Biographical Etymology of Marine Organism Names. K

Pieter Kaas, (14 Nov. - Amsterdam) 1915-1996 (8 June - Den Haag), Dutch author of children's books, secondary school teacher and malacologist, working mainly on polyplacophorans [Ischnochiton kaasi Ferreira, 1987, Leptochiton kaasi Sirenko, 1990, Puposyrnola kaasi van Aartsen, Gittenberger & Goud, 1998]. {photo from: Basteria 60:162 (1996) / courtesy of R. Giannuzzi-Savelli}.

Dr. Zbigniew (Bob) Kabata, (17 Mar. - Jaremicze) 1924-, copepodologist born in Poland, where he was a highly decorated officer in the Polish underground. When the Soviets took over after WWII, he fled through Italy (with the Free-Polish forces) to Scotland and became a commercial fisherman and deck-hand. He studied to enter the University of Aberdeen, doing so and graduating with honors in 1955. He began to work for Scotland's Marine Laboratory in Aberdeen - where T. & A. Scott (q.v.) had been, continuing his studies and receiving the PhD in 1959. The University conferred the DSc on him in 1966. At that time, he was recruited to the Fisheries Research Board of Canada (now Fisheries and Oceans Canada) for the Pacific Biological Station in Nanaimo (where he remains). Poland awarded him their highest honor for an emigre, equivalent to a knighthood, at an impressive ceremony in Montreal. His Ray Society Monograph "Parasitic copepoda of British fishes" in 1979 is well-known [Kudoa kabatai Schulman & Kovaleva in Kovaleva, Schulman & Yakovlev ,1979, Bobkabata kabatabobbus Hogans & Benz, 1990, Lepeophtheirus kabatai Ho & Dojiri, 1977, possibly Boreotrophon kabati McLean, 1995, Parallorchestes kabatai Bousfield & Hendrycks, 2002]. (Dr. D. Damkaer kindly provided Dr. Kabata's background). {Portrait from 1945 & 1995}

Dr. Tokio Kaburaki, 1890-1968, Japanese Tricladida researcher.

Dr. Sadami Kadota, (23 Oct. - Ehime Prefecture) 1929-2003 (20 Jan. - Yokohama), Japanese calanoid taxonomist. (Obituary in Monoculus 45)

Dr. Engelbert Kaempfer, (16 Sep. - Lemgo) 1651-1716 (2 Nov. - Lieme), German physician and travelling naturalist, who had migrated to Sweden after studies of medicine and natural history in Gdansk, Krakow and Königsberg and left for Asia with a Swedish trade mission directed to Russia and Persia. He went on to Batavia (Java) and then Japan, where he lived between 1690-92 and wrote a book about the history (and natural history) of Japan [Poecilasma kaempferi Darwin, 1851, Macrocheira kaempferi (Temminck, 1836) - (this rather deep living crab is the largest arthropod of our planet with a leg span of almost 4 meters)].

Professor Dr. Alfred Kaestner, (17 May - Leipzig) 1901-1971 (3 Jan.), German zoologist, (PhD in Leipzig), who wrote "Lehrbuch der Speziellen Zoologie". He was appointed director of the zoological museum in Berlin in 1950, eventually he worked in München (Munich). His chief interest was anatomy and morphology of Arachnoids.

Alfred Detlef Fritz Kahl, (18 Feb. - Warwerort (around 80 km NE of Hamburg)) 1877-1946 (20? Nov.), German renowned specialist on ciliates, who had started his career in Hamburg as a primary school teacher between 1897 to 1901 and later a Gymnasium teacher (English, French and natural history) and also married there, resulting in a daughter, Lucia. He began to publish about ciliates in 1926 (after having begun studying such creatures in 1924), when he was almost 50 years old, after having been fascinated by ciliates when his daughter brought home literature from her teacher Reichenow (q.v.). As he simultaneously worked as a teacher, he did not co-publish anything with colleagues - of which he had some good contacts, e.g. Bresslau (q.v.) and Penard (q.v.), but also some colleagus, who did not not like his "splitting", e.g. A. Wetzel and to a certain degree L. Postel - except for one paper, Jörgensen & Kahl, 1932, but worked solely at home with his microscope. Nothing is known for sure about the parents and childhood of this outstanding biologist. [Kahliella Corliss, 1960, Strombidium kahli Bock, 1952, Lacrymaria kahli Dragesco, 1954, Condylostoma kahli Dragesco, 1960, Tracheloraphis kahli]

Sally Diana Kaicher, (19 Feb.) 1922-1999 (29 Mar.), of St. Petersburg, Florida, was a malacological artist / photographer / author. [Nassarius kaicherae de Jong & Coomans, 1988, Nodicostellaria kaicherae (Petuch, 1979), Dermomurex (Trialatella) kaicherae Petuch, 1987, Mohnia kaicherae Petuch, 1987, Modulus kaicherae Petuch, 1987, Epitonium (Epitonium) sallykaicherae Kilburn, 1985]. (Andrew Vik, Tampa, Florida kindly provided most of this information and Bill Lyons kindly added tha last species name).

The copepod name Arenosetella kaiseri Lang, 1965 is named in honour of the Kaiser Foundation , Oakland, California, established in 1948 by Henry John Kaiser, (9 May - Sprout Brook, New York) 1882-1967 (24 Aug.).

The diatom name Hantzschia kaiseri Witkowski, Lange-Bertalot & Metzeltin, 2000 is dedicated to Dipl. Ing. Dieter Ralph Kaiser, 19??-, who collected the type material in the Mississippi Delta.

The gastropod name Scissurella kaiserae Geiger, 2006 is in honour of Kirstie Kaiser, 19??-, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, who discovered the species. (Dr. Riccardo Giannuzzi-Savelli, Palermo, kindly provided this information)

The scaphopod name Polyschides kaiyomaruae Okutani, 1975 must be named for the Japanese research ship Kaiyo Maru, a name applied to several ships of which the latest has been used since 1991.

The amphipod species Hyale kajiharai Hiwatari, 2003 was "named in honour of Dr Takeshi Kajihara," 19??-, "who encouraged me to progress the research of the taxonomy and ecology of the Japanese hyalid amphipods". (Prof. Wim Vader, Tromsø, kindly provided this information).

Puntacteon kajiyamai Habe, 1976 was named for Mr. Hikotaro Kajiyama, 19??-, who collected specimens from Okinoshima, Japan. Likely the bivalve name Solen kajiyamai T. Habe, 1964 was named for the same person. Kajiyama's extremely large shell collection is in the Osaka Museum of Natural History.

The gastropod names Quoyula kalafuti Petuch, 1987, Murexiella kalafuti Petuch, 1987, are tributes to Theodore (Ted) Kalafut, 19??- shell collector of Key West, Florida, who first collected these species. (Dr. Riccardo Giannuzzi-Savelli, Palermo, kindly provided this infoprmation)

Prof. Chaganti Kalavati, 19??-, Indian parasitologist at the Andhra Univ., where she is studying myxozoan parasites of deep water teleosts in the Bay of Bengal

Asteropella kalkei Kornicker, 1986 and Rutiderma kalkei Kornicker, 1983 are named for Richard Dale Kalke, (28 Mar.) 1947-, the Univ. of Texas Marine Science Institute, from whom the author received the specimens.

Pehr Kalm, (6 Mar. - Ångermanland, Sweden) 1716-1779 (16 Nov. - Turku, Finland), a disciple of Linnaeus (q.v.), who is most known for his trip to North America in 1748-51, where he collected in USA and Canada, became a friend of e.g. Benjamin Franklin (q.v.) and John Bartram (q.v.), but also travelled in e.g. Russia and in W Sweden (Bohuslän, Västergötland), later publishing about his journeys.

Dr. Herbert Kaltenbach, (Halle) 1889-1963 (Frankfurt am Main), German physician, malacologist and traveller.

Megumo Kamba, 1949-, Japanese, working on distribution of copepods.

Pieter Kamerman, (13 Feb.) 1851-19??, a cousin of J.G. de Man (q.v.), who from 1873 until the end of the century served in a Dutch commercial company at the Congo and Angola coast and sent collected specimens to his cousin at the Leiden Museum [Sesarma kamermani de Man, 1883].

George Paul Kanakoff, 1897-1973, US malacologist at the Los Angeles Museum.

Masato Kanda, 1???-, Japanese amateur conchologist [Pseudosimnia kandai Cate, 1973]. There is also another Japanese malacologist, Keiji Kanda, 1915-1991.

Mr. Sueo Kaneko, 19??-2001, studied Nucinellidae in 1955 [Nucinella kanekoi Matsukuma et al., 1982].

Frederick Kanmacher, 17??-18?? (was named the late in 1833), F.L.S., from 1775 to retirement in October 1820 Beadle at Apothecaries' Hall, London, microscopist interested in foraminiferans and molluscs and editing the 2:nd edition of the late George Adams' Essay on the Microscope in 1798. Kanmacher married Elizabeth Mary Day in London on 16 Aug. 1768.

Ebbe Kanneworff, 1933-, Danish zoologist, working - earlier at the marine laboratory in Helsingør (Elsinore) - with e.g. amphipods and parasitical platyhelminths.

Dr. Yuri Izrailevich Kantor, (19 Nov. Moscow) 1956-, Russian malacologist, at Inst. Animal Evolutionary Morphology and Ecology, Moscow [Leucosyrinx kantori McLean, 1995, Boreotrophon yurii Egorov, 1994].

Kaohsianghsien in the monogenean name Ligophorus kaohsianghsieni Gussev, 1962, is probably not an eponym, but a toponym after Kaohsiang-Hsien, Taiwan.

Kaoru in the nudibranch name Cratena kaoruae Marcus, 1957 : (see Hosoe).

Dr. Helga Kapp, 19??-, chaetognath and apppendicularian researcher in Hamburg, who has worked on the taxonomy of deep living creaturers, somtimes together with Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Hagen, 19??-, from Kiel, later Bremen.

The ciliate name Folliculina karagjorgjevici (Hadži, 1937), is likely a tribute to king Alexander Karagjorgjevic of Serbia (from 1929 of Yugoslavia), (18 Dec.) 1888-1934 (murdered in Marseille 9 Oct. by Bulgarian & Croatian fascists), because the author originally placed the species in a new genus, Alexandrina Hadži, 1937.

Dr. Stanko Luka Karaman, (8 Dec. - Sarajevo) 1889-1959 (7 May - Skopje), crustaceologist, who initiated the foundation of the Macedonian Museum of Natural History in Skopje (in 1926) and worked on amphipods and isopods [Delamarella karamani Petkovski, 1957]. He was married to the entomologist Prof. Dr. Zora R. Karaman née Vales, (15 Apr. - Buje, Istria) 1907-1974 (10 Dec. - Ljubljana). Another Yugoslavian, Prof. Dr. Gordan S. Karaman, (1 Oct. - Skopje) 1938-, (PhD in Belgrad in 1964) also working on e.g. amphipods at the University of Podgorica, Montenegro, is their son as is also another biologist Dr. Mladen Karaman, (15 Jan. - Skopje) 1937-1991 (18 Sep.) (active mainly with limnic and terrestrial creatures) and a 3:rd child is their daughter Gordana Biljana. [Coloboceras karamani Bartsch, 1973, Autonoe karamani Myers, 1976, Rhipidogammarus karamani Stock, 1971, Gordania Berge & Vader, 2001]. Yet another person with this name Bozana Karaman née Jovanović, 1943-, from the Museum of Natural History in Belgrad, is the 2:nd wife of G.S. Karaman and also a zoologist, like some other persons belonging to this family, e.g. the ichthyologist and physician Dr. Biljana Karaman, active during the 1920s in Skopje, the entomologist and physician Dr. Eduard (Edooardo) Tommaso Silvestro Karaman, (29 Dec. - Split, Varos) 1849-1923 (7 Feb. - Split), the entomologist Bogomir Karaman, 1873-1903 and some other entomologists. The Oniscoidean isopod Macedonethes stankoi Ivo Karaman, 2003 is of course alse a tribute to S.L. Karaman and the author is a grandchild, (son of Mladen and born in Skopje in 1963). (Dr. Wim Vader, Tromsö, kindly confirmed the relationships among the members in this family).

Vladimir (= Volodimir) Afanasevitch (= Opanasovitch) Karavaev, 1864-1939, Director of the Zoological Museum of the Ukraine Academy of Sciences. Karavaev worked on copepods of the Black Sea in the 1890s. He also worked on radiolarians, but is best known as an entomologist (mainly a student of ants). (Dr. David Damkaer kindly provided this information).

Karen : (see Gowlett-Holmes).

The amphipod name Lepechinelloides karii Thurston, 1980 is in honour of Kari Solmundarsson, husband of Helga, Burnt Njal's daughter in the Icelandic Saga from around year 1000.

The marine harpacticoid Psamathe karletzi Pesta, 1928 named for Fraulein (= Miss) Karletz, 1???-, (Vienna) who conveyed the König (q.v.) collections to the Vienna museum. (Dr. David Damkaer kindly provided this information).

Lacking information about Karlin in the gastropod name Alvania karlini A.H. Clarke, 1963. Posssibly a tribute to the mathemathician, Prof. Samuel Karlin, (9 Aug. - Yanova, Poland) 1924-2007 (18 Dec.), Stanford Univ., USA, who i.a. has published on evolution, but of course also possible that another person could have collected the species for the US author Arthur Haddleton Clarke, 1926-,. (He is i.a. mentioning Dr. Edward J. Karlin, (22 Feb. - New York City) 1930-1962 (24 Apr. - Bowling Green), assistant professor of Zoology at Bowling Green State Univ., in another article on freshwater mollusks, but as far as known E.J. Karlin only published on non marine mollusks).

Prof. Dr. Tor Gustav Karling, (14 June - Hangö) 1909-98 (23 Sep.), Finnish/Swedish professor of invertebrate zoology at the Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm and director of this department between 1967-75, succeding Karl Lang (q.v.) and preceeding Lars Orrhage (q.v.). Important specialist on freeliving platyhelminths. He achieved his PhD in Helsinki in 1940 and moved to Sweden in 1951, in the beginning working as a teacher combined with research in his spare time [Karlingia Ferguson, 1954, Paravortex karlingi Pike & Burt, 1981, Philocelis karlingi (Westblad,1946), Oligophilomorpha karlingi Dörjes,1971, Promesostoma karlingi Ehlers, 1974, Tvaerminnea karlingi Luther, 1943, Proxenetes (Perixenetes) karlingi Luther, 1943, Cystiplana karlingi Hoxhold n.n. in Schilke, 1970, Cheliplanilla karlingi Boaden, 1963, Provortex karlingi Ax, 1951, Pseudoschizorhynchoides karlingi (Martens & Schockaert, 1981), Austrorhynchus karlingi Brunet, 1965, Acrenhydrosoma karlingi Lang, 1965, Stenostomum karlingi Luther, 1960, Torkarlingia Mack-Fira, 1971, Prognatorhynchus karlingi Ax, 1953, Itaipusa karlingi Mack-Fira, 1968, Plicastoma karlingi Kulinitsch, 1970, Plagiostomum karlingi Kulinitch, 1970, Plicastoma karlingi Kulinitch, 1970, Paravortex karlingi Pike & Burt, 1981, Umagilla karlingi Cannon, 1987, Uncinorhynchus karlingi Kolasa, 1977, Cincturorhynchus karlingi Schockaert, 1982, Kytorhynchella karlingi Rieger, 1974, Macrostomum karlingi Papi, 1953, Duplominona karlingi Ax & Ax, 1977, Polystyliphora karlingi Curini-Galletti & Martens, 1991, Torgea karlingi Jondelius, 1997].

Cornelis "Cor" Karnekamp, (1 June - Amsterdam) 1926-, Dutch amateur malacologist [Karnekampia Wagner, 1988].

The Austrian geologist Felix Karrer, (11 Mar. - Venice) 1825-1903 (19 Apr. - Wien), published i.a. on foraminiferans, his speciality [Laevipeneroplis karreri (Wiesner, 1923), Karreriella Cushman, 1933].

The diatom name Delphineis karstenii (Boden) Fryxell in Fryxell & Miller must be in honour of either Gustav Karl Wilhelm Hermann Karsten, (6 Nov. - Stralsund) 1817-1908 (10 July - Soppot), or - a bit more likely - George Henry Hermann Karsten, (3 Nov. - Rostock) 1863-1937 (7 May - Halle), both working on algae.

The monogenean name Heliocotyle kartasi Neifar, Euzet & Ben Hassine, 1999 is likely a tribute to Prof. Dr. Fredj Kartas, (30 May - Akouda, Tunisia) 1942-1992 (2 Dec.), who i.a. published about teleosts.

The US / Japanese ichthyologist Dr. Hiroshi Kasahara, (18 Aug. - New York) 1919-2003 (8 June), is presumably honoured in the copepod name Diergasilus kasaharai Do, 1981.

The Kenyan octocoral name Cladiella kashmani Benayahu Schleyer, 1996, must be in honour of Prof. Yoel Kashman, 19??-, Tel Aviv Univ.

Prof. Dr. Vladimir I. Kasianov, (4 Jan. - Leningrad) 1940-2005 (1 Oct. (traffic accident on his way to the Marine Biological Station in Troitsa Bay of the Gulf of Posiet)), Vladivostok, made embryological studies on sea urchins, mollusks, crustaceans and annelids.

Mrs. Widana Kastoro, 19??-, Indonesian Inst. of Science Research and Development Centre for Oceanology, Jakarta, one of the members of the Karubar cruise that found Leptotrophon kastoroae Houart, 1997 & Axelelella kastoroae Verhecken, 1997. She is likely also honoured in the gastropod name Epitonium (Parviscala) kastoroae E.F. Garcia, 2003. She has published on mollusks.

The harpacticoid name Mesocletodes katharinae Soyer, 1964 may likely be a tribute to Katharina Mangold (q.v.).

Lady Katharine Jane Douglas, (4 Jan.) 1817-1863 (30 Sep.); Lady Katharine Wigram (married 1849, to Loftus Tottenham Wigram). Descendant of William Douglas, 1st Earl of Selkirk. The British Museum has numerous specimens donated by Lady Douglas/Wigram, including some of the earliest shells collected from Oregon, USA. A NE Pacific chiton species was named in her honor, Katharina tunicata (Wood, 1815), and this genus name Katharina Gray, 1847 was described by the person responsible for mollusks at the museum at that time. (The specific name tunicata is of cause referring to the wide mantle around the foot and the word tunica itself was coined by the influential Umbrian comedy author Titus Maccius Plautus, around 254-184 b.C., who made it from an anagram of the semitic word kituna for underwear (cf. the Greek word chiton, which originally meant an undershirt), at that time used for a body-coat without sleeves made from wool; several expressions has survided through Plautus, e.g. "summa summarum"). (Dr. Rick Harbo, Canada, kindly provided this information about Lady Douglas/Wigram).

The gastropod name Thuridilla kathae Gosliner, 1995 is in honour of Dr. Kathe Rose Jensen, 19??-, Danish opithobranch researcher at the Zoological Museum, Copenhagen, who defender her Ph.D. dissertation on Saccoglossan systematics, phylogeny and evolution in Dec. 1997.

