma ijimai Topsent, 1901, Acanthohamingia ijimai (Ikeda, 1908), Monocotyle ijimae Goto, 1894, Eledonella ijimai Sasaki, 1929, Dendrophyllia ijimai Yabe & Eguchi, 1934, Corythophora ijimai Ferrer-Hernandez, 1932]. (Dr. Rob van Soest kindly provided part of this information).
Christina IJspert, 1916-1998, Dutch Malacologist. (The name is here spelled as it should with IJ (meaning Y) in the beginning, as this letter normaly is written in Dutch, while Germans write Ü instead of Y).
Lacking information about Ikari in the medusa names Climacocodon ikarii Uchida, 1924 and Tiarama ikarii Uchida, 1927, but possibly tributes to the algal researcher Jirô Ikari, 18??-19??, who published on diatoms in the stomach of Crassostrea gigas in 1929.
Lacking information about N. Ikebe in the bivalve name Tenuileda ikebei Suzuki & Kanehara, 1936, but possibly the palaeontologist Prof. Nobuo Ikebe, 19??-2000?, of Osaka. A memorial volume to him was published in 1978 and an obituary in Jan. 2001.
The Japanese "gephyrean" researcher Prof. Iwaji Ikeda, 1872-1922, Kyoto Imperial Univ., is honoured in the echiuroid genus names Ikeda Wharton, 1913, Ikedella Monro, 1927 and Ikedosoma Bock, 1942 and in the sipunculan names Golfingia ikedai Fisher, 1950 and Phascolion ikedai Sato, 1930 and possibly also in the gastropod name Conus ikedai Ninomiya, 1986 and possibly the thecostracan name Calantica (Paracalantica) ikedai Utinomi, 1949. Ikeda published chiefly during the first decade of the 20:th century (and also a poshoumous work in 1924). The copepod metabolism worker Tsutomu Ikeda, 1944-, is a namesake.
Dr. Thomas M. Iliffe, 1948-, Dept. of Marine Biology, Texas A&M Univ. at Galveston, works on crustaceans,especially those inhabiting anchialine caves, a career he startd on the Bermudas [Stenobermuda iliffei Kensley, 1994, Cumella iliffei Bacescu, 1992,Mysidium iliffei Bacescu, 1991, Iliffeoecia Maddocks, 1991 iliffei Maddocks, 1991, Armadilloniscus iliffei Taiti & Ferrara, 1989, Euplotes iliffei Hill & Small, 1987, Aponesidea iliffei Maddocks, 1986, Pelagomacellicephala iliffei Pettibone, 1985, Typhlatya iliffei Hart & Manning, 1981, Cocoharpinia iliffei Karaman, 1980].
Dr. Paul Louis Illg, (23 Sep. - Pinole, NE of San Francisco) 1914-1998 (10 May), American zoologist at the Zoology department of the Univ. of Washington and the Friday Harbor Laboratories, who was a specialist on copepods and their associations with other animals. His education began at the Univ. of California at Berkeley, where he was influenced by e.g. the professors Light (see M.S. Wilson), Kofoid (q.v.) and Goldschmidt (q.v.). Between 1947-52 he was associate curator of Marine Invertebrates (Crustacea) at the Smithsonian, after which period he went to the US west coast (Univ. of Washington) as first assistant (soon full) professor. According to the kind information from Dr. D. Damkaer, the tunicate-associate copepod-genus Paulillgia Monniot, 1982 commemorates him, as do the names of eight species of other copepods [e.g. Ophiodelphys illgi Bocquet & Stock, 1961, Orthopsyllus linearis illgi (Chappuis, 1958), Phytodelphis illgi Ooishi,1998, Stellicola illgi Humes & Stock, 1973, Brementia illgi Laubier & Lafargue, 1974, Rhabdodemania illgi Wieser, 1959, Pluribursaeplana illgi Ax & Ax, 1967]. (Obituary in Monoculus 36)
Dr. Johann Karl Wilhelm Illiger, (19 Nov. - Braunschweig) 1775-1813 (10 May - Berlin), German entomologist, the leading scientist of his time in this field [possibly, but perhaps not likely Boreomysis illigi O. Tattersall, 1955]. In 1802, he learned to know the entomologist Johann Centurius Hoffman, Count von Hoffmannsegg, (23 Aug. - Dresden) 1766-1849 (13 Dec.), and described many of the insects in the count's vast collection.
The gastropod name Cuthona ilonae Schmekel, 1968 is named for Ilona Richter, 192?- (retired in 1990). Scientific Illustrator, Szeged, Hungary. From the following text in German, much about her may be learned: Bildung: Kunstgewerbeschule, Graphische Fakultät, Budapest. Abschluss mit Abitur, 1948. Kunstakademie, Graphische Fakultät, Budapest. Abschluss mit Künstler Diplom, 1952. Fortbildung: 1956-1957: Halbjährige Fortbildung bei Walter Linsenmaier, wissenschaftlicher Graphiker, Ebikon/Luzern, Schweiz. Arbeitsgebiete: 1952-1960: Illustrationen für verschiedene naturwissenschaft-liche Publikationen im Rahmen des Ungarischen Naturwissenschaftlichen Museums und des Ungarischen Nationalmuseums. 1960-1963: Stipendiatin der Stazione Zoologica di Napoli. Aufgabe: Illustrationen zur Monographie 'Anthomedusae/Athecatae of the Mediterranean' unter der wiss. Leitung von Anita Brinkmann-Voss. 1964-1973: Stipendiatin des Schweizerischen Nationalfonds zur Förderung der Wissenschaftlichen Forschung. /Prof. Adolf Portman, Zoologische Anstalt der Universität Basel. Aufgabe: Illustrationen zur Monographie 'Opisthobranchia des Mittelmeeres' unter der wiss. Leitung von Prof. Luise Schmekel. Ausgeführt im Statione Zoologica di Napoli. 1985-1986: Stipendiatin bei Prof. Luise Schmekel, Zoologisches Institut der Universität Münster/Westfalen. Aufgabe: Illustrationen von Opisthobranchien (Gattung: Umbraculomrpha und Pleurobranchomorpha), ausgeführt im Laboratoire Arago, Banyuls-sur-Mer, Frankreich 1975-1990: Angestellt von der Ungarischen Akademie der Wissenschaften am Lehrstuhl für Botanik der József Attila Universität, Szeged. Aufgabe: Illustrationen für den Botanischen Garten der Universität. Pensioniert: 1. Juni 1990. Auszeichnungen: 1955: 'Munkácsy-Preis' für wissenschaftliche Illustration, Budapest, 1984: 'Niveau-Preis' für wissenschaftliche Illustration, Budapest, 1984: 'Plakette für Umweltschutz' vom Ministerium für Umweltschutz, und Gebietsentwicklung, Welttag des Umweltschutzes, Budapest. Major Publications: Brinkman-Voss, A. (1970): Anthomedusae/Athecatae of the Mediterranen. Farbtafeln: Ilona Richter-39. Monographie Fauna e Flora del Golfo di Napoli. Statione Zoologica di Napoli. Peck, P. (1973) 'Wissenschaftliche Illustration im 20. Jahrhundert' (mit Abbildungen von Ilona Richter) (S. 42-45.)-In: Der Künstler im Dienst der Wissenschaft (ed.: W. Herdeg). The Graphis Press, Zürich.Schmekel, L. and A. Portmann: 'Opisthobranchia des Mittelmeeres-Farbtafeln: Ilona Richter-40. 1982. Monographie Fauna e Flora del Golfo di Napoli. Springer Verlag, Heidelberg. Kinderbücher: Illustrationen und Texte über Naturkunde, z.B.: Egy cseppben a tenger [The sea in a drop of water]. Móra Verlag, Budapest. 1988. [Prämiert: 'Die schönste Kinderbuch Illustration im Jahr 1988'. International Board on Books for Young People, Hungarian Section, Budapest, Niveau Preis, 1989]. Wichtigste Ausstellungen zwischen 1958-95: 1968: Zoologisches Museum der Universität, Zürich, 1971: Museum d'Histoire Naturelle, Genf 1983: Buchmesse ii Frankfurt am Main, 1983: VIIIth International Malacological Congress, Budapest, 1988: Biennale der Illustrationen Bratislava, 1995: Collegium Budapest, Institute for Advanced Study, Budapest. Research Plan: Während meines Aufenthaltes beabsichtige ich, weiter an meinem Buch 'Die Schule der wissenschaft- lichen Illustration' zu arbeiten, das eine Zusammenfassung der theoretischen und praktischen Erfahrungen meines Berufs darstellen soll. Der Arbeitsplan beruht darauf, vergleichende Fachillustrationen zu analysieren, um so Museen, Fachbibliotheken und einzelnen Fachleuten einen Zugang zu dem Thema zu verschaffen. Ergänzt werden soll diese Arbeit mit einer Serie von Phasenzeichnungen, die mittels verschiedener graphischer Methoden helfen sollen, vergleichbare Darstellungen mit verschiedenen technischen Mitteln zu verbildlichen und so der praktischen Anwendung dienen können. Der Aufenthalt am Collegium hilft mir, mich über das Thema mit Kollegen auszutauschen und das Buchprojekt zu beenden. (Dr. Riccardo Giannuzzi-Savelli kindly provided this information).
Lacking information about Imai in the amphipod name Caprella imaii Utinomi, 1943.
Dr. Minoru Imajima, 1930-, Japanese polychaetologist at Noto Marine Laboratory, Kanazawa Univ. and National Science Museum, Tokyo [Imajimea Nygren, 2004 (I. draculai (San Martin & Lopez, 2002) being an Autolytiinae worm with two larger trepan teeth (and several small teeth between the large) - reminding of the garniture of count Dracula, living in mucus tubes among the polyps of the tall sea pen Funiculina quadrangularis (seemingly inhabiting 25-33% of these sea pen specimens) - at least in the Biscay and in the Skagerrak in depths below ca 150 meters), Imajimapholoe Pettibone, 1992, Tubificoides imajimai Brinkhurst, 1985, Imajimanereis de León-González & Solis-Weiss, 2000, Lumbrineris imajimai Carrera Parra, 2006. (Dr. Riccardo Giannuzzi-Savelli, Palermo, kindly provided the last eponym).
Lacking information about Imamura in the copepod name Psammopsyllus imamurai Kikuchi, 1972 and in the bivalve name Thyasira imamurai Okutani, 1968, but at least the first of these names may possilbly be a tribute to the water mite researcher Prof. Dr. Taiji Imamura, 1913?-2004 (28 Dec., aged 91), Ibaraki Nature Museum.
The South African gastropod name Conus immelmani Korn, 1998, is likely a tribute to Willie Immelman, 19??-, shell collector from Jeffreys Bay, South Africa, who also is honoured in another gastropod name: Triviella immelmani Kilburn, 1980
Ferrante Imperato, 1550-1625, Italian naturalist & druggist in Napoli (Naples).
The harpacticoid name Tegastes imthurni (Thompson & Scott, 1903) is honouring Sir Everard Ferdinand im Thurn, 1852-1932 (9 Oct.), British botanist, photographer and anthropologist, i.a. travelling in South America and being Governor of Fiji 1904-11. (André Trombeta, Brazil, kindly provided this information).
Prof. Masamaru Inaba, 18??-19??, professor of zoology in the Higher Normal School at Yamaguchi, publishing about hydroids during the 1890s, is honoured in the medusa name Sarsia inabai Uchida, 1933 and the Lucernarian name Stenoscyphus inabai (Kishinouye, 1893). A namesake, Dr. Akihiko Inaba, 19??-, published in 1958 on marine mollusks in the sea around the Seto marine laboratory and may likely be the person honoured in the nudibranch name Eubranchus inabai Baba, 1964. He is now an emeritus member of The Malacological Society of Japan.
Chiton incii Reeve was named for Captain Ince, 18??-1???, nephew of Dr. J.E Gray (q.v.). Ince was captain of a surveying ship and shell collector [Neverita incei R. A. Philippi, 1853]. Possibly he may be identical with the British naval commander John Matthew Robert Ince, 18??-1???.