Kathie (or Kathy) Way : (see Way).

The harpacticoid name Paradanielssenia kathleenae J. Michael Gee & Rony Huys, 1994 seems to be in honour of the wife of the first author, Kathleen Gee, 19??-,.

Kathleen in names from around 1914 : (see Terra Nova expedition, 1910-).

Kathy in the gastropod name Fenimorea kathyae Tippett, 1995 : (see Tippett).

Lacking information about Mr. K. Kato in the copepod name Pandarus katoi Cressey, 1967 and in the shrimp name Pontonia katoi Kubo, 1940. (Dr. Junji Okuno, Coastal Branch of Natural History Museum and Institute, Chiba, kindly provided the initial K). Likely this may be Prof. Dr. Kôjirô Katô, 1906-1981, at the Zoological Institute, Univ. of Tokyo, who published on Polycladida [Bipalium katoi Kawakatsu, Sluys et Ogren, 2005]. A namesake is the polychaete worker Dr. Tetsuya Kato, 19??-, Seto Marine Biological. Laboratory, Kyoto Univ., honoured in the Scandinavian & Scottish Phyllodocidae name Paranaitis katoi Nygren, Eklöf & Pleijel, 2009 "for his outstanding contributions to phyllodocid taxonomy". Still another namesake was Prof. Dr. Kôjirô Katô, 1906-1981, Tôkyô Imperial University, Japanese polyclad specialist.

Katsu in the cowry name Notadusta katsuae (Kuroda, 1950) : (see Teramachi).

Lacking information about Katy in the Cuban gastropod name Chrystella katyae (Rolán, Espinosa & Fernández-Garcés, 1991)

Asteropella kaufmani Kornicker, 1981 was named for Herbert Walter Kaufman, 19??-, of Smithsonian Inst., who made his M.S. thesis on sandy beach fauna in Panama

Dr. Johann Jacob Kaup, (10 Apr. Darmstadt) 1803-1873 (4 July - Darmstadt), German ichthyologist, who i..a. published on eel relatives in the British Museum collection [Synaphobranchus kaupi Johnson, 1862].

Mr. Ryosuke Kawamura, 1898-1993, brought together the largest shell collection in Japan and is honoured in the gastropod names Natica kawamurai Sakurai, 1983, Conus kawamurai T. Habe, 1962 and Murex kawamurai Shikama, 1964, in the bivalve names Nuculana kawamurai T. Habe, 1961 & Thyasira kawamurai T. Habe, 1951 and in the scaphopod name Fissidentalium kawamurai T. Kuroda & T. Habe in Habe, 1961 [Lyria kawamaurai Habe, 1975, Amoria kawamurai Habe, 1975, Amoria ryosukei Habe, 1975, Chicoreus (Triplex) ryosukei Shikama, 1978]. (Dr. R. Giannuzzi-Savelli, Palermo, kindly provided some of this information). A namesake is Dr. Akito Kawamura, 1938-, who works on distribution of copepods.

Prof. Dr. E. Alison Kay, (Eleele) 1928-2008 (9 June), of the University of Haway, Honululu [Flabellina alisonae Gosliner, 1979, Trophonopsis kayae T. Habe, 1981, Sansonia alisonae Le Renard & Bouchet, 2000].

Fusinus kazdailisi Fraussen & Hadorn, 2000 was named for Mr. Aloyzas Kazdailis, (27 June - Grinkškis) 1943-, founder of the Klaipeda Maritime Museum and Aquarium, Klaipeda, Lithuania, honuoring his contribution to the marine science. He designed the museum's (where he has worked since the 1970s) exhibition on the history of navigation and is the author of several children's books on the maritime heritage and on sea life in the Baltic and the Caribbean.

The British helminthologist (primary interest: monogeneans) Prof. Dr. Graham C. Kearn, 19??-, School of Biological Sciences, University of East Anglia, is honoured in the flatworm name Pseudodiplectanum kearni Oliver, 1980.

Lacking information about Keat in the gastropod name Conus keati G.B. Sowerby II, 1857.

Prof. Dr. Brendan Francis Keegan, (1 Mar. - Castlerea, Co. Roscommon) 1943-2004 (13 Mar.), Univ. College, Galway, Ireland, is honoured in the bivalve name Adontorhina keegani Barry & McCormack, 2007, "in recognition of of his contribution to marine science studies in Ireland over many years".

The fish name Callionymus keeleyi Fowler, 1941 is named for Frank James Keeley, (Jan. - Philadelphia) 1868-1949 (Florida), the department of mineralogy, Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia.

Dr. Angeline Myra Keen, (Colorado Springs) 1905-1986 (4 Jan. (cancer)), U.S. malacologist (originally a psychologist), working for some years at Stanford Univ, in the beginning helping Ida Oldroyd (q.v.). She had half an hour of appreciated conversation in 1975 with her scientific letter friend, emperor Hirohito of Japan (q.v.) during his visit to USA. [Littorina keenae, Aspella myrakeenae Emerson & D'Attilio, 1970, Ocenebra keenae Bormann, 1946, Crenavolva myrakeenae Azuma & Cate, 1973, Nucula keenae Bernard, 1983, Nomaeopleta myrae Berry, 1959, Stephopoma myrakeenae Olsson & McGinty, 1958, Rissoina keenae A.G. Smith & Gordon, 1948, Alvania keenae Gordon, 1939, Calliostoma keenae J.H. McLean, 1970, Trivia myrae Campbell, 1961, Murex keenae (E.H. Vokes, 1970), Glycymeris keenae Willett, 1943, Ensis myrae Berry, 1953, Cinclidotyphis myrae Du Shane, 1969, Dermomurex myrakeenae W. K. Emerson & A. D' Attilio, 1970, Septifer keenae Nomura, 1936, Glyphostoma (Glyphostoma) myrae Shasky, 1971].

Heterodrilus keenani Erséus, 1981 is named for Mr. (later Dr.) Clive P. Keenan, 19??-, Ichthyologist, University of Queensland, "who assisted most valuably in my field work at Heron Island".

Josiah Keep, (Paxton, Massachusetts) 1849-1911 (27 July - Pacific Grove, California)), US West Coast conchologist (professor at Mills College, Oakland, California from 1885 until he died), well renowned for his delightful books on shells of US shores [Trophonopsis keepi (Strong & Hertlein, 1937), Margarites keepi A.G. Smith & Gordon, 1948, Lepidochitona keepiana Berry, 1948]. (Dr. Riccardo Giannuzzi-Savelli kindly provided the photo).

Prof. Wilhelm Moriz Keferstein, (7 June - Winsen (Hannover)) 1833-1870 (25 Jan. - Göttingen), German zoology professor in Göttingen, from 1861 in Leipzig; friend of Ehlers (q.v.) [Kefersteinia de Quatrefages, 1866, Protodorvillea kefersteini (M'Intosh, 1869), Tomopteris kefersteini Greeff, 1879, Loxosomella (Loxomitra) kefersteinii (Claparède, 1867), Polyplectana kefersteini (Selenka), Tetrastemma kefersteinii (Marion, 1869), Ochetostoma kefersteini (ten Broeke, 1925)].

Dr. Adriaan Jan Keij (sometimes spelled Key), 19??-, published in 1957 the monograph "Eocene and Oligocene Ostracoda of Belgium". With its wealth of information and the excellent drawings presented on 23 plates it was outstanding in quality and formed a kind of a milestone in the research on Tertiary ostracods. Between 1953 and 1979 some 20 additional studies on living and Cenozoic Ostracoda were authored by A. J. Keij. He was graduated from the University of Utrecht. Most of the later years he was working as a micropalaeontologist with the Royal Dutch/Shell oil company. He retired in 1984 to live in Rijswijk, the Netherlands. He has been honoured through the naming of many ostracod taxa, as for instance the genera Keijella (Ruggieri,1967) Doruk,1973, Keijia Teeter, 1975, Keijcyoidea Malz, 1981, and Keijicythere Kozur, 1985, as well as the species Ambocythere keiji van den Bold, 1958, Bythocypris keiji van den Bold, 1963, Chrysocythere keiji Jain, 1978, Cluthia keiji Neale, 1975, Cuneocythere keiji Guha & Shukla, 1974, Cytherelloidea keiji McKenzie, 1967, Cytheretta keiji Scheremeta, 1969, Eucytherura keiji Pietrzeniuk, 1969, Leptocythere keiji Hartmann, 1978, Mutilus keiji Ruggieri, 1962, Triebelina keiji Colin & Lauverjat, 1978, Havanardia keiji Maddocks, 1986, Neomonoceratina keiji Szczechura, 1989, Neonesidea keiji McKenzie & al., 1979, Baltraella keiji Yassini & Jones, 1995, Paijenborchella keiji Shyam-Sunder & al., 1995, Bairdia keyi van Hinte,1962, Cythereis keyi Kingma, 1948, Cytheromorpha keyi Ducasse, 1967 and Krithe keyi Breman, 1978. The stomatopod name Genkaia keijii Tavares, 1993 and the chirostylid name Eumunida keijii de Saint Laurent & Macpherson, 1990 may possibly honour the same person. (Prof. Eugen Kempf kindly provided all this information).

About the Chilenean polyplacophoran name Ischnochiton keili Plate, 1899, the author Ludwig Plate (q.v.) mentioned: "zu Ehren meines Freundes und unermüdlichen Sammelgefährten auf jener Insel, Don Juan Keil", 18??-19??, "benenne".

The flatworm name Dinobothrium keilini Sproston, 1948 is honouring Prof. David Keilin, (21 Mar. - Moscow) 1887-1963 (27 Feb. - Cambridge), zoophysiologist and parasitologist of Jewish extraction, brought up in Warsaw, Poland, before moving to Liège in Belgium and then to Sorbonne University in Paris, where he began his research under Caullery (q.v.). In 1915 he moved to Cambridge, U.K. following an invitation from Prof. G.H.F. Nuttall (q.v.), where he stayed for the rest of his life. He succeeded Nuttall as Professor and director of the Molteno Institute between 1931-52 and was the (re)detector of cytochrome, a word he coined.

Dr. Karl (Carl) von Keissler, 1872-1965, botanist working in Wien [Keissleriella v. Höhnel, 1919].

The ostracod name Cluthia keiyi Neale, 1975 is likely a tribute to A.J. Keij (q.v.)

The gastropod name Kelletia Fischer, 1884 kelleti (Forbes, 1850) and the bivalve name Chione kellettii (Hinds, 1845) may likely be in honour of the vice-admiral in the British navy Sir Henry Kellet, (2 Nov. - Clonabody, Tipperary, Ireland) 1807-1875 (1 Mar. - China), who had beeen 2:nd in command under Belcher on HMS Sulphur and from 1845 captain of HMS Herald.

The rotiferan name Kellicottia Ahlstrom, 1938 is honouring the US protozoologist and entomologist Prof. Dr. David Simons Kellicott, (28 Jan. - Hastings Center, New York) 1842-1898 (13 Apr. - Columbus, Ohio). He was a pioneer American microscopist. The American Microscopical Society, now (2005) over one-hundred-twenty-five years old, honors him for his early support and guidance. He was their secretary for several years, and twice president. From 1888, Kellicott was a Professor of Zoology at the Ohio State University, where he founded (1895) their Lake Eire field station (now the Stone Laboratory), a significant institution in our science in following generations. Kellicott was a teacher of unusual ability, with many important entomologists as his students. (Dr. D. Damkaer kindly provided this information).

Mr. Carl Kellner, 1886-19??, of the Johns Hopkins Univ., published on Oikopleura (partly together with W.K. Brooks), assisted the author of the medusa name Toxorchis kellneri Mayer, 1910 and copied drawings from older publications for Mayer's "Medusae of the World".

Kellogg : (see Heath).

Turton's friend, Matthias Joseph O'Kelly, 17??-1868 (5 Apr.), from Dublin is hidden in the genus name Kellia Turton, 1822 [and thus Kelliella M. Sars, 1870]. His son Joseph O'Kelly, 1832-1883, became a geologist. About M.J. O'Kelly was said by the President of the Zoological Society, General Portlock "There was not in the country a better collector of zoological subjects, or one who, by his knowledge of natural history, and his attention to the interests of the society, was likely to be practically so useful a member of the council". Both father and son were buried at the catholic cemetary at Glasnevin, where the father had been vital in its foundation.

Lacking information about Frederick Willis Kelsey, around 1875-19?? (was living in 1926), La Jolla, San Diego natural history collector (but later probably living in Los Angeles), in the medusa name Tiaropsidium kelseyi Torrey, 1909, in the gastropod names Nannoteretispira kelseyi (Bartsch, 1911), Exilioidea kelseyi (Dall, 1908), Odostomia kelseyi Bartsch, 1912, Turbonilla kelseyi Dall & Bartsch, 1909 & Trichotropis kelseyi Dall, 1908 and in the bivalve names Lithophaga plumula kelseyi Hertlein & Strong, 1946, Corbula kelseyi Dall, 1916 & Milneria kelseyi Dall, 1916. (One exact namesake was born March 15 1858, likely in Los Angeles, possibly identical with a person by that name, who married in Aug. 1882 to Nellie Hannah Averill in Santa Barbara County, but if he is identical or related is unsure and a person by that name also married in Los Angeles Sep. 1886 to Abby Augusta Prentis).

The fisherman (an ex sponge and furniture dealer) and hobby naturalist Richard Moore Kemp, (25 Jan. - Green Turtle Cay, Abaco, Bahamas) 1825-1908 (18 Feb. - Key West), of Key West, is honoured in the turtle name Lepidochelys kempii (Garman, 1880). Kemp sent the two type specimens to Garman (q.v.) at Harvard around 3 years before its description.

Dr. Stanley Wells Kemp, F.R.S., (14 June) 1882-1945 (16 May (leucopenic anaemia)), British crustaceologist who grow up and was educated in Dublin, Ireland, where he started his scientific career. For 14 years he worked in India (from 1910), collaborating with Annandale (q.v.). In 1813 he married Agnes Green, the daughter of Rev. W. Spotswood Green (q.v.). Director of the "Discovery" investigatons from 1924 and from 1936 on, director of the Plymouth Laboratory [Leptocarpus kempi Jayachandran, 1992, Amblyops kempi (Holt & Tattersall, 1905), Scalpellum (Smilium) kempi Annandale, 1911, Cavicheles kempi Holthuis, 1952, Kemphyra Chace, 1986, Neocallichirus kempi Sakai, 1999, Ochetostoma kempi (Prashad, 1919), Periclimenes kempi A.J. Bruce, 1969, Conchodytes kempi A.J. Bruce, l989, likely Cephalodiscus kempi John, 1932, Pseudopolydora kempi (Southern, 1921), Lophiodes kempi (Norman, 1935)]. (Obituary in Nature). Robert (Robin) Kemp, 1871-19??, British Malacologist, was a namesake.

Chrysallida kempermani Van Aartsen, Gittenberger & Goud, 2000 was named for Dr. Theo C.M. Kemperman, 1956-, Dutch fellow malacologist, curator at the Museum of Natural History, Zwolle, Holland.

Lacking information about Dr. Marc Kempf, 19??-, Brazil researcher at Instituto Oceanográfico da Universidade de Recife, who has published on marine mollusks since the 1960:s, in the polyplacophoran name Stenoplax kempfi G. Righi, 1971 and in the nudibranch names Chromodoris kempfi Marcus, 1970 and Hypselodoris marci Marcus, 1970.

The ostracod name Cytheropteron kempfi Boomer, 1996 must honour Prof. Dr. Eugen Karl Kempf, 193?-, micropalaeontologist and ostracod specialist from Köln, Germany, who retired in 1997 and also has several fossil ostracods named for him.

The harpacticoid name Mucrosenia kendalli Gee & Huys, 1994 was named for Dr. Michael .A. Kendall, 1952-, at the Plymouth Marine Laboratory, who has published on marine oligochaetes from the Cullercoats district. The namesake Dr. Arthur W. Kendall Jr., 19??-, is working on fish larvae in Seattle.

Dr. Roman Kenk, (25 Nov. - Ljubljana, Slovenia) 1898-1988 (2 Oct.), platyhelminth worker, who received his PhD in Graz, Austria in 1921 and then worked under Hadži in Ljubljana, but stayed at the Univ. of Virginia during 1931-32, where he met his Puerto Rican wife to be. After marriage they returned to Ljubljana, but moved to Puerto Rico after 5 years and then to USA. He mainly worked on fresh water fauna.

Rev. Dr. Amos B. Kendig, (Lancaster county, Pennsylvania) 1830-1909 (20 Jan. - Brookline, Massachusetts), US land shells malacologist.

Alfred Santer Kennard, (5 July - London) 1870-1948 (11 June - Beckenham), English geologist and malacologist, mainly interested in non marine items.

Prof. Julius Thomas von Kennel, (10 June - Schwegenheim, Germarsheim, Germany) 1854-1939 (24 Jan. - München), German / Baltic zoologist at the Tartu Univ., is honoured in the nemertean name Lineus kennelii Bürger, 1892.

Dr. Caleb Burwell Rowan Kennerly, (White Post, Clarke County, VA) 1829-1861 (6 Feb. - died at sea in NW USA because of some kind of brain decease); surgeon and naturalist on several expeditions, including Northwest Boundary Survey (1857-1861)., of the North-west Boundary Commission [Malletia kennerlyi Dall, 1897, Odostomia kennnerlyi Dall & Bartsch, 1907, Humilaria kennerlyi (Reeve, 1863), Pagurus kennerlyi (Stimpson, 1864)]. (Dr. Rick Harbo, Canada, kindly provided this information).

Robert Kennicott, (13 Nov. - New Orleans, Louisiana) 1835-1866 (13 May), U.S. natural history researcher, who started his scientific career in northern Illinois, connected to the Smithsonian Institution as natural history specimens collector for Spencer Baird (q.v.) [Beringius kennicottii (Dall, 1907), Suavodrillia kennicottii (Dall, 1871)]. He died in Nulato, Alaska of either suicide or heart attack, depending on who you believe (according to Don Cunningham - who is acknowledged for this information).

Lacking information about Kenoje in the W Pacific skate name Okamejei kenojei (Müller & Henle, 1841).

Prof. Dr. Brian F. Kensley, (19 Apr.) 1944-2004 (19 Jan.), curator of crustaceans at the Smithsonian Inst., earlier at the South African Museum, Cape Town, where he i.a. studied parasitic copepods, but later turned over completely to malacostracans, especially isopods [Spiniphiline kensleyi Gosliner, 1988, Heteromysis kensleyi Modlin, 1987, Kensleylana Bruce, 2005, Kensleylana briani Bruce 2005].

William Saville-Kent, (10 July - Sidmouth, Devon) 1845-1908 (11 Oct. - Milford-on-Sea, near Bornmouth (from hart failure after an operation)), English biologist; born William Savill Kent, but changed his family name to Saville-Kent around 1873; spent most of his life working on fisheries biology first in England, later in Australia (mainly Tasmania), where he was the founder of fisheries science, became interested in pearl oyster culture during the last decade of the 19:th century and actually was the person, who found out how to produce artificially induced pearls in bivalves in Australia, telling everyone who needed to know, so Kokichi Mikimoto continued with Saville-Kent's ideas and could later patent this method, but Saville-Kent lived his last years in England. In England he had worked in several aquaria and during 1868-72 in the British Museum and published the 3 volume work"A Manual of the Infusoria" 1880-82 before he went to Australia [Savillea A.R. Loeblich III, 1967, Stephanoeca kentii Ellis, 1930, Hyalonema kentii (O. Schmidt, 1880), Lembus kenti Kahl, 1931, Discosoma kenti Haddon A. C. & Shackleton A. M., 1893, Montigyra kenti Matthai, 1928].

The amphipod name Curidia ramonae Lowry & Myers, 2003 is named for Ramona Kent, 19??-, Jim Lowry's (q.v.) diving buddy under field work in Papua New Guinea in 1994. (Prof. Wim Vader, Tromsø, kindly provided this information).

Mrs. Agnes F. Kenyon, 18??-1907, collector of shells, crustaceans, fish, etc., who published on the marine molluscs of Victoria (Australia), where she lived (in Richmond) [Voluta kenyoniana Brazier, 1897, Axinaea kenyoniana Brazier, 1897].

The diatom name Navicula kepesii A. Grunow, 1884 must be a tribute to Dr. Gyula (Julius) Kepes, (7 Dec. - Bereg castle) 1847-1924 (26 Oct. - Budapest), who took part in the Austro-Hungarian North Pole Expedition of 1872-74 as physician (led by von Payer & Weiprecht), because the species was described in a paper with species from Franz Josef Land. The author, the German-Austrian (Berndorf) algae (mainly diatoms) researcher Albert Grunow, (3 Nov. - Berlin) 1826-1914 (17 Mar. - Berndorf), in 1885 himself undertook an algae collecting trip around the planet.

The bivalve name Yoldia keppeliana G. B. Sowerby III, 1904 must be a tribute to Admiral Sir Henry Keppel, (14 June) 1809-1904 (17 Jan.), who i.a. in 1846 published on an expedition to Borneo with H.M.S. Dido for suppression of piracy (because the species was described in a paper named "Descriptions of seven new species of marine Mollusca from the collection of the late Admiral Keppel").

Dr. Pierre François Keraudren, (15 May - Brest) 1769-1858 (Passy, at age 89), French navy physician (i.a. at Le Géographe during Baudin's expedition), must be the person honoured in the gastropod names Oxygyrus keraudrenii (Lesueur, 1817) & Pterotrachea keraudrenii Eydoux & Souleyet, 1832. There is also a bird, an island and two capes named after him.

Josephine Adele (Joy) Kerslake, 1915-1985, Australian malacologist [Vasticardium kerslakae (Healy & Lamprell, 1992), Murex kerslakae Ponder & Vokes, 1988]. {photo from: J. Malac. Soc. Austr., 1986, 7(3-4): 179 / courtesy of R. Giannuzzi-Savelli}.

Paul H. Kersten, 1955-, Dutch High School teacher, interested in shells, especially the Conidae family.

Mr. Alex N. Kerstitch, 1945-2001, Univ. of Arizona, an underwater photographer, has published on invertebrates and fish from the Sea of Cortez [Chacella kerstitchi (Wicksten, 1983), Conus kerstitchi Walls, 1978]. (See also Sphon).

Kerville : (see Gadeau de Kerville).

Karl Fedorovich Kessler, (Nov. - Königsberg) 1815-1881 (St. Petersburg), Russian zoologist - head of the Zoological Institution in St Petersburg from 1861; from 1871 - when the Institution was splitted in two departments - he remained head of the zoological department (vertebrates), while N.P. Vagner (q.v.) became head of the zootomical (invertebrate) department. He is honoured in the fish names Neogobius kessleri (Günther, 1861) and Arnoglossus kessleri Schmidt, 1915, in the ciliate names Holophrya kessleri Mereschkowsky, 1878 & Holosticha kessleri (Wrzesniowski, 1877), in the shrimp name Pandalus kessleri Czerniavski, 1878 and in the mysid name Paramysis kessleri (Grimm, 1875). A namesake is the German Erich Kessler, 18??-191?, who lived in Dresden, later Leipzig and published on freshwater harpacticoidea. He died during World War I.

Mr. Vince Kessner, 19??-, Australian shell collector [Dentalium kessneri Lamprell & Healey, 1998].

Dr. Bostwick Hawley Ketchum, (21 Jan.) 1912-1982 (15 July), who has published on marine plankton in the Woods Hole area, is likely the person honoured in the calaniod name Candacia ketchumi Grice, 1961.

Kety : (see Kety Nicolay).

Kevan : (see Sunderland).

Harry Wallis Kew, 1868-1948, amateur naturalist who worked as a bank clerk in Kent, England. Author of papers on pseudoscorpions and molluscs, as well as a book "The dispersal of shells; an inquiry into the means of dispersal possessed by fresh-water and land Mollusca" (1893), which was prefaced by Alfred Russel Wallace (see C. Darwin). He is honoured in the gastropod name Ameranella kewi (Dickerson, 1915). (Dr. Mark Judson, at the MNHN, Paris, kindly provided this information).

Key : (see also Keij)

The scleractinian name Pedicellocyathus keyesi Cairns, 1995 must be a tribute to the palaeontologist Ian W. Keyes, 19??-20?? (was called the late in 2006), who has published on New Zealand corals.

Count Alexander Friedrich Michael Leberecht Arthur Keyserling, (15 Aug. - Kabile, today in Latvia) 1815-1891 (8 May - Raikküla, Estonia), Estonian natural history interested "Magnat", taking part in expeditions.

B. (= Bruce?) Keyter, !9??-, donated the type of the gastropod Oocorys keyteri Kilburn, 1975.

Prof. Dr. Lotfi F. Khalil, 19??-, UK, helminthologist and nematode researcher (retired in 1989 from the International Institute of Parasitology UK), is honoured in the nematode name Capillaria khalili Arya, 1993.

Takashi Kidachi, 1935-, Japanese copepod taxonomist.

The US physician and naturalist (mainly astronomer) Dr. Jerome Henry Kidder, (26 Oct. - Baltimore) 1842-1889 (8 Apr. - Woods Hole), published in 1875-76 "Contributions to the natural history of Kerguelen Island... Washington".

Professor Dr. Friedrich Kiefer, (6 Sep. - Karlsruhe) 1897-1985, German teacher and copepod researcher, concentrating on freshwater species, becoming honorary director of the Anstalt für Bodenseeforshung in 1963 after Prof. Max Auerbach's (q.v.) retirement as director [Cyclopinula kieferi (Schäfer, 1936), Eurytemora kieferi Smirnov, 1931].

Louis Charles Kiener, (31 July - Paris) 1799-1881 (24 July - Paris), French curator at the natural history collections of baron Delessert (q.v.) in Lyon, and malacological writer [Murexsul kieneri L. A. Reeve, 1845, Thais kieneri G. P. Deshayes, 1844, Cypraea kieneri Hidalgo, 1906].

Kier : (see the species name mikihe).

Dr. Hisabumi Kikuchi, 19??-, is honoured in the nemertean name Hinumanemertes kikuchii Iwata, 1970, because he collected the types.

Lacking information about K. Kikuchi in the scaphopod name Gadila kikuchii T. Kuroda & T. Habe, 1952 (Compressidens kikuchii (T. Kuroda & T. Habe, 1952)) and in the bivalve name Yoldia kikuchi T. Kuroda, 1929, but possibly the limnologist Kenzo Kikuchi, 1901-1949, may be the honoured person?

Solen kikuchii Cosel is honouring Prof. Taiji Kikuchi, 19??-, Kyushu University. (Dr. Riccardo Giannuzzi-Savelli, Palermo, kindly provided this information)

Lacking information about Prof. K. Kikuti, 1???-, of the Toyama High School, in the scleractinian name Idiotrochus kikutii (Yabe & Eguchi, 1941).

Dr. Richard Neil Kilburn, (7 Jan.? - Port Elizabeth?) 1942-, malacologist at Natal Museum (S. Africa) [Chichoreus kilburni R. Houart & T. Pain, 1982, Terebra kilburni Burch, 1965, Tucetona kilburni Matsukuma, 1984, Ischnochiton (Ischnochiton) kilburni Kaas, 1979, Apixystus kilburni R. Houart, 1987, Pseudorhaphitoma kilburni Morassi & Bonfitto, 2001, Trigonostoma kilburni Petit & Harasewych, 2000, Fusinus kilburni Hadorn, 1999, Neocucumis kilburni Rajpal & Thandar, 1998, Africotriton kilburni Beu & Maxwell, 1987, Perulibatrachus kilburni Greenfield, 1996, Inquisitor kilburni Wells, 1994, Metula kilburni Parth, 1994, Solatisonax kilburni Bieler, 1993, Rissoina (Moerchiella) kilburni Sleurs, 1993, Hypermastus kilburni Warén, 1991, Indomitrella kilburni Drivas & Jay, 1990, Gouldia (Crenocirce) kilburni Drivas & Jay, 1990, Vanikoro kilburni Drivas & Jay, 1989, Epitonium (Parviscala) kilburni Drivas & Jay, 1989, Ilanga kilburni Herbert, 1987, Mitromorpha (Mitrolumna) kilburni Drivas & Jay, 1986, Turris kilburni Vera Pelaez, Vega Luz & Lozano, 2000]. The name Epitonium jimpyae Kilburn, 1985, is honouring the wife of the author and Epitonium tamsinae Kilburn, 1985 is in honour of their daughter Tamsin Lee. (Dr. Riccardo Giannuzzi-Savelli, Palermo, kindly provided the the eponyms honouring his wife and daughter).

The nematode name Notochaetosoma killieri Warwick, 1977 is not named for a person's name, but for Porth Killier, St. Agnes, Isles of Scilly, the type locality.

Richard Winnicki von Kimakowicz, 1875-1973, German Malacologist, who lived in Hermannstadt (now Sibiu, Romania).

Lacking information about Kim Allyn in the decapod name Veleroniopsis kimallynae Gore, 1981.

Spiophanes kimballi Meissner, 2005 refers to A Kimball, 19??-, "a person who had formerly worked on the matereial" - emanating from off California.

Mr. W.J. Kimber in the polyplacophoran name Acanthochitona kimberi W. G. Torr, 1912. was a South Australian collector of shells and other natural history objects [Tozeuma kimberi (W.H. Baker, 1904)]. He is likely identical with Walter John Kimber, (12 Dec. - Aldinga, S.A.) 1863-around 1938 (buried in an Adelaide cemetary), who married in Willunga to the two years younger Annie Maria Hardy in Apr. 1890. The couple got two boys and two daughters.

The fish name Paedogobius kimurai Iwata, Hosoya & H. K. Larson, 2001 is not a tribute to Mr. Terumichi Kimura, 19??-, Tokyo, member of the Malacological Society of Japan, but to Mr. Motofumi Kimura, 19??-, of Okinawa Prefectural Fisheries Experiment Station, the first discoverer of this fish in Japan.

Lacking information about Kimio in the gastropod name Conus kimioi (T. Habe, 1965).

Professor Dr. John Robert Kinahan, (Dublin) 1828-1863 (4 Feb.), from Kilkenny, Ireland, obtained his MD from the Univ. of Dublin and i.a. wrote a few works about Zoea larvae [Liljeborgia kinahani (Bate, 1862)].

Dr. Johan Gustav Hjalmar Kinberg, (13 May - Grönby socken, Malmöhus län) 1820-1908 (29 Aug. - Stockholm.), Swedish zoologist (wrote mainly about annelids), veterinary surgeon and (ship) surgeon (during the circumnavigation on board the frigate "Eugenie"). He also later became a large collector of books, foreign coins and medals. [Enipo kinbergi Malmgren, 1865, Marphysa kinbergi M'Intosh, 1910, Ophiura kinbergi (Ljungman, 1866), Amphiura kinbergi Ljungman, 1871].

Prof. Trevor Charles Digby Kincaid, (18 Dec. - Peterborough, Ontario, Canada) 1872-1970, professor of zoology at the Univ. of Washington and instrumental in establishing the Puget Sound Biological Station (a forerunner of the Friday Harbor Laboratory) in 1904. He was mainly concerned with freshwater copepods, but knew also marine crustaceans and was together with Coe (q.v.) and Ritter (q.v.) one of the three invertebrate zoologists on board the "George W. Elder", the ship of the Harriman Alaska Expedition, when it left Seattle in 1899 [Latiaxis kincaidi Dall, 1919, Leucosyrinx kincaidi Dall, 1919, Turbonilla kincaidi Bartsch, 1921, Amaroucium kincaidi Ritter 1899, Malacocottus kincaidi Gilbert and Thompson, 1905, Clione kincaidi Agersborg, 1923 , Ianiropsis kincaidi (Richardson, 1904), Excirolana kincaidi (Hatch, 1947) (junior synonym of E. chiltoni (Richardson, 1905), Heptacarpus kincaidi (M.J. Rathbun, 1902), Levensteiniella kincaidi Pettibone, 1985, Rhinoraja kincaidi (Garman 1908), Enchytraeus kincaidi Eisen, 1904, Dinophilus kincaidi E.R. Jones & F.F. Ferguson, 1957, Boreomysis kincaidi Banner,1948 (junior synonym of B. californica Ortmann, 1894), Clytia kincaidi (Nutting, 1899].

Lacking information about Kind in the rhynchodidan name Crateristoma kindi Jankowski, 1967.

The cladoceran name Leptodora kindti (Focke, 1844), a fresh and brackish water species, is not a tribute to Hermann Kindt, fl. 1860s, one of Darwin's correspondents and editor of L'autograph cosmopolite and not to the Norwegian botanist Christian Sommer Kindt, (8 Nov. - Risør, Aust-Agder) 1816-1903 (1 Mar.), but to the Bremen pharmacist Georg Christian Kindt, (24 Aug. - Lübeck) 1793-1869 (1 Mar. - Bremen), because the amateur microscopist Dr. Gustav Woldemar Focke , (24 Jan. - Bremen) 1810-1877 (1 June - Bremen), organized a scientific meeting in Bremen in 1844 together with Kindt, who was very interested in natural history and he and Kindt had already two years earlier found the species in ditches surrounding the city. He also actually described the species as Polyphemus kindti in the Weser-Zeitung on Sunday Sep. 22 1844, likely the only time a cladoceran species have deen described in a newspaper, so Lilljeborg had to synonymize his Leptodora hyalina Lilljeborg, 1861, with this species name when he became aware of this description, which he of course had missed.

The cirripedian name Elminius kingii J.E. Gray, 1831 is evidently named for Rear Admiral Phillip Parker King, (13 Dec. - Norfolk Island) 1791-1856 (26 Feb.), who had travelled with Fitzroy (q.v.) and was commander of the "Beagle" on its first trip to South America, while Fitzroy commanded this ship on its 2:nd trip, which took Darwin around the world (together with i.a. his close friend, the midshipman Lt. Philip Gidley King, (31 Oct. - Parramatta, NSW) 1817-1904 (Feb. - near Tamworth), Phillip's son, named after his parental grandfather, named Capt. Philip Gidley King, (23 Apr. - Cornwall) 1758-1808 (3 Sep. - Australia), who had been Governor of New South Wales). P.G. King left the Beagle in Sydney and took up an agricultural career. P.P. King and Broderip (q.v.) published on results from his and Fitzroy's voyages in 1832-34. P.P. King collected mainly a lot of insects in South America on the sailings with the Beagle and the Adventure between 1826-30 and had earlier made trips with the HMS cutter Mermaid 1818-20, the Bathurst 1822-23 and then sailed on the Pelorus, 1838-39 and is today chiefly known for his hydrographical and bathymetrical measurements, mainly around northern parts of Australia. The namesake Philipp E. King, 19??-, Dept. Zoology, Univ. College, Swansea, is a pantopod specialist.

Mr. Michael King, 19??-, Lahaina, Maui (Hawaii), a black coral diver [Spiculata michaelkingi Cate, 1973].

The slipper lobster name Arctides regale Holthuis, 1963 is named for Mary Eleanor (often called Mariel) King, (Winona, Minnesota) 1907-1969, a passionate shell collector active for many years in Honolulu, sponsoring marine science with tours in her boat "Pele". (Latin regale = regal (as suiting a king)). Also the gastropod names Conus marielae Rehder & Wilson, 1975 and Cypraea kingae Rehder & Wilson, 1975 are in her honour.

Prof. Dr. John Sterling Kingsley, (7 Apr. - Cincinnati) 1854-1929 (29 Aug.), U.S. professor of zoology, who i.a. published on decapod crustaceans. A namesake is the British author and clergyman Charles Kingsley, (12 June) 1819-1875 (23 Jan. (by pnumonia)), who in 1855 published the very Victorian book "Glaucus, or the wonders of the Shore" aimed for children.

Dr. Georg Friedrich Kinkelin, (15 July - Lindau) 1836-1913 (13 Aug. - Frankfurt), German geologist, botanist and Malacologist.

Prof. Dr. (& Dr. h.c.) Otto Kinne, (Bremerhaven) 1923-, marine ecologist, [Pogaina kinnei Ax, 1970, Thraustochytrium kinnei A. Gaertner, 1967].

Fra Eusebio Francisco Kino (Chini), (10 Aug. - Segno) 1645-1711 (15 Mar.), Jesuit pathfinder employed by the viceregency of New Spain to survey the Gulf of California in 1685 [Cerithiopsis kinoi Hanna & Strong, 1938].

Toraichiro Kinoshita, 1903-1966, Japanese zoologist, primarily malacologist, is honoured in the gastropod name Conus kinoshitai T. Kuroda, 1956 and in the bivalve name Atrina kinoshitai T. Habe, 1953. A namesake is the octocoral researcher Kumao Kinoshita, 18??-19??, Univ. of Tokyo, publishing on such animals between 1907-13.

Lacking information about Kintok in the gastropod name Conus kintoki T. Habe & S. Kosuge, 1970.

Neritina kinzelbachi F. Nordsieck, 1973 is honouring its collector R. Kinzelbach 19??-, likely Prof. Dr. Ragnar K. Kinzelbach, Rostock, who has published mainly on limnic fauna in Germany and the Middle East

Tetsuaki Kira, 1888-1965, made coloured illustrations of the shells of Japan and shells of the Western Pacific and is honoured in the gastropod name Conus fulmen kirai T. Kuroda, 1956 and in the bivalve names Nuculana kirai T. Habe, 1951 & Nototeredo kirai Iw. Taki & T. Habe, 1945.

Lacking information about Kirby, 19??- in the scleractinian name Madracis kirbyi Veron & Pichon, 1976. It is likely not the English entomologist William Kirby, 1759-1850, who is the honoured person here, but possibly Dr. Austin Bowden-Kirby, 19??-, Coral Gardens Initiative, Fiji, who is a coral reef specialist.

Lacking information about Kirchanski in the isopod name Idotea kirchanskii Miller & Lee, 1970.