Mr. Boon Indrambarya, 1???-, Thailand, is honoured in the hagfish name Eptatretus indrambaryai Wongratana, 1983.
Lacking information about Inez in the bivalve names Plicatula inezana Durham, 1950 and Pseudochama inezae F.M. Bayer, 1943, but possibly is not Durham's eponym not a tribute toi a person's name, but to Santa Inez Bay, in Gulf of California, because the type material was likely found among material in E.W. Scripps' cruise to Gulf of California.
Who is Ingelore in the polychaete name Oriopsis ingeloreae Plate, 1995? Possibly a tribute to Ingelore Hinz-Schallreuter, 19??-, German marine palaeontologist?
The Bermuda crab name Chaceon inghami (Manning & Holthuis, 1986) is a tribute to a local fisherman, John Ingham, 19??-, who first fished the species and in 1984 got his crab traps destroyed by something in the Bermudas area, thought to have been a giant octopus. (Dr. Joanna Pitt, Division of Marine Resources, Bermuda Government Dept. of Environmental Protection, kindly provided this information in 2009 and is adding that Ingham is still alive).
The British crab specialist Dr. Raymond William Ingle, 19??-, formerly of The Natural History Museum, London, is honoured in the crab names Pilumnoides inglei Guinot & Macpherson, 1987 & Chaecon inglei Manning & Holthuis, 1989 [Diogenes inglei McLaughlin & Clark, 1997, Acanthonyx elongatus inglei Tirmmizi & Kazmi, 1988, possibly Trypanosyllis inglei Perkins, 1981].
Dr. James Inglis, (Sep. - Glasgow) 1813-1851 (9 Mar.), physician, living in Halifax, West Yorkshire, beeing interested in chemistry and geology, describing some fossil creatures.
Dr. William Grant Inglis, (9 Aug. - Cupar, Fife, Scotland) 1928-1991 (26 Mar. - Scotland), nematodologist working in Australia [Praeacanthonchus inglisi (Coles, 1965), Chromaspirina inglisi Warwick, 1970, Bulbocephalus inglisi Rasheed, 1966, Cleaveius inglisi (Gupta & Fatma, 1987), Alcicornis inglisi Gupta & Jain, 1993, Filisoma inglisi Gupta & Naqvi, 1984, Metasphaerolaimus inglisi Gourbault & Boucher, 1982, Acanthocolpus inglisi Gupta & Gupta, 1980, Microcotyle inglisi Gupta & Krishna, 1980]. (The person to the left in this photo from 1984)
Cryodesma agnari Svavarsson, 1988 is named after Professor Dr. Agnar Ingólfsson, 1937-, University of Iceland (Ph.D. in Ecology/Ornithology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, U.S.A. in 1967), who first introduced Svavarsson to crustaceans. He achieved his BSc. at the Univ of Aberdeen, Scotland in 1961 and his PhD at the Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor, in 1967.
The amphipod name Stegocephaloides ingstadi Berge & Vader, 2003 is named for the great Norwegian ethnologist and traveller Helge Ingstad, (30 Dec. - Meråker) 1899-2001 (29 Mar.). He and his wife are mainly known for the discovery of the early norse settlements in Labrador, l'Anse aux Meadows, but Ingstad also lived in younger days among Inuits and has published essential books about this. (Prof. Wim Vader, Tromsø, kindly provided this information).
Lacking information about Inn(a) in the harpacticoid name Paralaophonte innae Tschislenko, 1977.
Dr. Takashi Ino, 1915-, Japanese malacologist, who published during the 1950s, is honoured in the polyplacophoran name Notoplax inoi Is. Taki, 1962. (Andrew Vik, Tampa, Florida kindly provided this information).
Derek Cave Insall, (1 Aug. - Plymouth) 1913-1979 (1 Nov. - Holon, Israel), collected the type of the very elongate Terebra insalli Bratcher & Burch, 1976 at Eilat, Gulf of Aqaba. He was the son of Henry James Raby Insall and his wife Gladys (nee Lewis). He grew up to be a constable in the Metropolitan police squad. St. James Division, Scotland Yard, and was during the 1930s sent to Palestine as part of the British mandate police force and he served as a mounted policeman fighting against the Arab uprising in about 1936-39. In 1940 he married Malka Kaplan (sister of the late grandmother of the informer below). He was a very interesting man, who used to explore the beaches and classify shells he found. He was very tall with ramrod straight posture, and his signature handelbar moustache. He served as the Chief Inspector District Food Controller in Haifa from 1943-1947 and then transferred to serve with the Palestine Railways. In 1948 he was Labour Superintendent at Haifa Port, when Palestine became an independant State called Israel and most of the British Mandate Force left. (Nicole Rosenberg, Israel, kindly provided all this information, sent the photo and added some notes from Insall found by her on the Internet: He has found live specimens of Cypraea lurida, including one 21 inches long taken in fairly shallow water at Shikmona, south of Haifa, Israel (compilers note: a decimal point must have been omitted in 21 between 2 and 1, which make the size ca 53 mm - a gigantic specimen of this species, normally rarely reaching more than 45 mm). Low water, of course, has no meaning in the almost tideless Mediterranean. He goes on: "Cypraea are not at all common at this end of the Mediterranean; they seem to be more plentiful around Italy and Sicily. C. pyrum Gmelin, which is also found here occasionally, seems to be more common in Greece and Turkey. It is possible to find live specimens of C. spurca L. near Haifa, and to the north and south of the town. This is a very variable species. Both dorsal and ventral sides range from dark red-brown with darker dorsal spots to bright orange with brown margins and base. Some shells have cream or white bases, with beige or fawn backs with darker spots which also reach the margins.").
Lacking information about A. Intès, 19??-, in the Callianassid name Glypturus intesi (de Saint Laurent & Le Loeuff, 1979) and in the scaphopod name Dentalium (Antalis) intesi Nickles, 1979. However it may likely be the same person, the benthos researcher Dr. André Intès of Centre de Rechecherche Oceanographiques, Abidjian, Ivory Coast (later Directeur de Recherches, ORSTOM, Brest), as the ostracod species Pteromeniscus intesi Kornicker, 1981 is honouring and who published on fisheries in the New Caledonia area in 1978.
Intosh : (see M'Intosh).
Is a person's name Iracia hiding in the ophiuroid name Amphiura iraciae Tommasi & Oliveira, 1976?
Tom Iredale, (24 Mar. - Stainburn, Workington, Cumberland) 1880-1972 (12 Apr. - Harbord), English autodidact ornithologist & conchologist, who worked at the British Museum (Nat. Hist.) spending almost a year (in 1908) at the Kermadec Island together with Brook Oliver (q.v.) watching, collecting and eating birds, having arrived at New Zealand in Dec. 1901, but returning to England and the British Museum (Nat. Hist.) after a collecting trip to Queensland Australia in 1909. At Kermadec Island his interest in molluscs began. He moved to Australia in 1923 (possibly partly because of his suffering from tuberculosis) and between 1924-44 he worked in the Australian Museum, Sydney. He became a hard-working man, but did never learn to use a type-writer and did never make any revisions in his malacological work [Cryptoplax iredalei E. Ashby, 1923, Murexiella iredalei W. F. Ponder, 1972, Strombus iredalei Abbott, 1960, Mareleptopoma iredalei (Bavay, 1921)]. {photo from A monograph of Australian Loricates, Iredal & Hull, 1927 / courtesy of R. Giannuzzi-Savelli}.
Lacking information about Irene in the nemertean name Probalaenanemertes irenae Wheeler, 1934, but possibly a family member (e.g. his wife?) of the Bermudan author J.F.G. Wheeler (q.v.)?
Lacking information about Irina in the polychaete name Ophryotrocha irinae Tzetlin, 1980, but likely either a colleague or a family member of the aithor Prof. A. Tzetlin (q.v.), Moscow.
Mrs J.F. Irvine, 18??-1???, from Western Australia, found the type specimen of Cypraea irvineanae Cox, 1889.
Dr. Frederick Robert Irvine , 1898-1962 (19 Aug. - Ghana), who published about fishes from the Gold Coast and also on phanerogames from this area, is honoured in the East Atlantic guitar fish name Rhinobatos irvinei Norman, 1931.
Lacking information about Irving in the cephalopod name Sepia irvingi Meyer, 1909, but perhaps an Australian? collector.
The geophysical oceanographer Prof. John Dove Isaacs III, (28 Mar. - Spokane, Washington) 1913-1980 (6 June - Rancho Sante Fe, Cal.) developed in 1951 he, together with Lewis W. Kidd, 1923?-, both working at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, the much used Isaacs-Kidd Midwater Trawl, published by them under this name in 1953, a device for collecting fish larvae, larger zooplankton and other more or less hyperbenthic organisms. At least some organism names are in honour of J.D. Isaacs III: Monognathus isaacsi Raju, 1974, Maulisia isaacsi Matsui & Rosenblatt, 1987 and possibly also Nannobrachium isaacsi (Wisner, 1974), while the gastropod name Africanella isaacsi (Houart, 1984) seems to be a tribute to a malacologist named R. Isaacs, 19??-, working on Muricoidea.
Isabel : (see Ball).
The hermit crab name Calcinus isabellae Poupin, 1997 is in honour of the author's wife Isabelle, 19??-,.
Lacking information about Isabella in the actinian name Andwakia isabellae Carlgren O. & Hedgpeth J.W., 1952 and in the nemertean name Zygonemertes isabellae Corrêa, 1954, but likely at least some of the names may possibly have been in honour of Isabella Gordon (q.v.), who i.a. corresponded with at least Hedgpeth. However the monogenean species name Benedenia isabellae F.G. Meserve, 1938 got its name because it was found on gills of an unidendified fish at Isabel Island, Mexico
Lacking information about Isaitshikov in the nematod name Halalamus isaitshikovi (Filipjev, 1927).
Isak : (see Berge).
Isao Taki : (see Taki).
The diatom name Navicula iserentantii Lange-Bertalot & Witkowski in Witkowski & al, 2000 is a tribute to the author's colleague Prof. Dr. Robert Iserentant, 19??-, Louvain, Belgium.
The cephalopod Mastigoteuthis iselini McDonald & Clench, 1934 was named for Prof. Columbus O'Donnell Iselin II, (25 Sep. - New Rochelle, New York) 1904-71 (5 Jan. - Falmouth, Mass.), research associate (later director) of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Inst., USA. The R/V "Columbus Iselin", which during the 1970s made trawling cruises in the Atlantic is also honouring his name.
Dr. Chiyomatsu Ishikawa, 1861-1935, Japanese zoologist i.a. working at the Naples Zoological station; a disciple of Weismann (q.v.) and of Edward Sylvester Morse (q.v.), who held some early lectures at the Tokyo Univ. on Darwinism, thus responsible for disseminating Darwin's ideas of evolution in Japan. [Sabellaria ishikawai Okuda, 1938].
Prof. Dr. Reizo Ishiyama, (31 July - Mihara Ciuty, Hiroshima prefecture) 1912-2008 (11 Sep.), skate systematics specialist at Tokyo Fisheries Univ., is honored in the western central Atlantic skate name Fenestraja ishiyamai (Bigelow & Schroeder, 1962).
Lacking information about Isibasi in the ascidian name Boltenia isibasii Tokioka, 1954
Lacking information about the Ukrainian? researcher M.P. Iskov in the myxozoan name Zschokkella iskovi Kovaleva, Donec & Kolesnikova, 1989.
The physician Dr. Vasilij Ivanovic Isaev / Issaeff , 18??-19??, is honoured in the thalassinidean name Upogebia issaeffi (Balss, 1913). Isaeff is mentioned as collector (in 1890) of several crustaceans in Moscow collections.