Senator Dr. h.c. Gustav Heinrich Kirchenpauer, (2 Feb. - Hamburg) 1808-1887 (3 Mar. - Hamburg), North German federal state politician (and the first Bürgermeister (mayor) in Hamburg), worked on hydroid polyps and bryozoans; published between 1872-76 a work about plumularids and 1884 a work on Nordic sertularids [Kirchenpaueria Jickeli, 1883, Aglaophenia kirchenpaueri (Heller, 1868), Hagiosynodos kirchenpaueri (Heller, 1867)].

The Austrian Franz Manger von Kirchsberg, 18??-1???, of W. Neustadt is honoured in the holothurioid name Stereoderma kirchsbergi (Heller, 1868).

Thomas William Kirk, (30 June - Coventry, Warwickshire) 1856-1936 (19 May), biologist, who e.g. published on New Zealand cephalopods, is honoured in the cephalopod name Architeuthis kirki Robson, 1887 and in the New Zealand ciliate name Glaucoma kirki Bary, 1950. He entered the geological survey as a cadet, and was on the staff of the geologist Dr James Hector, (16 Mar. - Edinburgh) 1834-1907 (6 Nov. - Lower Hutt), between 1874-91. In 1892 he was appointed head biologist in charge of the horticulture division of the Department of Agriculture. The New Zealand gastropod name Pupa kirki (Hutton, 1873) may possibly also honour him or perhaps more likely his father Thomas Kirk, (13 June - Warwick, England) 1828-1898 (8 Mar.), who was educated in Coventry, became married in 1850 and went to Auckland with his family in 1863, where he became occupied with botany and was for some years curator of the Auckland Museum, mainly interested in forest vegetation. The son worked at Colonial Museum, Wellington, now named Museum of New Zealand, Te Papa Tongarewa.

The gastropod name Conus kirkandersi Petuch, 1987 : (see Anders).

Dr. Jørgen Bagger Kirkegaard, (18 Nov. - Frederiksberg) 1920-2006 (2 Mar.), Danish polychaetologist, who retired in 1990, but also was active after that at the Natural History Museum in Copenhagen until illness in 2005 strongly limited his mobility. He spent a few months in the beginning of 1951 at the Danish Galathea expedition and was later active on board Dana in 1961 to Greenland, on board the Eastward in 1972 to the Sargasso Sea, on board the Shackleton to the Bay of Biscay in 1977 and with Discovery to West Africa in 1979. His Doctoral dissertation in Copenhagen in 1979 dealt with polychaetes from the central North Sea. He married in 1950 and was survived by a son and a daughter. [Tharyx kirkegaardi Blake, 1991, Lygdamis kirkegaardi Kirtley, 1994, Herpotanais kirkegaardi Wolff, 1956, Bathyeliasona kirkegaardi (Uschakov, 1971), Synelmis kirkegaardi Salazar-Vallejo, 2003] (Dr. D. Eibye-Jacobsen kindly provided the birth date and Dr. Riccardo Giannuzzi-Savelli, Palermo kindly provided the last eponym).

Coralliodrilus kirkmani Erséus, 1990 is named for Dr. Hugh Kirkman, (27 Nov.) 1941-, "CSIRO Marine Laboratory, North Beach, Western Australia, who collected the sample containing the paratype ...".

Duridrilus kimi Erséus, 1993 is named for Mr. Kim Kirkman, 19??-, who collected the type material.

Randolph Kirkpatrick,1863-1950, British palaeontologist (spongiologist, cnidariologist and bryozoologist). He was assistant keeper of lower invertebrates at the British Museum (Natural History) from 1886 until his retirement in 1927. He published a limited number, but fine, papers on sponges from Antarctica and the Indian Ocean. However, his most significant work was done on Merlia, a coralline sponge, i.e. a thinly encrusting sponge secreting a coral-like limestone skeleton. Kirkpatrick was the first to correctly interpret these enigmatic sponges, but his work was ignored until the 1960's when W.D. Hartman (q.v.) and T.F. Goreau (q.v.) rediscovered the coralline sponges. Kirkpatrick published on his own account some very strange ideas about the history of life on earth (see for a popular account Stephen Jay Gould's story "Crazy Old Randolph Kirkpatrick" in the "The Panda's Thumb" (1980), and this may have been one of the reasons why his important work on the coralline sponges was dismissed by his contemporaries. He also collected sand containing the mollusc Pickworthia kirkpatricki Iredale,1917 (now in genus Sansonia Jousseaume, 1892) [Amphiastrella kirkpatricki Dendy, 1924, Kirkpatrickia Topsent, 1912, Fangophilina kirkpatricki Lendenfeld, 1906, Hexadella kirkpatricki Burton, 1926, Homoeodictya kirkpatricki Topsent, 1916, Oceanapia kirkpatricki Hentschel, 1914]. (Dr. Rob van Soest kindly provided most of this information).

Dr. Ernst Kirsteuer, 19??-, Austrian nemertean and gnathostomulid researcher working at the American Museum of Natural History as curator of worms, New York, succeding Meredith Jones (q.v.) (retired before 1989 - probably around 1987) [Kirsteueria Gibson, 1978, Smaragdinella kirsteueri Marcus & Marcus, 1970, Tetrastemma kirsteueri Senz, 1995] (Dr. Christopher B. Boyko, AMNH, kindly provided the information about nationality and retirement and informed that Dr. Kirsteuer is still alive (2003))

Lacking information about Kirsty in the scleractinian name Acropora kirstyae Veron & Wallace, 1984.

Dr. Jared Potter Kirtland, (10 Nov. - Wallingford, Connecticut) 1793-1877 (10 Dec. - Rockport, Ohio), US physician and Malacologist in Cleveland, Ohio, who i.a. had Kennicott (q.v.) as a disciple.

Dr. David W. Kirtley, (Enid, Oklahoma) 1927-1997, Polychaetologist, working in Florida, mainly on reef building Sabellariidae. His PhD in 1974 treated the 'Geological Significance of the Sabellariidae'.

Lacking information about Kiselev in the oligochaete name Adelodrilus kiselevi (Finogenova, 1972), but possibly the Russian algae and plankton researcher Ivan Aleksandrovich Kiselev (sometimes spelled Kisselev), 1888-19??, may be the honoured person? A person with a similar name is M.I. Kiseleva, Kovalevskii Institute of Biology of Southern Seas, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Sevastopol, who published on polychaete larvae in the Black Sea from at least the end of the 1950s until 1997 and after her retirement she moved to Moscow.

Prof. Dr. Kamakichi Kishinouye, (29 Nov. - Aichi Prefecture) 1867-1929 (22 Nov. - Shisen, China), Japanese fisheries biologist and cnidariologist, professor of Imperial University of Tokyo (Fac. Agriculture) between 1908-28. One of his most well-known papers is Prehistoric fishing in Japan. J. Coll. Agriculture, Imp. Univ. Tokyo, 2(1911);328-382. He named in 1902 Kishinouyea Mayer,1910 with a preoccupied name. [Metapenaeopsis kishinouye (Rathbun), Birulia kishinouyei (Yokoya, 1930)].

The Mysida name Boreomysis kistnae Pillai, 1973 is likely not named for a person's name, but either after the R/V Kistna or it may have been found in the Kistna district. (Kistna is a South Indian river).

Dr. John Alwyne (Jack) Kitching, (24 Oct. - York) 1908-1996 (1 Apr.), F.R.S. from 1960, English marine ecologist, founder of the marine research centre at Lough Ine in southwest Ireland [Hymeniacidon kitchingi (Burton,1935)].

Lacking information about the Japanese researcher Masataka Kitou, 19??-, in the chaetognath name Eukrohnia kitoui Kurodo, 1981.

Lacking information about Kittl? in the diatom name Nitzschia kittlii Grunow.

von Kittlitz : (see Mertens).

Dr. Johan Aschehoug Kiær, (11 Oct. - Drammen) 1869-1931, Norwegian palaeontologist / geologist (the first geology professor in Christiania (Oslo)), who when he was young wrote some articles about ascidians, i.a. the ascidians from the Norwegian North Atlantic Expedition (published in 1896) [Molgula kiaeri Hartmeyer, 1901]. His brother Hans Kiær, 1865-1930, who took care of the foraminiferans and other protoctists from the Norwegian North Atlantic Expedition and Nansen's North Pole and "Fram" Cruises Expeditions, was curator at the Tromsø Museum between 1900-03, but continued his interest in protoctists (probably beeing economically independent due to a family fortune) and when becoming older interested himself in the Oslofjord marine fauna.

Dr. Frans Reinhold Kjellman, (4 Nov. - Bromö, Torsö) 1846-1907 (22 Apr.), Swedish algae researcher, who i.a. took part in several Arctic expeditions, e.g. that with "Vega" [Halosacciocolax kjellmanii S. Lund, 1959, Sorapion kjellmani (Wille) Rosenvinge, 1898, Feldmannia kjellmanii Kylin, 1947, Entomoneis kjellmanii (Cleve in Cleve & Grunow, 1880) Poulin & Cardinal, 1983].

The Norwegian curator at the Zoological Museum, Bergen Miss Johanne Kjennerud, 1914-1996 (28 Nov.), is honoured in the Neogastropod name Buccinum kjennerudae Bouchet & Warén, 1985. She had worked at the museum since the early 1940s, became 1:rst curator in Sep. 1947 and retired in the end of 1981 (Dr. T. Brattegard kindly provided the birth date and Dr. Lita Greve Jensen the date of decease and some details about her life at the museum).

Dr. Miguel Angél Klappenbach, (4 May - Dolores, Soriano, Uruguay) 1920-2000 (25 Jan. - Montevideo), was a natural history researcher (mainly malacologist and scientific historian) in Montevideo. He worked in i.a. marine environments, but mainly several non marine species of animals and plants have been named in his honour. [Olivella klappenbachi Absalao & Pimenta, 2003]

Klara in Thalassodrilus klarae (Erséus, 1987) : (see Osmael).

The description of Glyphohesione klatti Friedrich, 1950 was published in Zoologishe Anzeiger 145 (Suppl.), also published as "Festschrift" dedicated to Prof. Dr. Paul Erich Berthold Klatt, (4 Apr. - Berlin) 1885-1958 (4 Jan. - Hamburg), at his 65:th birthday. Klatt was working at the Zool. Mus. in Hamburg, but not on marine fauna [Calyptronema (Catalaimus) klatti (Allgén, 1953), Dolichosomatum klatti Allgén, 1951].

The octocorallian name Spinimuricea klavereni Carpine & Grasshoff, 1975 is in honour of Patrick Van Klaveren, (16 Feb. - Monaco) 1946-, a Monesgasque citizen, who first was a professor of natural sciences at the High School of Monaco. He then became a civil servant of the Principality and assumed various charges in the scientific and environmental sectors. He is presently " Délégué à l'environnement international et méditerranéen " (In charge of the international and Mediterranean environment). (Dr. Christian Carpine kindly provided this information).

The amphipod name Parorchestia klawei Bousfield, 1961 and the monogenean name Nasicola klawei (Stunkard, 1962) are likely tributes to Dr. Witold L. Klawe, 19??-, fisheries biologist of Polish origin, who arrived to Canada after WWII and after that (in 1955) moved to La Jolla, California. He has published much on scombrids. (A namesake, Witold Klawe, was born in Plotrków, Tryb., Poland 9 June 1923, but it is very unclear if they are identical).

The mollusk name Strombus kleckhamae Cernohorsky, 1971 may likely be a tribute to Marge Kleckham, who has taken photographs of mollusks in New Guinea. Marge must refer to Marjorie Surtees Kleckham, (Brisbane) 1919?-2007 (2 June, aged 88 - Mackay area, Queensland), who together with her husband Fred, who predeceased her, collected many shells over the years, of which some were new to science.

Gertjannie Kleeton (married name Graaf-Kleeton), 193?-, Dutch zoologist, who started her career as assistant to Prof. Engel (q.v.) in Amsterdam in 1958, working on corals and sponges. Meeting Lévi (q.v.) she specialized in sponges and learned diving, but already in 1965 she left marine animals for another career.

Odetta dekleini Van Aartsen, Gittenberger & Goud, 1998 was named for Dr. W. J. de Klein, 19??-, friend of the first author, so likely he may be a chemist.

The fish names Solea kleinii (Risso, 1827) and Chaetodon kleinii (Bloch, 1790) are likely honouring the naturalist Jacob Theodore Klein, (15 Aug. - Danzig) I685-1759 (27 Feb. - Königsberg), nicknamed Plinius Gedanensium, who in 1753 published "Tentamen Methodi Ostracologicæ sive dispositio naturalis Cochlidum et Concharum ..." in Leiden.

Lacking information about R.? Klein in the gastropod name Kleinella A. Adams, 1860.

Dr. B. Klein, "co-worker in the SFB 313 team of scientists at the University of Kiel" in the nematode name Sphaerolaimus kleini Jensen, 1992, may possibly be Dr. Bert Klein, 19??-, of the McGill Univ. Montreal?

The foraminiferan name Vonkleinsmidia McCulloch, 1977 must be a tribute to Dr. Rufus Bernhard von KleinSmid, (27 June - Sandwich, De Kalb, Illinois) 1875-1964 (9 July), a psychologist, who became the 5:th president of the Univ. of Southern California.

Klein in copepod names : (see also von Vaupel Klein).

The German zoologist Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Jacob Kleinenberg, (Libau) 1842-1897, who had stidied under Haseckel (q.v.) in Jana is not be the person honoured in the parasitic nematod name Halocercus kleinenbergi Delamure, 1951. Kleinenberg was a close friend of Anton Dohrn (q.v.) and helped him to start the marine station in Messina and worked there together with Mechnikov (q.v.) and Virchow (q.v.). Instead the name must be a tribute to the Russian parasitologist Sergei Evgen'evich Kleinenberg, 1???-19??, who in 1958 published together with Delamure on the helminth fauna of the beluga, continuing to publish until 1969.

Walter Klem, 18??-19??, in the polyplacophoran name Callochiton klemi E. Ashby, 1926 (Rhyssoplax klemi Asbhy) was a South Australian shell collector. Conus klemae Cotton, 1953 was likely named for a female member of his family (Miss M. Klem). He should not be confused with the Austrian malacologist Dr. h.c. Walter Klemm, 1898-1981.

Lacking information about Kleman in the polychaet name Terebellides klemani Kinberg, 1867.

Adelacteon lilyae Van Aartsen, Gittenberger & Goud, 1998 was named for Mrs. Lily de Klerin-Steenbergen, 19??-, who helped the first author.

Dr. h.c. Walter Klie, (28 July - Calvörde) 1880-1951 (7 Apr. - Bad Pyrmont), German copepod and ostracod specialist. Began as a teacher in Bremerhaven, but got interested in small crustaceans and became affiliated with biological institutes in Plön and Kiel. He left teaching, because he fell ill and moved to Bad Pyrmont, where he continued his crustacean studies. He became honorary Dr. in Nat. Sci. 1944 in Kiel [Kliopsyllus Kunz, 1962, Kliesoma Hincks & Schriever, 1985, Kliella Schäfer, 1945, Stenocaris kliei Kunz, 1936, Paraleptastacus kliei (Gagern, 1923), Mucrosenia kliei (Smirnov, 1946), Klieonychocamptus kliei (Monard, 1935), Psammis kliei Smirnov, 1946, Glareolina kliei (Herbst, 1953)].

Klinckowström : (see Ärnbäck-Christie-Linde).

Julius Alfred Klostermann, (14 Nov. - Wengen, Germany) 1826-1900 (12 Feb. - Jena), is honoured in the flatworm name Pseudostomum klostermanni (von Graff, 1874) (= Turbella klostermanni von Graff, 1874). He had been a merchant and consul general of Sweden (and Norway) in Messina, Sicily from 1851-82, and after that merchant in Berlin until 1897. (Geschäftsführer Vittorio E. Klostermann, Frankfurt am Main, kindly provided this information about his great-grandfather).

German Augustovich Kluge, 1870-1956, Russian bryozoologist of German stock. From 1908 until 1933, when the authorities arrested all the scientists of the station and declared them to be "vermin", he was director of the first Murmansk marine biological station, which had been established there thanks to Derjugin (q.v.), after the Solovetski biological station (established 17 years earlier by N.P. Vagner (Wagner) (q.v.)) in 1899 had been abandoned after 17 years of existance. (The station was in 1939 replaced by a new one by the same name). Published i.a. the book "Bryozoa of the Northern Seas of the USSR" 1962; English translation 1975 [Crisia klugei Ryland, 1967, Klugeflustra Moyano, 1972, Klugella Hastings, 1943, Klugerella Moyano, 1991, Escharella klugei Hayward, 1979, Amagopsis klugei Pergament & Hlebovic, 1964, in Hlebovic, Paramesacanthion klugei (Filipjev, 1927), Klugea Filipjev, 1927].

Cynura klunderi Murphy, 1965 is a free-living marine nematode named in honor of Reverend Bruce W. Klunder, (12 July) 1937-1964 (7 Apr.). On the Civil Rights Memorial in Montogomery, Alabama, USA are inscribed the names of 41 individuals who lost their lives in the struggle for freedom during the modern civil rights movement 1954 to 1968. Bruce Klunder is among these. He was a civil rights activist that protested the building of a segregated school by placing his body in the way of the construction equipment. Bruce Klunder was crushed to death April 7, 1964 when a bulldozer backed over him. Bruce was personal friend of Don G. Murphy, [who kindly provided this information]

Prof. Dr. Carl Benjamin Klunzinger, (18 Nov. - Güglingen) 1834-1914 (21 June - Stuttgart)), German (Stuttgart) medical doctor & naturalist, who published on fish, crabs and corals from the Red Sea [Pempheris klunzingeri McCulloch, 1911, Lamprometra klunzingeri (Hartlaub, 1890), Leiognathus klunzingeri (Steindachner, 1898), Paraspidosiphon klunzingeri (Selenka & de Man, 1883), Cladiella klunzingeri Thomson & Simpson, 1909].

The gastropod name Crassispira kluthi E.K. Jordan, 1936 was named for E. Kluth, 1???-19??, "topographic engineer of Zurich, Switzerland, who accompanied Dr. A. Heim during an expedition to Lower California" (See Albert Heim).

Dr. Albert Jan Kluyver, (3 June - Breda) 1888-1956 (14 May - Delft), from the Netherlands, who was the second Professor of Microbiology in Delft from 1920 until his death (and in 1940 published a biography of a botanist colleague), is likely honoured in the fungus name Kluyveromyces van der Walt, 1956.

Nils Knaben, 1898-1969 (3 Jan.), Head curator, Zoologisk Museum, Oslo, Norway, was initially an entomologist, but among marine creatures he was mainly interested in pantopods [Schizopera knabeni Lang, 1965] (Dr. T. Brattegard kindly provided the birth date and Prof. M. Christiansen the year of decease).