Prof. Arturo Issel, (11 Apr. - Genoa) 1842-1922 (27 Nov. - Genoa), Italian geologist and palaeontologist, who had malacological interests and e.g. conducted marine research along the Eritrean coast in the 1870s and he had earlier (1865) made large collections along the Red Sea coasts. Some submarine parts, the Issel Bridge, a ridge separating parts of the Tyrrhenian Sea and the Issel Seamont are in his honour. [Arthuria Bourguignat, 1874, Isselia Bourguignat, 1872, Tellina isseli H. Adams, 1870, Pomatias isselianus Bourguignat, 1870, Cingulina isseli Tryon, 1886, Ancistruma isseli Kahl, 1931].
Prof. Raffaele Issel, (Genoa) 1878-1936 (7 Oct. - Genoa), the son of A. Issel (above), got his name Raffaele from his paternal grandfather, zooplanktonologist, who was director of the Marine Research Station, Rovinj, between 1920-23. [Ionema isseli Micoletzky, 1924, Lichomolgella isseli Gallingani, 1952].
Lacking information about Ito in the bivalve name Thracia itoi T. Habe, 1961, the tanaid name Leptochelia itoi Ishimaru, 1985 and in the plathelminth name Archimonocelis itoi Tajika, 1981. At least the bivalve name may be a tribute to Kiyoshi Itô, 1???-, who in 1965 together with Habe published Vol. 1 of "Shells of the World in colour", although another Japanese malacologist, Kodo Itô, 1905-1961, may be an alternative.
The harpacticoid Halectinosoma itoi Clément & Moore, 2000 and the Facetotectan name Hansenocaris itoi Kolbasov & Hoeg, 2003 are honouring Dr. Tatsunori Itô, (26 Jan. - Sapporo, Hokkaido) 1945-1990 (8 Apr. - (suicide)), at the Seto Marine Laboratory, for his important contributions to harpacticoid copepod taxonomy in Japan, but he was also a specialist in Facetotecta and in crustacean phylogeny. Takashi Itô, 1918-, who worked on taxonomy of fresh water copepods, is a namesake.
The cowry name Cypraeovula iutsui Shikama, 1974 is in honour of Mr. Iu-tsu Chen, 19??- of Taiwan.
Ivan : (see Marrow).
Dr. Artemij Vasil'evich Ivanov, (18 May - Molodecno, Belorussia) 1906-1992 (22 Jan. - St. Petersburg), Belorussian / Russian zoologist, well-known for his pogonophoran studies, but also working as parasitologist [Arcovestia ivanovi E.C. Southward & Galkin, 1997, Oligobrachia ivanovi Southward, 1959, Notentera ivanovi Joffe, Selivanova & Kornakova, 1997].
Dr. Boris Georgievich Ivanov, 1937-2006, Russian specialist on decapod crustaceans [likely Metapenaeopsis ivanovi Crosnier, 1994, likely Metapenaeus ivanovi Hassan, 1978 (a synonym of M. affinis (Milne Edwards))].
Dimitry "Dima" Lumbergovitsch Ivanov, 1955-, Russian specialist on Aplacophora and Caudofoveata at the Moscow State University [the gastropod name Abyssotrophon ivanovi Egorov, 1993, the scaphopod name Epirhabdoides ivanovi Steiner, 1999, the acrothoracican Lithoglyptes ivanovi Kolbasov, 1998]. (Another picture (showing what a soft bottom researcher sometimes has to stand, when visiting Tjärnö - from autumn 2003))
Lacking information about Ivanov in the cephalopod name Sepia ivanovi Khromov, 1982. Piotr Pavlovich Ivanov, 1878-1942, St. Petersburg zoologist, may be one possibility, if not e.g. A. V. Ivanov or D.L. Ivanov, are possible, but the compiler of this text does not know enough about the author Dmitriy Nikolaevich Khromov's relation to different Ivanov's to know which of them, who is most likely.
Mr. (later Professor) Richard Ivell, 1949-, sent the author of the very rare actinian Edwardsia ivelli Manuel, 1975 twenty living specimens of this species from Widewater Lagoon, Lancing, West Sussex.
Ivar Thor Carl Iversen, (Oslo) 1873-1953, Norwegian practical researcher on fisheries.
The diatom name Achnanthes iverseni Foged, 1977 is likely a tribute to the Danish palaeo-ecologist / botanist Dr. h.c. Johannes Iversen, (26 Dec. - Sønderborg) 1904-1971 (17 Oct.).
The copepod name Enhydrosoma ivitteae Jakobi, 1955 must likely honour a Brazil collector, but who? A collector of Diptera, Mycetophilidae was active there in 1945, named R.I. Ivitte, 19??-, but if this person is identical to the person helping Jakobi is very unsure.
Prof. Vladimir S. Ivlev, 1???-1964, who in 1955 published on fish nutrition, is honoured in the copepod name Oncaea ivlevi Schmeleva, 1966. He founded in 1959 the Department of Animal Physiology, Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas, Sevastopol, Ukraine.
Dr. Tomio Iwamoto, 1939-, California Acedemy of Sciences, San Francisco, is an ichthyologist and grenadier specialist.
The bivalve name Terua iwaotakii T. Habe, 1958 must of course be a tribute to Iwao Taki (q.v.).
Dr. Hideo Iwasaki, 1929-, has worked on culture experiments in copepods.
Prof. Dr. (now Prof. em.) Fumio Iwata, 19??-, Japanese nemerteanologist at the Hokkaido University, Sapporo, publishing from the beginning of the 1950s. He is a disciple of Uchida (q.v.) [Amphiporus iwatai Friedrich, 1970, Fumionemertes Härlin, 1998]. His name is also associated with the heteronemertean development stage Iwata's larva of Micrura akkashiensis Yamaoka, 1940.
The ascidian name Polycarpa iwayamae Tokioka, 1950 is likely not in honour of a person's name, but from Iwayama Bay, Palau Islands, from where Tokioka had received material published in 1942 and in 1950.
Dr. Kunihiko Izawa, 1940-, has worked on ontogeny of copepods.
Prof. Akira Izuka, 1868-1938, Japanese prominent zoologist from the Gunma Prefecture, working at Tokyo Imperial Univ., who described polychaetes from his home country between 1902-19 [Amphiduros izukai (Hessle, 1925), Lepidasthenia izukai Imajima & Hartman, 1964, Nereis izukai Okuda, 1939].
The shrimp name Plesionika izumiae Omori, 1971 is a tribute to the author's Prof. Dr. Makoto Omori, (17 Nov. - Osaka) 1937-, first daughter Izumi, (Jan.) 1969-,.
The gastropod name Leucozonia jacarusoi Petuch, 1987 may possibly be a tribute to Ted Jacaruso, 19??-, president of The Treasure Coast Shell Club of Stuart, Florida during the end of the 1980s.
Dr. Honoré Jacinot, 1815-1887, French surgeon & zoologist, who took part as a naturalist with his brother, the naval officer Charles Hector Jacinot, in the circumnavigation with La Zelee under Dumont d'Urville (1837-40).
Dr. Colin Jack-Hinton, (1 Jan. - Newchurch, England) 1933-2006 (22 Mar. - Masterton, New Zealand), Foundation Director of the Northern Territory Museum (now Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory), Darwin, Australia, is honoured in the shrimp name Periclimenes jackhintoni A.J. Bruce, 2006. (Dr. A.J. Bruce kindly provided the article in pdf)
Dr. John Wilfrid Jackson, (Scarborough) 1880-1978 (16 Nov.), British conchologist, chiefly publishing on non marine material [likely Cingula jacksoni Bartsch, 1953].
The harpacticoid name Parathalestris jacksoni (T. Scott, 1899) is in honour of the British explorer Frederick George Jackson, 1860-1938 (13 Mar.), and his expedition to Franz Josef Land was 1894-1897. By pure chance, it was Jackson who famously met Nansen (q.v.) (and Nansen's follower Hjalmar Johansen, 1867-1913) just walking out from his "Farthest North," after Nansen's three-year absence. "Dr. Nansen, I presume?" (Dr. David Damkaer kindly provided this information).
The bryozooan name Escharoides jacksoni (Waters, 1900) may possibly have been from the Windward expedition to Franz Josef Land, in that case certainly a tribute to F.G. Jackson (above) or else this Jackson may have been Dr. Benjamin Daydon Jackson, (3 Apr. - London) 1846-1927 (12 Oct. - London), who was Secretary General of the Linnean Society of London.
The bivalve name Nuculana jacksoni (Gould, 1841) is likely a tribute to Dr. Charles Thomas Jackson, (21 June - Plymouth, Mass.) 1805-1880 (28 Aug. - Somerville, Mass.), US physician, interested in several items, like palaeontology and mineralology, but today mostly remembered for his involvement in several priority conflicts, e.g. the development of the telegraph.
Prof. Robert Tracy Jackson, 1861-1948, Harvard Univ. (a former student of A. Hyatt (q.v.)), published on the phylogeny of bivalves and echinoderms. Neo-Lamarckian.
Lacking information about Dr. Gerhard Jacob, 19??-, Camburg, Germany, in the nematode name Ptycholaimellus jacobi Jensen & Nehring, 1992?
Dr. Hans Jacobi, (see spelling Jakobi), 1928-, made his PhD on Bathynellace in Erlangen, but moved to Brazil in the beginning of the 1950s and continued there studying copepods, publishing on them until 1976. He is honoured in the Echiura genus name Jacobia Zenkevitch, 1958. (André Trombeta, Brazil, kindly provided the genus name).
The Indonesian nudibranch species Phyllodesmium jakobsenae Burghardt & Wägele, 2004 is in honour of Mrs. Wera Jakobsen, 19??-, who the authors acknowledge, is a passionate diver, and who has supported alpha taxonomy research on sea slug through a generous donation to the BIOPAT (Patrons for Biodiversity). (Dr. Riccardo Giannuzzi-Savelli, Palermo, kindly provided this information).
Lacking information about Jacobsen in the nematode name Bathylaimus jacobseni Allgén, 1954.
Edward Richard Jacobson, (20 Mar. - Frankfurt am Main) 1870-1944 (29 Dec.), born by Dutch parents, was manager of a trading company in Java (but also lived some years in Sumatra). He was very interested in natural history, and made extensive collections for Dutch museums, leaving his business in 1910, to be able to devote himself to natural history alone. His main interest was entomology, but he collected also several other animals. He died in a camp during the Japanese occupation [Sesarmoides jacobsoni (Ihle,1912)].
The gastropod name Muricodrupa jacobsoni W. K. Emerson & A. D' Attilio, 1981 was dedicated to the late Morris Karl Jacobson, (29 Dec. - Memel, East Preussia (now Lithuania)) 1906-1980 (21 July, by heart attack), US teacher of foreign languages in Queens, New York and hobby malacologist associated with the Amereican Museum of Natural History, New York, but after retirement a resident of Palm Bay, E. Florida, who had arrived to USA with his parents at age one, "in recognition of his many and varied contributions to the field of malacology".
Lacking information about Jacoby in the bathyal Bahamian echinoid name Aspidodiadema jacobyi A. Agassiz,1883, but possibly it may have been a tribute to the Chrysomelid researcher of tropical America, the London based musician and entomologist Martin Jacoby, (12 Apr. - Altona) 1842-1907 (24 Dec.), but of course more likely another person.
The Galapagos gastropod name Terebra jacquelinae Bratcher & R.D. Burch, 1970 is very likely a tribute to Jacqueline De Roy (q.v.).
The crab name Actaea jacquelinae Guinot, 1976 is a tribute to Mme, Jacqueline Panouse-Michelet, 19??-,.
The scleractinian name Acropora jacquelinae Wallace, 1994 was named for Dr. Jacqueline K. Wolstenholme, 19??-, who has published on corals together with the author of the species.
The anomuran name Porcellanopagurus jacquesi McLaughlin, 1997 may likely be a tribute to Prof. Jaques Forest (q.v.)..
The marine gastropod name Alvania jacquesi Hoenselaar & Goud, 1998 is named after Mr. Jacques Smit, 19??-, for his participation in the CANCAP-expedition for marine biological research in the Canarian-Cape Verdean region of the North Atlantic Ocean (1976-1986). Smit was connected to the Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie, Leiden.