Prof. Dr. Rudolf Kner, (24 Aug. - Linz (on the Danube (Donau))) 1810-1869 (27 Oct. - Wien). Began medical studies at the University of Vienna, influenced most by Josef Hyrtl, (7 Dec.) 1811-1894 (17 July), Professor of Anatomy. Kner turned toward physiology and comparative anatomy, receiving his MD and Doctor of Surgery degrees in 1835. The following year, he began to work at the Imperial and Royal Natural Cabinet with the ichthyologist Johann Jakob Heckel, (23 Jan.) 1790-1857 (1 Mar.). Later, Kner dedicated his life mainly to zoology and to ichthyology in particular. In 1841, Kner became Professor of Natural History and Agriculture at the University of Lemberg, Austria (now Lvov, Ukraine). He was called to the University of Vienna in November 1849 as the first Professor of Zoology in all of Austria. An excellent reference for Kner and his colleagues is Salvini-Plawen, Luitfried, and Maria Mizzaro. 1999. "150 Jahre Zoologie an der Universität Wien." Verhandlungen der Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Österreich 136: 1-76, portrait. [Pomatoschistus knerii (Steindachner, 1861)] (Dr D., Damkaer kindly provided all this information).

Dr. Karl Johannes (Hans) Kniep, (3 Apr. - Jena) 1881-1930 (17 Nov.), German fungiologist, later active in Leipzig (where he became an assistant to Prof. Wilhelm Pfeffer, (q.v.)), Freiburg, Strasbourg, from 1914 in Würzburg and from 1924 in Berlin [Lulworthia kniepii (Ade & Bauch) Kohlmeyer,1963].

Prof. Dr. Archibald Patterson Knight, (Ontario) 1849-1935 (18 or 19 Oct.), Canadian fisheries biologist and physician at Queen's Univ.

Prof. Dr. Ellis Wyn Knight-Jones, 192?-, [Janua knightjonesi (de Silva, 1965)] and his wife Dr. Phyllis (Pip) Knight-Jones, 193?-2009 (8 Jan.), zoologists from Swansea have been working with different kinds of animals, e.g. polychaetes. P. K-J. started her career as a tightrope walker, but settled eventually as a Sabellid and Serpulid specialist [Calliobdella knightjonesi Burreson, 1984].

Nikolai Mikhailovich Knipovitsch (or Knipovich), (25 Mar. - Soumenlinna, Finland) 1862-1939 (23 Feb. - Leningrad), Russian marine biologist (a disciple of N.P. Wagner (q.v.) in St Petersburg), who e.g. published a work on Ascothoracida in St Petersburg in 1892. (Already in 1885 he had taken part in O.A. Grimm's (q.v.) expedition to Lower Volga and later took part in several more expeditions). He was born into a family of military doctors and had spent his childhood in fortress Sveaborg in Finland and learned i.a. Finnish and Swedish, so the Swedish hydrographer Augusta Palmquist,1861-19?? (later than 1925), who in Murmansk taught his assistants Breitfuss (q.v.) and Soltatov (q.v.) to titrate salinity before and during the Murman Expedition in 1901, could communicate with him in her own language [Dyopdos knipowitschi (Gurjanova, 1933), Knipowitschiatrema Issaitschikov, 1927 nicolai Issaitschikov, 1927, Moroteuthis knipovitchi Filippova, 1972].

Dr. Helmut Knipper, 1914-1974, German Malacologist. Curator of recent mollusks at the Überseemuseum, Bremen until 1956, when he moved to Karlsruhe.

Prof. August Wilhelm Knoch, (8 June - Braunschweig) 1742-1818 (2 June), German naturalist publishing i.a. on entomology, Prof. of physics at Collegium Carolinum, is likely honoured in the nemertean name Tetrastemma knochii (Kölliker, 1845).

Captain Knocker, "qui récolta des Mollusques sur la Côte occidentale d'Afrique en 1870", in the opisthobranch name Utriculastra knockeri (E.A. Smith, 1872). This is Commander Hugh Horatio Knocker, 18??-1869 (27 June at 19.10 in the evening according to the diary of John Cox, Engineer Officer on board H.M.S. Fly - Jellah Coffee area), who became a liutenant in 1853 (& married in 1858), a commander in 1863 and was in command on H.M.S. Alert on the Pacific Ocean until end of May 1868 and from Dec. 1868 until he died on H.M.S. Fly along the West Coast of Africa, where he collected some shells. At his decaese he left his widow with 6 young children, of which he had not seen the youngest. Evidently he had served during nine years in the West Indies before returning to Europe, so he must at least have been almost 50 years old, maybe more, when he died and according to Cox, much appreciated by all on the ship.

Likely the French researcher Louis-Philippe Knoepffler, 19??-, must be the person honoured in the copepod name Tegastes knoepffleri Médioni & Soyer, 1967. The monogenean name Lamellodiscus knoeffleri Oliver, 1969 is likely named for the same person.

Georg Wolfgang Knorr, (30 Dec. - Nürnberg) 1705-1761 (17 Sep.), art dealer and copper plate engraver from Nürnberg, Germany, who with a Professor Walch published a conchological study of copper plates, Vergnügen der Augen und des Gemüths u. s. w., in 6 volumes from 1760 to 1773. Volume 6, plate 13, fig. 3 is the illustration Récluz cites for his Neritina knorri (Récluz, 1841). [Vermicularia knorrii (Deshayes, 1843), likely Tellina knorrii Gmelin, 1790]. (Thomas E. Eichhorst, New Mexico, kindly provided this information).

Dr. Dietrich von Knorre, (23 Nov. - Riga) 1938-, German (Jena) Malacologist.

The amphipod name Curidia knoxi Lowry & Myers, 2003 and the polychaete name Synelmis knoxi Glasby, 2003 are named for Prof. George A. Knox, 1920-2008, of Canterbury Univ., Christchurch, New Zealand, famous zoogeographer [Lumbrineris knoxi Carrera Parra, 2006, likely Boccardia knoxi (Rainer), likely Glycera knoxi Kirkegaard, 1995, likely Alcithoe knoxi (Dell, 1956), likely Melicerita knoxi Uttley & Bullivant, 1972, likely Flabellum knoxi Ralph & Squires, 1962, likely Metacrangon knoxi (Yaldwyn, 1960)]. (Prof. Wim Vader, Tromsø, kindly provided some of this information and Dr. R. Giannuzzi-Savelli, Palermo kindly provided one of the eponyms).

Lacking information about Knox in the copepod name Robertsonia knoxi (I.C. Thompson & A. Scott, 1903).

Lacking information about Knox in the Caribbean bivalve name Nototeredo knoxi Bartsch, 1917. Likely a collector in the area, but who? Possibly a tribute to Rev. Dr. John P. Knox, (26 July - Savannah, Georgia) 1811-1882 (2 June - Newtown, Long Island), who in 1852 published "A historical account of St. Thomas, West Indies, ..." in New York. Knox was a Reformed Church pastor / minister at St. Thomas during 10 years and also presented some natural history in his book.

Dr. Jørgen Knudsen, (6 Mar. - Børkop) 1918-, Danish malacologist. Achieved his MSc in Copenhagen in 1945, his PhD in 1970. He has participated in several expeditions and cruises and was curator of molluscs at the Copenhagen museum between 1957-86, now retired [Limopsis knudseni Dell, 1990, Dacrydium knudseni Allen, 1998, Vitreolina knudseni Bouchet & Warén, 1986, Maera knudseni Reid, 1951, Cardiomya knudseni (Allen & Morgan, 1981), Wemersoniella knudseni Scarabino, 1995, Calliloconcha knudseni Bouchet & Warén, 1985, Sepiola knudseni Adam, 1983, Neoxylophaga knudseni Okutani, 1975, Amphiplica knudseni McLean, 1988, Terebra knudseni Bratcher, 1984, Parayoldiella (Parayoldiella) knudseni Filatova & Shileyko, 1985, Conus knudseni Sander, 1982, Pitar (Costellipitar) knudseni Poutiers, 1981, Cyclopecten knudseni Bernard, 1978, Odostomella knudseni Schander, Hori & Lundberg, 1999, Hadalanthus knudseni Carlgren O., 1956]. (Dr. D. Eibye-Jacobsen kindly provided the date). A namesake is the well-known Danish physicist and hydrographer Prof. Martin Hans Christian Knudsen, (15 Feb. - Hansmark) 1871-1949 (27 May - København), who was main responsible (together with Vagn Walfrid Ekman, (3 May - Stockholm) 1874-1954 (9 Mar.), a Swedish hydrographer) for the Knudsen tables, predicting sea water density from temperatures and salinities.

Dr. Fritz Hubertus Knöllner, 1???-19??, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Mnchen, published in 1935 on the oligochaete fauna of the Kiel Bay [Lumbricillus knoellneri Nielsen & Christensen, 1959, Aktedrilus knoellneri Erséus, 1987].

The polychaete name Terebellides kobei Hessle, 1917 is likely not an eponym, but a toponym, with its type material from Kobe Bay, Japan..

Dr. Wilhelm Kobelt, (20 Feb. - Alsfeld, Hesse) 1840-1916 (26 Mar.), German malacologist, who was curator at the Senckenberg Museum in Frankfurt [Dendroconus (Socioconus) kobelti, Fusinus kobelti (Dall, 1877), Thericium kobelti F. Nordsieck, 1974, Cymatium kobelti von Maltzan, 1884].

Sinaida Ivanovna Kobjakova, 19??-1988, at the Leningrad State University is perhaps best known for her studies of decapods from northern and eastern Sovjet seas. She published over a period of 50 years. Her last paper arrived in 1986 [Lepidozona kobjakovae Jakovleva, 1952].

The botanist (a very great florist) and physician Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Daniel Joseph Koch, (5 Mar. Kusel) 1771-1849 (14 Nov. - Erlangen), is likely honoured in the green algal name Rhizoclonium kochianum Kützing, 1845. He was physician in Kaiserslautern until 1824, after that professor of botany at the Univ. of Erlangen.

Lacking information about Koch in the siphonophore name Muggiaea kochi (Will, 1844) and in the Pacific ophiuroid name Amphipholis kochii Lütken, 1872. Possibly the German inspector of water and forests, arachnoid, myraiapod and crustacea worker Carl Ludwig Koch, (21 Sep. - Kusel) 1778-1857 (23 Aug. - Nürnberg) (with the son Dr. Ludwig Carl Christian Koch, (8 Nov. - Regensburg) 1825-1908 (1 Nov. - Nürnberg), following in his foot steps as an arachnologist and physician), who i.a. published together with Philippi (q.v.) and is honoured in the mollusc name Tricolia kochi (Philippi, 1847), more unlikely the mineralogist / malacologist Friedrich Carl Ludwig Koch, 1799-1852, may be the honoured person?

The Cape Verde fish name Didogobius kochi Van Tassell, 1988 may possibly be a tribute to the Brazil ichthyologist Walter Rudolf Koch, 19??-,.

Prof. Gottlieb von Koch, 1849-1914, professor of Zoology at the Technical School, Darmstadt, published "Die Gorgoniden des Golfes von Neapel und der angrenzenden Meeresabschnitte..." in Berlin in 1887 and published on octocorals between 1874-91 [Eunicella kochi Studer, 1901].

The gastropod names Rhinoclavis kochi Philippi, 1848, Lataxiena kochiana G. B. Sowerby III, 1900 and Calliostoma kochi Pallary, 1902 and the cephalopod name Sepiadarium kochii Steenstrup, 1881 are likely honouring the German malacologist Carl Jakob Wilhelm Ludwig Koch, 1827-82.

The diatom name Hippodonta kociolekii Lange-Bertalot, Metzeltin & Witkowski, 1996 must honour the diatom curator Dr. John Patrick Kociolek, (Maryland) 19??-, Executive Direcor of California Academy of Sciences.

The leptostracan name Nebalia kocatasi Moreira, Kocak & Katangan, 2003, is in honour of Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kacatas, 19??-, professor at the faculty of Fisheries, Ege University, Izmir, Turkey, who is a specialist on crustaceans.

The fish names Bellocia koefoedi Parr, 1951 and Searsia koefoedi Parr, 1937 must be a tribute to the Danish-Norwegian zoologist (fisheries biologist) Einar Laurentius Koefoed (26 July - København, Denmark) 1875-1963 (1 Nov. - Haraldsplass, Norway), who started to work in Norway year 1900.

Prof. Dr. Jean Baptiste François René Koehler, (7 Mar. - Saint-Dié-des-Vosges) 1860-1931 (19 Apr. - Lyon), French zoologist; after education (theses medicin and natural history in 1883) in Nancy, he later became Professor at the University of Lyon. He i.a. worked on isopods and echinoderms (wrote. i.a. the echinoderm part of Faune de France), but also e.g. on molluscs and was President of the Société zoologique de France in 1911 [Protoglossus koehleri (Caullery & Mesnil, 1900), Hymedesmia koehleri (Topsent, 1896), Vinearia koehleri (Caullery & Mesnil, 1897), Koehlermetra A.H. Clark, 1950, Tromikosoma koehleri Mortensen, 1903, Colobocerasides koehleri (Trouessart, 1896), Spongicoloides koehleri (Caullery, 1896), Bryocryptella koehleri (Calvet, 1896), Kryptos koehleri (Locard, 1896), Neoscolecithrix koehleri Canu, 1896, Spongicoloides koehleri (Caullery, 1896), Koehleria Cherbonnier, 1988, Nicolea koehleri Caullery, 1944, Thelepides koehleri Gravier, 1911, Pileolaria koehleri (Caullery & Mesnil, (1897), Koehleria Cherbonnier, 1988]. Obituary:: Carpine-Lancre, Jacqueline. 1995. Un professeur chez les lumiere: René Koehler (1860-1931). In Lumière, l'Album de Famille. Lyon : Archives. Municipales, Les Dossiers des Archives Municipales 9, 137-142.(See also under Magdalenaster for his daughter Madeleine, his son Marcel, his brother, his brothers in law and hs wife Jeanne Lumière).

I.T. Koelreuther, 1733-1806, German-Russian helminthologist, etc. (see Kohlreuter).

Lacking information about Koen in the bivalve name Septifer koeni Nomura.

Koenig : (see Leach & see also König).

Dr. Gerd Koennecker, 1943-, German born zoologist, collected the type material of Doto koenneckeri Lemche,1976 when diving at Carna, V Eire. Koennecker left Ireland for the London area, where he i.a. is working on marine sponge taxonomy.

Dr. Reginald Koettlitz, (23 Dec. - Ostend) 1860-1916 (10 Jan. - of acute dysentery; his wife died the same day only 2 hours apart, but because of heart disease), British explorer of German heritage, who wrote part of the reports of the British Antarctic expedition with "Discovery", which he had attained as physician. He had also been physician in 1896-97 on the Jackson-Harmsworth expedition to Franz Josef Land [Sepia koettlitzi Hoyl & Standen, 1901].

Lacking information about the polychaete name Bushiella (Jugaria) kofiadii (Rzhavsky, 1988), but possibly a tribute to I.A. Kofiadi, 19??-, who has published on polychaetes.

Dr. Charles Atwood Kofoid, (11 Oct. - Granville, Illinois) 1865-1947 (30 May - Berkeley, Cal.), U.S. protistologist; starting his career after PhD at Harward in 1894 in Illinois between 1895-1903, then joining the new Scripps Institution of Oceanography. Professor of zoology at Berkeley 1904-36. In 1908-09 he visited several European Marine Biology Stations. [Kofoidinium Pavillard, 1928, Polykrikos kofoidii Chatton, 1914].

Fumihiko Koga, 1931-, Japanese copepod worker.

The actinian name Anthopleura kohli Carlgren O., 1930 may possibly be a tribute to the German travelling ethnologist, physician and naturalist Dr. Ludwig Kohl-Larsen, (5 Apr. - Landau in der Pfalz) 1884-1969 (12 Nov. - Bodensee), a physician, who e.g collected polychaetes for Augener around New Zealand in 1924. From the beginning his family name was only Kohl, but in 1911 he was on board the Deutschland (Filchner's expedition), when he was landed on South Georgia Island because of appendicitis. There he met his wife to be, the Norwegian Margit Larsen, daughter of the founder of little town Grytviken, and when they married their family name became a combination of their original names. Because he had joined the nazi party in 1931, he got an Ethnology professorship in Tübingen from 1939 and during the war.

The diatom name Navicula kohlmaieri Lange-Bertalot, 1999, may likely be a tribute to Dr. Gundolf Kohlmaier, 19??-, Univ. of Frankfurt am Main.

Prof. Jan Justus Kohlmeyer, 1928-, German-born US (Univ. of North Carolina) marine fungiologist, who achieved his PhD at Free University of Berlin in 1955 and was married to his colleague Erika Ottilie Kohlmeyer, 1930-1979, [Kohlmeyeriella Jones, R.G. Johnson & Moss,1983, Kohlmeyera Schatz, 1980, Dictyota kohlmeyeri (Nizamuddin & Gerloff) Hörning, Schnetter & Coppejans]. Prof. Kohlmeyer early left Germany for North Carolina and seems to be remarried to another colleague, Brigitte Volkmann-Kohlmeyer, 19??-, likely the same person, who earlier published several articles on harpacticoids, especially Tisbe spp., at that time named Volkmann-Rocco.

Joseph Gottlieb (or Theophil) Kohlreuter, (27 Apr. - Sulz, Württemberg) 1733-1806 (12 Nov. - Karlsruhe), German botanist, geneticist and entomologist working in St. Petersburg and later in Karlsruhe, who had been a disciple of J.G. Gmelin (q.v.) in Tüblngen. His family name is sometimes spelled Koelreuter, Koehlreuter or even Kölreuther. and his first name initials in Russian litterature is I.T.

The nemertean genus name Kohnia Sundberg & Gibson, 1995 was named for Prof. Dr. Alan J. Kohn, 1931-, who is a Conidae specialist at the Univ. of Washington, Seattle, USA, and achieved his PhD in 1957 at Yale University [Conus kohni J.H. McLean & Nybakken, 1979, Orthoplana kohni Ax & Ax, 1967]

Dr. Marianne Koie, 19??-, Danish skilled parasitologist (mainly plathelmints & nematodes) at the Helsingør (Helsinore) Laboratory [Koiea Bray & Campbell, 1995, Lepidapedon mariannae Bray & Gibson, 1995, Anomalotrema koiae Gibson & Bray, 1984].

Lacking information about Koizumi in the gastropod name Microliotia koizumii Kase, 1998.

Dr. Seiji Kokubo, 1889-1971, Japanese plankton (e.g. copepod) taxonomist.

The diatom name Amphora kolbei Aleem, 1950 must be a tribute to the Finnish algae worker Robert Wilhelm Kolbe, (10 Jan.) 1882-1960 (9 Mar.), who worked on diatoms.

Prof. Richard Kolkwitz, (23 Mar. - Berlin) 1873-1956 (16 Apr. - Berlin), plankton algae researcher active in Berlin [Kolkwitziella Lindemann,1919].

The Austrian naturalist Vincenz Kollár, (12 Jan. - Kranowitz, Silesia) 1797-1860 (30 May - Wien), an entomologist specialized in Diptera, is honoured in the parasitic nematod name Goezia kollari (Molin, 1859). (Dr. D. Damkaer kindly provided the correct nationality).

Prof. Juraj Kolombatović, 1843-1908, Croatian ichthyologist and professor of mathemathics at Split.