Lacking information about Jacquet, 18??-1???, in the prawn name Metacrangon jacqueti (A. Milne-Edwards, 1881). Possibly the French entomologist Ernest Jacquet, 18??-1???, is honoured.
Fernand Jadin, 1862-1944, was a French professor of pharmacology in Montpellier, who collected algae on Réunion and Mauritius in 1890.
The Panama gastropod name Odostomia jadisi Olsson & McGinty, 1958 was named for Mr. Stewart Jadis, (11 June - Massachusetts) 1908-1987 (Apr. - Florida), of the Canal Zone Police force, "ardent collector of Panama shells and a valued friend of the authors".
Siegfried Gustav Adrian Jaeckel (or Jaekel), Jr., 1907-1986, German malacologist, who worked at the Zoological Museum of the University of Kiel, mainly on cephalopods and deep-living mollusca, like bivalves. There is another German malacologist with a similar name, Dr. Siegfried Heinrich Ferdinand Jaeckel, 1892-1970, Zoologisches Museum, Berlin, who seems to be somewhat too young to be the father of Jaeckel Jr. The scaphopod Siphonodentalium jaeckeli Scarabino, 1995 must be in honour of S.H.F. Jaeckel, who published on scaphopods, partly together with Thiele (q.v.), but for which Jaeckel was the octocoral Lobophytum jaeckeli Tixier-Durivault, 1956 named?
Prof. Dr. Theodore Louis Jahn, (17 Dec. - New Orleans) 1905-1979, US protistologist.
Prof. Dr. Hans Jakobi, 1928-, German zoologist, who achieved his PhD in Erlangen on Bathynella. After that he moved to Brazil (Curitiba) and began working also on harpacticoids. He published papers on such creatures between 1953-76 [Forficatocaris jakobii Noodt, 1972].
The Polish zoologist Stanislaw Jakubisiak, 18??-19??, published on harpacticoids, mainly from SE Europe, between 1923-1939, but the compiler of this text have never seen a later text by him, so he may have died during WW2?
Dr. Daniel Bhaskar James, (Madras) 1940-, Indian echinodermata specialist.
Likely the Irish Dr. Henry Lyster Jameson, 1873?-1922 (26 Feb, - West Mersea, Essex, of lung haemorrage), physician and naturalist (D.Sc at Trinity College, Dublin) active in London, i.a. publishing on flatworms in 1913 together with William Nicoll (q.v.), is honored in the flatworm name Meiogymnophallus jamesoni Bowers, 1965.
The flatworm name Paraccacladium jamiesoni Bray & Gibson, 1977 is honouring Dr. (later Prof.) Alan Jamieson, 19??-, a biochemical fish population biologist at the MAFF Lab. Lowestoft. (Dr. Rod Bray kindly provided this information about the honouree in the name he self created together with Dr. Gibson).
Emeritus Prof. Barrie Gillean Molyneux Jamieson, (31 Aug. - Bristol, England) 1934-, Dep. of Zoology, Univ. of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, oligochaete specialist, but he has also published on many other zoological items, i.a. spermatozoal ultrastructure and phylogeny of several invertebrate and vertebrate groups [Barriejamiesonia Ljungstrom 1971, Episiphon jamiesoni Lamprell & Healey, 1998, Jamiesoniella Erséus, 1981, Heterodrilus jamiesoni Erséus, 1981, Astacopsidrilus jamiesoni Brinkhurst 1990, Platipilumnus jamiesoni Richer de Forges 1996, Begemius (Oligochaeta: Megascolecidae) (Type species B. jamiesoni), Easton,1982, Australothele jamiesoni (Chelicerata: Araneae), Raven, Anoplozetes jamiesoni (Chelicerata: Acari), Lee 1986].
The Lithodid name Paralomis jamsteci Takeda & Hashimoto, 1990 is not in honour of a person's name, but in honor of JAMSTEC (Japan Agencu for Marine-Earth Science and Technology).
Prof. Georg ("Giorgio") Jan, (21 Dec. - Wien (Vienna)) 1791-1866 (8 May - Milano), He came from a Hungarian family, malacologist, who became connected with the Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Milano, later its director. Between 1816-38 he was professor of botany in Parma and after that in Milano. Published together with De Cristofori (q.v.). He also published a large monography on snakes [Aspella jani, Gadilina jani (Hoernes, 1856), Eolidia jani Vérany, 1846 (a synonym of Facelina bostoniensis (Couthouy, 1838)]. The algal genus name Jania Lamoureux, 1812 is likely not named for him. (Stefano Palazzi kindly provided some additional information and corrected the information about Jan's original citizenship).
Jan Deprez : (see Deprez).
Lacking information about Janet in the gastropod name Splendrillia janetae Bartsch, 1934.
Janet, in e.g. Lucernaria janetae, Xyloplax janetae, Anatoma janetae : (see Voight).
Janet in the gastropod name Dibaphimitra janetae Petuch, 1987 : (see Kremer).
Janice : (see Chace).
Prof. Dr. Konstanty Janicki, (16 Nov. - Moscow) 1876-1932 (25 Oct - Warsaw, by suicide), Polish parasitologist.
Janin in the harpacticoid name Hemilaophonte janinae Jakubisiak, 1932 is likely named after the author's wife. The paper was based on copepods collected by Jakubisiak and his wife at Roscoff, France. (Dr. David Damkaer kindly provided this information).
The gastropod name Volvarina janneefsi Bozzetti, 1997 must be a trubute to Jan Neefs, 19??-, the Univ. of Antwerpen, who has published on the family Marginellidae.
Lacking information about Janowicz in the limnomedusae name Armorhydra janowiczi Swedmark & Teissier, 1958.
Mrs. Dorothy Ann Janowsky, 1942-, (NY) shell collector and shell dealer [Favartia dorothyae Emerson & D'Attilio, 1979]. She is sharing this interest with her spouse Robert Howard Janowsky, 1942-.
The gastropod name Anatoma jansenae Geiger, 2006 is in honour of Dr. Patty (Patricia) Jansen, 1963-, Lindfield, New South Wales, Australia, editor of Australian Shell News, who first recognized it as a new species. (Dr. Riccardo Giannuzzi-Savelli, Palermo, kindly provided this information).
Dr. Adrianus Willem (or Arie W.) Janssen, (19 June) 1937-, Dutch palaeo-malacologist, who used to be a curator in the National Museum of Geology and Mineralogy, later part of the National Museum of Natural History (Palaeontology Department, European Cainozoic Mollusca) in Leiden, Holland from 1969 to 1997. From c. 1980 onwards he specialised on fossil holoplanktonic Mollusca (Heteropoda, Pteropoda). Now living at Malta. He is honoured in the gastropod names Setia jansseni (Verduin, 1984), Turbonilla jansseni van Aartsen, 1981 and Gibberula jansseni van Aartsen, Menkhorst & E. Gittenberger, 1984. Several names of fossil molluscs (at least 7 gastropod species one gastropod genus and one bivalve genus) are also associeted with his name as well as a few fossil fish names. (Andrew Vik, Tampa, Florida kindly provided part of this information and A.W. Janssen himself kindly provided a list of eponyms).
Ondina jansseni van Aartsen & Menkhorst, 1996 was named for Dr Ronald Janssen, 1951-, of the Senckenberg Museum in Frankfurt am Main. (Arie W. Janssen kindly provided the information about the honoured persons identity).
The mollusk Plesiocystiscus jansseni (de Jong & Coomans, 1988) was named for Wil and Aat Janssen, 19??-, shell collectors. (Robert Moolenbeek - via Arie W. Janssen - kindly provided the information about whom was honoured by this name and pointed correctly out that because of the plural persons the name ought to have been janssenorum).
The coral name Catalaphyllia jardinei (Saville Kent, 1893) may likely honour the British naturalist Sir William Jardine, 7th baronet, (23 Feb.) 1800-1874 (21 Nov. - Edinburgh), F.L.S., etc., who published a lot regarding birds, monkeys, etc.
Lacking information about Jarl in the decapod name Salmoneus jarli (Holthuis, 1951) and the medusa name Aglauropsis jarli Kramp, 1955.
The rhynchodidan name Hypocomatidium jarockii Chatton & Lwoff, 1950 must of course be in honour of one of the authors of the genus name Hypocomatidium Jarocki & Raabe, 1932, namely J. Jarocki, or A. Jarocki, 1???-19??. (while his colleague was the zoology professor and journalist Zdzisław Raabe, (19 Oct. - Krakow) 1909-1972 (12 Feb. - Warshaw))
Splendrillia jarosae Wells, 1991 is in honour of Mrs. Anna Jaros, 19??-, who helped the author. (Dr. Riccardo Giannuzzi-Savelli, Palermo, kindly provided this information).
The sponge name Pseudocorticium jarrei Boury-Esnault & al., 1995 is not directly named for a person, but for the type locality at Jarre Island in the Riou Archipelago at Marseilles.
The kinetoplasmid genus name Jarrellia Poynton, Whitaker & Heinrich, 2001, is in mermory of Cheri Jarrell, 19??-(between 1995-2001), "a dedicated volunteer in the Marine Animal rescue Program at the National Aquarium in Baltimore"
The amphipod name Protohyale jarrettae Bousfield & Hendrycks, 2002. "in honour of the late Norma Eleanor Jarrett", 1931-2000, "Ottawa, amphipod worker". An obituary of Norma Jarrett is found in Amphipacifica 3 (1), 2001, 1-2. (Prof. Wim Vader, Tromsø, kindly provided this information).
Lacking information about Jasmine in the octocoral name Sinularia jasminae Alderslade & Shirwalker, 1991.
The octocoral name Lobophytum jasparsi van Ofwegen, 1999 is in honour of Prof. Dr. Marcel Jaspars, 19??-, Marine Natural Products Laboratory, Dep. of Chemistry, Univ. of Aberdeen, Scotland, who has dived from age 14, and collected in 1996 the specimens, which were found to contain a substance having mild activity against leukaemia and ovarian cancer: '3b-7b-11-trihydroxy-5a,6a-epoxy-9,11-secogorgostan-9-one'.
The amphipod genus name Jassa Leach, 1814, is not easy to explain (and Leach never gave etymological explanations), but there is some likelyhood that Leach was influenced by his friend and colleague at the British Museum, the Rev. Thomas Maurice, 1754-1824, to use the name of prominent Sikh leaders, either Jassa Singh Ahluwalia, also known as Jassa Singh Kalal (later known as ’Guru ka lal’ Guru’s beloved son), (Ahluwal, near Lahore) 1718-1783 (Amritsar), or perhaps Jassa Singh Ramgarhia, (Thoka Ichogli village, near Amritsar) 1723-1803, when constucting this name. Maurice, who was a noted oriental scholar and historian, likely also helped Leach with other names, like Calanus Leach, 1816 (from the Macedonian nickname Kalanos of the Indian jain Sfinas, who followed Alexander's Macedonian army westwards when retreating), Balcis J.E. Gray, 1847 (ex Leach MS); Balkis or Bilqus was the name of the queen of Sheba, which Arabic authors used, Phaxas J.E. Gray, 1854 (ex Leach MS), likely from Phaxas from Scotussa, father of Pravilos, who reigned Thessalia during a year in the beginning of the century 100 B.C., Barnea Risso, 1826 (ex Leach MS), likely from Kadesh-Barnea, i.e. wholly desert of wandering, a place in the south of ancient Israel.
Guiseppe Jatta, (20 Sep. - Ruvo di Puglia) 1860-1903 (27 Dec. - Napoli), Italian naturalist and cephalopod worker, who in 1896 published a monograph of the living cephalopods of the Gulf of Naples.
The gastropod name Diodora jaumei Aguayo & Rehder, 1936 is likely honouring the Cuban malacologist Miguel Luis Jaume Garcia, 1905-1990, Museo y Biblioteca de Zoologia de la Habana.