Dr. h.c. Gustaf Isac Kolthoff, (14 Dec. - Sandhem, Västergötland) 1845-1913 (25 Oct. - Stockholm), Swedish zoologist (curator at the Univ. of Uppsala in 1878) and research traveller, mainly interested in birds and mammals. Took part in expeditions to the Faeroes, Iceland, and was a member of several other expeditions in the Arctic area [Lycenchelys kolthoffi Jensen, 1904, Katadesmia kolthoffi Hägg, 1904].

Dr. Vladimir Mikhailovich Koltun, (21 July - Leningrad) 1921-2004, Russian spongiologist, who was a specialist of the Russian Arctic and the Antarctic sponge fauna. His works on the sponges of these areas (1959, 1964, 1966), although published originally in Russian, are available in English translations [Clathria (Thalysias) koltuni Hooper & Wiedenmayer, 1994, Cyamon koltuni Sim & Bakus, 1986, Forcepia koltuni Lévi & Lévi, 1989, Amphiascoides koltuni Tschislenko, 1977, Esperiopsis koltuni Ereskovsky & Willenz, 2007 ]. (Dr. Rob van Soest kindly provided part of this information).

N.V. Koltzow (or Koltzoff), who published on ciliates during the first years of the 20:th century, in the ciliate name Cladotricha koltzowii Gajevskaja, 1925 likely have the wrong initials and should probably be N.K. for the eminent Russian Prof. Nikolai Konstantinovich Kolzov, (14 July - Moscow) 1872-1940 (2 Dec. - Leningrad, likely poisoned to death by NKVD, the secret police of the Soviet Union, spurred by Trofim Lysenko supporters; his wife commited suicide the same day; alredy in 1920 he had been arrested and could have been sentenced to die, but a personal appeal to Lenin by Maxim Gorky saved him then), Prof. of Zoology at the Univ. of Moscow. Kolzov, who more and more went over from zoology to genetics, had already in 1927 suggested that inherited traits were bound to a giant hereditary molecule, which in 1953 was confimed by Watson and Crick.

Prof. Dr. Taku Komai, 1886-1972, of Kyoto University, Japanese naturalist, known as founder of 'Human Genetics' in Japan, is honoured in the ctenophore name Coeloplana komaii Utinomi, 1963, in the stoloniferan name Cervera komaii (Utinomi 1950), in the salp name Helicosalpa komaii (Ihle & Ihle-Landenberg, 1936), in the ascidian name Leptoclinides komaii Tokioka, 1949 and in the polyplacophoran name Chiton komaiana Is. & Iw. Taki, 1929.

Dr. Tomoyuki Komai, 19??-, Japanese decapod researcher at the Natural History Museum & Institute, Chiba, is honoured in Palaemonella komaii X. Li & A.J. Bruce, 2006 [likely Raoulserenea komaii (Moosa 1991)]. (Dr. A.J. Bruce kindly provided one of the names).

Nikolay Nikolayevich Kondakov, (Ryazan) 1908-1999, Russian zoologist and biological illustrator, is honoured in the cephalopod name Kondakovia Filippova, 1972.

Laurent Guillome De Koninck, (3 May - Louvaine) 1809-1887 (15 July - Liège), Belgian malacologist. {Picture / courtesy of R. Giannuzzi- Savelli}.

Lacking information about Kono in the gastropod name Xenophora mekranensis konoi Habe, 1953.

Elizabeth J. Kools, 19??-, Department of Invertebrate Zoology & Geology, Calif. Acad. of Sciences, first found the type material of Cryogorgia koolsae Williams, 2005 in the Aleutian archipelago outside Alaska.

Mr. B.F. Koons, 18??-1???, Chattanooga?, U.S. Fish Commission, who i.a. took part in the 1883 dredgings in the Gulf Stream area with R/V Albatross, is honoured in the gastropod name Koonsia Verrill, 1882.

The gastropod name Odostomia (Odostomia) paardekooperi van Aartsen, Gittenberger & Goud, 1998 is in honour of L.S. (Lou) Paardekooper, 1916-1966, former member of the M.W.H. (Malacological Working group, the Hague).

The octocoral name Lohowia koosi Alderslade 2003 : (see Hartog)

Lacking information about Kophamel in the ascidian name Molgula kophameli Michaelsen, 1900. A Kap. (Captain?) K.? Kophamel collected the isopod Pseudidothea bonnieri in 1888 off Chile, ending up in Hamburg , so likely this person was a Captain interested in maine animals (possibly from stomachs of big fishes) at a German ship. A person bearing this family name, Waldemar Kophamel, 1880-1934 , was a successful "U-Boot-Kommendant", during WWI, but he is of course too young to be the honoured person. (Dr. Wolfgang Kophamel, Spain, kindly provided the information about a person with his own family name).

The monogenean name Microcotyle korathai Gupta & Krishna, 1980 must likely be a tribute to Kunnenkeri John Koratha, 19??-2005 (20 Aug.), who i.a. published on Monogenea from the Texas coast in 1955.

Dr. Johan Koren, (6 July - Bergen) 1809-1885 (3 Oct. - Bergen), Norwegian military physician and zoologist, from 1846 the first curator at the Bergen Museum. He became interested in botany during his studies and took part in botanical collection tours together with Blytt (q.v.) and later also in zoology and had already in 1844 published three works together with von Düben (q.v.), but when von Düben left Bergen, he had to find another person to cooperate with and this person was mainly Danielssen (q.v.). His accuracy contrasted with that of his more impulsive cowriter Danielssen, who founded many species descriptions on varieties of one and the same species. From 1850 and the next 22 years Koren also became a teacher in natural sciences in a school in Bergen and one of Koren's most well-known disciples was Herman Friele (q.v.). He had married in 1850 to a two years younger lady, but of course they were too old to get own children, but his wife had an 18 years old son from before, so he became a foster father. During the last three years of his life, he had bad health and had planned to retire in the beginning of 1886, but died a few months before. [Pectinaria (Lagis) koreni (Malmgren, 1866), Plagiostomum koreni Jensen, 1878, Pseudonychocamptus koreni (Boeck, 1872), Epizoanthus koreni Carlgren, 1913, Terebellides koreni Hansen, 1882, Keroeides koreni Wright & Studer, 1889].

Daniel ("Dani") Korkos (23 Sept. - Marrakech, Morocco) 1957-, settled in Israel in 1960. He is an electronic engineer by profession. Collects and studies worldwide marine shells in his spare time, with emphasis on molluscs from the Red Sea.. He is a long time active member of the Israel Malacological Society. The following marine molluscs from the Red Sea were named after him Clanculus korkosi Singer, Mienis & Geiger, 2000 and Prosimnia korkosi Fehse, 2005. (Curator Henk Mienis, Tel Aviv Univ., kindly provided this information).

Lacking information about Korn(i) in the decapod name Periclimenes kornii (Lo Bianco, 1903).

The gastropod name Conus (Leptoconus) korni Raybaudi Massilia, 1993 is honouring the malacologist Dr. Werner Korn, 19??-, Natur-Museum Coburg, who has published much on Conidae.

Dr. Elena Kornakova, 1955-, St. Petersburg platyhelminth researcher.

Dr. Louis S. Kornicker, 1919-, US ostracodologist at the Smithsonian Institution [Idanthyrsus kornickeri Kirtley, 1994, Bathyconchoecia kornickeri Deevey, 1968].

Dr. Peter Kornmann, (23 Oct. - Frankfurt am Main) 1907-1993 (20 Aug. - Helgoland), German macro algae researcher, who lived and worked at Helgoland between 1936-39 and from 1959 until his decease [Kornmannia Bliding, 1968].

The tunicate name Polycarpa kornogi Glémarec & C. Monniot, 1966 is not in honour of a person's name, but a trribute to the ship Kornog, from which the species was found.

The ctenophore name Ctenoplana korotneffi Willey, 1896 and the gymnamoeba names Korotnevella Goodkov, 1988 and Hyalodiscus korotnewi Mereschkowsky, 1879 must honour the author of the ctenophore genus from 1886, i.e. Prof. Dr. Alexei Alexeievich Korotn(y)ev or Korotneff, (Moscow) 1852-1914, PhD in Zoology at Moscow Univ. in 1881, and from 1886-1912 professor in Kiev. In 1912 he published on Baical Sea planarians and earlier had published several articles about embryology in different kinds of salps. He had visited Villefranche for collecting marine animals several times (first time in 1874 in company with his teacher Prof. Anatoly Petrovich Bogdanov, (13 Oct. - Voronezh Oblast) 1834-1896 (28 Mar.), a Darwinist from the Moscow State Univ.) before 1884, when the Russian marine station there was founded by him. It was situated close to where J.H. Barrois (q.v.) earlier had his French laboratory and Korotneff became the first Director and principially also its owner, because he invested most of the money himself. When going to an almost one year long expedition to the Duch Indies, he had asked J. Barrois and. H. Fol to manage the laboratory, but when returning Barrois and Fol had taken over intending to possibly sell it, but they had to move to Nice, where they continued until Fol's death on the expedition in 1892. The Station continued to develop thanks to financial help Korotneff succeded to get and visiting scientists, e.g. Carl Vogt (q.v.) and from 1995 Korotneff was helped from his vice Director Mikhail Davidoff (and that year Korotneff also purchased Uljanin's (q.v.) large private book collection for the station's library). He wanted the Station to be under the jurisdiction of the Russian government and was supported much in these thougths by Schewiakoff (q.v.). Later well known Russian scientific guests at the station included Kowalewsky, Mereschkowsky, Schimkevitsch, Rimsky-Korsakov, Ostroumoff and others.

Prof. Dr. Pieter Korringa, (16 Feb. - Heemstede (near Haarlem)) 1913-79 (13 July), Dutch marine biologist and malacologist.

Prof. Dr. Eugen Korschelt, (28 Sep. - Zittau) 1858-1946 (27 Dec. - Marburg), professor in Marburg; published the 10 volume "Handwörterbuches der Naturwissenschaften" [Atyponemertes korschelti Friedrich, 1939, Amphiporus korschelti Friedrich, 1940, Cyclochaeta korschelti Zick, 1928].

Dr. Sergei Korsun, (19 Mar. - Moscow) 1960-, Russian foraminiferan researcher at the Department of Invertebrate Zoology, Biological Faculty, St. Petersburg University, Ph.D. in marine biology: Shirshov Inst. of Oceanology, Moscow, 1995, is honoured in the polychaete name Scolelepis (Parascolelepis) korsuni Sikorski, 1994.

The marine diatom name Navicula korzeniewskii Witkowski, Lange-Bertalot & Metzeltin, 2000 is dedicated to Prof. Dr. Krzysztof Korzeniewski, (23 Feb. - Poznan) 1930-2001 (28 Oct.), Institute of Oceanography, Gdansk University, to his 70th birthday.

Parthenope was the name of several women figures in the Greek mythology, but in Parthenopea Kossmann, 1874, the author is certainly referring to the siren who drowned. She was cast ashore and became buried at Napoli, which then got it's second name Parthenope. The Heidelberg Prof. of Zoology Dr. Robby August Kossmann, (22 Nov.) 1849-1907 (29 Sep.), namely worked on his crustaceans at the Stazione Zoologica at Napoli and has probably a bit unjust been more reputed for his controversies with the founder of the station, Anton Dohrn (q.v.), than for his own research. Kossmann was born in Danzig (at that time belonging to Germany) , studied natural history at several universities in Germany, achieving his PhD in Heidelberg in 1871, and became Privatdocent (lecturer) there two years later and extraordinary professor there in 1877. He did not only collect in Naples, but also undertook collecting excursions to Suez and Eritrea in 1874-75, himself most interested in crustaceans and fishes and had stayed in Napili in Nov. 1872, but continued his studies in Messina during next spring, but later worked in 1874, in 1880-81, in 1883 at the Zoological Station, Napoli. However, maybe due to these controversies, he left zoology and began studying medicine, achieving his MD in 1892 and opened a gynaecology practice in Berlin two years later. He lived in this city until he died [Portunion kossmanni (Giard & Bonnier, 1886), Lecanurius kossmannianus Humes, 1968, Synstellicola kossmanni (Humes & Ho, 1967), Heteromysis kossmanni Nouvel, 1964].

Prof. Dr. Kurt (Curt) Kosswig, (30 Oct. - Berlin) 1903-1982 (29 Mar. - Hamburg), Hamburg zoologist, interested in phylogeny and evolution. During the nazi regime he emigrated to Turkey and held a professorship in zoology in Istanbul, but returned to Germany and a professorship in Hamburg in 1955. [Kosswigonema Gerlach, 1964, Nitocrella kosswigi Noodt, 1954, Baltalimania kosswigi Ax, 1959, Paramysis kosswigi Bacescu, 1948, Orchestia kosswigi Ruffo, 1949].

Dr. h.c. Walter Koste, (19 July - Stolp. Pommern) 1912-2007 (11 Nov. - Quakenbrück), Rotiferan worker born in a part of Germany, now situated in Poland, but with his family moving to Stettin in 1928 and after the war he became a teacher and eventually headmaster of a secondary school in Quakenbrück. [Encentrum kostei Tschaschel, 1979].

Dr. Sadao Kosuge, 19??-, Japanese (Tokyo) malacologist [Margovula kosugei Cate, 1973].

The scleractinian name Acropora kosurini Wallace, 1994 is not named for a person's name, but was found in Thailand, Mergui Archipelago, Ko Surin.

Karl Georg Theodor Kotschy, (15 Apr. - Ustroń) 1813-1866 (11 June), Austrian botanical explorer who i.a. collected algae in the Persian Gulf.

Kott : (see Mather).

Dr. Adolf Kotthaus , 19??-, ichthyologist, formerly (likely retired) at Zoologisches Institut und Mesum, Hamburg, is honoured in the fish name Callionymus kotthausi Fricke, 1981.

The ascidian name Ecteinascidia koumaci Monniot, 1987 is not in honour of a person's name, but was found in the Koumac Passage, New Caledonia.

Dr. Frederik Petrus Koumans, (22 Jan. - Den Haag) 1905-1977 (27 Apr.), Dutch ichthyologist and curator of fishes at the Rijksmuseum in Leiden between 1928-47. He also published a paper about Dutch isopods, but ichthyology and malacology were his main interests.

Dr. Gyula Kovács, 1932-1996, Hungarian Malacologist.

Dr. Adilja A. Kovaljova, (7 Feb. - Zagorsk (close to Moscow)) 1937-1995 (28 Sep. - cancer), marine parasitologist, who graduated from Lvov University, Ukraine, on a dissertation on helminths of carangid fishes in 1970. Later she became intersted in myxosporeans [trematodes: Gonapodasmius kovaljovae Nikolaeva & Gaevskaya, 1985, Stephanostomum kovaljovae Parukhin, 1968, myxosporea : Leptotheca kovaljovae Bakay & Grudnev, 1998] (Prof. Albina Gaevskaya kindly provided some information and remarked that Kovaljova was her best friend).

Dr. Alexandr Onufrievich Kowalevsky, (7 Nov. - the manor "Vorkovo", Daugaupils district, Vitebsk Province) 1840-1901 (9 Nov.), worked on phylogenetical embryology in St. Petersburg (he had studied there and also in Heidelberg and Tübingen under Bronn, Pagenstecher and Leuckart) and discovered e.g. the chordate character of the ascidian larvae and thus named the phylum including these (and some other animals like vertebrates) Chordata in 1871 (although Bateson (q.v.) formally is recognized to be the author) [Saccoglossus kowalevskii (Agassiz, 1873), Sagitella kowalevskii N. Wagner, 1872, Ctenoplana kowalevskii Korotneff, 1886, Pseudovermis kowalewskyi Salvini-Plawen & Sterrer, 1968, Hypaniola kowalewskii (Grimm in Grube, 1887), Aspidosiphon kovaleskii Murina, 1964; cestode Kowalewskiella Baczynska, 1914; larval trematode Cercaria kowalewskii Dolgikh, 196] (Prof. Albina Gaevskaya kindly informed that Murina had told her that the Aspidosiphon name above was a tribute to this great Russian scientist, despite the somewhat odd spelling and also kindly provided a few of the other eponyms).

The bivalve name Thracia koyamai T. Habe, 1981 may likely be a tribute to the Japanese malacologist Yasuo Koyama, 19??-,.

Prof. Dr. Eugene Nicholas Kozloff, (Teheran (his father was an officer in the diplomatic service)) 1920-, at the Dept. of Zoology and the Friday Harbor Laboratories at the Univ. of Washington, Seattle, USA has e.g. worked on plathelminths, orthonectids, nemerteans and ciliates and also published books on identification of marine invertebrates and marine natural history, beside books on terrestrial natural history and plant identification. [Kozloffia de Puytorac, 1968, Kozloffiella Raabe, 1970, Tubificoides kozloffi Baker, 1983, Echinoderes kozloffi Higgins, 1977, Collastoma kozloffi Westervelt, 1981, Genostoma kozloffi Hyra, 1993, Myxobolus kozloffi Wyatt, 1979, Urceolaria kozloffi P.C. Bradbury, 1970, Acetabulastoma kozloffi C.W. Hart, 1971, Crebricoma kozloffi (Chatton & Lwoff, 1950)]. (Dr. Claudia Mills kindly added some of this information, also mentioning that Dr. Kozloff still at an age of over 80 is working all of his days in the laboratory).

The parasitic nematod name Pseudoterranova krabbei L. Paggi, S. Mattiucci, D.I. Gibson, B. Berland, G. Nascetti, R. Cianchi & L. Bullini, 2001 is in honour of Dr. Harald Krabbe, (København) 1831-1917, who originally described P. decipiens, of which P. krabbei is the species which in late time was called P. decipiens species A (while species B remain P. decipiens s. str.). The reference to his work is: Krabbe, H. (1878) Saelernes og Tandhvalernes Spolorme. Oversigt over det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskabs Forhandlinger, 1, 43–51.

The actinian name Actinia kraemeri Pax F., 1914 is likely e tribute to Dr. Augustin Friedrich Krämer, (Chile (born to German parents, who returned to Germany in 1867)) 1865-1941 (Stuttgart), who in 1899 published on plankton and hydrography of the Atlantic and the Pacific. In 1889 he was sent out as a ships physician with the German navy and he was physician at H.I.M.S. "Bussard" in the beginning of the 1890s and got a taste for continuing such travels and was able to be on 4 more expeditions in the Indo-Pacific area before WWI, also collecting much anthroplogical material. In 1911 he retuned for good to Germany and settled in Stuttgart.

Prof. Dr. Emil Wilhelm Magnus Georg Kraepelin, (15 Feb. - Neustrelitz, Mecklenburg district) 1856-1926 (7 Oct.), German psychiatry professor and traveller, may possibly be the person honoured in the actinian name Thalassianthus kraepelini Carlgren O., 1900, but perhaps more likely Prof. Dr. Karl Matthias Friedrich Magnus Kraepelin, (14 Dec. - Neustrelitz) 1848-1915 (28 June - Hamburg), at the zoological museum, Hamburg, who was Emil's older brother. The older brother had great influence on his younger brother's development and on his interest in natural science and they were close friends until Karl died. I.a. they went on several collecting trips together (Ceylon, South India, Singapore, Java, North America, etc.)