Dr. John Clarkson Jay, (11 Sep. - New York) 1808-1891 (15 Nov. - New York), physician and founder of the New York Yacht Club, reported on the shells from Commodore Matthew Calbraitb Perry's, 1794-1858, U.S. Japan Expedition of 1852.
Dr. Surgeon-Major Atmaram Sadashiv "Muscati" Jayakar, 1844-1911, Indian physician, linguist and ichthyologist, who got his nickname after being sent to Muscat (and staying there for 21 years) by the Indian Medical Service, collecting vertebrate specimens for the British Museum of Natural History, is honoured in the fish name Lestidiops jayakari (Boulenger, 1889) and in the Indian cownose ray Rhinoptera jayakari Boulenger, 1895, Hippocampus jayakari Boulenger, 1900, Chaetodon jayakari Norman, 1939 + several terrestrial species, e.g. mammals, reptiles & scorpions. (André Trombeta kindly provided this information).
Dr. K.V. Jayasree, 19??-, presented a dissertation on free-living nematodes in Aberdeen in 1976 and published i.a. together with Warwick (q.v.) [Stephanolaimus jayasreei Platt, 1983].
Jean in Jeanella : (see Scott).
Jean in Vibilia jeangerardi : (see Gérard).
Jean in e.g. Dentalium jeanae Lamprell & Healy, 1998 : (see Lamprell).
The gastropod name Cyclostremiscus jeannae (Pilsbry & McGinty, 1945) is in honour of Dr. Jeanne S. Schwengel (q.v.) & Calliostoma jeanneae Clench & Turner, 1960 is likely also in honour of the same person.
Jeannel : (see Racovitza).
The coral name Cantharellus jebbi Hoeksema, 1993 is in honour of Dr. Matthew H.P. Jebb, 1958-, Director of the Christensen Research Institute, Madang. Dr. Jebb is an Irish taxonomic botanist.
The nudibranch name Notodoris serenae Gosliner & Behrens 1997 was named in recognition of Serena Jebb, 19??-, one of the first divers to make the authors aware of this species. (Dr. Riccardo Giannuzzi-Savelli, Palermo, kindly provided this information).
The medusa name Dicodonium jeffersoni (Mayer, 1900) and the bryozoan name Floridinella jeffersoni Taylor & McKinney, 2006 are tributes to Thomas Jefferson, (Ablemarle County, VA) 1743-1826 (4 July), US statesman (its 3:rd president), educator and naturalist, who also is honoured in e.g. a few herpetological (and some other) names.
The diatom name Navicula jeffreyi Hallegraeff & Burford, 1996 may likely (despite the male ending of the species name) honour the algologist (diatom and phytoplankton worker) Dr. Shirley Winifred Jeffrey, (4 Apr. - Townsville, Queensland) 1930-, CSIRO, Division of Fisheries and Oceanography, Cronulla, Sydney, Australia.
John Gwyn Jeffreys, (18 Jan. - Swansea, Wales) 1809-1885 (21 Jan. - London), solicitor from Swansea, who got interested in conchology already when young. By conchology Jeffreys meant not only shell collecting, but the total science about molluscs. He moved his office to London in 1856 and began succesively organize dredging expeditions, e.g. summer expeditions between 1861-68 with the 51-ft yacht "Osprey", which he borrowed from his brother-in-law. The yacht was originally rigged as a cutter, but in 1868, when Jeffreys purchased it, it was changed into a schooner. These expeditions primarily visited Shetlands, W Scotland, Channel Islands, Norway etcetera and he was accompanied by chosen specialists on other animal groups, i.a. Peach, Norman, Barlee, Waller, etcetera (see theese gentlemen). Later he took part in some longer expeditions to W Greenland and the Bay of Biscay and visited collecting colleagues in foreign countries. He more or less quitted as a solicitor in 1866 and moved to Hertfordshire. Politically he was a member of the Tory party. He was thought of as a bit snobbish and could not come to terms with Darwinism, because, according to his view, it implied that no borders between species were to be found. "British Conchology" in 5 volumes 1862-69 is his main work. His succesively very extensive shell collection was purchased for the Smithsonian Institution 1883 by W.H. Dall (q.v.) [Gwynia King, 1859, Limatula gwyni (Sykes, 1903), Limatula jeffreysi P. Fischer, 1882, Colus jeffreysianus (P. Fischer, 1868), Saxicavella jeffreysi Winckworth, 1930, Buenia jeffreysi (Günther, 1867), Sthenelais jeffreysi M'Intosh, 1876, Paramphinome jeffreysi (M'Intosh, 1868), Lipobranchius jeffreysii (M'Intosh, 1869), Alvania jeffreysi (Waller, 1864), Turbonilla jeffreysi (Forbes & Hanley, 1851), Gadila jeffreysi (Monterosato, 1875), Notoplites jeffreysi (Norman, 1868), Parasmittina jeffreysi (Norman, 1876), Tachytrypane jeffreysii M'Intosh, 1879, Pourtalesia jeffreysi Wyville Thomson, 1873, Melanella jeffreysi (Tryon, 1896), Cylindriscala jeffreysi (Tryon, 1887), Pilulina jeffreysii Carpenter, 1875, Labrospira jeffreysii (Williamson, 1858), Skeneoides jeffreysii (Monterosato, 1872), Cerithiopsis jeffreysi Watson, 1885, Sticteulima jeffreysiana Brusina, 1869, Heliacus jeffreysianus Tiberi, 1867, Gegania jeffreysi Dall, 1889, Chrysallida jeffreysiana Monterosato, 1884, Atys jeffreysi (Weinkauff, 1866), Yoldiella jeffreysi Hidalgo, 1877, Vasconiella jeffreysiana P. Fischer in de Folin & Périer, 1873, Policordia jeffreysi (Friele, 1879), Cuspidaria jeffreysi Dall,1881, Mathilda jeffreysii Dall, 1889, Pleurotomella jeffreysii Verrill, 1885, Portlandia jeffreysi (Hidalgo, 1879), Cuspidaria jeffreysi (Dall, 1881), Mixtopagurus jeffreysi (Miers, 1879)].
Presumably the palaeontologist Dr. Peter A. Jell, 19??-, at the Queensland Museum, Brisbane, is the honoured person in the scaphopod name Dentalium jelli Lamprell & Healy, 1998. P.A.Jell has co-authored at least one paper on Australian molluscs from the Cambrian period with the Australian paleo-malacologist Bruce Runnegar and published a book about trilobites, but also worked much on echinoderms. (Andrew Vik, Tampa, Florida kindly provided part of this information).
Miss Eliza Catherine Jelly, (28 Sep.) 1829-1914 (3 Nov.), from Cornwall, published "A synonymic Catalogue of the Recent Marine Bryozoa" and is honoured in the name Laminopora jellyae (Levinsen, 1909) from Port Elizabeth, South Africa, which she had collected the type material of. Also the genus Jellyella Taylor & Monks, 1997 - found on pelagic mollusc shells and other pelagic items (like floating algae) - is in honour of this lady [Steginoporella jellyae Tilbrook, Hayward & Gordon, 2001, Euthyroides jellyae Levinsen, 1909, Tervia jellyae Harmer, 1915]. She is also honoured in several fossil species names.
The British spongiologist C.F. Jenkin described in 1908 the type species of the calcareous sponge genus Jenkina Brøndsted,1931. He reported on the "Discovery" sponges and is identical with Prof. Lt-Col. Charles Frewen Jenkin, (24 Sep. - Claygate, Surrey) 1865-1940 (23 Aug. - St. Albans, Herts.), who in 1808 became Prof. of Engineering Science, Univ. of Oxford and in London in 1920 also published a book about construction of aircrafts.
A.J. Jenkins, 18??-1???, from Cardiff, but working in London as upholsterer. He was also a good amateur naturalist, collector of molluscs (he for example collected Smith's type material of Hydrobia jenkinsi, now known as Potamopyrgus antipodarum), foraminiferans, etcetera, member of the Queckett Club and between 1886-94 the Conchological Society.
James Travis Jenkins, 1876-1959, wrote valuable books and papers on the fisheries industries and the oceans, especially his popular "The Sea Fisheries" (1920), "A Text Book of Oceanography" (1921), and "Fishes of the British Isles" (1925) [Himantura jenkinsii (Annandale, 1909)]. (Information kindly contributed by Dr. David Damkaer).
Vicki Jean Jenkins, 19??-, wife of the Australian author of Siphonaria jeanae B.W. Jenkins, 1984.
Lacking information about Jenna Cubine? in the polychaete name Lysilla jennacubinae Hutchings & Glasby, 1986.
Dr. Charles E. Jenner, 19??-before 2002, Univ. of North Carolina, must be the person honoured in the nematode name Astomonema jenneri Ott, Rieger, Rieger & Enderes, 1982 and the harpacticoid name Leptastacus jenneri Lindgren, 1975.
Lacking information about Jenner in the gastropod name Jenneria Jousseaume, 1884.
The British (freshwater) nemertean name Prostoma jenningsi R. Gibson & J.O. Young, 1971 is a tribute to the author's former teacher Dr. Joseph B. Jennings, 192?-, at the Univ. of Leeds, retired in 1991.
Mr. Albert Jennings, 19??-, Nadi, Fiji, collected the type-material of Sukunaia jenningsi Cernohorsky, 1966 and assisted the author of Terebra jenningsi Burch, 1965 in Fiji Islands.
Henry Constantine Jennings, (Aug. - Shiplake, Oxfordshire) 1731-1819 (17 Feb. - London), British shell collector from Cheyne Walks (Chelsea) [Cypraea jenningsia G. Perry, 1811].
Lacking information about Jenny in the triclade name Tryssosoma jennyae Ball, 1977.
The foraminiferan name Elphidium jenseni (Cushman, 1924) is evidently a tribute to Dr. Harald Ingemann Jensen, (Aarhus, Denmark) 1879-1966 (13 July - Brisbane, after sustaining burns in a grass fire), "Linnean Macleay Fellow of the Society in Geology", geologist and socialist pamphleteer, who had arrived at age 6 with his parents to Australia and in 1904 had described the species from off Australia, but then named it Polystomella macella (Fichtel & Moll) var.
Prof. Adolf Severin Jensen, (23 May) 1866-1953 (29 Aug.), was malacological curator at the Zoological Museum, København (Copenhagen), but also worked on other organism groups, e.g. fishes [very likely Amblyraja jenseni (Bigelow & Schroeder, 1950)].
Dr. Gregory C. Jensen, 1957-, at the Univ. of Washington, described hippolytids during the 1980s but is also working on crabs. PhD at the Univ. of Washington in 1990.
Prof. Dr. Peter Boysen Jensen, (18 Jan. - Hjerting) 1883-1959 (21 Nov.), Danish plant physiologist and marine ecologist.
Preben Jensen, (25 Sep. - Kolding) 1942-96 (17 June - Gurre, Denmark), Danish nematodologist, who worked at the Marine Biology Laboratory in Helsingør (Elsinore) [JensenonchusJairapuri & Khan, 1982, Calomicrolaimus jenseni Muthumbi & Vincx, 1999, Acanthomicrolaimus jenseni Stewart & Nicholas, 1987]. His wife is remembered in the nematode name Rhabdodemania birgittae Jensen, 1976.
Russ(el) H(elge) Jensen, (20 Oct. - Kearny, New Jersey) 1918-2001 (29 Dec. - Phoenix, Arizona), amateur malacologist, who later in life (1971) (see Abbott) assumed a malacological curatorship at the Delaware Museum of Natural History, and still later (in 1977) head of the molluscan department.
Olaf Scheveland Jensen, (22 Feb. - Drammen) 1847-1887 (14 Sep. - Kria), was curator (konservator) at Bergens Museum 1872-82. He published i.a. "Turbellaria ad litora Norvegiae occidentalis [Jensenia von Graff, 1882, Microstomum jenseni Riedel,1932, Proporoplana jenseni Reisinger, 1926, possibly Pterobdellina jenseni Bennike & Bruun, 1939]..