The diatom name Cocconeis krammeri Lange-Bertalot & Metzeltin, 1996 must honour the algae worker Dr. Kurt Krammer, 1925-, Meerbusch, Germany.

Paul Torben Lassenius Kramp, (28 Jan.) 1887-1975 (13 July), Danish cnidariologist at Zoologisk Museum, København [Krampella Russell, 1957, Tomopteris krampi Wesenberg-Lund, 1936, Krampia Ditlevsen, 1921, Amphinema krampi Russell, 1956, Calycopsis krampi Petersen, 1957, Ransonia krampi (Ranson, 1932), Mohnia (Tacita) krampi (Thorson, 1951)].

Dr. Traudl (or rather Gertraud) Krapp-Schickel, 1943-, Austrian amphipod specialist living in Adendorf, who in 2003 described Linguimaera leo after her grandson Leo, 20??-. She also at the same occasion described Linguimaera tias after her son-in-law Matthias, 19??-, usually named only Tias [Glorandaniotes traudlae Berge & Vader, 2003]. Her husband Dr. Franz Krapp, 19??-, is working on Pantopoda and has a very good literature site on this group [Anoplodactylus krappi Müller, 1990]. (Prof. Wim Vader, Tromsø, kindly provided some of this information)..

The the amphipod names Boeckosimus krassini (Gorbunov, 1946), Onisimus krassini Gurjanova, 1951 and the polychaete name Parahalosydna krassini (Annenkova, 1952) are likely not in honour of a person's name, but of the famous Russian ice-breaker Svyatogor, during long time the strongest ice-breaker on the planet, built in 1916, but renamed Красин (Krasin / Krassin) in 1927 in honour of the late politician Leonid Borisovich Krasin, 1870-1926, and after WW2 often used as a scientific vessel.

The amphipod name Anelasmopus kraui Oliveira, 1953 is - despite the male ending of the species name (-i instead of -ae) - a tribute to the Brazil Prof. Dr. Luiza Krau, 19??-, the author's wife, who collected the material.

Dr. Otto Kraus, (17 May) 1930-, German Arachnologist / Malacologist in Frankfurt am Main.

The harpacticoid name Scutellidium arthuri Poppe, 1884 may likely honour one of the German Ethnologist brothers Drs. Arthur, (25 Jan. - Polnisch Konopath (near the border to Switzerland)) 1851-1920 (29 Sep. - Berlin-Lichterfelde), and Prof. Aurel Krause, (30 Dec. - Polnisch Konopath) 1848-1908 (11 Mar- - Berlin-Lichterfelde), who collected free-living copepods in the Pacific and in the Behring Sea, which Poppe described in 1884. Arthur was a research traveller and Aurel was professor of ethnology and natural science and they collected marine animals together on a travel to North America on demand from the Bremer Geographischen Gesellschaft. The gastropod names Oenopota krausei (Dall, 1886) and Odostomia krausei Clessin, 1900 is certainly in honour of the same persons, because one of them (A. Krause - most likely Arthur) published on the Mollusk fauna of the Behrings Sea in 1885.

Dr. Christian Ferdinand Friedrich von Krauss, (9 July - Stuttgart) 1812-1890 (14 Sep. - Stuttgart), studied pharmacy and became an apothecary for a short time, but then went to natural history studies at the universities of Tübingen and Heidelberg, and achieved his PhD in 1836 in Heidelberg. Between 1838-40 he made extensive collectings in S Africa. When arriving home, he got a position at the museum in Stuttgart and in 1856 he became it's director. Meanwhile he had published on the molluscs and crustaceans, which he had collected in S Africa. He then lived in his home town until he died [Callichirus kraussi (Stebbing, 1900), Clanculus kraussi (Philippi, 1849), Eunaticina kraussi E. A. Smith, Callianassa kraussi Stebbing, Pomatoleios kraussi (Baird), Exosphaeroma kraussi Tattersall, 1913].

Hen(d)rik Johannes Krebs, 1821-1907, Danish pharmacist, who later became Swedish / Norwegian consul and finally president of the Colonial Assembly in the Caribbean island St. Thomas, where he lived from 1843-70, published in 1864 on West-Indian marine shells and made several collecting trips throughout the Caribbean are and northern South America. [Ophiactis krebsii Lütken, 1857, Anthopleura krebsi Duchassaing & Michelotti, 1861, Philippia krebsii (Mörch, 1875), Epitonium krebsii (Mörch, 1874), Cymathium krebsii Mörch, 1877, Williamia krebsii (Mørch, 1877), Dendrodoris krebsi (Mørch, 1863), Corbula krebsiana C.B. Adams, 1852]. (Andrew Vik, Tampa, Florida, kindly provided this information).

Dr. Gerhard Krefft, (30 Mar. - Hamburg) 1912-1993 (19-20 Mar.), leader of the "Walther Herwig" expeditions, enabled Dr. Gibbs to participate in the cruise whereon Astronesthes kreffti Gibbs & McKinney, 1988 was first recognized [Hertwigia kreffti Nielsen & Larsen, 1970, Malacoraja kreffti (Stehmann, 1977), Eustomias kreffti Gibbs, Clark & Gomon, 1983]. Another namesake Johann Ludwig Gerhard (Louis) Krefft, (17 Feb. - Duchy of Brunswick) 1830-1881 (19 Feb. - Australia), was active in Australia at the Museum in Sydney, primarily interested in snakes, but had a broad interst in natural history and also worked on ichthyology and other disciplines and the ichthyologist Gerhard Krefft was his great-nephew.

Prof. Dr. Hans August Kreis, 1893-1975, Swiss (Basel) nematodologist [Kreisoncholaimus Rachor, 1969, Kreisonema Khera, 1969, Praeacanthonchus kreisi (Allgén, 1929), Kreisia Allgén, 1929 & Chromadora kreisi Stekhoven & Adam, 1931].

The gastropod names Conus leekremeri Petuch, 1987 is in honour of Lee Kremer, 19??-, Crystal Lake, Illinois,, a student of Conidae and a shells dealer & Nodicostellaria kremerae Petuch, 1987 may possibly be in honour of Kremes's wife and shell dealing companion Janet Kremer, 19??-, who also is honoured in the gastropod name Dibaphimitra janetae Petuch, 1987. (Dr. Riccardo Giannuzzi-Savelli, Palermo, kindly provided this information).

The octocoral name Cladiella krempfi Hickson, 1919, the hermit crab name Ciliopagurus krempfi (Forest, 1952), the hydroid name Pteroclava krempfi (Billard, 1919), the fish name Grammatobothus krempfi Chabanaud, 1929 and the nudibranch name Phyllidiopsis krempfi Pruvot-Fol, 1957, must all be tributes to Dr. Armand Krempf, 1879-19??, Director - from 1922 - of the Nha Trang lnstitute of Oceanography and also directeur de l'Institut scientifique d'Indochine (Vietnam) and still living in 1930.

Krey : (see Banse).

Prof. Dr. S. Krishnaswamy, 19??-???? (was called the late in 2007), Madurai Kamaraj Univ., known as SK, is honoured in the kinorhynch name Echinoderes krishnaswamyi Higgins, 1985. In 1957 he achieved a PhD on copepods of Madras and he has published on Plymouth kinorhynchs in 1962 and seems to still have lived during the beginning of the 1980s.

Prof. Dr. Reinhardt Møbjerg Kristensen, (6 Dec.) 1948-, Danish meiofaunologist and phylum inventor at the Zoologisk Museum, København (Copenhagen) [Echinoderes kristenseni Higgins, 1985, Promesostoma kristenseni Ax, 1993, Kristensenia Por, 1983, Styraconyx kristenseni Renaud-Mornant, 1981, Moebjergarctus Bussau, 1992, Paratanarctus kristenseni D'Addabbo Gallo, Grimaldi de Zio, Morone de Lucia & Troccoli, 1992, Isohypsibius kristenseni Pilato, Catanzaro & Binda, 1990, Thaumastoderma moebjergi Clausen, 2004].

Dr. Ingvar Kristensen, (11 Feb.) 1918-1996 (24 Mar.), malacologist from the Netherlands, who i.a. was director of the Caribbean Marine Biological Institute, Curaçao [Decipifus kristenseni de Jong & Coomans, 1988, Acteocina kristenseni de Jong & Coomans, 1988, Moridilla kristenseni Marcus & Marcus, 1963, Corsoua kristenseni Corrêa, 1963, likely Corallovexia kristenseni Stock, 1975]. {photo from: Basteria 60:195 (1996) / courtesy of R. Giannuzzi-Savelli}.

Prof. Em. Delane C. Kritsky, 19??-, Idaho State Univ., US epidemiologist & parasitologist, is honoured in the monogenean names Haliotrema kritskyi Vala & al., 1982 and Bravohollisia kritskyi Lim, 1995.

Lacking information about Krogen, 1???-, in the flatworm name Gnatorhynchus krogeni Karling, 1947.

The actinian name Bathydactylus kroghi Carlgren O., 1956 is likely honouring the well-known Danish zoo-physiologist August Krogh, (15 Nov. - Grenaa) 1874-1949 (13 Sep. - København).

Dr. August David Krohn, (11 Aug. - St. Petersburg) 1803-1891 (24 Feb. - Bonn), Bonn based embryologist and anatomist (dissertation in 1826), who e.g. wrote about tunicates and also wrote essential chaetognath works in 1844 & 1853 (after having in 1851 collected in Trieste together with Dr. Gegenbaur (q.v.) from Würzburg and M. Sars (q.v.) - which he earlier had visited in Manger, Norway). Krohn was the son of Abraham Krohn, who had left Rügen for St. Petersburg and the court of Katharina the Great and there started Russias first brewery. He also was the uncle of the Finnish folklorist Julius Krohn, 1835-1888, son of his younger brother Leopold and a Vyborg girl, the two brothers had been rivals about, but A.D. Krohn stayed batchelor for all his life. [Eukrohnia Ritter-Zahony, 1909, Euphausia krohni (Brandt, 1851), Syllis (Typosyllis) krohnii Ehlers,1864, Krohnia de Quatrefages, 1865, Krohnitta Ritter-Záhony, 1910, Doliolina krohni Herdmann, 1888, Cliopsis krohni Troschel, 1854, Chromodoris krohni Vérany, 1846, Acanthoplegma krohni (Haeckel)].

Lacking information about Krom in the gastropod name Odostomia kromi van Aartsen, Menkhorst & Gittenberger, 1984.

Chrysallida kronenbergi Van Aartsen, Gittenberger & Goud, 2000 was named for Mr. Gijs C. Kronenberg, (26 June) 1957-, of Eindhoven, Dutch fellow malacologist.

Prof. Dr. Thilo Krumbach, (21 Mar. - Eisleben) 1874-1949 (21 Feb. - Berlin), professor in Berlin, who worked on taxonomy and ecology of invertebrates (especially arachnids) in i.a. the Adriatic Sea. He was Director of the Marine Research Station, Rovinj, between 1908-18. Wrote "Handbuch der Zoologie" together with Kükenthal (q.v.). [Spiroloculina krumbachi Wiesner, 1912, Litorea krumbachi Cejka, 1913, Krumbachina Wiesner, 1920].

The diatom name Opephora krumbeinii Witkowski, Witak & Stachura, 1999 may likely be a tribute to Prof. Dr. (& Prof. & Dr. h.c.) Wolfgang Elisabeth Krumbein, (14 Mar. - München) 1937-, Univ. of Oldenburg.

The gastropod name Turbonilla krumpermani de Jong & Coomans, 1988 is in honour of Dr. André Krumperman, 19??-, physician and shell collector.

The copepod name Gaetanus kruppii Giesbrecht, 1903, the tantulocaridan name Cumoniscus kruppi Bonnier, 1903, the mysid name Pseudomma kruppi W. Tattersall, 1909 and the solenogaster genus name Kruppomenia Nierstrasz, 1903 are named for Friedrich Alfred Krupp, (17 Feb.) 1854-1902 (22 Nov. - suicide after a sex scandal in Capri, Italy), promoter of natural sciences and doing deep-sea researches on board the Maja and Puritan in the Gulf of Naples. He was the only son of the "Cannon King" Alfred Krupp and inherided his fathers industries when the father died in July 1887 and was himself succeded by his daughter Bertha, 1886-1957, and her husband.

Dr. Günther O.W. Kruse, 1946-, published (with Mary Hanson Pritchard (q.v.)) on the collection and preservation of animal parasites (in Nebraska 1982) [Elvertia krusei Noldt, 1989].

Admiral Adam Johann von Krusenstern, (19 Nov. - Hagudi, Estonia) 1770-1846 (24 Aug. - Kiltsi manor, close to Tallin), Russian naval officer and captain onboard the "Neva" - formerly HMS Thames (& Nadezhda) circumnavigation in 1803-06. (He descended from a Swedish aristocratic family named von Krusenstjerna). His son Paul Theodor, (24 Jan. - 5 Feb. - Tallinn) 1809-1881 (20 Dec. - Kiltsi), was naval officer as well (eventually becoming an admiral) and took part in T. Lütke's circumnavigation with "Séniavine" 1826-29 [Demonax krusensterni Kinberg, 1867, Solen krusensterni von Schrenck, 1864, Actinodoris krusensternii J.E. Gray, 1850]. (Dr. Riccardo Giannuzzi-Savelli, Palermo, kindly added the last eponym).

Prof. Dr. Franz Heinrich Paul Krüger, (Halle?) 1886-19??, German cirripedologist, professor of Zoology. Still alive in 1935 sand also publishing in 1940. [Balanus kruegeri Pilsbry, 1916, Balanus amphitrite kruegeri Nilsson-Cantell, 1933, Calantica kruegeri Hiro, 1932, Verruca (Rostratoverruca) kruegeri Broch, 1922].

Lacking information about Krzysik in the rhynchodidan names Heterocineta krzysiki Jarocki & Z. Raabe, 1934 and Hypocomella krzysiki Z. Raabe, 1970. Dr. Anthony J. Krzysik, 19??-, US zoologist of Polish origin, is likely much too young, to be the honoured person.

Henrik Nikolaj Krøyer, (22 Mar. - København) 1799-1870 (14 Feb.), Danish marine zoologist; he was mainly interested in crustaceans, which partly were depicted by his student (later Professopr) Jørgen Matthias Christian Schiødte, (20 Apr. - Christianshavn) 1815-1884 (22 Apr. - København, who after the decaese of Krøyer took over the publishing of the journal "Naturhistorisk Tidsskrift", which Krøyer had founded, partly by Henrik's young foster son Peder Severin Krøyer, (23 July) 1851-1909 (21 Nov.), (who was born in Stavanger, Norway by Henrik's mentally instable sister-in-law) and who later on became e renowned painter in the Skagen circle. Actually H. Krøyer had been taught Latin and Greek and when he was young and filled with idealism he vagabonded southwards in Europe in order to voluntary enlist the Greek war against the Turks. However, he changed his mind, when he found that the Greeks of his time did not live up to his Hellenic ideals, but instead he became fascinated by the animal life in the Mediterranean Sea. This was the starting point of a very productive life regarding collecting and publishing, albeit after 1845 his life was embittered and his productivity declined when he at the appointment of a professorship had been ignored for the benefit of the 14 years younger Steenstrup (q. v). Krøyer had become interested in natural history when working as teacher in Stavanger between 1827-30 and began tu study this subject after returning to København (Copenhagen). Helped by a grant arranged by the Government officer Jonas C. Collin, (6 Jan.) 1776-1861 (28 Aug.), (q.v.) at the Ministry of Agriculture (not to be confused with his grandson, the zoologist Jonas Sigismund Collin, (8 Apr. - København) 1840-1905 (9 July) (q.v.), son of Edvard Collin, 1808-1886, the story teller H.C. Andersen's, 1805-1875, childhood friend and great benefactor, i.a. sending his son Jonas as travel company with Andersen on trips to southern Europe and northern Africa), Krøyer and his newly married young Norwegian wife surveyed the Danish coasts in an open boat during 1834-35. Later Krøyer made extensive collecting voyages to N Norway, Spitsbergen, Madeira, South America, North America and the coasts of N Europe and received much organisms from different areas of the sea through several cooperative travelers [Spiophanes kroeyeri Grube, 1860, Kroeyera Bate, 1855, Kroeyeria van Beneden, 1853, Kroeyerina Wilson, 1932, Calicotyle kroyeri Diesing, 1850, Notoscopelus kroeyerii (Malm, 1861), Centropages kroeyeri Giesbrecht, 1892, Labidocera kroeyeri (Brady, 1883), Lernanthropus kroyeri van Beneden, 1851, Vanbenedenia kroeyeri Malm, 1860, Munna kroyeri Goodsir, 1842, Siphonoecetes kroeyeranus Bate, 1856, Monoculodes kroeyeri Boeck, 1871, Laonome kroeyeri Malmgren, 1866, Ophiocten kroeyeri Lütken, 1855, Colus kroeyeri (Möller, 1842), Paramysis kroyeri (Czerniavsky, 1882), Pseudolirius kroeyerii (Haller, 1879), Trichotropis kroyeri Philippi, 1848] {Krøyer photo}.

Prof. Dr. Mohamed Hédi Ktari, 19??-, Professeur Emeritus de Biologie Animale at the University of Tunis, Tunisia, specialist of monogeneans, and a former student of Prof. Louis Euzet (q.v.) in Montpellier. Honoured in Neoheterocotyle ktarii Neifar, Euzet & Ben Hassine, 2001. (Prof. Jean-Lou Justine, Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, kindly provided this information).

Prof. Dr. Itsuo Kubo, 1909-1968, Japanese (Tokyo) marine biologist.

Prof. Dr. Errnst Paul Albert Kuckuck, (24 May - Ostpreussen) 1866-1918 (7 May - Berlin), German marine botanist in Kiel and Helgoland. [Kuckuckia Hollenberg, 1971, Microsporangium kuckuckianum Schiffner]. He was a disciple of Paul Magnus, (q.v.), who from 1880 on was Professor of Botany in Berlin.

N.V. Kudelin, 18??-19??, Russian marine scientist, working on hydroiods.

Dr. Jerry David Kudenov, 1946-, US polychaetologist (especially Amphinomida) at the Univ of Alaska, PhD at the Univ of Arizona. [Ampharete kudenovi Jirkov, 1994].

Dr. Rosalia Konstantinovna Kudinova-Pasternak, (21 Jan. - St. Petersburg) 1925-, Russian tanaid specialist, who has published until 1993, when she retired, living in Moscow, where she also spent the active part of her life [Kudinopasternakia Gutu 1991, Carpoapseudes kudinovae Bacescu, 1981].

Prof. Dr. Richard Roksabro Kudo, (25 July - Prefecture Tokushima) 1886-1967 (3 June - St. Louis, Missouri), U.S. protistologist of Japanese origin, who had studied at the Univ. of Tokyo, where he became a PhD in Zoology and in 1915 he emigrated to USA, where he the first 3 years worked at the Rockefeller Institute, New York and in 1918 got a position at the Univ. of Illinois, Urbana, in 1944 becoming professor. He never went back to Japan, but married Esther Swainson in 1918 and got two daughters (and five grandchildren). [Kudoa Meglitsch, 1947, Metandrocarpa kudoi Rho & Cole 1999, Zschokkella kudoi Moser & Noble, 1977].