Rev. Leonard Jenyns (later Blomefield), (25 May - London) 1800-1893 (1 Sep. - Bath), British naturalist, corresponding member of the Berwickshire Naturalist Club, one of the original memers of the Ray Society. The change of name was a condition when he in 1871 inherited a Norfolk property from his father's cousin Francis Blomefield (who had died already 1817) and Jenyns actually was the naturalist first suggested to follow the Beagle around the world, but he declined and himself suggested that his friend Darwin should be on board instead, because he could not leave his vicarage at Swaffham Bulbeck, where he served between 1828-49, during as long a period as five years. By marriage he was a nephew of the chemist, geologist, botanist and writer Prof. Charles Giles Bridle Daubeny, (11 Feb. - Stratton, Gloucestershire) 1795-1867 (12 Dec.) of Oxford. Jenyns himself was a good friend of Henslow (q.v.), who had married his sister Harriet in 1823, and became his biographer.
The fish name Monognathus jesperseni Bertin, 1936 must honour Dr. Poul Christian Jespersen, (18 Mar. Næsbyhoved-Broby sogn) 1891-1951 (20 Dec.), Danish zoologist, who has published on bird breeding, copepods, Indo-Pacific eel larvae, etc.
Jessica : (See Barbier).
The gastropod names Cystiscus jewetti (Carpenter, 1857) and Turbonilla jewetti Dall & Bartsch, 1909 must be tributes to the US geologist Colonel Dr. h.c. Ezekiel Jewett, (16 Oct. - Rindge, New Hampshire) 1791-1876 (18 May - Santa Barbara, California), who was a curator of the State Cabinet of Natural History, New York. Jewett's collection was purchased around 1865 by the businessman Ezra Cornell, 1807-1874, the co-founder of Cornell University, who had made his fortune as an associate of Samuel Morse in the telegraph business.
Dr. Carl Friedrich Jickeli, (Hermannstadt, Siebenbürgen, Romania) 1850-1925 (Hermannstadt), German zoologist, son of a merchant. He i.a. described the genus Kirchenpaueria and also worked on molluscs, especially from NE Africa [Chicoreus jickelii C. E. Tapparone-Canefri, 1875, Conus jickelii Weinkauff, 1873].
Jill : (see Ray Gibson).
The polychaete name Amphiglena jimenezi Capa & López, 2004, is in honour of Carlos Jimenez González, 19??-, chief forest ranger of the CNP (Coiba National Park), Panama, at the Pacific coast of which the type material was found.
Jimpy : (see Kilburn).
Lacking information about Jinxing in the bivalve name Trigonothracia jinxingae (Xu, 1980).
Dr. Igor A. Jirkov (or Zhirkov) 19??-, Russian polychaetologistat the Moscow State University [Tetreres jirkovi Kirtley, 1994, Malacoceros jirkovi Sikorski, 1992, Hyalopomatus jirkovi Kupriyanova, 1993].
The polyplacophoran name Acanthochiton joallesi Rochebrune, 1880 is not named for a person's name, but was found at the coast of Joalles, West Africa.
Lacking information about Joanna in the bryozoan name Fenestrulina joannae (Calvet, 1902).
Lacking information about Joanne in the isopod name Metacirolana joanneae (Schultz, 1966).
Lacking information about Jobe in the calanoid name Clausocalanus jobei Frost & Fleminger, 1968.
The Antarctic echinoderm name Lysasterias joffrei (Koehler, 1920) is likely not directly named for a person, but for the Joffre Peninsula of the Island Kerguelen.
Lacking information about Johann in the acoelan name Philachoerus johanni Dörjes, 1968.
Dr. Robert (Bob) E. Johannes, (26 Sep. - British Columbia) 1936-2002 (4 Sep.), Canadian/US marine ecologist, working on tropical and microbial ecosystems, achieving his PhD in Hawaii.
The gastropod name Plicifusus johanseni Dall, 1919, the Alaskan polychaete name Ampharete johanseni Chamberlin, 1920 and the rotiferan name Synchaeta johanseni Harring, 1921 are honouring Frits Johansen, (17 July - København) 1882-1957, Danish-Canadian naturalist; obituary by A.E. Porsild & E.L. Bousfield in Canadian Field Naturalist 73: 82 (1959). He was e member of Mylius Erichsen's Greenland Expedition in 1906-08 (q.v.), but moved from Denmark to USA in 1911, working as entomologist. In 1913 he moved to Canada, becoming a member of the Canadian Arctic Expedition led by Vilhjalmur Stefansson (q.v.), 1913-18 as botanist and marine biologist and in 1920 he was a member of an expedition to Hudson and James Bays and later biologist on the Canadian Hudson Strait Expedition in 1927.
Dr. Karl Erik Johansson, 189?-198?, Swedish polychaetologist from Lerum (outside Göteborg). He was a disciple of Wirén (q.v.) and achieved his PhD on the taxon Sabellida in Uppsala in 1927. He also in 1937 published on Pogonophora, a name he invented for this taxon.
Dr. Johan Ludvig Johansson, 1865-1928, from Göteborg (Gothenburg) studied in Uppsala, where he was a disciple of Tullberg (q.v.) and defended his doctoral thesis on Swedish ichthyobdellids in 1896. Later on he became an upper secondary school lecturer in natural science and chemistry, initially in Karlstad between 1898-1904 and then in Göteborg. Another work about leeches appeared in 1898. Species of the arctic ichthyobdellid genus Johanssonia Selensky, 1914, which was named for him, are deposing their egg cocoons on pantopods.
Lacking information about John in the gastropod name Nassarius johni Monterosato, 1889.
Lacking information about John in the sub-Antarctic acanthocephalan name Aspersentis johni (Baylis, 1929).
The large anomuran decapod Cervimunida johni Porter Mosso, 1903 may likely honour John Robertson Henderson (q.v.), who published on decapods from the coast of Chile, where Porter Mosso (q.v.) was active.
The sponge name Hamacantha johnsoni (Bowerbank,1862) is likely a tribute to the British ichthyologist and botanist (specialist in mosses and flowering plants) James Yate Johnson, (Jan.? - Kendal, Cumbria) 1820-1900 (2 Feb. - Funchal), also honoured in the fish names Halargyreus johnsonii Günther, 1862, Melanocetus johnsoni Günther, 1864 and Halosaurus johnsonianus Vaillant, 1888. The publications of the ichthyologist dealt with fishes, sea anemones (1861), antipatharians (1899) and excavating sponges from deep water coral sceletons (1899) (beside terrestrial creatures, especially spiders, herbs, mosses , geological samples and also a small paper on Crustacea) from Madeira. Johnson lived in Madeira from 1851? (formally as a barrister-at-law (of the Middle Temple)) and collected other animals for other naturalist, e.g. bryozoans for Busk (q.v.).
The foraminiferan name Nouria johnsoni Cushman, 1935, may perhaps be a tribute to Floyd L. Johnson, 18??-19??, of Stanford Univ., who published on foraminiferans during the 1930s.
Dendrophyllia johnsoni Cairns, 1991 is named for Mr. John Seward Johnson jr., (New York) 1930-, New Jersey painter, sculpturer and executive officer of Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution, Ft. Pierce, Florida. Their ship RV "Seward Johnson II" is also named for him. His father John Seward Johnson Sr., (14 July) 1895-1983 (23 May), (one of the founders - together with his brother - of the farmaceutical firm Johnson & Johnson) founded Harbor Branch and the submersible the Johnson-Sea-Link is of course named in his and his diving companion Dr. h.c. Edwin Albert Link's, (26 July - Huntington, Indiana) 1904-1981 (7 Sep.), honour. The ascidien species Polyclinum johnsoni Monniot & Monniot, 1989 was found arount the Galapagos Islands, using the Johnson-Sea-Link.
Prof. Martin Wiggo Johnson, (30 Sep. - Chandler, South Dakota) 1893-1984 (28 Nov. - Snohomish, Wash.), US professor in marine biology at the Univ. of California.
Richard Irwin Johnson, 1925-, US Malacologist.
Prof. Em. Terry Walter Johnson Jr., 1923-, US worker on marine fungi, at the Duke Univ., Durham, N.C.
Captain C.O. Johnson, "né à Smaland (Sud de la Suède), qui pêcha la baleine au large de l'Afrique Sud et du Sud-Ouest et fut, pour le Musée d'Histoire Naturelle de Stockholm, un véritable mécène".
The Volutid name Lyria pauljohnsoni Poppe & Terryn, 2002 is honouring Paul Johnson, 19??-, British conchologist specialised in Volutidae. (Guido T. Poppe kindly provided this information).
Charles W. Johnson : (see Clench).
Prof. Dr. Desmond Sidney Johnson, (18 Nov. - Sheffield) 1924-1972 (29 Aug.), Zool. Dept., Univ. of Singapore, is honoured in the shrimp name Periclimenes johnsoni Bruce, 1987. (Dr. A.J. Bruce kindly supplied this information).
Scott Johnson, 19??-, a diver, who photographed the species several years before it was described and very interested in opistobranchs, is honoured in the Pacific nudibranch name Phyllidia scottjohnsoni Brunckhorst, 1993. [Ardeadoris scottjohnsoni Bertsch & Gosliner, 1989]
Prof. Dr. Thomas Harvey Johnston, (9 Dec. - Balmain, Sydney) 1881-1951 (30 Aug. - Adelaide), who was parasitologist and professor of zoology at Queensland University and in 1938 published a census of the free-living and plant-parasitic Australian nematodes [Paraspadella johnstoni (Mawson, 1944), Allodiastylis johnstoni Hale, 1946 (Johnston collected specimens)].
Haemogregarina johnstoni Davies & Merrett, 2000 was named for Dr. Mike (=Michael?) R.L. Johnston, 19??-, University College of Wales (Aberystwyth), "in recognition of his work on unusual infections within the erythrocytes of ectothermic vertebrates".
Lophochiton johnstoni Ashby was named for Mr. Johnston, 18??-19??, Western Australian shell collector, not identical with Thomas Harvey Johnston.
Lacking information about Johnston, in the harpacticoid name Parapeltidium johnstoni A. Scott, 1909.
The gastropod name Triphora johnstoni F. Baker, 1926 was named for Mr. Ivan Murray Johnston, 1898-1960, "botanist of the expedition of 1921" and likely also Rissoella johnstoni Baker, Strong & Hanna, 1930 may have been a tribute to the same person.
Bittium johnstonae Bartsch, 1911 was named for Elizabeth Ellen (Zahn) (Allan) Johnston, (19 Nov. - Ann Arbor, MI.) 1849-1933 (8 Jan. - Alhambra, CA.). ("Mrs. H. D. Johnston, San Pedro, Cal.", Report of National Museum, 1899, p. 92; "Mrs. E. E. Johnston, Los Angeles, Cal.", same, 1910, p. 94, & 1913, p. 143). (David Hollombe, who kindly supplied this information remarks "I don't know much about her, her education or her first husband. She married her second husband, Rev. Harold Digby Johnston, in Chicago in 1890. He was an Episcopalian minister in Denver at that time but was 'deposed' in 1891. They arrived in southern California in 1894, while her husband was, briefly, a Universalist minister. He seems to have drifted away not long afterward").
Dr. George Johnston, (20 July - Simprim (on a farm)) 1797-1855, Scottish surgeon and important "amateur"-zoologist from Berwick [Johnstonia de Quatrefages, 1849, Johnstonella, Baldia johnstoni Garwood & Bamber, 1988, Pachymatisma johnstonia (Bowerbank, in Johnston, 1842), Leuconia johnstoni Carter, 1871, Escharina johnstoni (Quelch, 1884), Harmothoe johnstoni (M'Intosh, 1876), Clymenura johnstoni (M'Intosh, 1915), Astropecten jonstoni (Delle Chiaje, 1827), Jaspis johnstoni (Schmidt, 1862), Baeria johnstoni (Carter, 1871) and several more names - Dr. Johnston himself say (p. 164 in his "British Zoophytes") "I like these names which have a 'reminiscential evocation'"]. Started the Berwickshire Naturalists' Club - which was the model of similar societies all over Britain - together with the Baird brothers (see W. Baird), who had been his study companions in Edinburgh. He also took the initiative to start the "Journal of Natural History", albeit from the beginning named "Magazine of Zoology and Botany", later "Annals of Natural History" which in 1840 was amalgamized with the "Magazine of Natural History", which was a couple of years older. He was also the instigator (at the meeting 1843 of the British Association in Cork) and one of the founders of the Ray Society, which had it's founding meeting in Edward Forbes house in London 13 March 1844. Owen, Bell, H.E. Strickland, Jardine, Egerton, Bowerbank, Jenyns and Edwin Lankester were also among the founders and the first annual meeting was held on 2 October the same year. Many of Johnston's works were illustrated by his wife Catherine [cf. Halopteris catharina (Johnston, 1833), who also helped her husband to smuggle stones and well-filled bottles containing marine animals from the shore in a larger muff than the present fashion would commend, in order to avoid being 'stared and grinned at by the vulgar'. Dr. Johnston said "To this very distinct and elegant species (Plumularia catharina), I have taken the liberty of assigning the Christian name of the lady to whom this work is indebted for by far the greater portion of its illustrations." That is, for his illustrator, Catherine, Mrs. George Johnston; she was still living in 1892]. (Dr. D. Damkaer kindly provided some of this information). (A more thorough biographical sketch).
Prof. James Johnstone, (17 Jan. - Beith, Scotland) 1870-1932 (Liverpool), is honoured in the flatworm name Rhipidocotyle johnstonei Pulsford & Matthews, 1984. He i.a. published together with Herdman (q.v.).
Lacking information about Johnstone in the gastropod name Melongena corona johnstonei Clench & Turner, 1956.
William Grosart Johnstone, 1???-ca1860, published "The nature-printed British sea-weeds... London: Bradbury and Evans, 1859-1960", an early printed book with coloured pictures, made with a method of which the editor Henry Bradbury was a proposer (because he had brought it to England from Austria), but when he in 1860 at age 29 committed suicide, this method was more or less abandoned until at the end of the century, when similar methods again came into use.
The volutid species Scaphella junonia johnstoneae Clench, 1953 is honouring Kathleen Yerger Johnstone, 19??-, amateur collector from Mobile (Alabama). (André Trombeta kindly provided this information).
Dr. Louis Lucien Joliet, 18??-1887, published on salps and pyrosomes during the 1880s (and also on Bryozoa in 1877).
Dr. Pierre H. Jolivet, 1922-, (PhD in 1954 at Sorbonne), Laboratiore de Zoologie, Université de Montpellier, who has published on interactions between insects and plants, is honoured in the caridean name Jolivetya Cals, 1986.
Scrupocellaria jolloisi (Audouin, 1826) may possibly honour the French archaeologist and engineer Jean Baptiste Prosper Jollois, (24 Jan. - Briénon-lArchevêque (Yonne)) 1776-1842 (24 June - Paris), who accompanied Napoleon to Egypt and published Description de l'Egypte.
The gastropod name Epitonium jolyi Monterosato, 1878 is likely honouring Prof. Dr. Nicolas Joly, (11 July) 1812-1885 (17 Oct.), a physician, professor at the Univ. of Toulouse during the 1870s, who published on Artemia and other freshwater creatures.
The red algal name Diplothamnion jolyi van den Hoek, 1978 is a tribute to Professor Aylthon Brandão Joly, 1924-1975, who published on Brazil and other South American algae from the Univ. of São Paulo.
Jonas in Baseodiscus jonasi : (see Sundberg).
Prof. Dr. Ulf Jondelius, 1961-, achieved his PhD at the Univ. of Göteborg. Former keeper at the Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm. Later at the Uppsala Univ., but now returned to the SMNH as Professor at the Invertebrate section. Specialist on marine platyhelminths [Paracrorhynchus jondelii Artois & Scockaert, 2001].
Dr. Arlene Jones, 1946-, at the British Museum (Nat. Hist.) is working on cestodes and digeneans [possibly Kotorelliella jonesi Palm & Beveridge, 2002].
Dr. Diana S, Jones, 1945-, Curator of Crustacea, Museum of Natural Science, Western Australian Museum, Perth is working on cirripedians, but she has also published on decapods, especially fiddler crabs [Altiverruca jonesae Buckeridge, 1997 & Gippsia jonesae Lowry & Stoddart, 1995, Pheroneonemertes dianae Gibson, 1990]
The copepod name Tisbentra jonesi Ummerkutty, 1960 is likely a tribute to Dr. Santhappan Jones, 19??-, Director of the Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Mandapam Camp, India, where the author worked.
Lacking information about Jones in the Indian actinean species Edwardsia jonesii Seshaiya R. V. & Cuttress C. E., 1969, but possibly also a tribute to Dr. Santhappan Jones (above).
Dr. Cecil Price Jones, (Surbiton) 1863-1943 (27 Aug. - Radlett), British physician (haematologist / pathologist) and malacologist, publishing i.a. together with Preston (q.v.).
The Callianassid name Calliax jonesi (Heard, 1989) is named for Dr. James (Jim) I. Jones, 19??-???? (was named the late in 2002), Director,Mississippi-Alabama Sea Grant Consortium, in recognition of his many contributions to the study and understanding of the marine environment.
The Hawaiian cephalopod name Enoploteuthis jonesi Burgess, 1982 is in honour of Everet C. "Easy" Jones, 192?-1998 (17 May - Missouri, aged 75), of Springfield, Mo., former fishery biologist at the Honolulu Laboratory.
Jaqueline Anne Jones, 1956-, who has published on Tanaidacea together with Holdich (q.v.), is - despite the male -i genitive ending - likely the person honoured in the tanaid name Pseudotanais jonesi Sieg, 1977 and possibly also in the cumacean names Diastylis jonesi Reyss, 1972 & Campylaspis jonesi Bacescu & Muradian, 1972.
Howard Jones, 19??-, Oregon polychaete specialist.
Dr. Meredith Leam Jones, 1926-1996 (Mar. - San Juan Island, Washington), U.S. polychaetologist. He worked at the Smithsonian Institution from 1964 until retirement in 1989, but achieved his PhD in 1956 at Berkeley, California [Mooreonuphis jonesi Fauchald, 1982, Actinoseta jonesi Kornicker, 1981, Magelona jonesi Hartmann-Schröder, 1980; likely he is the one, who is honoured also in Paraphoxus jonesi J.L. Barnard, 1963, Meredithia Hernández-Alcántara & Solís-Weiss, 2000, Pectinaria (Pectinaria) meredithi Long, 1973, Marenzelleria jonesi (Maciolek, 1984)].
Prof. Thomas Rupert Jones, (1 Oct. - London) 1819-1911 (13 Apr. - Chesham Bois), FRS, British palaeontologist (Professor of Geology at Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst); wrote two monographs about Entomostraca from the Tertiary and Cretaceous periods and published much on Foraminifera as well [Jonesia Brady, 1866, Jonesiella Brady, 1880, Pterygocythereis jonesi (Baird, 1850)].
Kornelis M. de Jong, (Joure) 1904-????, published on marine gastropods from West India in 1988 together with Henry E. Coomans (q.v.). He was an inspector of weights and measures in the former Netherlands East Indies between 1926-50, later continuing from 1952-1965 in the Netherlands Antilles, where he also started to collect shells. This interest continued after his retirement to the Netherlands and he there became associated with the Zoological Museum, Amsterdam.
The diatom name Navicula jonssonii Østrup, 1918 is likely a tribute to the Icelandic algae researcher Dr. Helgi Jónsson, (11 Apr.) 1867-1925 (2 Apr.), because his colleague and compatriot Sigurdur Jónsson, 19??-, is likely too young.
Prof. Joos Joosse, 19??-, of the Netherlands, retired in 1995, is honoured in the gastropod name Hydrobia joossei van Aartsen, Menkhorst & Gittenberger, 1984. (Andrew Vik, Tampa, Florida kindly provided this information).
Lacking information about Jooste in the gastropod name Pteropurpura joostei F. Lorenz Jr., 1990.
Lacking information about Jordi in the bryozoan name Smittina jordii Reverter Gil & Fernandez Pulpeiro, 1999.
David Starr Jordan, (19 Jan. - Gainesville, New York) 1851-1931 (19 Sep. - Stanford, Cal.), U.S. ichthyologist, natural history collector and University President at Stanford. Between 1910-14 he also was Chief Director of the World's Peace Foundation. He is said to have refused to learn the names of his students, because he feared to forget the name of a fish for each new student name he learned. [Jordanella Goode & Bean, 1879, Jordania Starks, 1895, Jordanicus Gilbert, 1905, Jordanidia Snyder, 1911, Caulophryne jordani Goode & Bean, 1896, Cancer jordani Rathbun, 1900, Colus jordani (Dall, 1913), Hemilepidotus jordani Bean, 1881, Pandalus jordani Rathbun, 1902, Carepreoctus jordani Burke, 1930]. A malacologist E.K. Jordan, publishing during the 1930s, is likely identical with D.S. Jordan's youngest son Eric Knight Jordan, 1903-1926 (10 Mar. - in an automobile accident near Gilroy), who published on fishes from Hawaii together with D.S. Jordan and was recently married (a month before he died), because a few of his malacological papers arrived posthumously helped by Hertline (q.v.). (Dr. Riccardo Giannuzzo- Savelli, Palermo, kindly provided the last eponym).
Dr. Henry Keyes Jordan, 1838-1923, malacological friend of Chaster (q.v.) [Jordaniella Chaster, 1898]. Melanella martynjordani (Jordan, 1895) may possibly honour a relative of him, eventually identical with the rugby player Henry Martyn "Shorty" Jordan, (7 Mar. - Clifton, Bristol) 1865-1902 (14 July - Nwport, Wales),?
Scott Eric Jordan, (31 Aug. - Los Angeles) 1958-, US (La Habra Heights, California) collector of shell books: he has built one of the last major conchological libraries. [Clanculus scotti Poppe, Tagaro & Dekker, 2006, Cymbiola scottjordani Poppe & Tagaro, 2005]. (G. Poppe kindly provided this information and Scott Jordan himself kindly provided his birth data).
Jorge : (see Jorge Gonzalez Foster)
José : (see José Coltro).
The marine gastropod name Alvania joseae Hoenselaar & Goud, 1998 is named after José L. Hoenselaar, 19??-, daughter of the first author. The marine gastropod Onoba josae Moolenbeek & Hoenselaar, 1987, is named after Mrs. Jos Hoenselaar-van Zoelen, 19??-, wife of the second author (see Hoenselaar). For years she helps her husband in sorting samples for the presence of micro-molluscs. They share also as co-authors several publications. (Curator Henk K. Mienis, Tel Aviv Univ., kindly provided this information).
The person in the cumacean name Makrokylindrus josephinae (G.O. Sars, 1871) and the echinoid name Palaeotropus josephinae Lovén,1874 is likely the Swedish / Norwegian queen Josefina (Joséphine) Maximiliane Eugénie Napoléone, (14 Mar. - Milano) 1807-1876 (7 June - Stockholm), daughter of Napoleon I:s stepson Eugène de Beauharnais, married in 1823 to king Oscar I of Sweden / Norway and mother of i.a. king Oscar II of Sweden / Norway. She became much liked as a queen.
Lacking information about Josephina in the calanoid name Acartia josephinae (Crisafi, 1974).
Josephina (in Cystiscus josephiniae Ferdandes & Rolan, 1991) : (see Alvarez).
Lacking information about Josephine? in the moon shell name Neverita josephinia Risso, 1826.
Who is Josin(a)? in the oligochaete name Specaria josinae (Vejdovsky, 1883)?
The diatom name Amphora jostesorum Witkowski, Metzelin & Lange-Bertalot, 2000 is dedicated to Ewa and Dr. Rainer Jostes, 19??-, Ellwangen, Germany.