The polychaete name Amphitritides kuehlmanni Arvanitidis & Koukouras, 1995 may likely be a tribute to Dietrich Kühlmann (q.v.).

The copepod name Enhydrosomella kuehnemanni Pallares, 1968 must be a tribute to Prof. Dr. Oscar Kühnemann, 19??-???? (deceased), Director de la Estacion, Departamento de Botanica, Universidad de Buenos Aires by his colleague Rosa Pallares.

Hubert Ferdinand Charles Kufferath, (10 July - Brussels) 1882-1957 (17 Dec. - Brussels), Belgian protoctist researcher.

Heinrich Kuhl : (see van Hasselt).

J. Kuhn (spelling Kühn?) 1???-18??, published 3 papers on parasitical plathelminths (in French) in 1829 [Kuhnia Sproston, 1945].

Johannes (Hans) Gijsbertus Jacobus Kuiper, (3 Sep. - Tynaarlo) 1914-, malacologist from the Netherlands [Setia kuiperi (Verduin, 1984), Odostomia kuiperi van Aartsen, Gittenberger & Goud, 1998].

Mr. T. Kuitahara, 18??-19??, of the Imperial Bureau of Fisheries, Japan [Callionymus kuitaharae Jordan D.S. & Seale A., 1906].

The shrimp name Rhynchocinetes kuiteri Tiefenbacher, 1983, the nudibranch name Cuthona kuiteri Rudman, 1981 and the amphipod name Sancho kuiteri Lowry & Barnard, 2001 (also figured on a stamp produced by the honouree) are tributes to Rudolf (Rudie) Herman Kuiter, 1943-, Melbourne ichthyologist at Museum Victoria, who after moving from the Netherlands to Australia in 1964 has taken many underwater photographs of i.a. crustaceans [Kuiterichthys Pietch, 1984, Chrysiptera kuiteri Allen & Rajasuriya, 1995, Synchiropus kuiteri Fricke, 1992, Kopua kuiteri Hutchins, 1991, Macropharyngodon kuiteri Randall, 1978]. The sea horse name Hippocampus hendriki Kuiter, 2001 is named for Hendrik Kuiter, 1983-, (the son of the author) "in recognition of his keen interest in seahorses that he successfully conveyed to classmates and teachers".

Helmut Kukert, 1963-1998 (25 Mar.), at the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven, studied vent fauna on whale remains.

Lacking information about Kukujev in the mid North Atlantic skate name Rajella kukujevi (Dolganov, 1985).

Lacking information about Kulkarni in the Indian Ocean pagurid Pagurus kulkarni Sankoli, 1962. There are some Indian zoologists by that name, e.g. Prof. Gunderao K. Kulkarni, 1950-, and Dr. K.M. Kulkarni, but these gentlemen may likely be too young to be the honoured person, but Dr. C.V. Kulkarni, 19??-, published on Indian fishes during the 1940s (and kept publishing until at least 1980), so he may possibly be the honoured person?

Prof. Dr. Einar Börje Kullenberg, (111 May - Hjärup) 1906-1991 (1 Dec.), Swedish oceanographer in Gothenburg, who took part in the circumnavigation with Albatross in 1947-48 [Cibicidoides kullenbergi (Parker, 1953)].

The harpacticoid name Moraria kummeroworum Ebert & Noodt, 1975 is honouring Prof. Dr. Jochen Kummerow, (15 Apr. - Germany) 1927-2004 (13 July - his home in Corvallis, Oregon), from 1957 botanist in Santiago de Chile, later (from 1973) San Diego, California, and his wife Margarete Beeck, who survived him.

Dr. Beverly Waugh Kunkel, 1882-1969, studied under Verrill at Yale, PhD in 1905, best known for his monograph "The Amphipoda of Bermuda" published in 1910. He eventually left Yale for a teaching position at Lafayette College in Pennsylvania in 1915. (His parents lived in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania). Retired in 1952. He had been the undergraduate mentor to two Nobel Prize winners in medicine, Philip Hench (1950) and H. Keffer Hartline (1967).

Dr. Helmut Kunz, (25 Oct. - Saarbrücken) 1910-2000 (30 Apr.), collected the type material in 1974 of Boreotantulus kunzi Huys & Boxshall, 1988. He defended his doctoral thesis concerning harpacticoids in Kiel in 1937, where he was a disciple of Remane (q.v.). His work was interrupted by the war. He had to serve in the "Wehrmacht" from the beginning of the war, became heavily wounded outside St. Petersburg and spent 4 years as a Russian prisoner-of-war. In 1949 he could resume his copepod work, at least partly, because he had to earn his living as chemist at a coal mine close to his home town Saarbrücken [Kunzia Wells, 1967, Cylindropsyllus kunzi Huys, 1988, Mesocletodes kunzi Schriever, 1985, Halectinosoma kunzi Lang, 1965, Idyella kunzi Bodin, 1967, Schizopera kunzi Apostolov, 1967, Paradanielssenia kunzi Soyer, 1970, Diagoniceps kunzi Marinov, 1974]. (Obituary in Monoculus 40)

Prof. Dr. Boris I. Kuperman, (20 Sep.) 1933-2002 (10 Aug.), Leningrad fish parasitologist. A disciple of Bychowsky (q.v.), who continued his research in Russia mainly on fresh water fishes. He and his family moved to San Diego, USA, in 1996. [Paratuzetia kupermani Poddubnaya & al., 2006]. (Prof. A. Gaevskaya, Sevastopol, kindly provided the eponym).

Professor Dr. Karl Wilhelm von Kupffer, (14 Nov. - Lesten (today named Lestene), Kurland, today part of Latvia) 1829-1902 (16 Dec. - München), German zoologist; professor of zoology 1858 in Dorpat, 1866 in Kiel, 1876 in Königsberg and 1880 in München. Mainly vertebrate anatomist, but studied also some invertebrates, especially tunicates [Harrimania kupfferi (von Willemoës-Suhm, 1871), Phylo kupfferi (Ehlers, 1875)]. Also Kupffer's Cells - "stellate cells" in the lining of blood channels in the liver - are named for him.

Lacking information about Kurata in the polyplacophoran name Acanthochitona kuratai Is. Taki, 1962, but possibly a tribute to the Japanese biologist (carcinologist) Yôji Kurata, (Aug.) 1926-, from Palau.

Pseudotanais kurchatovi R.K. Kudinova-Pasternak & F.A. Pasternak. 1978 was collected during the 16th Cruise of R/V "Akademic Kurchatov", Neotanais kurchatovi Kudinova-Pasternak, 1975 during the 11:th Cruise. This vessel's name must be a tribute to the physicist Dr. Igor Vasilievich Kurchatov, (12 Jan. - Simsky Zavod) 1903-1960 (7 Feb. - Moscow), who directed his home country's nuclear weapons program from its inception in February 1943 until his death. [Paranathrura kurchatovi Kudinova-Pasternak, 1975, Eurycope kurchatovi Wilson, 1982].

Dr. Yuri Vasil'evich Kurochkin, (Gorky (Nizny Novgorod)) 1929-1993, Russian parasitologist, PhD, had studied in Gorky University, worked in the Astrakhan Reserve, the Biological-Soil Institute and TINRO (Vladivostok), and at least in Caspian Scientific-Research Institute of Fisheries (Astrakhan). Well-read scientist, ardent collector of shells, great painter, had possessed charismata. Author and co-author of numerous papers on helminthes and parasitic copepods from different hosts, mainly marine and oceanic fishes. He is honored in the trematode names Skrjabinopsolus kurotschkini Paruchin, 1976, Pseudosclerodistomoides kurotschkini Paruchin, 1976, Pseudocypseluritrema kurotschkini Paruchin, 1974, Cardicola kurochkini (Paruchin, 1976), Neopreptetos kurochkini (Toman, 1989), copepods Caligus kurochkini Kazachenko, 1975, Ischnochitonika kurochkini Avdeev & Sirenko, 2005. (Prof. A. Gaevskaya, Sevastopol, kindly provided this information).

Dr. Tokubei Kuroda, (17 Oct. - Fukurea, Awaji Island) 1886-1987 (15 May), malacologist at the Geological Institute of the Kyoto Imperial University, who regularly corresponded in English with scientists overseas, was memorized in the names. He had arrived to Kyoto to serve as assistant of Hirase (q.v.), but later got large influence when he became scientific advisor to emoeror Hirohito in Marine Biological questions. Mitropifex kurodai Sakurai & Habe, 1964 & Mitropifex tokubeii Sakurai & Habe, 1964 in occasion of his 77th birthday (see also Hirase) [Oncidiella kurodai Taki, 1935, Primovula kurodai Cate & Azuma, 1973, Chiton kurodai Is. & Iw. Taki, 1929, Aplysia (Varria) kurodai Baba, 1937, Polinices kurodai Iw. Taki, 1944, Favartia kurodai Nakamigawa & Habe, 1964, Haustellum kurodai Shikama, 1964, Solen kurodai T. Habe, 1964, Acila kurodai Kanehara, 1937].

The gastropod names Homalocantha kuroharai T. Habe, 1970, Lyncina kuroharai (Kuroda & Habe, 1961) and Conus kuroharai T. Habe, 1965 and the bivalve name Solamen kuroharai T. Habe, 1961 are honouring Mr. Kazuo Kurohara, 19??-, Tosa-shimizu, Japan, who has been collecting marine animals since the late 1950s.

The diatom name Kurpiszia Witkowski, Lange-Bertalot & Metzeltin, 2000 is a "dedication to family Kurpisz, owners of the "Kurpisz" Editorial House, deeply engaged in popularisation of natural sciences in Poland".

The Greenland bivalve name Cyrtodaria kurriana Dunker, 1862 (named Kurr propellerclam inb English) was in honour of the botany Professor Dr. (later mineralology professor and today best remembered for his mineralogical publications) Johann Gottlob von Kurr, (15 Jan. - Sulzbach an der Murr, Württemberg) 1798-1870 (9 May, after long pneumonial suffering), Stuttgart, a friend of the author.

John D. Kurtz, (District of Columbia) 1822-1877 (16 Oct. - Georgetown, D.C.), U.S. soldier, who i.a. co-published with Stimpson (q.v.) in 1851 and in 1860 published on molluscs of the coasts of N. & S. Carolina, imust be the person honoured in the gastropod names Kurtzia Bartsch, 1944, Turbonilla kurtzii Mazÿck, 1913 and Kurtziella Dall, 1918.

The mollusc name Distorsio kurzi Petuch & Harasewych, 1980 is in honour of Richard M. Kurz, 1928?-2008 (28 Jan., at an age of 79 years), shell dealer, Wauwatosa, Wisconsin, who first recognized the species as new and donated the type material.

The Diatom name Nitzschia obtusa var. kurzii (Rabenhorst) Grunow may likely be a tribute to the German botanist Dr. Wilhelm Sulpiz Kurz, (5 May - München) 1834-1878 (15 Jan. - Pulau Penang / Malacka), who worked in India, Indonesia, Burma, Malaysia and Singapore, i.a. in different botanical gardens.

Prof. Dr. Oleg Grigoryevich Kusakin (Kussakin), (12 July - Leningrad) 1930 -2001 (21 Aug. - St. Petersburg), famous Russian marine biologist. Academician (1994), professor (1974), Honoured Scientist of Russian Federation. He had studied in Leningrad University under prof. E. F. Gurjanova (q.v.). Then he worked in this University, and since 1967 in Vladivostok in the Institute of Biology of Sea as a head of Laboratory of horology. The main directions of his investigations were isopods and littoral communities. Published 200 scientific papers on isopods, gastropods, algae, biocenology, and littoral communities, 3 scientific-popular books. Had some state awards. [Amphithoe kussakini Gurjanova, 1955, Ilyarachna kussakini Birstein, 1963, Ianiropsis kussakini Carvacho, 1982, Petrobiellus kusakini Kaplinn, 1980, Typhlotanais kussakini Kudinova-Pasternak, 1970, Prochelator kussakini Mezhov, 1986, Arcturosaccus kussakini Rybakov & Hoeg, 1992, Liparis kussakini Pinchuk, 1976, Ocosingo kussakini Tsvetkova, 1987, Asaphis kussakini Ivanova, 1985, Halacarsantia kussakini Müller, 1992, Caeciljaera kussakini Malyutina, 1994, Anuropus kussakini Vasina, 1996, Parapleustes? kussakini Budnikova, 1995, Sagitta kussakini Kasatkina, 1997, Smittina kussakini Gontar, 1993, Homalopoma kussakini Egorov, 2000, Storthyngura kussakini Brandt & Malyutina, 2002, Chandraniscus kussakini George, 2004, Mirabilicoxa kussakini Golovan, 2007, Pycnogonum kussakini Turpaeva, 2000]. (Prof. Albina Gaevskaya, Sevastopol, kindly provided the information about Kussakin's work and life).

Lacking information about Kusnezov in the copepod name Pseudobradya kusnezovi Tschislenko, 1967, but possibly a tribute to the Argentinean entomologist (ant specialist) Dr. Nicolás Kusnezov, 1898-1963, less likely the Russian? botanists Nicolai Ivanowicz Kusnezow, 1864-1932, Vladimir Alexandrovich Kusnezow,1887-1940 or Ivan V. Kusnezow, 1881-1945,.

Dr. Mats F. Kuylenstierna, 1951-2008 (21 July), Swedish phycologist (mainly a specialist in benthic Bacillariophyceae), in Lysekil (at the mouth of the Gullmarfjord), ex-student at TMBL [Echinomermella matsi Jones & Hagen, 1987].

Prof. Dr. Kazimierz (Casimir) R. Kwietniewski, (13 Mar.?) 1873-1942, the Messina Univ., is honoured in the actinian name Stichodactis kwietniewskii Lager E., 1911. He published on Actiniaria from Ambon and Thursday Island, in 1896 on the Actinia collected by Studer during the circumnavigation with Gazelle and in 1897 also on such creatures collected by Kükenthal "in den Molukken und Borneo". During the 1920s he was Prof. of Camparative Anatomy at the L'viv University in Ucraine, a city named L'wow in Polish and Lemberg in German.

Dr. Dietrich Hans Hermann Kühlmann, (25 Aug. - Stettin) 1927-, Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin, is honoured in the scleractinian name Stylophora kuehlmanni Scheer & Pillai, 1983. Published "Das lebende riff" (Engl. ed. in 1985).

Dr. Alfred Kühn, (22 Apr. - Baden-Baden) 1885-1968 (22 Nov. - Tübingen), since 1920 professor in Göttingen.

Prof. Dr. Willy Georg Kükenthal, (4 Aug. - Weissenfels, Saxonia) 1861-1922 (21 Aug.), specialist of Octocorallia and whales, founded "Handbuch der Zoologie" and wrote "Leitfaden für das zoologische Praktikum". He studied natural sciences at the universities of München (Munich) and Jena, achieving his PhD at the latter university in 1884, becoming professor there three years later, but already in 1898 he was appointed professor of zoology and director of the Zoological Museum in Breslau (now Wroclaw, Poland). In 1911-12 he worked as visiting professor at the Univ. of Cambridge and later he became professor in Berlin and director of the Zoological Museum there. In order to be able to collect material for his studies, he made extensive travels and as he also had an all-round interest in Zoology, he collected also other animals, most of which ended up in Frankfurt am Main at the Senckenberg Museum. The last years, he was ill and died 8 years after the first symptoms from intestinal cancer, but published posthumously in 1924 Gorgonaria. Das Tierreich 47:i-xxviii + 1- 478, 209 figs. Berlin and Leipzig, Walter de Gruyter & Co - the single most useful work on world wide Gorgonacea of that century [Muriceides kuekenthali (Broch, 1912), Notoplana kuekenthali (Plehn,1896), Kukenthalia Hartmeyer, 1903, Anisakis (Anisakis) kuekenthalii (Cobb, 1889), Halecium kuekenthali von Marktanner-Turneretscher, 1895, Bunodosoma kukenthali Pax, 1910, Lithacrosiphon kukenthali Fischer, 1919, Radianthus kuekenthali Kwietniewski, 1896, Lysmata kuekenthali (De Man, 1902), Cavernularia kuekenthali Lopez-Gonzalez, Gili, & Williams, 2000, Fannyella kuekenthali (Molander, 1929), Plexaura kuekenthali Moser, 1921, Cladiella kuekenthali Tixier-Durivault, 1944, Cinachyrella kuekenthali (Uliczka, 1929), Xenia kuekenthali Roxas, 1933, Telestula kuekenthali Weinberg, 1990, Upogebia kuekenthali Sakai, 1982].

Prof. Dr. Johan Harald Kylin, (5 Feb. - Ormtunga församling, Älvsborg) 1879-1949 (16 Dec. - Lund), Swedish algae researcher. PhD in Uppsala in 1907, Professor in Lund between 1920-44 [Enteromorpha kylinii Bliding, 1948, Kylinia Rosenvinge, 1909, Acrochaetium kylini G. Hamel, 1927, Kuckuckia kylinii Cardinal, 1964, Haraldia Feldmann, 1939, Haraldiophyllum Lin, S., M. Hommersand, M. & Nelson, W.].

The digenean name Ophistadena kyphosii Yamaguti, 1970 is not honouring a person, but likely referring to the fish host of the parasite, Kyphosus Lacepède, 1802. [Prof. A. Gaevskaya, Sevastopol, kindly provided the link between eponym and host genus].

Heinrich Carl Küster, 1807-1876 (14 Apr. - Nürnberg?), German Malacologist.

Prof. Friedrich Traugott Kützing, (8 Dec. - Ritteburg) 1807-1893 (9 Sep.), an economically poor German schoolteacher and hobby phycologist, who i.a. published the 20 volume "Tabulae Phycologicae" From 1843 he was nominated Professor. [Kuetzingiella Kornmann in Kuckuck, 1957].

Prof. Dr. Rudolf Kändler, (11 Dec. - Sachsen) 1899-1993 (12 Mar.), German zoologist associated with Helgoland.

Dr. Franz Käufel, (12 Mar. - Wien) 1892-1956 (1 Sep.), Austrian Entomologist / Malacologist, mainly working on non marine items.

Kölliker: (see Gegenbaur).

Dr. Dietrich König, (16 Dec.) 1909-1994 (4 Jan.), Diatom researcher.

Attheyella koenigi Pesta, 1928 and Harpacticus koenigi Pesta, 1928 were named for Dr. med. W. König, 18??-. the collector of copepods for Otto Pesta (qv.) at South Georgia whaling station. (Dr. David Damkaer kindly provided this information).

Dr. Marion Köster, 19??-, Ernst-Moritz-Arndt -Universität Greifswald, marine microbiologist, "co-worker in the SFB 313 team of scientists at the University of Kiel", in the nematode name Pomponema koesterae Jensen, 1992.

Dr. Marianne Køie, 194?-, skilled Danish helminthologist at the Helsinore Laboratory.

Gerhard Körnig, 1934-, German Malacologist.