Prof. Dr. Louis Marie Adolphe Olivier Édouard Joubin, (27 Jan. - Épinal) 1861-1935 (24 Apr. - Paris), French professor at the Zoological Museum in Paris, publishing about nemerteans between 1887-1914, but also working on e.g. chaetognaths and particularly cephalopods and other molluscs. As a young scientist, he had assisted de Lacaze-Duthiers (q.v.) at the laboratories in Banyuls-sur-Mer and Roscoff. [Octopus joubini Robson, 1929, Scolecimorpha joubini (Chatton, 1909), Siphonosoma joubini (Hérubel, 1905), Joubinella Chevreux, 1908, Cerebratulus joubini Bürger, 1895, Geitodoris joubini Vayssière, 1919, Laganum joubini Koehler, 1922, Joubiniteuthis Berry, 1920, Helicocranchia joubini (Voss, 1962), Sepia joubini Massy, 1927, Chiroteuthis joubini Voss, 1967, Pelagonemertes joubini Coe, 1926, Amphiura joubini Koehler, 1912, Goniodoris joubini Risbec, 1928, Scolymastra joubini Topsent, 1916].
Prof. Dr. Étienne Jourdan, 1854-1930, French Physiology Professor, actinian and zoanthid researcher, publishing between 1880-95, on material from the Marseille Gulf and from Hirondelle expeditions. Later he also published on holothurians. After the decease of his old teacher Marion (q.v.), he (assisted initially by Paul Gourret (q.v.)) directed the Laboratoire Marion (Laboratoire d'Endoume) in Marseille between 1900-19. He was in turn succeded by Gaston Darboux (q.v.), who died after 2 years and was succeded by Vayssière (q.v.). He is honoured in the dinoflagellate name Dinophysis jourdani Gourret, 1883. The gastropod name Turbo jourdani Kiener, 1839, is of course honouring an older - likely also French - person and the gastropod name Conus jourdani da Motta, 1984, is a tribute to the collector at St. Helena Island Kenneth Lee Jourdan, 1943-, US malacologist.
Dr. Félix Pierre Jousseaume, (12 Apr. - Vervant, Charente-Maritime) 1835-1921 (3 Nov.), studied medicine and achieved his MD in Paris in 1862, settling there as a general practitioner. He was among the founders of the Société Zoologique de France, later becoming its president, studied malacology during his spare time and published several articles on this subject. After 1890 he devoted himself entirely to molluscs and closed his practice. He later made several winter expeditions to the Red Sea, collecting not only molluscs, but other invertebrates as well, which were given to the Paris Museum [Jousseaumea Sacco, 1894, Jousseaumiella Bourne, 1907, Metis j(o)usseaumei (Richard), Amphibetaeus jousseaumei Coutière, 1896, Neocallichirus jousseaumei (Nobili, 1904), Murex jousseaumei Poirier, 1883, Chlamys jousseaumei Bavay, 1904, Cerithiopsis jousseaumei Jay & Drivas, 2002, Clathrosansonia jousseaumei (Bavai, 1921)].
Joyce in Heteromolpadia joyceae Pawson & Vance, 2007 : (see McCullough).
Prof. Charles Joyeux, 1881-1966, Laboratoire de Parasitologie, Paris, French parasitologist [Joyeuxella L. Brasil, 1902].
The penaeid name Metapenaeus joyneri (Miers, 1880) is a tribute to Henry Batson Joyner, (9 July) 1839-1884 (23 Nov.), Esq., who had collected some Japanese shrimps for the museum, but was an English civil engineer, who constructed the supply system for water and waste water in São Paulo, Brazil.
Lacking information about Jozina in the bivalve names Kelliopsis jozinae van Aartsen & Carrozza, 1997 and Pteromeris jozinae van Aartsen, 1984.
Lacking information about Juanita in the gastropod name Epitonium (Parviscala) juanitae E.F. Garcia, 2003.
The gastropod name Aperiovula juanjosensii Pérez-Dionis & Gomez, 1987 is likely named for a person named Juan José something, e.g. Dr. Juan José Bacallado Aránega, (11 Apr. - La Laguna, Tenerife) 1939-, Museum of Natural Science, Tenerife, Spain.
The W African fish name Pomadasys jubelini (Cuvier, 1830) is a tribute to Monsieur Louis Jean Guillaume Jubelin, (24 Nov. - Mouillage-Saint-Pierre (Martinique)) 1787-1860 (20 June - Paris), Governor of Senegal, who i.a. collected fish for the Museum in Paris..
The barnacle name Scalpellum juddi Calman, 1918 is likely a tribute to the Norwich geologist Prof. John Wesley Judd, (18 Feb. - Portsmouth) 1840-1916 (3 Mar.), FRS.
The amphipod name Raumahara judithae Moore, 1981 is in honour of Judith Moore, 1946-, wife of the author, Prof. Geoff Moore, University Marine Biological Station Millport.
Lacking information about Judith in the gastropod name Liocerithium judithae Keen, 1971.
Jugurtha : (see Mohammed).
The sipunculan name Aspidosiphon jukesii Baird, 1873 and the gastropod names Polinices jukesii L. A. Reeve, 1843, Epitonium jukesianum Forbes, 1852 & Thormora jukesi W. Baird, 186? are likely tributes to the geologist Prof. Joseph Beete Jukes, (10 Oct. - Birmingham) 1811-1869 (20 July - Dublin, after a fall from a horse), who worked on the theory of coral reef (Australian) development. and serving as naturalist on board the H.M.S. "Fly" during the 1840s survey. He was the director of the Irish Geological Survey from 1850 until he died.
Lacking information about Juli in the nemertean name Amphiporus julii Giard, 1890 and in the gastropod name Conus julii (Lienard, 1870).
Lacking information about Julia in the gastropod name Chrysallida juliae de Folin, 1872.
Lacking information about Julia in the plathelminth name Archiloa juliae Tajika, 1982.
Julia : (see also Clench).
Who is Julian in the nematode name Plectolaimus juliani Inglis, 1966?
Prof. of Anatomy Charles Julin, 1857-1930, Belgian (Liège) zoologist, who published on mesozoans in 1882. He also published on whales and together with É. van Bénéden (q.v.) (and also without coauthors) on tunicates [Ciliocincta julini (Caullery & Mesnil, 1899)].
Antoine Jullien, (Sep.) 1891-1963 (Dec.), French zoologist. Maybe related to the French bryozoologist Dr. Jules Jullien, (Charolle (Saône et Loire)) 1842-1897 (22 Jan. - "après une cruelle et longue maladie") (picture in this web site), physician and Président de la Société Zoologique de France, publishing partly together with L. Calvet (q.v.) [Jullienella Schlumberger, 1890].
Prof. Peter Alfred Jumars, (3 June - Dinkelsbuhl) 1948-, at the University of Washington School of Oceanography, Seattle (later at the Darling Marine Center, University of Maine, is honoured in the polychaete name Exallopus jumarsi Blake, 1985.
Jungersen : (see Lütken).
Lacking information about Juni in the gastropod name Crinophtheiros junii (de Folin, 1887).
The copepod name Haloschizopera junodi (Monard, 1935) may possibly honour the Rev. Henri-Alexandre Junod, (17 May) 1863-1934 (22 Apr.), Swiss missionary and ethnographer, working in Mozambique and South Africa, where he also was an interested insect (especially butterfly) collector.
Louis Jurine, (6 Feb. - Geneva) 1751-1819 (20 Oct. - Geneva (by heart attack - his medical speciality)), Swiss surgeon and naturalist, best known for his monographs on wasps, fishes, and freshwater copepods, who posthumously 1820 published a copepod work "Nat. Hist. des Monocles des Envir. de Genève". His name entered marine science in a roundabout way: Claus (1866) gave Jurine's name to the littoral harpacticoid genus Jurinia, not knowing that this was pre-occupied by an insect from 1830. C. B. Wilson (1924), therefore, changed Claus's genus to Lourinia, by Latinizing Jurine's first name [Apherusa jurinei (Milne Edwards, 1830)]. (Dr. D. Damkaer kindly provided some of this information).
The gastropod name Ocenebra juritzi K. H. Barnard, 1969 is possibly honouring the South African analytical chemist and traveller Dr. Charles Frederick Juritz, 1864-1945 (15 May), Johannesburg, who in 1922 published Chemical and physical observations in marine survey of S.S. "Pickle" in Cape Town.
de Jussieu : (see Lamarck).
Dr. Jean Just, 1938-, PhD in København (Copenhagen) in 1978, Danish peracarid worker and former Curator of Crustacea at the Zoological Museum in Copenhagen, is honoured in the isopod names Paramunnopsis justi Svavarson, 1988 and Ischnomesus justi Merrill & Poore, 2003 and in the amphipod genus name Jeanjustia Lowry & Myers, 2003. Just emigrated to Australia, where he for some years was a science administrator, before retirement, after which he again has started crustacean research. (Prof. Wim Vader, Tromsø, kindly provided some of this information).
Prof. Jean-Lou Justine, 194?, French platyhelminth researcher, who is especially interested in spermatology.
Lacking information about Jutting in the cephalopod name Enteroctopus juttingi Robson, 1929 from Chile.
Jutting : (see also Benthem Jutting).
Georg Heinrich Bernhard Jürgens, 1771-1846, is likely the botanist (Bürgermeister (mayor) in the town Jever) honoured in the green algal name Rhizoclonium juergensii (Mertens) Kützing, 1843
Dr. Axel Elof Jäderholm, (Söderhamn) 1868-1927, Swedish zoologist, working mainly on hydroids. He achieved his PhD in Uppsala in 1898, became lektor (senior master) in biology and chemistry at the secondary scool in Västerås in 1905 and later in Norrköping in 1913.
Prof. Dr. Axel Krister Edvard Leonard Jägerskiöld, (12 Nov.) 1867-1945 (4 Sep.), Finnish-Swedish zoologist, working in Göteborg (Gothenburg) as curator / director at the Natural History Museum (where he in 1904 succeded Stuxberg, (q.v. - who had died in 1902) and retired in 1937), mainly on trematodes and nematodes. He had been a disciple of Tullberg (q.v.) in Uppsala during his education. His autobiography "Upplevt och uppnått", Natur och Kultur, 1943, is worth reading if one is searching curio and nice gossip concerning contemporary biologists. Already while rather young he had some hard of hearing problems, a disability, which succesively increased and became his Fate; he was run over by a train when walking on the railway tracks after a hunting excursion [Jaegerskioeldia Filipjev, 1916, Crella jaegerskioeldi Alander, 1937, Tetrabothrius jaegerskioeldi Nybelin, 1916, Cylicolaimus jaegerskioeldi Türk, 1903]. As a curious note may be mentioned that his father Gustaf Magnus Leonard Jägerskiöld, 1831-1871, for some time was a Russian naval officer, who in 1859 was stopped by masses of ice at the Pacific coast and awaiting breaking up of the ice, he let his crew construct barracks on the shore. This was the beginning of a small town - attracting people from local tribes, who joined the crew. Initially this town was named Jägerskiöld, but when growing to a city it changed name to Vladivostok, Russian for "Ruler of the East".
Prof. Dr. Karl Gustav (Gösta) Magnus Jägersten, (3 Dec. - Öglunda församl., Skaraborg) 1903-1993 (27 Feb. - Uppsala), Swedish zoologist; professor in Uppsala, well-known for his phylogenetical Bilaterogastraea theory [Protodrilus jagersteni von Nordheim, 1989, Dinophilus jaegersteni E.R. Jones & F.F. Ferguson, 1957].
Eugen Honoratus Jørgensen, (Kristiania (Oslo)) 1862-1938, Norwegian biologist. After university studies in Kristiania (now Oslo) he moved to Bergen, where he in 1894 became a secondary school teacher, from 1903 lecturer. Between 1898-1932 he was a stipendiary at the Bergen Museum. He wrote essential articles about marine unicellular plankton organisms, particularly tintinnids and radiolarians [Metacylis joergensenii (Cleve, 1902)]. The Danish fish pathologist Poul Erik Vestergaard Jørgensen, 1938-1995 (1 Jan), is a namesake.